So, wow! Two posts in one month! How is that for progress? Really what that means is that I am bored at work and so, I am going to waste some time to update you all on my “oh, so exciting” life! LOL
So we are officially done with our Football and Cheer Season! Football wasn’t quite as exciting as last year, as we didn’t make it to the Super Bowl, but the boys had a good season and we weren’t too sad to see it over. There is just a lot of drama with parents and such on that team. A lot of the boys are from broken homes and the things their parents say and do are just so sad! And of course that carries over to the kids! So, as much as I want the boys to win…I want them to learn life lessons more and sometimes that comes in the way of losing a few games!
Cheer season was really, really good! My first year coaching is under my belt and I think it went great! Tai, the head coach, did a fabulous job and I think we made a great team! She did great with all the details and logistics and I just had a ton of fun with the girls! We took first place in our competition!!!! That was so very exciting and I was so proud of the girls. Now, mind you….we only competed against one other team, but we still took first! And they had a lot of tumbling in the first part of their routine – which means lots of points, even if executed poorly – and we didn’t have any tumbling….so that is really good that we won! We had a party later that night and one of the girls was just bawling as she was leaving because she was going to miss us so much. I assured her that we would see her again next year, but she and her mom were crying as they were leaving. I guess that means we did a good job! Our goals were: to make sure the girls had fun and that they learned something. I think we accomplished both of those goals! And we learned a lot in the process too!
So, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I ran in the Turkey Trot for the third year in a row! It was warm this year, but rainy! I have never in my life voluntarily been running in the rain….so this was a first for me! BUT – I beat my own time! The first two years I did it (a 5 mile race) in about one hour and seventeen minutes. This year I did it in one hour and nine minutes! I was super excited about that great time! I hope I can beat that next year! This is really becoming a tradition that I love….I have done it by myself the past two years and I don’t mind it at all because it is great time to think and also people watch! There are lots and lots of people there. One girl wanted to be my friend and running buddy…and I actually kept up with her for the entire first mile….but then I had to slow down and let her go on! Plus, I had just downloaded some new tunes to my iPod and really wanted to listen to music instead of trying to talk, while out of breath, to a new friend. LOL She was nice, though!
We had a great time at my parents’ house with a bunch of our family. Aunt Susie was there and this was the first time I had seen her since she nearly died with a heart attack about a month ago. She told me that she doesn’t remember much, but she does remember waking up and seeing me crying and telling her that I loved her. That was scary….and I hope a big wake up call for her! It was fun to just be with family and eat and laugh and play games and watch the little ones all play together. Poor Cali…everywhere she went, she had three little mother hens right behind her, Faith, Gracie and Michaela. It was cute, but probably annoying for Cali! God sure has blessed our family this year…and every year. After we left there, we went to Scott’s mom’s house and of course , there is always drama with his family. But we still managed to have a good time. I just ignore the drama and pretend like it isn’t there! LOL His mom has said several things to me about how she wishes we could all be together and blah, blah, blah….so I just ignore it. She doesn’t understand that the drama that accompanies that just is not fun! Oh, the joys of in-laws!!!
Friday, I went shopping with Dad! I was a bit upset because our Wal-mart changed the way they do things and instead of cutting the shrink-wrap off the 5:00 AM deals at 5:00 AM, they let you grab it whenever but you couldn’t check out until 5:00 AM. So….lots of stuff that I wanted but didn’t get. However, there really wasn’t’ anything I “needed” that I didn’t get. I wasn’t very prepared and actually wasn’t in the mood at first….mostly because my body was aching all over from pushing so hard the day before for the Turkey Trot! But…I quickly got in the mood and ended up having a great time shopping on Friday – mostly by myself. I just took my time and enjoyed it! I got a lot of our shopping done, but still have a LOT to do! The kids “Santa gifts” are done. Isaac is getting a laptop (can we say spoiled) and the girls are getting the Bitty Twins American Girl Dolls (again, can we say spoiled)? Now just have to get everyone else bought for and the other little things for the kids. I like them to have a lot to open on Christmas morning! Scott gets annoyed, but I like them to each have the same amount of presents and for it to be a lot….even if I have to wrap up silly things separately! Oh…and I really like the paper I got this year. The girls talked me into buying bows this year…I HATE bows because they never stay on. Plus, Buckeye likes to try to take them off the presents. But right now I have everything wrapped that I bought for people other then my kids under the tree. So far…nothing has had to be re-wrapped. We will see how long that lasts!
Okay….here is where I could use some help! Gracie….she is four now, but she is still having temper tantrums as if she were 2 or 3. I am truly at my wits end with her! On Saturday, we were getting ready to head out and I asked her to try and go potty before we left. She proceeded to scream as if I were killing her slowly for 45 minutes. Seriously….45 minutes straight of screaming, kicking, crying, slamming doors,….full blown temper tantrum. I was a bad mommy and actually threw a plastic stool…not at anyone, just at the floor, because I was so upset and couldn’t get her to stop. That kinda scared Faith and I explained to her that my options were to hit Gracie or throw the stool and I chose to not hurt her sister. LOL After she did this for 45 minutes, she came out and got in the car and said she was ready to go. I was like, SERIOUSLY? This is an extreme example, but she does this screaming, hitting, growling thing every time she doesn’t get her way. It doesn’t always last this long, but she does it a lot. We have tried spanking, time out, taking things away, putting her in her bed and/or room, everything! I am at a loss as to what to do to stop the screaming!!! Any suggestions? We are about ready to turn her in for a newer model that doesn’t scream!!! LOL
I can’t believe that it is going to be December tomorrow! This year has truly flown right on by! I guess it is true what they say…time flies when you are having fun! I love this time of the year …. But I don’t like working this time of the year! LOL I wish I could take the whole month of December off. LOL I guess I will just have to settle for the last week!
Everyone needs to UPDATE your blogs! I miss you all!!
Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Hello? Testing...1-2-3
Wow. Has it really been since June that I journaled? And I didn’t even give a recap of our day traveling home?!?! Where has the time gone? And so much has happened.
Let me finish out the story with a shortened version of our trip home. We had to be up and off the ship really early on Monday morning even though our flight didn’t leave until 4:30 or something like that from Miami. We spent the whole day at the airport…shopping, eating, sleeping…and then at the last minute, our flight was delayed. We were all tired and cranky and missing our families and emotional and it wasn’t that fun of a day. To top it off, here is what I found out at the airport when I had a conversation with Scott:
Scott calls me at the airport and asks me if I am sitting down. I wasn’t, but I told him to go ahead and tell me what happened. Apparently on Friday (this was Monday), Faith Anne got into trouble at school. She was in her morning “Kid’s Club” class and she flipped the bird and said the “f” word! Yep, you read that right. So, the teacher (who is a first year teacher) goes across the hall to the Kindergarten teacher (who we know pretty well) and asks her what she is supposed to do? The K teacher tells her that she has to send her to the principal’s office. So….off to the Principal’s office goes Faith. Apparently the principal talked to her about it and filled out an incident report that she gave to Faith to bring home and have signed by a parent and returned on Monday. Well, I was on the cruise. I am the one that typically goes through their folders….Daddy didn’t do it. So, Monday rolls around and Faith had not told Scott about this….and had not shown Scott the report that was supposed to be signed. Faith goes to school and the teacher sends her to the Principal’s office to return the incident report. The principal looks at it and then looks at Faith. She asks Faith: “Did you show this to your Mommy and Daddy?” Faith says: “Yes.” Principal says: “Did you have Daddy sign this?” Faith says: “Yes.” Principal says: “Why did your Daddy print his name?” (side-note…Faith had FORGED his name by printing SCOOT BE*****) LOL Faith says: “My daddy doesn’t know cursive.” OMG. Yep, in Kindergarten, my daughter flipped the bird, said the “f” word, forged Daddy’s signature and lied. I am for sure in the running for parent of the year. So, Scott tells me this in the airport. Mind you, I am tired. I miss my kids and husband. I have had very, very little sleep. We are stranded in an airport. To say that I was upset is an understatement. And I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to tell my aunts and cousins. I told Jodi first…and then Mom…and then Joy. Joy counseled me (because she is good at that) but then she pointed out a little fact… her children (who are older) had been to my house that weekend. ***Insert glimmer of hope**** Maybe it was Joy’s kids that told Faith to do it! I wanted to blame ANYONE but my Faith! LOL Well, it turned out that it was Faith’s idea and we had to fix it when I got home….but rest assured….that incident report will FOR SURE be a part of her scrapbook for when she graduates from high school. I don’t want to forget this! Not my proudest moment as a parent, but for sure one of the most memorable!
So, I will leave the trip home at that. There were delays and calls of trying to get different flights and sleeping in airports and dinner at Chili’s….and happy to see families, but sad that the fun was over. I will never forget that cruise as long as I live. It was MARVALOUS!!!!
So, life has obviously resumed since then! We had a good summer….didn’t really do a whole lot, but feels like it flew by for some reason. The kids keep us busy with baseball and t-ball and lots of trips to the water park. Isaac had church camp for a whole week and he loved it. He also spent a week with Jodi and Jim and he loved that. So, he had a fun summer. He is just growing up so fast!
Summer came to a screeching halt when Football and Cheer Season started in late July. I say that in jest, but our lives do tend to become consumed with Football and Cheer. Scott helps to coach Isaac’s football team and this was my first year as Assistant Coach for Faith’s cheer squad…and Gracie was one of the mascots! SO! Needless to say, we had a busy end of summer/fall. Practices start in late July and we aren’t done with cheer yet! We have our competition on November 21 and then we will be done. Football is done, though. Let me just summarize by saying this….I do these things for my kids because they want to do them and I want to be involved. As far as football goes, I realize this is pee-wee football and colleges will not look at Isaac’s pee-wee tapes to see if he is eligible for a scholarship. Some of the parents on our team….they don’t realize that. They think that Jim Tressel (OSU’s coach) is at our games scouting. And for Faith and Gracie…they like to cheer because they are loud and they get to dance. I am not out there because I want to be the best team mom ever and put everyone else down. So, that should tell you that there was lots of DRAMA this season with parents on cheer and parents on football. It really is a shame because aside from the drama, I have made some really good friends with some of the parents and I enjoy the social interaction that it brings. It also allows you to spend time with the families of the kids that your kid is becoming friends with…..or maybe you can steer them to not become friends with them! LOL Our cheer competition routine is really, really cute. The coach has done a great job with the girls this year…she handles all the “business” stuff that goes along with coaching and I just come in and have fun with the girls! It has worked out pretty well for us this year and the girls have had fun. I have actually really enjoyed coaching too, but I will be happy when it is over! It is just a long season! And then we will be on to something else, I am sure!
Here is my person-by-person recap:
He is doing really good. He changed jobs this summer. I honestly don’t remember when…I am pretty sure it was around the first of July. He was working for Time Warner Cable, but left there to go to Cincinnati Bell. He is doing the same thing – door to door sales, but with a slightly different product line. I was very scared for him to take this opportunity, but the District Manager is a guy that we go to church with and he was actually working on getting Scott to come over for a long time before we finally did it. Let me tell you, it has been a huge blessing to our family. The pay is much better and Scott is doing very well there! The pay structure is a bit different and so because he is so motivated by competition and making money, it has been good. I am very proud of him. There was a learning curve and he still gets aggravated from time to time, but it has been a good thing. I am sure, like everyone, we have had our share of ups and downs lately….we just say that we don’t always LIKE each other, but we always LOVE each other. It just seems that life gets so busy and we lose each other in the busy-ness of taking care of the kids – this was especially true during football. We rarely saw each other and so when we did, it seemed like we were always picking at each other. When we took time to slow down and spend some time together, it got better. I am sure that we are not alone and that a reminder to stop and enjoy each other will need to come again and again as we travel this road called marriage together!
