Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Hump Day!!!
Okay...so, yesterday...work was fine. I have a million things going on - like usual - and I needed to spend some time with Stinky Pete to go over some of them...but never got to! It is that time of the year when he has performance reviews to do (hasn't done them yet) and there are tons of salary discussions and bonus discussions...so he spends a lot of time behind closed doors with the HR person. So, blah....blah...blah. I don't mind not seeing him...I prefer that! But it makes it hard to get some things done! Oh well....enough about WORK!
Really...not a whole lot to journal about! Last night, Hubby and I talked about what we are going to do for Christmas. I made a list of all the people we need to buy gifts for. It isn't that bad. I think most of them will be getting some kind of a homemade gift....got a great idea from Minnie....don't say what it is, Minnie...cuz someone who reads this blog might be getting it! So...after we talked about it...I went to a few stores last night....really didn't buy anything except some new sippy cups for FAB and a Christmas dress for her. We need to take a picture of I-Man and FAB in front of our tree for Christmas cards. Usually, I have all of my Christmas cards out like the day after Thanksgiving....I haven't even started them yet! Oh well!
I did get some cool yarn for my mom last night. It is GOLD fun fur!!! She will love a scarf made out of that. She knows about it because I called her and asked her if she wanted white or gold...originally she had said white....but when I told her they had gold...she said GOLD of course!!! She cracks me up! I should really make one for all the Aunts....if I have time, I might. How funny! They really are the "Golden Girls"!
Umm....came home....and sat down to watch the finale of the Biggest Loser. Come to find out....I am the biggest loser! I fell asleep watching it...it was over at 10:00...I fell asleep at like 9:55...and didn't wake up until 10:02....so I missed the winner!!! I was SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, Hubby wasn't watching it....so I had to get on-line and went to a chat room on Weight Watchers.com....they told me. I can't believe I did that!!! Oh well! Anyways...those people are amazing....they lost a TON of weight! I need to get back on program! I am actually thinking of going to Premier Ladies Fitness tonight...if I am not needed at church.....because I need to do something!! They open at 5:00 am....so I could go before work....we'll see! I really need to do some type of exercise....the weight just isn't coming off as fast as it was.
So.....that was really about it for yesterday. Like I said, nothing special!
I will talk to you all later! Love ya!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Okay...so it has been a little while! I have just been busy! Let's see....Sunday....a good day! Church was good. Scrapbook Queen, Diamond and I ended up staying in the nursery during SS....that was fun. They are such neat ladies! I love getting a chance to spend time with them! Worship was wonderful. Beef preached...he does such a great job. I know I have said it before...but I will say it again....God has blessed us with great ministers! His sermon was great!!!
After church.....I went shopping with Hair Dye and her daughter. Her daughter kept saying "Hey Mac-n-Cheese" (well, insert my real name there)....over and over and over again!!! She wanted to tell me everything she knew, I think. Anyways...we went shopping for a formal dress for her. Radio's work is having a formal Christmas party. We didn't find what she was looking for....I got a voicemail from her later in the day that I think she found one! It is fun to shop with someone else though! Even though I didn't buy anything!!!
Oh well...so then I went home and did some work on my laptop...and then watched "White Christmas"...it just isn't the holidays without watching that movie!!! Then we dropped the kids off at my mom's house and were off to church for choir practice. We had the drama team with us for the first time...and it went amazingly well! Usually when we add the drama team....it is rough....but it actually went very smoothly. It was a very good idea to put the words on powerpoint in the back....COOL!!! Still some rough notes on the choir's part...but you know what? God will be smiling because nearly every person (notice I say nearly) is there just to glorify His name!!!
After that...was Women's Group. I just love that group of women!!! What a blessing! AND! We were able to convince Catch to come! And she started knitting at the end of the night! I should've offered her needles and yarn earlier...but I didn't know she wanted to learn! Hopefully she will come back! I was so glad she was there. It would be WAY cool if we could get her husband (I will call him GFS) to go to Men's group!!!! But it was a great night! One of my favorite parts of the evening (and I think that Minnie and I were the only ones who witnessed it) was when Detergent acted like Jessica Simpson. It was PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So...went home and watched Desperate Housewives....love that show!!! It is very wacked out, though!