My little boy is definitely growing up very quickly! He has developed a bit of an attitude (at times) but is still my sweet boy, most of the time! He keeps me in stitches with some of the things that he comes up with! He is doing great in 4th grade. This is the year that most people have told us we would know if we made a mistake or not by starting him early. So far, he seems to be doing really, really well and I think we made the right decision. His teacher said that he is just a very happy kid and very mature for his age. She couldn’t say enough nice things about him when I went to the parent/teacher conference. Of course, that made me very proud! I think he is great, but to hear his teacher say the same was pretty nice! He tried out for a select basketball team and did not make the team. That was pretty devastating for him and Daddy, but a couple of his friends are going to be playing in the same rec league as him, so I think he will be fine. He really loves basketball, but we haven’t worked with him at all and try-outs are during football season. So, we will just have to work more on that next year. He did better at football this year, but is still just not very aggressive for his size. I told him that he is too much like me (LOL) and has a hard time turning the “mean” on for the football field. I am not sure if that is something he will ever be able to do. I guess we will see with time! However, he had fun playing and seemed to really develop some friendships this year with some good kids and that is what really matters. I already miss some of the friends that I made with the moms at football too….but not all of them! LOL Still no girlfriends for Isaac…and he doesn’t seem too interested in girls yet, so that is a good thing! I will take that as long as I can!
Well, I had her parent/teacher conference last week and so far…she has had a good year in 1st grade! It is funny because the kid that the teacher described is not the kid that lives at my house. Faith – I would sum her up in one word….drama! If you look at her wrong or say that she burped or that she said something or just do something that irritates her….she throws herself down and sobs as if you have just stabbed her in the back. EVERYTHING is to the extreme with her. But her teacher said she is very even-tempered and very encouraging and quick to respond and basically, the total opposite of what she is at home. I guess I would rather he be good there than at home, but I would seriously like that child to come and live at my house! LOL She is top in her class in reading and her writing is great….she is just doing really, really well in school! I was so happy to hear that! Again, to have a teacher confirm what you thought is always a good thing! She has two of the girls that she cheers with in her class and they are her “best friends”. They actually all seem to get along pretty good considering the amount of time they all spend together. It is neat to see how she is developing into a young lady….although there are only glimpses of that because she is still very much my little girl. She is so good at cheer that I am anxious to get her into gymnastics this winter and get working on doing flips and stuff. She has the natural “voice” (LOL) and moves of a cheerleader, so hopefully we can help her pursue that if she wants to. I can’t believe that she is 6! Time just flies by!
Where do I begin with little Miss Gracie…or should I call her Pterodactyl? She is a difficult child, of course, because she is my third! LOL She is 4 and in preschool and just growing up way too fast! We changed her babysitter and now my friend, Tai, who is also our cheer coach and her daughter if Faith’s BFF in class, is now watching her. She does a good job with her and has 2 other little girls who are 4 that she watches. Gracie seems to really respect her and knows who is in charge! She just has a very stubborn personality and still throws temper tantrums! I don’t know what I am going to do with that child….it is a bit embarrassing. They are definitely better, but still there. For example, the other day at church she THREW herself down on the ground because she dropped her paper bag and wanted me to pick it up. I was already half-way up the stairs and was not going to turn around to pick up a bag that was right by her hand. So, we left her and she followed us all the way to the car SCREAMING the entire way. Yep, I was so proud. I just don’t know what we can do to make her stop that! She has her own sense of style and will not wear something that I like if she doesn’t like it. I mean, she is just her own little person – very head-strong. I have NO idea where she gets it from! LOL She definitely keeps us on our toes!
So, that is my quick over-view! We are all doing well. Our “new” church is still going great. Scott and I have been missing out on Praise Team quite a bit lately due to football, but we get there as often as we can. That church has just experienced a huge amount of growth over the past few years and they are feeling growing pains of trying to figure it all out. I pray that it will continue to go smoothly. So far, you can totally see God’s hand in everything and as long as they keep Him in the center, it will be fine. We have made some really good friends there – we are involved in a small group and that has been such a blessing to us! One of the biggest ways that it has blessed us is….the two ladies that are in it are into this “bulk cooking”. They cook enough meals for their families and ours once a month and we freeze all the dinners and then just pull them out and cook them. I cannot tell you how wonderful that has been. One time I took a day off work (because we cook all day for about 8 hours) and did that with them. One month I helped with some prep work in the evening before they cooked for 8 hours and then this past month, one of them just did it all by herself. It is amazing and so much cheaper! They are big “couponers” and so that really helps. But it cost me $135 for a month’s worth of dinners and a few breakfasts and lunches. And the food is REALLY good….meatloaf, chicken alfredo, chicken gumbo, flank steak, t-bones, chicken cordon-bleu, some really, really yummy stuff! That has been a blessing…and I have learned some cooking tips! And we are eating great! LOL But seriously, the women in my small group have become good friends and that has been fun to get to know them. Scott actually went and spent a day with one of the guys too….they drove to Chicago for a Cubs game. We have really enjoyed it.
Umm….what else? I know there is so much more. OH! I went to a “Fun” party. LOL Have you ever done that? Let me tell you….I was embarrassed FOR SURE, but I did have fun! Having a few adult beverages helped the embarrassment a bit, but it was all in fun. One of the girls at work threw it and we all sure laughed at lot!
So, a few weeks ago, for my Mom’s birthday, the women in my family got together – My mom, Jodi, Janice and my two older nieces (Desmonde and Dru) and we went out for breakfast. We met at my mom’s house and then left from there. My mom and dad are pretty private people when it comes to talking about any infertility problems they had and the whole adoption process of Janice and just all of that stuff. Not like they tried to hide it, but they just are pretty private and don’t talk about it. Well, that morning, for some reason, we had a very open and real conversation about it and it was so interesting to me. I went home and was telling Scott about it and I was like, I am 34 years old and that was the first time I can ever remember hearing that story and learning those things about when my sister was adopted. And Janice shared about when she went to meet and live with her biological mom for a while. It was just such a neat time and I am so happy we had those conversations. Jodi’s blog made me think of this. Janice shared that after she went to live with her mom for a while, she found out that her mom never, ever told anyone that she had a child. Now, obviously once she met Janice, she ended up telling her other kids (Janice has older siblings) but she still never told anyone else about her. So, after lying about her for over 20 years….and then meeting her…..she still wanted to lie about her. That was the thing that made Janice realize that she didn’t want this woman to be a part of her life. It was very eye-opening to me because I could never understand why Janice couldn’t just feel wanted by my parents and that to be enough for her. And I am sure I will never understand how she feels, but for that brief moment, we were able to see into her emotions and also see my mom’s emotions about how that all played out. I am sure it was good for Janice to hear my mom say that at the time when Jan was born, my parents just went along with whatever the birth mom said because they wanted the baby so bad they were scared to mess it up. I don’t know if I am doing the whole conversation justice, but it was one of those moments that I wish I could bottle up so I could play it over again and again in my mind. And now seeing Jodi and Jim go through the wild roller-coaster that they are on, it just is neat how God’s hand is in everything. Often I think we lose sight of that because we get so wrapped up in the uncertainty and the fleetingness of this world….but He is in control and He knows what the outcome is going to be. Again, I don’t think I am doing this story justice…but it was a beautiful moment and one that I was so glad happened!
Well, if you are still with me…you must be bored! I am sure there is so much more that I could tell you, but I can’t think of it right now! I still lurk and check journals occasionally…so thanks to those who keep me occupied at work! To those that haven’t updated lately, I am bored at work…so please update! LOL
Let me finish out the story with a shortened version of our trip home. We had to be up and off the ship really early on Monday morning even though our flight didn’t leave until 4:30 or something like that from Miami. We spent the whole day at the airport…shopping, eating, sleeping…and then at the last minute, our flight was delayed. We were all tired and cranky and missing our families and emotional and it wasn’t that fun of a day. To top it off, here is what I found out at the airport when I had a conversation with Scott:
Scott calls me at the airport and asks me if I am sitting down. I wasn’t, but I told him to go ahead and tell me what happened. Apparently on Friday (this was Monday), Faith Anne got into trouble at school. She was in her morning “Kid’s Club” class and she flipped the bird and said the “f” word! Yep, you read that right. So, the teacher (who is a first year teacher) goes across the hall to the Kindergarten teacher (who we know pretty well) and asks her what she is supposed to do? The K teacher tells her that she has to send her to the principal’s office. So….off to the Principal’s office goes Faith. Apparently the principal talked to her about it and filled out an incident report that she gave to Faith to bring home and have signed by a parent and returned on Monday. Well, I was on the cruise. I am the one that typically goes through their folders….Daddy didn’t do it. So, Monday rolls around and Faith had not told Scott about this….and had not shown Scott the report that was supposed to be signed. Faith goes to school and the teacher sends her to the Principal’s office to return the incident report. The principal looks at it and then looks at Faith. She asks Faith: “Did you show this to your Mommy and Daddy?” Faith says: “Yes.” Principal says: “Did you have Daddy sign this?” Faith says: “Yes.” Principal says: “Why did your Daddy print his name?” (side-note…Faith had FORGED his name by printing SCOOT BE*****) LOL Faith says: “My daddy doesn’t know cursive.” OMG. Yep, in Kindergarten, my daughter flipped the bird, said the “f” word, forged Daddy’s signature and lied. I am for sure in the running for parent of the year. So, Scott tells me this in the airport. Mind you, I am tired. I miss my kids and husband. I have had very, very little sleep. We are stranded in an airport. To say that I was upset is an understatement. And I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to tell my aunts and cousins. I told Jodi first…and then Mom…and then Joy. Joy counseled me (because she is good at that) but then she pointed out a little fact… her children (who are older) had been to my house that weekend. ***Insert glimmer of hope**** Maybe it was Joy’s kids that told Faith to do it! I wanted to blame ANYONE but my Faith! LOL Well, it turned out that it was Faith’s idea and we had to fix it when I got home….but rest assured….that incident report will FOR SURE be a part of her scrapbook for when she graduates from high school. I don’t want to forget this! Not my proudest moment as a parent, but for sure one of the most memorable!
So, I will leave the trip home at that. There were delays and calls of trying to get different flights and sleeping in airports and dinner at Chili’s….and happy to see families, but sad that the fun was over. I will never forget that cruise as long as I live. It was MARVALOUS!!!!
So, life has obviously resumed since then! We had a good summer….didn’t really do a whole lot, but feels like it flew by for some reason. The kids keep us busy with baseball and t-ball and lots of trips to the water park. Isaac had church camp for a whole week and he loved it. He also spent a week with Jodi and Jim and he loved that. So, he had a fun summer. He is just growing up so fast!