Monday....work....blah! The highlight of my day was having lunch with KK. I just love that women! She is such a good friend. We were talking about Stinky Pete at one point yesterday and he walked in. We were like two kids caught with our hands in a cookie jar! Oh well. We weren't saying anything too bad about him. Nothing I wouldn' say to his face!!! He is so....FRUSTRATING! At the Casting Crowns concert last night, Mark Hall was putting "ADD" into layman's terms...I turned to HBM and told her that is my boss!!!!!!!! He just gets distracted so easily!!! That is frustrating!!!
Anyways..so I rushed home from work...kissed the kids...and then we were off! We went to dinner with HBM, Elvis, K-Dog, TT and Sight-Sing. It was a HOOT! I had a great time with them all....and no, I still won't tell you what we are giving away, HBM. I can keep a secret!!! Poor Daddymac....he is just so much fun to pick on! He got picked on a lot....but he is a good sport about it.
Then we went to the concert!!! It was an AWESOME conert! At first, I was very distracted by all the "talkers" who were sitting behind us. I just don't understand why you come to a concert to sit and talk during the performance. I understand an occasional comment...I do that....but to just talk the entire time....oh well! I was able to tune them out and just worship. It was a powerful concert.....and the speaker was awesome. I think that JJ would've really liked it! I think Building 429 was right up her alley!!! Even though Daddymac thought they were too rocky...he is such an old man! If it wasn't the Gaithers....just kidding!!! He likes a lot of different music...but sometimes is an old man!!! Love him though!!!!!
What was really neat...was being there with such good Christian friends.....they are really more like family to me. I just love my church family!!! It was really cool being there with SightSing too.....just because we were good friends in high school....lots of memories there. I just love her. So neat that she is at Bethany....God works in mysterious ways!!! And she and Hubby get along well! They actually talk more than she and I do....because they are so close to each other at PT practice.
Okay...so then we came home....I read a few journals....had every intention of updating my blog...but was so tired!!! So...now I am doing it at work.....
I have to get to work! I love you all and am praying for many. Love you!!!!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
It's been a few days....
Let's see.....Thanksgiving was a wonderful day! It was really nice a JJ's house! I missed having the "whole" family together...but it was also nice to just have our family together. We have a lot to be thankful for!
And on Friday morning...Hubby left.....and the kids and I were just hanging out with JJ when Hubby called to tell me that the battery light had come on....ok....and then I got a call a bit later.....that he was stranded in Cincinnati! He called my dad and my dad went and helped him. God was certainly watching out for Hubby. He was on I-75 in the middle lane in Cincy when all of a sudden he had no juice! Semis were nearly hitting him.....nothing worked....turn-signals, etc....so he was finally able to get over and get off the highway...he pulled into a gas station that was closed....and then pulled into a Ford Dealership and the van died. They wanted $350 to fix it...Hubby was going to do it...but decided to check with my dad first...and that is when Dad told him that he would be there to help him. So...a few hours later....and $160 later.....it was fixed!
Here is the coolest part....when my Mom came to pick me and FAB up....she came inside JJ's house and the three of us (Mom, JJ and me) held hands in a circle and prayed. Isn't that cool? We just needed it. That was so touching to me. THAT is why I am so thankful this Thanksgiving. For the family He blessed me with...and most importantly...that my parents made Christ a priority in our house and did their best to ensure that we would choose Him. Awesome. I hope my kids say the same when they are grown.
So....after that whole fiasco...we got home on Friday...and just vegged out the rest of Friday. Hubby and I both were feeling sick to our tummies...I think it is a combination of all the food.....and the stress of that situation....so we just took it easy!!!! The kids cooperated...that was nice!
Today...another lazy day! The kids slept in...not like Pita Pocket...but for them! Hubby went to work for a bit...and then mom and I went to the craft show! That was fun! We took FAB and I-Man went to a birthday party. We had a good time and there was so much that I wanted to buy...but I didn't! I did buy one of those big stars and hung it on the outside of the house. I love it!!!!
Umm...while we were at the craft show..I missed a call on my cell phone. So, I checked the voicemail when we sat for a spell....it was Mandie...my best friend from high school who married my cousin. She was crying and very upset...I couldn't really understand what she was saying. So, I called my Uncle (who is now her father-in-law) and he told me what had happened. Molly, who was the third person in our trio from high school...and is like a sister to Mandie. They have been friends since birth.....well, Molly's dad is in the hospital. Apparantly, he had a stroke yesterday...a major stroke....they flew him to a hospital in Columbus.....and found that he has an anurism (no idea how to spell it) in his brain. They operated today and were able to repair it...and also there was a clot they were able to break-up....but they won't know for a few days the extent of the brain damage that he will have. He was home all day by himself yesterday...his wife found him when she came home....so they aren't sure when it happened...or anything. How scary!!! My mom and I just stopped and prayed in the middle of the craft show when we heard about it. I called Mandie and talked to her....she was on her way to the hospital. Michael, Molly's brother, is in the Peace Corps serving in Africa...they were able to get him released because this is a life-threatening injury to his dad...so he will be home on Monday.. ....The scariest part of all of this.....they are not Christians. My mom and I were talking and wondering how non-Christians make it through something like this. I could not imagine going through that with my Dad....and I certainly couldn't imagine going through it without GOD. Anyhow, I called them a bit ago and he came through the surgery fine.....Mandie was driving Molly home for the night.....but please pray for this family.