Summer came to a screeching halt when Football and Cheer Season started in late July. I say that in jest, but our lives do tend to become consumed with Football and Cheer. Scott helps to coach Isaac’s football team and this was my first year as Assistant Coach for Faith’s cheer squad…and Gracie was one of the mascots! SO! Needless to say, we had a busy end of summer/fall. Practices start in late July and we aren’t done with cheer yet! We have our competition on November 21 and then we will be done. Football is done, though. Let me just summarize by saying this….I do these things for my kids because they want to do them and I want to be involved. As far as football goes, I realize this is pee-wee football and colleges will not look at Isaac’s pee-wee tapes to see if he is eligible for a scholarship. Some of the parents on our team….they don’t realize that. They think that Jim Tressel (OSU’s coach) is at our games scouting. And for Faith and Gracie…they like to cheer because they are loud and they get to dance. I am not out there because I want to be the best team mom ever and put everyone else down. So, that should tell you that there was lots of DRAMA this season with parents on cheer and parents on football. It really is a shame because aside from the drama, I have made some really good friends with some of the parents and I enjoy the social interaction that it brings. It also allows you to spend time with the families of the kids that your kid is becoming friends with…..or maybe you can steer them to not become friends with them! LOL Our cheer competition routine is really, really cute. The coach has done a great job with the girls this year…she handles all the “business” stuff that goes along with coaching and I just come in and have fun with the girls! It has worked out pretty well for us this year and the girls have had fun. I have actually really enjoyed coaching too, but I will be happy when it is over! It is just a long season! And then we will be on to something else, I am sure!
Here is my person-by-person recap:
He is doing really good. He changed jobs this summer. I honestly don’t remember when…I am pretty sure it was around the first of July. He was working for Time Warner Cable, but left there to go to Cincinnati Bell. He is doing the same thing – door to door sales, but with a slightly different product line. I was very scared for him to take this opportunity, but the District Manager is a guy that we go to church with and he was actually working on getting Scott to come over for a long time before we finally did it. Let me tell you, it has been a huge blessing to our family. The pay is much better and Scott is doing very well there! The pay structure is a bit different and so because he is so motivated by competition and making money, it has been good. I am very proud of him. There was a learning curve and he still gets aggravated from time to time, but it has been a good thing. I am sure, like everyone, we have had our share of ups and downs lately….we just say that we don’t always LIKE each other, but we always LOVE each other. It just seems that life gets so busy and we lose each other in the busy-ness of taking care of the kids – this was especially true during football. We rarely saw each other and so when we did, it seemed like we were always picking at each other. When we took time to slow down and spend some time together, it got better. I am sure that we are not alone and that a reminder to stop and enjoy each other will need to come again and again as we travel this road called marriage together!
My little boy is definitely growing up very quickly! He has developed a bit of an attitude (at times) but is still my sweet boy, most of the time! He keeps me in stitches with some of the things that he comes up with! He is doing great in 4th grade. This is the year that most people have told us we would know if we made a mistake or not by starting him early. So far, he seems to be doing really, really well and I think we made the right decision. His teacher said that he is just a very happy kid and very mature for his age. She couldn’t say enough nice things about him when I went to the parent/teacher conference. Of course, that made me very proud! I think he is great, but to hear his teacher say the same was pretty nice! He tried out for a select basketball team and did not make the team. That was pretty devastating for him and Daddy, but a couple of his friends are going to be playing in the same rec league as him, so I think he will be fine. He really loves basketball, but we haven’t worked with him at all and try-outs are during football season. So, we will just have to work more on that next year. He did better at football this year, but is still just not very aggressive for his size. I told him that he is too much like me (LOL) and has a hard time turning the “mean” on for the football field. I am not sure if that is something he will ever be able to do. I guess we will see with time! However, he had fun playing and seemed to really develop some friendships this year with some good kids and that is what really matters. I already miss some of the friends that I made with the moms at football too….but not all of them! LOL Still no girlfriends for Isaac…and he doesn’t seem too interested in girls yet, so that is a good thing! I will take that as long as I can!
Well, I had her parent/teacher conference last week and so far…she has had a good year in 1st grade! It is funny because the kid that the teacher described is not the kid that lives at my house. Faith – I would sum her up in one word….drama! If you look at her wrong or say that she burped or that she said something or just do something that irritates her….she throws herself down and sobs as if you have just stabbed her in the back. EVERYTHING is to the extreme with her. But her teacher said she is very even-tempered and very encouraging and quick to respond and basically, the total opposite of what she is at home. I guess I would rather he be good there than at home, but I would seriously like that child to come and live at my house! LOL She is top in her class in reading and her writing is great….she is just doing really, really well in school! I was so happy to hear that! Again, to have a teacher confirm what you thought is always a good thing! She has two of the girls that she cheers with in her class and they are her “best friends”. They actually all seem to get along pretty good considering the amount of time they all spend together. It is neat to see how she is developing into a young lady….although there are only glimpses of that because she is still very much my little girl. She is so good at cheer that I am anxious to get her into gymnastics this winter and get working on doing flips and stuff. She has the natural “voice” (LOL) and moves of a cheerleader, so hopefully we can help her pursue that if she wants to. I can’t believe that she is 6! Time just flies by!
Where do I begin with little Miss Gracie…or should I call her Pterodactyl? She is a difficult child, of course, because she is my third! LOL She is 4 and in preschool and just growing up way too fast! We changed her babysitter and now my friend, Tai, who is also our cheer coach and her daughter if Faith’s BFF in class, is now watching her. She does a good job with her and has 2 other little girls who are 4 that she watches. Gracie seems to really respect her and knows who is in charge! She just has a very stubborn personality and still throws temper tantrums! I don’t know what I am going to do with that child….it is a bit embarrassing. They are definitely better, but still there. For example, the other day at church she THREW herself down on the ground because she dropped her paper bag and wanted me to pick it up. I was already half-way up the stairs and was not going to turn around to pick up a bag that was right by her hand. So, we left her and she followed us all the way to the car SCREAMING the entire way. Yep, I was so proud. I just don’t know what we can do to make her stop that! She has her own sense of style and will not wear something that I like if she doesn’t like it. I mean, she is just her own little person – very head-strong. I have NO idea where she gets it from! LOL She definitely keeps us on our toes!
So, that is my quick over-view! We are all doing well. Our “new” church is still going great. Scott and I have been missing out on Praise Team quite a bit lately due to football, but we get there as often as we can. That church has just experienced a huge amount of growth over the past few years and they are feeling growing pains of trying to figure it all out. I pray that it will continue to go smoothly. So far, you can totally see God’s hand in everything and as long as they keep Him in the center, it will be fine. We have made some really good friends there – we are involved in a small group and that has been such a blessing to us! One of the biggest ways that it has blessed us is….the two ladies that are in it are into this “bulk cooking”. They cook enough meals for their families and ours once a month and we freeze all the dinners and then just pull them out and cook them. I cannot tell you how wonderful that has been. One time I took a day off work (because we cook all day for about 8 hours) and did that with them. One month I helped with some prep work in the evening before they cooked for 8 hours and then this past month, one of them just did it all by herself. It is amazing and so much cheaper! They are big “couponers” and so that really helps. But it cost me $135 for a month’s worth of dinners and a few breakfasts and lunches. And the food is REALLY good….meatloaf, chicken alfredo, chicken gumbo, flank steak, t-bones, chicken cordon-bleu, some really, really yummy stuff! That has been a blessing…and I have learned some cooking tips! And we are eating great! LOL But seriously, the women in my small group have become good friends and that has been fun to get to know them. Scott actually went and spent a day with one of the guys too….they drove to Chicago for a Cubs game. We have really enjoyed it.
Umm….what else? I know there is so much more. OH! I went to a “Fun” party. LOL Have you ever done that? Let me tell you….I was embarrassed FOR SURE, but I did have fun! Having a few adult beverages helped the embarrassment a bit, but it was all in fun. One of the girls at work threw it and we all sure laughed at lot!
So, a few weeks ago, for my Mom’s birthday, the women in my family got together – My mom, Jodi, Janice and my two older nieces (Desmonde and Dru) and we went out for breakfast. We met at my mom’s house and then left from there. My mom and dad are pretty private people when it comes to talking about any infertility problems they had and the whole adoption process of Janice and just all of that stuff. Not like they tried to hide it, but they just are pretty private and don’t talk about it. Well, that morning, for some reason, we had a very open and real conversation about it and it was so interesting to me. I went home and was telling Scott about it and I was like, I am 34 years old and that was the first time I can ever remember hearing that story and learning those things about when my sister was adopted. And Janice shared about when she went to meet and live with her biological mom for a while. It was just such a neat time and I am so happy we had those conversations. Jodi’s blog made me think of this. Janice shared that after she went to live with her mom for a while, she found out that her mom never, ever told anyone that she had a child. Now, obviously once she met Janice, she ended up telling her other kids (Janice has older siblings) but she still never told anyone else about her. So, after lying about her for over 20 years….and then meeting her…..she still wanted to lie about her. That was the thing that made Janice realize that she didn’t want this woman to be a part of her life. It was very eye-opening to me because I could never understand why Janice couldn’t just feel wanted by my parents and that to be enough for her. And I am sure I will never understand how she feels, but for that brief moment, we were able to see into her emotions and also see my mom’s emotions about how that all played out. I am sure it was good for Janice to hear my mom say that at the time when Jan was born, my parents just went along with whatever the birth mom said because they wanted the baby so bad they were scared to mess it up. I don’t know if I am doing the whole conversation justice, but it was one of those moments that I wish I could bottle up so I could play it over again and again in my mind. And now seeing Jodi and Jim go through the wild roller-coaster that they are on, it just is neat how God’s hand is in everything. Often I think we lose sight of that because we get so wrapped up in the uncertainty and the fleetingness of this world….but He is in control and He knows what the outcome is going to be. Again, I don’t think I am doing this story justice…but it was a beautiful moment and one that I was so glad happened!
Well, if you are still with me…you must be bored! I am sure there is so much more that I could tell you, but I can’t think of it right now! I still lurk and check journals occasionally…so thanks to those who keep me occupied at work! To those that haven’t updated lately, I am bored at work…so please update! LOL
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Cruise Recap - Day at Sea
Day 5 – Sunday, May 16 The fourth day of the Cruise!!!
Well, we slept in a little bit on Sunday too. But not too long because we wanted to be sure to get great sun chairs for our day of relaxing on the ship! So, we went and saved some chairs (which sounds very simple, but with me and Jodi being so stinking indecisive, it really wasn’t very simple!) and then ate breakfast. Then we headed up and enjoyed our time on the deck!!! There were times when there was a group of us laying out, but there were lots more times when there was one of us or so just laying there. Jodi went shopping, Mom was just walking around…I think we were just all enjoying our last day on the boat.
It seems that a lot of funny stuff happened that day, but I am already forgetting it! I do remember that Joy and I talked a lot and we just enjoyed that. We both decided that we missed our kids, but not enough to go home yet! HA! We also decided that we had to talk our husbands into doing a cruise at least once, however we are certain that it won’t be as much as this trip was! So, then we decided to go and do the water slide! So, Joy, Kelly, Jodi and I took off and went to the slide! Kelly is so funny….she is super skinny and cute, but she has no self-confidence. So, she didn’t want to take her swimsuit cover-up off to walk to the slide. So, Joy just told her to walk between she and I and Kelly’s butt would look great. That was hilarious.
The water slide was very fun! I forgot that the water would be salt water though. Oh, and Kelly went first and we were all cracking up laughing at her because she sat up so it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r for her to get to the bottom. It was almost like it was in slow motion. While we were waiting in line, they had a “hairiest chest contest”, so that was funny to watch. There was always something going on at the Lido Deck!
We also decided (me, Joy and Kelly) that we wanted to hate Jeanna (skinny cousin) because she is so perfect, but you just can’t because she is so nice! We decided that while she was sleeping on the deck in her bikini. HA!
So, the day was spent relaxing and I absolutely loved every single minute of it! Oh! I almost forgot that Mom happened to be in the dining room when they were making ice cream sculptures. So, she brought one to me to make up for not ordering me a drink the day before at Cozumel. That was sweet of her (but I was still salty about it…Just kidding)!
After spending 6 or more hours in the sun, I decided to go read or nap someplace in the shade. So, I went to the balcony in our room and dozed for a bit. It was so nice! Then I moved inside and dozed in there for a bit (after showering). Well, I need to tell you that prior to the cruise, I think for Easter or something my mom bought me and Jodi (and her) matching pajamas and robes. Well, it was a requirement that we all have said robes on the cruise….and we all wore them while we were getting ready. So, at this point, we had all taken showers and were sporting our robes just laying around the room killing time until it was time to get ready for dinner.
Well, there was a show in the theater before dinner. Mom was planning on going. Jodi, however, thought that it was the same show we had seen already, so she had talked me and everyone else into not going. So, she was just shooting for dinner-time (8:00) to be ready. Mom was shooting for 7:00. I was also shooting for 8:00 and it doesn’t take me very long to get ready. So….the cruise director made an announcement reminding us of the show and that is when we realized that we all had different plans and that it was NOT the same show. So, all of a sudden, we were sent into warp speed mode to get ready so we didn’t miss the show. It was pretty comical because you would’ve thought that we were the ones performing (since we were all in the same robes and we were all in panic mode). Heaven forbid we miss anything on the cruise! LOL
So, we all got ready in great time and went and caught the last half of the show….and it was good! Way better than the first night!!!! I am glad we caught part of it!
So, we get to dinner….and we were the last of our group of 23 to arrive. Remember how I told you that on formal night we (Mom and Jodi and I) had tried to jazz up the seating arrangements and it didn’t work? Well, when we got to dinner…the doors hadn’t opened up yet, so the other 20 women in our party were there waiting at the doors. The “cousins” (our posse) had a plan and executed it BRILLIANTLY! We ran (or walked very fast) into the dining hall when it was time and staked the claim to our table so that the “young cousins” could all sit together. It worked out BEAUTIFULLY! And we had a BLAST at dinner that night!!!!
Let’s see. Dinner was good….we all thoroughly ENJOYED our last night of chocolate melting cake (the most delicious dessert in the whole world) and we just enjoyed the company. It was a GREAT way to end the cruise! Well, just like the other night, when we were done (or almost done), the waiters sang a song. I got all teary eyed because it was about how our bags were packed and it was time to go and I just didn’t want to go! But it was great…..and then the music picked up and they started dancing on their tables again – LOVED IT. UNTIL…..see, there was this bachelor party that had their dining table next to one of ours. Well, they had picked up two girls that night for dinner and all throughout dinner, they would chink their glasses and the girls would kiss…nice. Well, when the dancing started, the girls (or one of them) got up on their table and started dancing. The music stopped and they got her down and then the music started up again and then a guy from their party got up on the table, so the music stopped and this time…it didn’t start again. So, we all boo’d them and they left with their heads hung in shame…..too bad they ruined the great entertainment that night. But we still had a blast at dinner!!!
We got some great pictures of our group that night and then the P-A-R-T-Y started! We went up to “our band” and danced the night away! I mean….we literally danced the night away! When we got to the lounge, our band was so excited to see us (and were excited to see them) and we all were dancing and having a blast! Even Joy’s mom (the preachers’ wife) joined us! She had a hoot too! And my mom’s cousins who were with us, they danced! They were in their 50’s and had NEVER danced in their life! They were raised strict Baptist and just never did that… they did and they had a blast!
There were some guys there….we had a nickname for one of them, but I can’t remember what it was. But he was there with his wife, but she wouldn’t dance with him. So, he danced with anyone that he could…..and had fun getting everyone to dance with him. It was comical. He was pretty harmless even though he tried to dirty dance with my mom! Then there was this other guy who was very harmless and just enjoyed dancing…so he danced with a bunch of us too.
We danced and we danced and we danced! The band played for a long time and lots of people came in and out of the bar. One lady who was dancing with us was like….we wish we would’ve found this bar earlier…this is the most fun we have had the whole time! I was like….yes, we are a fun group! LOL We took pictures with “our band” and told them how much we enjoyed them! The guitar player had a Jesus sticker on his guitar….they were just awesome. I mean, really…really AWESOME!
So, we shut that place down and reluctantly left our band. But the night wasn’t over yet (even if it was after 1:30)! We all went up to the Lido Deck and found the ice cream machines and walked around the top deck. So, that isn’t the brightest idea with an ice cream cone. It is very windy and so the ice cream was blowing all over the place. HA! And it was raining a little bit. And I was wearing a skirt and it was very windy. LOL But we walked around the deck and laughed and took pictures and just had a ball. Then we found some chairs and sat down and started singing! We sang some Acapella songs and just cherished every minute of that evening.
Finally, when we were so tired we couldn’t hold our eyes open any longer….we went to bed. I set the alarm on my phone and it literally told me that my alarm would be going off in like 2 hours and 40 minutes or something like that. Needless to say, we didn’t sleep much that last night…..but we sure didn’t care! We had a ball!!!!!
Stay tuned for my final Cruise Update. The trip home….not as much fun as the Cruise, but quite the adventure!!!!
Well, we slept in a little bit on Sunday too. But not too long because we wanted to be sure to get great sun chairs for our day of relaxing on the ship! So, we went and saved some chairs (which sounds very simple, but with me and Jodi being so stinking indecisive, it really wasn’t very simple!) and then ate breakfast. Then we headed up and enjoyed our time on the deck!!! There were times when there was a group of us laying out, but there were lots more times when there was one of us or so just laying there. Jodi went shopping, Mom was just walking around…I think we were just all enjoying our last day on the boat.
It seems that a lot of funny stuff happened that day, but I am already forgetting it! I do remember that Joy and I talked a lot and we just enjoyed that. We both decided that we missed our kids, but not enough to go home yet! HA! We also decided that we had to talk our husbands into doing a cruise at least once, however we are certain that it won’t be as much as this trip was! So, then we decided to go and do the water slide! So, Joy, Kelly, Jodi and I took off and went to the slide! Kelly is so funny….she is super skinny and cute, but she has no self-confidence. So, she didn’t want to take her swimsuit cover-up off to walk to the slide. So, Joy just told her to walk between she and I and Kelly’s butt would look great. That was hilarious.
The water slide was very fun! I forgot that the water would be salt water though. Oh, and Kelly went first and we were all cracking up laughing at her because she sat up so it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r for her to get to the bottom. It was almost like it was in slow motion. While we were waiting in line, they had a “hairiest chest contest”, so that was funny to watch. There was always something going on at the Lido Deck!
We also decided (me, Joy and Kelly) that we wanted to hate Jeanna (skinny cousin) because she is so perfect, but you just can’t because she is so nice! We decided that while she was sleeping on the deck in her bikini. HA!
So, the day was spent relaxing and I absolutely loved every single minute of it! Oh! I almost forgot that Mom happened to be in the dining room when they were making ice cream sculptures. So, she brought one to me to make up for not ordering me a drink the day before at Cozumel. That was sweet of her (but I was still salty about it…Just kidding)!
After spending 6 or more hours in the sun, I decided to go read or nap someplace in the shade. So, I went to the balcony in our room and dozed for a bit. It was so nice! Then I moved inside and dozed in there for a bit (after showering). Well, I need to tell you that prior to the cruise, I think for Easter or something my mom bought me and Jodi (and her) matching pajamas and robes. Well, it was a requirement that we all have said robes on the cruise….and we all wore them while we were getting ready. So, at this point, we had all taken showers and were sporting our robes just laying around the room killing time until it was time to get ready for dinner.
Well, there was a show in the theater before dinner. Mom was planning on going. Jodi, however, thought that it was the same show we had seen already, so she had talked me and everyone else into not going. So, she was just shooting for dinner-time (8:00) to be ready. Mom was shooting for 7:00. I was also shooting for 8:00 and it doesn’t take me very long to get ready. So….the cruise director made an announcement reminding us of the show and that is when we realized that we all had different plans and that it was NOT the same show. So, all of a sudden, we were sent into warp speed mode to get ready so we didn’t miss the show. It was pretty comical because you would’ve thought that we were the ones performing (since we were all in the same robes and we were all in panic mode). Heaven forbid we miss anything on the cruise! LOL
So, we all got ready in great time and went and caught the last half of the show….and it was good! Way better than the first night!!!! I am glad we caught part of it!
So, we get to dinner….and we were the last of our group of 23 to arrive. Remember how I told you that on formal night we (Mom and Jodi and I) had tried to jazz up the seating arrangements and it didn’t work? Well, when we got to dinner…the doors hadn’t opened up yet, so the other 20 women in our party were there waiting at the doors. The “cousins” (our posse) had a plan and executed it BRILLIANTLY! We ran (or walked very fast) into the dining hall when it was time and staked the claim to our table so that the “young cousins” could all sit together. It worked out BEAUTIFULLY! And we had a BLAST at dinner that night!!!!
Let’s see. Dinner was good….we all thoroughly ENJOYED our last night of chocolate melting cake (the most delicious dessert in the whole world) and we just enjoyed the company. It was a GREAT way to end the cruise! Well, just like the other night, when we were done (or almost done), the waiters sang a song. I got all teary eyed because it was about how our bags were packed and it was time to go and I just didn’t want to go! But it was great…..and then the music picked up and they started dancing on their tables again – LOVED IT. UNTIL…..see, there was this bachelor party that had their dining table next to one of ours. Well, they had picked up two girls that night for dinner and all throughout dinner, they would chink their glasses and the girls would kiss…nice. Well, when the dancing started, the girls (or one of them) got up on their table and started dancing. The music stopped and they got her down and then the music started up again and then a guy from their party got up on the table, so the music stopped and this time…it didn’t start again. So, we all boo’d them and they left with their heads hung in shame…..too bad they ruined the great entertainment that night. But we still had a blast at dinner!!!
We got some great pictures of our group that night and then the P-A-R-T-Y started! We went up to “our band” and danced the night away! I mean….we literally danced the night away! When we got to the lounge, our band was so excited to see us (and were excited to see them) and we all were dancing and having a blast! Even Joy’s mom (the preachers’ wife) joined us! She had a hoot too! And my mom’s cousins who were with us, they danced! They were in their 50’s and had NEVER danced in their life! They were raised strict Baptist and just never did that… they did and they had a blast!
There were some guys there….we had a nickname for one of them, but I can’t remember what it was. But he was there with his wife, but she wouldn’t dance with him. So, he danced with anyone that he could…..and had fun getting everyone to dance with him. It was comical. He was pretty harmless even though he tried to dirty dance with my mom! Then there was this other guy who was very harmless and just enjoyed dancing…so he danced with a bunch of us too.
We danced and we danced and we danced! The band played for a long time and lots of people came in and out of the bar. One lady who was dancing with us was like….we wish we would’ve found this bar earlier…this is the most fun we have had the whole time! I was like….yes, we are a fun group! LOL We took pictures with “our band” and told them how much we enjoyed them! The guitar player had a Jesus sticker on his guitar….they were just awesome. I mean, really…really AWESOME!