I am excited to go to church in the morning! I miss everyone! I feel like it has been way more than a week since I saw you all last!!! I guess it has been a long week! And we have Women's Group tomorrow night...YIPEE!!!!
Well.....I need to get in bed! This is late for me....but I guess my nap today helped! I am thankful that HBM and Elvis made it home.....and that Speedy is still doing well......can't wait to meet that little Princess!!! Hope you all have a wonderful worship service tomorrow. Remember...it isn't about you...It is all about HIM!!!! To HIM be the glory!
Love you all very much!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
We are Here!!!
But anyways....it snowed today! That was pretty! I was just in the holiday mood and not wanting to be at work! So..about 3:00, Stinky Pete called me and told me to get out of there early...which really wasn't early because I didn't take a lunch today...so he owed me the time anyways...but whatever! Hubby got off early too...so he went and picked up the kids. I just went home and finished getting everything together! And then we were on the road!
It only took us two hours to get here.....we took a different way and it was much less congested! FAB cried for about half of the trip....finally Hubby went to the back of the van (I was driving) and held her...I know...against the law....but seriously...you can only take so much screaming!!! But we all sang songs trying to make her happy....I got emotional. I just love my family!!!
So....we got to JJ's house....it looks so nice! She has really done a lot of work...and it shows! It is just so nice to be with JJ and Buford and I just love them!!! JJ made a delicious dinner....manicotti and green beans...yummmyy!!! Then Mom and Dad came over and we started on the desserts early! Hubby played Texas Hold'em on their Playstation...he stunk at it! He kept going all in...not good. Then I played....and I won!!! Good for me...I am a good gambler!!! Then we all played Beyond Balderdash. I laughed so hard that I cried...and so did everyone else. Just ask my dad what "rappini" means.....it was so much fun. Just great to be with my family!!!
The kids are over at my parents' house....JJ is watching Lost.....Buford is sleeping...Hubby is watching a replay of the Michigan/OSU game....and I am fixing to go to bed. Thanks to JJ, I now have links on my journal! I need to add Sebbiedue's link....but I will do that when I get home. Dial-up is the pits....although...this isn't as slow as I remember dial-up being. But in the boonies...they don't have cable or high-speed!!!
Welll....have a great Thanksgiving and put your diets to the side for the day! Hopefully HBM and family made it to Tennesse safely. It is much warmer here in Tucky than Ohio...I bet Tennessee is even warmer!!!
Love you all....and I am very thankful to have friends as great as each of you!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Is it time yet?!?!
So...last night....both kids were better! It looks like we made it through this!!! Hallelujah! I am telling you....I prayed over both of the kids...and I know that it was God that it didn't last long and that we didn't all get it. Without a doubt in my mind, I know that God's hand was in it!!! That is a cool feeling!!!
So....today.....work....blah! I am glad that KK is there to help me! We are trying to keep each other sane...which is a hard job. My boss is really wacky! But, enough of that....that won't change...so I might as well stop whining about it!
Then....I picked up the kids....came home....we went to dinner....I ate very healthy! I am just hanging around 50 - 60 pounds lost....going back and forth around there. I think I am just going to focus on maintaining through the holidays (or at least this week) and then try to lose again. I am not giving up.....but it is hard during the holidays! As long as I don't go less than 50 pounds down, I will be alright!!!
Then....we went to my parent's Ohio house and picked up the Turkey Roaster to take to Tucky....then we came home and Hubby gave the kids baths while I cooked! Then I packed the kids stuff and my stuff...then I did some work on my comptuer....oh...I watched "Biggest Loser" too....then I am here, doing this!
I am pooped! I need to get to bed...and I still have a few things to do! We are hoping to leave as soon as I get home from work and picking the kids up tomorrow! So.....have safe travels for those who are traveling....and I will talk to you soon!!! I am not sure if I will get to journal in Tucky...might have to wait until I get back on Friday! Unless I can get Sister to help my play with my journal some!