So, we shut that place down and reluctantly left our band. But the night wasn’t over yet (even if it was after 1:30)! We all went up to the Lido Deck and found the ice cream machines and walked around the top deck. So, that isn’t the brightest idea with an ice cream cone. It is very windy and so the ice cream was blowing all over the place. HA! And it was raining a little bit. And I was wearing a skirt and it was very windy. LOL But we walked around the deck and laughed and took pictures and just had a ball. Then we found some chairs and sat down and started singing! We sang some Acapella songs and just cherished every minute of that evening.
Finally, when we were so tired we couldn’t hold our eyes open any longer….we went to bed. I set the alarm on my phone and it literally told me that my alarm would be going off in like 2 hours and 40 minutes or something like that. Needless to say, we didn’t sleep much that last night…..but we sure didn’t care! We had a ball!!!!!
Stay tuned for my final Cruise Update. The trip home….not as much fun as the Cruise, but quite the adventure!!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Cruise Recap - Cozumel
Day 4 – Saturday, May 15 The third day of the Cruise!!!
So we were able to sleep in a little bit this day. And I have to be honest, I have taken too long doing these updates and I am already starting to forget stuff! So, I might leave out some very important details!
Let’s see….we got up and we did order room service for coffee, juice and croissants again. We went and ate breakfast and I guess we just got our stuff ready for our day at Cozumel. I don’t really remember what we did…oh no! I am pretty sure we just went and ate breakfast and had a slower morning getting ready to get off for the day. We got off the boat at Cozumel and BOY WAS IT EVER HOT! Oh my….I don’t know if I could put into words how incredibly hot it was! But it was pretty neat because we pulled up to our dock right next to another Carnival Cruiseship. We could see right onto their boat and ours was bigger! HA! But it was neat. Jodi, Mom and I watched us pull up from our balcony….and Mandy, Chelle and Joanne did too! Their balcony was right above ours, so we chatted and just watched how cool it was to see this big ship come into dock. Once we docked and heard the “all clear” type announcement, we hopped off the boat! We walked down the long pier to Cozumel! It was so pretty and looked just like what I thought commercialized Mexico would look like. We took some pictures at Three Amigos bar and did a little bit of browsing before we joined up with the folks for our excursion to a place called “Playa Mia”. This excursion was a bus-ride to a beach. The price (which mom bought for us…THANKS MOM!) included a Mexican Buffet, lounge chair, water fun stuff, umbrellas….and DRINKS! There were 10 of us that chose to do this excursion….Mom, Jodi and me, Mandy, Chelle and Joanne and Joy and her cousin Kelly and her mom Janet and her Aunt Betty. So, we all start following the “guide” to our bus….only SOMEHOW we got separated. Joy and I were busy taking pictures and enjoying the scenery on our way there and the moms were following us and we somehow got separated from Jodi. I was a bit panicked, but we quickly found them. LOL The bus-ride over was fun because the tour guy was a hoot. So, we get on the bus and away we go! We get to Playa Mia and we get off the bus and start our little walk back to the beach. There were cute shops on the way, but we all really wanted to see the ocean and beach, so we kept walking. We get to the sand and the beach and AHHHHH….it was heaven! We found 10 chairs together and I immediately know that we need umbrellas because it was H-O-T. So, I go off with the little dude to get our umbrellas….only to find out that I wasn’t able to get enough for everyone, they would only give me two. So, I head back to where I had left everyone and proceed to have the little service guy put our umbrellas up. Then, they all wanted to move our location, so they start moving and I have to move the umbrellas and the service guy ditched me at that point. I guess he didn’t want to put the umbrellas up again. Now, it was a great idea to move spots, but I was a bit perturbed at first because I was fooling with the blasted umbrellas. So, we get to our new spot and I am trying to put the umbrellas back up and it isn’t working and I am hot and perturbed and then the drink guy comes and brings everyone (BUT ME) a drink. I was really perturbed at this point. Here I was trying to get everyone taken care of with the dumb umbrellas and they all ordered drinks but no one ordered one for me, the umbrella girl. HA. Funny how looking back on it now, why would they have ordered me a drink? They were just trying to enjoy themselves and here I was trying to take care of everyone and I didn’t have to do that! LOL Oh well, I was salty just until I got my drink….LOL Then I was fine! It was all about the margarita, you know. LOL So, we got all set up (the service guy did come back and do our umbrellas again) and we headed off to eat. I was a bit disappointed with the Mexican Buffet because I was expecting super yummy authentic Mexican food and it was really just like anything you would find here at our local “authentic” Mexican restaurants. But it was food…and it hit the spot.
After eating, and I am sure some more drinks, we headedoff to the ocean. Mom got us some great rafts and we enjoyed laying on our rafts (drinks in hand) and laughing and talking. For some reason, we kept drifting on our rafts over towards this rope and on the other side of the rope is where these boats were coming in. So, Joy was the designated swimmer and she would pull us over away from the rope. It was quite comical because we kept drifting. Then Joy and I had the bright idea to both get on my raft together and after several attempts and nearly going potty in our suits because we were laughing so hard, we gave up on that.
It was so nice and so relaxing and so fun to just be in the ocean! I think Jodi was annoyed with me and Joy because we kept laughing and she was trying to nap. Also, you know that Jodi likes to have her own space….it was so funny when Joy’s mom just grabbed a hold of Jodi’s foot because she was scared to float too far away. She actually (we didn’t know this at the time) is very afraid of water but didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so she joined us. Anyways…..Jodi did really good at tolerating that, but inside I am sure she was like…get off me! LOL It was just so much fun!!!!
We came in and used our rafts on our chairs (which was an awesome idea) and enjoyed laying on the beach. It was so beautiful! I ended up dozing for a bit and our mother (Jodi and I both fell asleep) had the service guys put more umbrellas up while we were asleep so we wouldn’t burn….that was awfully nice of her! We woke up from our siesta (ha! Appropriate since we were in Mexico!) and Jodi and I went and got “henna-like” tattoos. We got them on our feet and I have to tell you….I LOVED it and really, really, really want to get a tattoo on my foot now! Anyways, we did that and then we went to sit back down for a bit….and then….
Kelly (Joy’s cousin) really wanted to go parasailing. The price that was listed was $60 a person. Well, when we first got there, they told her they could do it for $50 a person if the three of us did it. Well, we were in Mexico, right? So I told Joy and Kelly that we should go back down there and only take $40 each with us. We did and we got there and I did the talking and asked the guy what his lowest price was. He said it was $50 a person. I said, we will do it for $40 a person. He said no. So, Kelly had decided that she was going to do it no matter what, but Joy and I were not. So, she started asking us for money so she could do it for $50. We started to give her money and walk off and the guy suddenly changed his mind and we did it for $40 a person! WOOHOO! Now, if you know me at all, that is a big deal for me….I am never that assertive!
Okay. So, we walk down the pier to this little tiny boat with four Mexican guys on it. We get on the boat and they don’t speak hardly any English….so who knows what they were saying about us. But they get us all suited up and we get ready to go up and let me just tell you….It was AWESOME! We are all three together…I was in the front….Joy was on my back (behind me) and then Kelly was behind her. So, we go up off the boat (we do not get wet) and go high in the sky and it was so beautiful! It was like the second part of my skydive, once the chute was drawn….only longer. The view was spectacular! The water was so many different shades of blue….we could see the entire island….we could see our cruise ship….and all the adobe huts…..and the beach….it was so gorgeous! I LOVED every second of it….Joy and Kelly….not so much. Joy’s harness (that was supposed to be around her legs) wasn’t very secure and ended up around her waist. She was never afraid that she was going to fall because she was securely harnessed, but the harness just wasn’t staying in the right place. So, she was worried and tense because of that. And I am not sure if Kelly just had motion sickness or what, but they were both a little green around the gill by the time we landed back on the boat. Again, you don’t get wet. Very neat. So, we get on the boat and Joy and Kelly are both super pale and not feeling well. I was alright, but I was feeling a little bit queasy. But that was because here we are in the middle of an ocean on a tiny little boat and the boat is just rocking on these huge waves. Well, our rope from the chute somehow got wrapped around the motor when we came in, so one of the guys had to dive in the water to unwrap it. So, we had to sit there rocking the waves while he did that. So, finally we start moving and get back to the dock. We get out and the guys are all talking in Spanish and then they try to offer us a ride back to our cruise ship (on the boat) and we say no and keep walking. Well, Joy knew enough Spanish to know that they said something about “the pretty one”. Come to find out, when they were putting Kelly’s harness on….the guy pretty much fondled her! GROSS! She is very cute and very little….and so, Joy and I were a bit offended that we weren’t “the pretty one”, but it just gave us one more thing to laugh about from our trip!
So, after we got back from parasailing, it was just about time to get back on our bus. We packed up our stuff and went shopping at the little shops they had there. This one guy from a jewelry store called me into his store for “a free gift”. When I went inside, he offered me a free shot of tequila. I looked at him and told him that I had just gone parasailing and the last thing I needed was a shot of tequila. LOL We bought some souvenirs and then got on the bus. I will let Mandy tell you about their experience with the bus ride and their mom.
When we got back to the main area, we spent the next several hours shopping and enjoying the beautiful scenery there at Cozumel. OH! And I also bought a pop which was heavenly since I didn’t have any pop on the cruise. It is the simple things in life!!!! We had fun shopping and buying cheap gifts and great jewelry for ourselves and just enjoying the evening there. Finally we decided to get back to the cruise ship. So, we walked down the long pier again and back to “Destiny”!
After being so hot and so yucky all day….we all couldn’t wait to get in the shower! So, I took a quick shower and a quick get ready and then headed up to the Lido Deck because our band was playing there that night. I found my way there and looked for others from our group, but I didn’t see anyone. So, I got a piece of pizza (loved that 24 hour buffet) and sat down on a lounge chair and enjoyed listening to “our band”. I was by myself for awhile (it is so fun to people watch on a cruise) and then Mandie and Amanda happened along. We chatted for a bit and then I decided to go see if I could find anyone else. Well, I went to the karaoke bar and there was a bunch of our group! I kinda forgot about it…but I guess I sang a song then too. I sang Independence Day. I missed Mandy and Chelle singing. So, we hung out there a bit and then we all went and hit the Midnight Mexican Buffet! That was very yummy and the company was great! I went out and listened to our band some more and watched the crowd get a little crazy. Then I went back in and joined the rest of the ladies and we (the younger generation) sat and talked for a long, long time. We laughed and talked and just had a great time enjoying each other’s company!
So, when we all decided to go to bed, Jeanna’s room was on our same floor, so Jeanna, Jodi and I got to our floor and there was this woman standing in front of this door. Now, some of the room doors were decorated for special events or what-not and this door looked like it has been toilet-papered, but it looked that way the whole time. So, this woman was short and older and we had seen her earlier with a group of people dancing to “our band”. So, she is standing there in front of this door just looking at it. So, we ask her if she is alright and she keeps saying she is looking for her room….”D”…..her room “D”. Well, rooms are numbers and they are not on your sign and sail (or door key) card. The only thing on there is the letter that corresponds to your “muster station” or the place you would go in case of an emergency. So, when she says she is looking for “D”, that really doesn’t mean anything. So, I explain to her that “D” is her muster station, not her room number. She was so confused. Jeanna was so sweet and put her arm around her and I was just annoyed and told her she needed to go to the front desk and ask for help. Jeanna offered to walk her down there and she said no, she would be alright. She could go there by herself. So, she takes off down the hall saying “D” over and over again. We about died laughing. Poor soul. We don’t know how she got “home” that night, but we saw her the next day and she looked no more worse for the wear!