Love you all....and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 21, 2005
We Found Everyone!!!
Well....last night....when I-Man went to bed, he told me that his throat was hurting. I thought he was being silly......so just as I was going to bed, he started whimpering a bit. So, I checked on him....he went back to sleep. So...Hubby came home from Men's group....he jumped in the shower (BW3's is smoky) and I-Man started screaming...I went in his room...and sure enough! He was puking everywhere...but he was asleep when it started...so his face was in it...it was GROSS!!! Of course he had chocolate cake for his snack last night....it was nasty! And of course, FAB woke up.....and she wanted to be held.....so Hubby was holding I-Man's nasty sheets....I-Man was screaming.....FAB was crying.....and Hubby and I looked at each other and said...."Isn't this fun?!?!" And then Hubby said, and you wanted to have another one! It was a great night in our household!
So....after a few hours of sleep....I got up and went to work for 4.5 hours. I got there at 6:00 and worked until 10:30...then I came home so that Hubby could go to work. I actually worked from home....and got a lot done today. It was a pretty good day. Both of the kids seem to be doing better...(knocking on wood).....FAB has actually kept a bottle down and some crackers and cheese. I-Man hasn't gotten sick anymore....he just ate, so we will see if he keeps it down. Praying...praying...praying....And, so far, Hubby and I aren't sick. My tummy has not felt great...but I think it is power of suggestion! I am fine!!!
So! That is what has been going on here! Nothing too exciting! We are not going to take I-Man to preschool tomorrow. They are going to Aunt Chatty Cathy's, unless they get sick anymore tonight. She doesn't have the other kids tomorrow....so that is a good thing. I think I am going to work Wednesday since this happened today. So...not as much time off as I had planned. But that is okay! That just gives me another day to take in December!
Well....I guess that is about it for now. I like the looks of this new site....We'll see. I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all.....see ya later!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
My First Entry Here!!!
Hopefully the other "goddesses" can learn all about how to use this new site and share it with me. I am not as "savvy" as them...so we'll see how this works!
Umm...not really sure where I left off....but Friday was a horrible day at work! I was literally on the verge of tears more than once...but KK helped me through it. Just not a good day. Oh well....
Friday night...picked up the kids...and then picked up Pita Pocket. We had a good evening. Hubby helped HBM and Elvis move some stuff...and I had the kids. They were all amazingly great! We went to BK for dinner and they played well...and then we went to Meijers and they were great....and then we came home. It was a really good evening!
Saturday....was Hubby's Birthday! Happy Birthday Hubby!!!! We got up and he went to help HBM and Elvis move some more.....and then he came home in time for the OSU/Michigan game. His mom made cabbage rolls (yuck!) and brought them over and I made mashed taters. She (mil) took the kiddos because Hubby had friends and his dad over to watch the game. I actually was able to go shopping by myself! I went to a craft show....and a few stores.....I got a track for PT auditions.....I love the song but just hope I can pull it off! We'll see! It was wierd to go places by myself!
Then we had the Thanksgiving Dinner at church...Hubby sang a song...and he did really good. I was so proud of him. Then we had PT practice...and then we came home. And then it began.
FAB went to bed....she was pretty tired because she didn't have a nap yesterday. So....she went down immediately. Just a few minutes later....she started crying. I wasn't going to get her.....because I thought she would just go back to sleep. So, Hubby and I went to her room a few minutes later...and shew...as soon as we opened the door...we smelled it! She had vomited all over herself and the bed. So we got her cleaned up...and back in bed....and a bit later....again! So, she slept the rest of the night. We woke her up this morning and she was acting fine. Hubby laid in bed and fed her a bottle. She drank it all gone....sat up and puked it all up! So....I stayed home with her during Sunday School...and then MIL came and watched her so that Hubby and I could be at church. She has kept water and crackers down today...but we gave her a bottle again this evening and she didn't keep it down. Who knows what is wrong with her.....hopefully just a 24 hour bug. And hopefully we don't all get it! Pray...pray...pray....
One more thing to pray for.....just pray for my attitude and our church. That is really all that I want to say about it. Just pray. God is working....so Satan is stepping up a notch!
Well....I have to go! I need to get to bed because I am planning on going in really early to work tomorrow so that I can come home early so that Hubby and I can split the day! The joys of being a working mother!!!!!
Love and prayers to all! Hopefully we will all be "together" again soon.