We went to bed that night…tired and sun-burnt, but with big smiles of another wonderful day on Destiny in our hearts!!!!
Stay tuned for our last day on the ship….It was a DOOZY!!!!
So we were able to sleep in a little bit this day. And I have to be honest, I have taken too long doing these updates and I am already starting to forget stuff! So, I might leave out some very important details!
Let’s see….we got up and we did order room service for coffee, juice and croissants again. We went and ate breakfast and I guess we just got our stuff ready for our day at Cozumel. I don’t really remember what we did…oh no! I am pretty sure we just went and ate breakfast and had a slower morning getting ready to get off for the day. We got off the boat at Cozumel and BOY WAS IT EVER HOT! Oh my….I don’t know if I could put into words how incredibly hot it was! But it was pretty neat because we pulled up to our dock right next to another Carnival Cruiseship. We could see right onto their boat and ours was bigger! HA! But it was neat. Jodi, Mom and I watched us pull up from our balcony….and Mandy, Chelle and Joanne did too! Their balcony was right above ours, so we chatted and just watched how cool it was to see this big ship come into dock. Once we docked and heard the “all clear” type announcement, we hopped off the boat! We walked down the long pier to Cozumel! It was so pretty and looked just like what I thought commercialized Mexico would look like. We took some pictures at Three Amigos bar and did a little bit of browsing before we joined up with the folks for our excursion to a place called “Playa Mia”. This excursion was a bus-ride to a beach. The price (which mom bought for us…THANKS MOM!) included a Mexican Buffet, lounge chair, water fun stuff, umbrellas….and DRINKS! There were 10 of us that chose to do this excursion….Mom, Jodi and me, Mandy, Chelle and Joanne and Joy and her cousin Kelly and her mom Janet and her Aunt Betty. So, we all start following the “guide” to our bus….only SOMEHOW we got separated. Joy and I were busy taking pictures and enjoying the scenery on our way there and the moms were following us and we somehow got separated from Jodi. I was a bit panicked, but we quickly found them. LOL The bus-ride over was fun because the tour guy was a hoot. So, we get on the bus and away we go! We get to Playa Mia and we get off the bus and start our little walk back to the beach. There were cute shops on the way, but we all really wanted to see the ocean and beach, so we kept walking. We get to the sand and the beach and AHHHHH….it was heaven! We found 10 chairs together and I immediately know that we need umbrellas because it was H-O-T. So, I go off with the little dude to get our umbrellas….only to find out that I wasn’t able to get enough for everyone, they would only give me two. So, I head back to where I had left everyone and proceed to have the little service guy put our umbrellas up. Then, they all wanted to move our location, so they start moving and I have to move the umbrellas and the service guy ditched me at that point. I guess he didn’t want to put the umbrellas up again. Now, it was a great idea to move spots, but I was a bit perturbed at first because I was fooling with the blasted umbrellas. So, we get to our new spot and I am trying to put the umbrellas back up and it isn’t working and I am hot and perturbed and then the drink guy comes and brings everyone (BUT ME) a drink. I was really perturbed at this point. Here I was trying to get everyone taken care of with the dumb umbrellas and they all ordered drinks but no one ordered one for me, the umbrella girl. HA. Funny how looking back on it now, why would they have ordered me a drink? They were just trying to enjoy themselves and here I was trying to take care of everyone and I didn’t have to do that! LOL Oh well, I was salty just until I got my drink….LOL Then I was fine! It was all about the margarita, you know. LOL So, we got all set up (the service guy did come back and do our umbrellas again) and we headed off to eat. I was a bit disappointed with the Mexican Buffet because I was expecting super yummy authentic Mexican food and it was really just like anything you would find here at our local “authentic” Mexican restaurants. But it was food…and it hit the spot.
After eating, and I am sure some more drinks, we headedoff to the ocean. Mom got us some great rafts and we enjoyed laying on our rafts (drinks in hand) and laughing and talking. For some reason, we kept drifting on our rafts over towards this rope and on the other side of the rope is where these boats were coming in. So, Joy was the designated swimmer and she would pull us over away from the rope. It was quite comical because we kept drifting. Then Joy and I had the bright idea to both get on my raft together and after several attempts and nearly going potty in our suits because we were laughing so hard, we gave up on that.
It was so nice and so relaxing and so fun to just be in the ocean! I think Jodi was annoyed with me and Joy because we kept laughing and she was trying to nap. Also, you know that Jodi likes to have her own space….it was so funny when Joy’s mom just grabbed a hold of Jodi’s foot because she was scared to float too far away. She actually (we didn’t know this at the time) is very afraid of water but didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so she joined us. Anyways…..Jodi did really good at tolerating that, but inside I am sure she was like…get off me! LOL It was just so much fun!!!!
We came in and used our rafts on our chairs (which was an awesome idea) and enjoyed laying on the beach. It was so beautiful! I ended up dozing for a bit and our mother (Jodi and I both fell asleep) had the service guys put more umbrellas up while we were asleep so we wouldn’t burn….that was awfully nice of her! We woke up from our siesta (ha! Appropriate since we were in Mexico!) and Jodi and I went and got “henna-like” tattoos. We got them on our feet and I have to tell you….I LOVED it and really, really, really want to get a tattoo on my foot now! Anyways, we did that and then we went to sit back down for a bit….and then….
Kelly (Joy’s cousin) really wanted to go parasailing. The price that was listed was $60 a person. Well, when we first got there, they told her they could do it for $50 a person if the three of us did it. Well, we were in Mexico, right? So I told Joy and Kelly that we should go back down there and only take $40 each with us. We did and we got there and I did the talking and asked the guy what his lowest price was. He said it was $50 a person. I said, we will do it for $40 a person. He said no. So, Kelly had decided that she was going to do it no matter what, but Joy and I were not. So, she started asking us for money so she could do it for $50. We started to give her money and walk off and the guy suddenly changed his mind and we did it for $40 a person! WOOHOO! Now, if you know me at all, that is a big deal for me….I am never that assertive!
Okay. So, we walk down the pier to this little tiny boat with four Mexican guys on it. We get on the boat and they don’t speak hardly any English….so who knows what they were saying about us. But they get us all suited up and we get ready to go up and let me just tell you….It was AWESOME! We are all three together…I was in the front….Joy was on my back (behind me) and then Kelly was behind her. So, we go up off the boat (we do not get wet) and go high in the sky and it was so beautiful! It was like the second part of my skydive, once the chute was drawn….only longer. The view was spectacular! The water was so many different shades of blue….we could see the entire island….we could see our cruise ship….and all the adobe huts…..and the beach….it was so gorgeous! I LOVED every second of it….Joy and Kelly….not so much. Joy’s harness (that was supposed to be around her legs) wasn’t very secure and ended up around her waist. She was never afraid that she was going to fall because she was securely harnessed, but the harness just wasn’t staying in the right place. So, she was worried and tense because of that. And I am not sure if Kelly just had motion sickness or what, but they were both a little green around the gill by the time we landed back on the boat. Again, you don’t get wet. Very neat. So, we get on the boat and Joy and Kelly are both super pale and not feeling well. I was alright, but I was feeling a little bit queasy. But that was because here we are in the middle of an ocean on a tiny little boat and the boat is just rocking on these huge waves. Well, our rope from the chute somehow got wrapped around the motor when we came in, so one of the guys had to dive in the water to unwrap it. So, we had to sit there rocking the waves while he did that. So, finally we start moving and get back to the dock. We get out and the guys are all talking in Spanish and then they try to offer us a ride back to our cruise ship (on the boat) and we say no and keep walking. Well, Joy knew enough Spanish to know that they said something about “the pretty one”. Come to find out, when they were putting Kelly’s harness on….the guy pretty much fondled her! GROSS! She is very cute and very little….and so, Joy and I were a bit offended that we weren’t “the pretty one”, but it just gave us one more thing to laugh about from our trip!
So, after we got back from parasailing, it was just about time to get back on our bus. We packed up our stuff and went shopping at the little shops they had there. This one guy from a jewelry store called me into his store for “a free gift”. When I went inside, he offered me a free shot of tequila. I looked at him and told him that I had just gone parasailing and the last thing I needed was a shot of tequila. LOL We bought some souvenirs and then got on the bus. I will let Mandy tell you about their experience with the bus ride and their mom.
When we got back to the main area, we spent the next several hours shopping and enjoying the beautiful scenery there at Cozumel. OH! And I also bought a pop which was heavenly since I didn’t have any pop on the cruise. It is the simple things in life!!!! We had fun shopping and buying cheap gifts and great jewelry for ourselves and just enjoying the evening there. Finally we decided to get back to the cruise ship. So, we walked down the long pier again and back to “Destiny”!
After being so hot and so yucky all day….we all couldn’t wait to get in the shower! So, I took a quick shower and a quick get ready and then headed up to the Lido Deck because our band was playing there that night. I found my way there and looked for others from our group, but I didn’t see anyone. So, I got a piece of pizza (loved that 24 hour buffet) and sat down on a lounge chair and enjoyed listening to “our band”. I was by myself for awhile (it is so fun to people watch on a cruise) and then Mandie and Amanda happened along. We chatted for a bit and then I decided to go see if I could find anyone else. Well, I went to the karaoke bar and there was a bunch of our group! I kinda forgot about it…but I guess I sang a song then too. I sang Independence Day. I missed Mandy and Chelle singing. So, we hung out there a bit and then we all went and hit the Midnight Mexican Buffet! That was very yummy and the company was great! I went out and listened to our band some more and watched the crowd get a little crazy. Then I went back in and joined the rest of the ladies and we (the younger generation) sat and talked for a long, long time. We laughed and talked and just had a great time enjoying each other’s company!
So, when we all decided to go to bed, Jeanna’s room was on our same floor, so Jeanna, Jodi and I got to our floor and there was this woman standing in front of this door. Now, some of the room doors were decorated for special events or what-not and this door looked like it has been toilet-papered, but it looked that way the whole time. So, this woman was short and older and we had seen her earlier with a group of people dancing to “our band”. So, she is standing there in front of this door just looking at it. So, we ask her if she is alright and she keeps saying she is looking for her room….”D”…..her room “D”. Well, rooms are numbers and they are not on your sign and sail (or door key) card. The only thing on there is the letter that corresponds to your “muster station” or the place you would go in case of an emergency. So, when she says she is looking for “D”, that really doesn’t mean anything. So, I explain to her that “D” is her muster station, not her room number. She was so confused. Jeanna was so sweet and put her arm around her and I was just annoyed and told her she needed to go to the front desk and ask for help. Jeanna offered to walk her down there and she said no, she would be alright. She could go there by herself. So, she takes off down the hall saying “D” over and over again. We about died laughing. Poor soul. We don’t know how she got “home” that night, but we saw her the next day and she looked no more worse for the wear!
We went to bed that night…tired and sun-burnt, but with big smiles of another wonderful day on Destiny in our hearts!!!!
Stay tuned for our last day on the ship….It was a DOOZY!!!!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Another Cruise Update!!!!
Here is my next update! I am already starting to forget the details...I better hurry up and finish this before I forget everything!!! LOL
Day 3 – Friday, May 14 The second day of the Cruise!!!
Jodi hopped out of bed at 6:00 something in the morning (CRAZY GIRL) with her binoculars to go out on the deck and watch us pull into Key West. Once she was up, we were all awake because none of us wanted to miss one thing! So, we opened up the curtains and enjoyed looking out our window at the island of Key West. It was cool because there was a Royal Caribbean ship docked on the island too and there were little boats beside them (like, the kind of boats that you would own) so it gave you an idea of just how big these cruise ships are. At one point, Jodi was laughing at me because I was like…Oh! What are they doing? I thought perhaps it was pirates (NOT REALLY) because the little boat got close and then a few guys jumped onto the big boat….they were helping to secure it. What a hoot. It was neat to see the difference in size.
Mom called and ordered us room service so we ate some fruit and croissants while we got ready for the day. Jodi and I were ready before Mom, so we went up to the Lido deck and ate breakfast and then found our way off the ship! We got off and boarded a trolley that took us into Key West! This was my second trip there, but it felt like my first because I saw some things I didn’t see last time and I also saw some of the same things but didn’t know how to find my way around! LOL Mom met up with us pretty much as soon as we got there and we started shopping and looking for Margaritaville! I mean, you have to go to Margaritaville if you are going to Key West….that and have a piece of Key Lime Pie! We actually did both! We found a quaint little Key Lime Pie Shop and we split a piece….none of us really liked it, but we had to have it!
We had so much fun shopping at this one store, especially. It was called “Yours and Mayan” and they had the most beautiful beaded jewelry! I could’ve spent a fortune in there, instead I just spent a small fortune! LOL There were just lots of neat little shops and things to see. We found Mandie and Amanda and they joined us on the last leg of our journey to find Margaritaville. We all enjoyed a yummy Margarita there and then got some souvenirs. Mom decided to head back to the cruise ship to save us some lawn chairs on the lido deck while Jodi and I finished shopping. We finally hopped on one of the last trolleys to the boat. I was in line waiting for Jodi and thought that I would not get on without her because it would be one thing to be stranded in Key West with her and an entirely other thing to be stranded by yourself! In reality, we had PLENTY of time…but I was just thinking about all the “what-if” scenarios. We got on the trolley with this group of high school boys, or actually recent high school graduates. There was a party of about 35 kids on the ship for their senior trip. They were funny because they made fun of the girls on their trip and just listening to them talk was funny. Thankfully, we did not see them the rest of the trip. LOL
Anyways, Key West was wonderful. I wish we could’ve stayed there longer. There was this really neat jewelry and clothing shop that I went to the last time I was there, but I couldn’t find it this time. Funny thing happened..there was one of those living statues (people who pose like statues) and we saw him when we were all together. Well, when we split up and I was walking back to the trolley stop to save our place in line, I was on my cell phone talking to a friend at home. Well, I walked right by him and he yelled at me when I was in front of him to get off the phone because I was on vacation. I about died….I nearly dropped my phone he startled me so much! That was a hoot!
So, we got back on the ship and changed into our swimsuits and went to find where Mom had saved us seats. She chose the loudest spot (LOL) but also the best people-watching spot! At this point, I started feeling bad because we couldn’t save enough chairs for everyone. Mom told me that my Dad worries about this all the time when they are cruising with the group too. So, I had a hard time with that because I wanted to be able to take care of everyone, but I just couldn’t. And that is hard for me. So, I had a hard time relaxing. Then we had some chairs open up next to us right as Mandie and Amanda walked up…so I was able to take care of them. LOL And then Jodi and Mom were leaving right at the time that Kelly and Joy were looking for a spot, so I was able to take care of them. LOL I realized that I was getting a bit burnt, so I went and read a book on our balcony and dozed in the shade. It was just a nice and peaceful afternoon. Then it was time to get ready for formal night!
Formal night on the cruise is the night that nearly everyone dresses up fancy! Mom, Jodi and I got all gussied up and we went down to the Main Atrium. We had made plans to have the entire group meet there for a group picture. Since we were early (SHOCKER), we posed for like a million pictures. They have all these different “photo stations” set up with different backgrounds and so we stopped at all of them, I think! It was funny because the photographers kept calling us sisters…..Mom was eating that up! I don’t think we planned it, but Jodi and I were both wearing black and Mom was wearing red, so we got some really good pictures! It was fun…I felt like we should be hearing Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi song while we were posing. LOL So, the entire group showed up (all 23 of us ladies) for our group picture. There was a little bit of drama with that (go figure…with a group of 23 ladies there was drama, right?) but we got a good group picture and went into dinner! Mom, Jodi and I were trying to jazz up the seating arrangements for dinner, but our attempt failed. Although, we did get to sit at a different table and had a lovely dinner again. The food was delicious (of course) and the dessert was amazing! The after dinner music was wonderful. The waitstaff sang to us again. I am such a dork, I actually got all teary when they sang that night. It was just such a magical experience – being on this dream vacation with all of these ladies.
After dinner, we went to a show that night. They had a “Las Vegas-Style” show in the main theater, so we all went to that. It was a little weird, but still a pretty good show. Something about a big couch and Paris and the couch talked….just a little bit odd. The highlight of the show, well there were three highlights for me. First, Chelle spilled her drink. That was funny to me for some reason. (Sorry George…neither Mandy nor I were about to share ours with her because they were so yummy!) And then the guys in the show came out to do YMCA and one was scantily clad and it was fun to hear my mom and the Aunts hoop and holler about that. The third highlight…I was sitting next to Joy’s mom and Joy was whooping about something in the show and her mom leans over and commented on how loud Joy was since she had had so much to drink. I leaned back over and said, she hasn’t had anything to drink…that’s just Joy! She lives up to her name! It was funny. Joy’s mom was so stinking cute and sweet. I am not sure that she knew how to take our little group, but she was a trooper!
So, we left there and went to check out what was happening at our “bar”. I don’t know if we even went into the karaoke lounge that night….maybe it was a comedian or something instead. But we found “our band” again and had yet another evening of dancing and closing the place down. That night they went on really long because there was another group there enjoying them. They were more rockers then we were, so they requested Free Bird and some other “rocky-type” songs. But let me tell you, that band is AMAZING! We loved every minute of it and danced our butts off again! What a riot!!!! I think the drummer actually broke his cymbal at one point because they were jamming so much. LOVED IT.
We left there and went to our room. We were pleasantly surprised to have received a lovely treat in our room! Since Mom was a VIP, she had a nice photo frame as a gift and we had a plate of yummy treats with Good Night written in chocolate. It was very cool and a nice surprise! We took our showers and finally went to sleep during the wee hours of the morning! It was another day in paradise and another day where I don’t know how we could’ve crammed more into it if we had tried!
I love vacation!!!!
Day 3 – Friday, May 14 The second day of the Cruise!!!
Jodi hopped out of bed at 6:00 something in the morning (CRAZY GIRL) with her binoculars to go out on the deck and watch us pull into Key West. Once she was up, we were all awake because none of us wanted to miss one thing! So, we opened up the curtains and enjoyed looking out our window at the island of Key West. It was cool because there was a Royal Caribbean ship docked on the island too and there were little boats beside them (like, the kind of boats that you would own) so it gave you an idea of just how big these cruise ships are. At one point, Jodi was laughing at me because I was like…Oh! What are they doing? I thought perhaps it was pirates (NOT REALLY) because the little boat got close and then a few guys jumped onto the big boat….they were helping to secure it. What a hoot. It was neat to see the difference in size.
Mom called and ordered us room service so we ate some fruit and croissants while we got ready for the day. Jodi and I were ready before Mom, so we went up to the Lido deck and ate breakfast and then found our way off the ship! We got off and boarded a trolley that took us into Key West! This was my second trip there, but it felt like my first because I saw some things I didn’t see last time and I also saw some of the same things but didn’t know how to find my way around! LOL Mom met up with us pretty much as soon as we got there and we started shopping and looking for Margaritaville! I mean, you have to go to Margaritaville if you are going to Key West….that and have a piece of Key Lime Pie! We actually did both! We found a quaint little Key Lime Pie Shop and we split a piece….none of us really liked it, but we had to have it!
We had so much fun shopping at this one store, especially. It was called “Yours and Mayan” and they had the most beautiful beaded jewelry! I could’ve spent a fortune in there, instead I just spent a small fortune! LOL There were just lots of neat little shops and things to see. We found Mandie and Amanda and they joined us on the last leg of our journey to find Margaritaville. We all enjoyed a yummy Margarita there and then got some souvenirs. Mom decided to head back to the cruise ship to save us some lawn chairs on the lido deck while Jodi and I finished shopping. We finally hopped on one of the last trolleys to the boat. I was in line waiting for Jodi and thought that I would not get on without her because it would be one thing to be stranded in Key West with her and an entirely other thing to be stranded by yourself! In reality, we had PLENTY of time…but I was just thinking about all the “what-if” scenarios. We got on the trolley with this group of high school boys, or actually recent high school graduates. There was a party of about 35 kids on the ship for their senior trip. They were funny because they made fun of the girls on their trip and just listening to them talk was funny. Thankfully, we did not see them the rest of the trip. LOL
Anyways, Key West was wonderful. I wish we could’ve stayed there longer. There was this really neat jewelry and clothing shop that I went to the last time I was there, but I couldn’t find it this time. Funny thing happened..there was one of those living statues (people who pose like statues) and we saw him when we were all together. Well, when we split up and I was walking back to the trolley stop to save our place in line, I was on my cell phone talking to a friend at home. Well, I walked right by him and he yelled at me when I was in front of him to get off the phone because I was on vacation. I about died….I nearly dropped my phone he startled me so much! That was a hoot!
So, we got back on the ship and changed into our swimsuits and went to find where Mom had saved us seats. She chose the loudest spot (LOL) but also the best people-watching spot! At this point, I started feeling bad because we couldn’t save enough chairs for everyone. Mom told me that my Dad worries about this all the time when they are cruising with the group too. So, I had a hard time with that because I wanted to be able to take care of everyone, but I just couldn’t. And that is hard for me. So, I had a hard time relaxing. Then we had some chairs open up next to us right as Mandie and Amanda walked up…so I was able to take care of them. LOL And then Jodi and Mom were leaving right at the time that Kelly and Joy were looking for a spot, so I was able to take care of them. LOL I realized that I was getting a bit burnt, so I went and read a book on our balcony and dozed in the shade. It was just a nice and peaceful afternoon. Then it was time to get ready for formal night!
Formal night on the cruise is the night that nearly everyone dresses up fancy! Mom, Jodi and I got all gussied up and we went down to the Main Atrium. We had made plans to have the entire group meet there for a group picture. Since we were early (SHOCKER), we posed for like a million pictures. They have all these different “photo stations” set up with different backgrounds and so we stopped at all of them, I think! It was funny because the photographers kept calling us sisters…..Mom was eating that up! I don’t think we planned it, but Jodi and I were both wearing black and Mom was wearing red, so we got some really good pictures! It was fun…I felt like we should be hearing Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi song while we were posing. LOL So, the entire group showed up (all 23 of us ladies) for our group picture. There was a little bit of drama with that (go figure…with a group of 23 ladies there was drama, right?) but we got a good group picture and went into dinner! Mom, Jodi and I were trying to jazz up the seating arrangements for dinner, but our attempt failed. Although, we did get to sit at a different table and had a lovely dinner again. The food was delicious (of course) and the dessert was amazing! The after dinner music was wonderful. The waitstaff sang to us again. I am such a dork, I actually got all teary when they sang that night. It was just such a magical experience – being on this dream vacation with all of these ladies.
After dinner, we went to a show that night. They had a “Las Vegas-Style” show in the main theater, so we all went to that. It was a little weird, but still a pretty good show. Something about a big couch and Paris and the couch talked….just a little bit odd. The highlight of the show, well there were three highlights for me. First, Chelle spilled her drink. That was funny to me for some reason. (Sorry George…neither Mandy nor I were about to share ours with her because they were so yummy!) And then the guys in the show came out to do YMCA and one was scantily clad and it was fun to hear my mom and the Aunts hoop and holler about that. The third highlight…I was sitting next to Joy’s mom and Joy was whooping about something in the show and her mom leans over and commented on how loud Joy was since she had had so much to drink. I leaned back over and said, she hasn’t had anything to drink…that’s just Joy! She lives up to her name! It was funny. Joy’s mom was so stinking cute and sweet. I am not sure that she knew how to take our little group, but she was a trooper!
So, we left there and went to check out what was happening at our “bar”. I don’t know if we even went into the karaoke lounge that night….maybe it was a comedian or something instead. But we found “our band” again and had yet another evening of dancing and closing the place down. That night they went on really long because there was another group there enjoying them. They were more rockers then we were, so they requested Free Bird and some other “rocky-type” songs. But let me tell you, that band is AMAZING! We loved every minute of it and danced our butts off again! What a riot!!!! I think the drummer actually broke his cymbal at one point because they were jamming so much. LOVED IT.
We left there and went to our room. We were pleasantly surprised to have received a lovely treat in our room! Since Mom was a VIP, she had a nice photo frame as a gift and we had a plate of yummy treats with Good Night written in chocolate. It was very cool and a nice surprise! We took our showers and finally went to sleep during the wee hours of the morning! It was another day in paradise and another day where I don’t know how we could’ve crammed more into it if we had tried!
I love vacation!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cruise Recap - Day 2
Here is my next recap!!!!
Day 2 – Thursday, May 13 The first day of the Cruise!!!
Since our flight left Dayton at 5:45 AM, it was an EARLY morning! I got up and got ready and went to pick up Joy at her house and then we went to my parents’ house. My dad was our chauffer for the trip. We all loaded into his truck and off we went to the airport. Note here…I was pleasantly surprised that not only were Mom and Jodi ready on time, but they were also both in good moods! That is saying a lot since they are not morning people! Yeah Jodi and Mom!!!
We got to the airport and dad dropped us off (breathing a sigh of relief, I am sure) and we went in. We didn’t know it then, but we were the last ones to arrive! How crazy is that since I am the only one used to that early morning hour and I am usually the first to arrive anywhere?!?! LOL I guess we were all pretty excited about this trip!
A very nice lady at the Delta counter helped us immediately (we must’ve looked like we needed it) and we were on our way! We met up with the rest of the group at our Gate. Thank goodness we had our own semi-private area to wait. We might’ve gotten on the nerves of the other passengers. (Or maybe we did anyways? LOL) After some great pictures and my mom handing out our “magic wands” for anything that annoyed us or wasn’t going our way…we were on our first little plane to Detroit.
The flight was fine and we arrived in Detroit with no problems. We all were hungry, so we kinda split up and did our own thing for breakfast. Joy and I opted for a sit-down breakfast at Max & Ermas’. It was yummy! We then headed to our gate and got off with…oh wait, PROBLEMS! We boarded the plane just fine. But then we didn’t take-off right away. In fact, we sat on the plane for a long time. There were storms and such, so we had to wait for a good time to take off. Mom was panicking a little bit….well, not so much panicking as getting upset because this just meant less time on the boat. So, we took off and ended up landing in Miami later then expected, but still in PLENTY of time!
We get off the plane in Miami and head on our way! We found the people holding the Carnival Signs….and one older man who told us that someone’s Mama was looking for us. That was so cute. Joy’s mom had flown from her home in Iowa and the first time they saw eachother was in the airport at Miami. They were both pretty excited!
After retrieving our luggage and boarding a bus to the boat….we were so stinking excited! I remember seeing the ship for the first time and commenting that it was OUR turn to take pictures and get on the big boat! Mandy said, yes…it is our turn to annoy others with our pictures. You aren’t annoyed, right? Well, even if you are..don’t tell me. LOL I don’t really care. Kidding….kinda.
So, we get to the dock (and really, I mean building next to the huge ship). This was my mom’s 10th cruise with Carnival, so she was a VIP. We weren’t sure what that meant, but we quickly found out. We didn’t have to wait in line at all and we went to a little reception room (hoity-toity) to get registered or whatever it is called. We got our sign-n-sail cards (the room key and the way you pay for everything on the cruise) and were on our way!
We were marveling and oohing and ahhing over every little thing on our way to get on the ship…and then we where there! It was beautiful! When you get on, you are in the main atrium and it is like a grand entrance to a very nice hotel. I was immediately surprised that the boat wasn’t nearly as wide as I thought it would be. I mean, we walked on and I could see right across to the other side. Now, mind you, it is HUGE. But that was just my first thought. We got in the atrium and decided to wait to watch everyone else get on before we ventured to our room.
Immediately there was a bar-maid with a tray of umbrella drinks and Mom bought Jodi and me our first drinks on the cruise! LOL We wanted to have them in hand when everyone else boarded! Plus, I think it was my mom’s way of telling us it was okay that we drank in front of her. Neither Jodi nor I have ever drank alcohol in front of our mother. What Mom didn’t know is that this drink was delicious….but VERY, VERY strong! And we hadn’t eaten for quite a few hours. LOL After everyone else boarded, we all went our separate ways to our rooms.
Our room was awesome. I mean, they are very small on cruise ships, but it was so nice! It had two twin beds and a Murphy bed type thing. It went up into the ceiling and they bring it down at night. We had a balcony and the view was incredible. We dropped our stuff and immediately went exploring! We found the Lido deck and sat and enjoyed our drinks (well, kinda because we were feeling a bit tipsy. LOL) and then we had a little bite to eat before we took off to explore the rest of the ship!
Okay, let me explain to those who have not been on a cruise what the Lido deck is. This is the place to be. LOL This is where the pools (salt water filled) and hot tubs are. This is also where there were like 6 or 7 buffet lines and about 6 soft-serve icecream machines. There were 3 or 4 bars and lots of bathrooms and tables and indoor seating and outdoor seating and a water slide and just lots and lots of things here. They have a pizza buffet, a New York Deli line and lots of other things. This is where we ate nearly every meal except dinner. Lots to see and do….and lots of great people-watching opportunities!
So, after we explored the entire ship, we went back to our room to get ready for dinner. We all got spiffied up and headed off to find our dining room. Now, let me insert here that we were all tired and excited and hot and everything all rolled into one. Mom and I took off to find our dining room and Jodi stayed behind to finish getting ready. Well, Mom wanted to try some perfume, so we went to the perfume store and then got lost trying to find our dining room. We finally found it and sat down and Jodi got there right after. LOL She didn’t have any problems finding it. Just a note…Mom and I had problems finding it EVERY NIGHT. LOL
Dinner…WOW. We had the best seats in the whole house. Our group of 23 women (I know, isn’t that cool) had three tables right in the middle of the dining room. Seriously, the best seats in the house. So, they treat you like absolute ROYALTY on the cruise. They put your napkins on your lap for you and just cater to your every whim. After looking at the menu, and following my mom’s advice, I ordered two appetizers (she ordered 3) and then a dinner and an extra dinner to share with her. I wanted to try tilapia (yuck) and this is the time to do it since you can order whatever you want and it is all included in what you have already paid for! Dinner was delicious! We had fun talking and laughing and just enjoying every minute of it! Dessert was DIVINE. Now, I remind you that this is my mom’s 10th cruise with carnival and for the past 10 years we have heard about this great dessert called Chocolate Melting Cake. So, of course that is what we got for dessert…Mickey Mouse Style. What is this slice of heaven, you ask? They bring you this sinful bowl of hot chocolate cake and then two smaller bowls of vanilla icecream and it is DIVINE. There is really no other word to describe it. I am sure it will be in heaven for you to try there if not before!!! So, as we are enjoying this taste of heaven, the maitre’ d introduces himself and then the best part (so far) happens. The waiters start singing and dancing….it was AWESOME. They had these little platform spread throughout the dining room to store the menus and stuff in and to put the trays on to serve from….well, they are also dancing platforms! That was a hoot! We all loved it! Marella, one of my mom’s cousins that we were sitting with, was a particular hoot and was fanning herself because she said she was getting hot from the waiter who was dancing by her. She chose her seat differently the next night to be closer to him. LOL
So we left there and went to the 5th Floor. This is where a lot of the entertainment was. There was a casino, shopping, a piano bar, a sports bar, a karaoke bar, a bar with a live band, a dance bar (like hip-hop or something), an internet café (LOL), a library, a cigar bar, and who knows what I am missing. But you get the point….there was A LOT of different things to do on that floor. We went to the karaoke bar first and what a hoot that was!!!! We got there and got books and Mandy put us all down to sing “Goodbye Earl” by the Dixie Chicks….I put in to sing “Killing Me Softly” by the Fugees and Mandy put in to sing “Something about Elvis” (or something like that) by Patty Loveless. Well, we quickly figured out that the person in charge of the karaoke was the world’s biggest dork with no personality. I mean, seriously….Ines was her name and bless her heart, she needed a behind-the-scenes type job…we think she was related to the captain! Remember that dorky guy in “Dirty Dancing”….the grandson guy…yep, that was Ines. She also couldn’t sing, but thought she could. LOL Anyways, there were some good and some not-so-good singers while we waited our turn. Meanwhile, the “older” ladies we were cruising with also came to the karaoke bar, but didn’t sit with us. They were a riot. Well, it was our turn and so Jeanna, Chelle, Mandy and I (at least, I think that is who went up there) got up and sang Goodbye Earl. Since we were on a cruise with 23 ladies, we had a good cheering section (HA) and it is a fun song, so everyone cheered us on. Well, just as we went to sit down, Ines called my name and at this point…this is what I am thinking….”I am about the whitest girl in here getting ready to sing a song with soul in a room full of soul sisters. What am I doing?” LOL But at that point, what have I got to lose?!??! So, I sing my song and had so much fun with everyone doing the “1 time, 2 time” and “go on girl” stuff. Then Mandy sang her song and ROCKED IT! She is amazing….and it was pretty ironic that she sang a song about Elvis because the next guy sang “Teddy Bear” by Elvis. This is the funniest part….he had a great voice, but didn’t look a stitch like Elvis. He was pudgy and bald. Well, Mom and her cousins all got out their magic wands and tried to use them to make him LOOK as much like Elvis as he sounded like him. LOL It didn’t work. LOL But it was fun!!!
So, some of our group went to bed (party poopers) and the rest of us made our exit from the Karaoke bar when a few of the ladies got out of hand with their song and actually, Ines started to sing again. This was AFTER we had done the Conga Line around the bar (started by Joy) and laughed our butts off. So, we looked in at the piano bar, but it was really smokey in there, so we opted to not stay there.
We went over to the bar with a live band….and it was love at first sight. First of all, this place was decorated so COOL! It was dark, but had these cool lights on the ceiling that were huge music notes. There was a huge trumpet on one wall and the tables had legs that were also instruments. It was just really, really cool. And the band. Wow. What do I say….the band was simply AWESOME! It was a group of guys (I think they were Filipino) and they were amazing! The lead singer was the drummer…..they sang covers from all genre’s. Anyhow, we went in and were up dancing almost immediately. I don’t even think I can do justice to how much we loved this band…..and this band loved us. Have you ever been to a party or a club and seen a group of girls dancing and they look so sexy and sultry and every guy wants to be with them? Well, that is precisely what we were…….NOT! We were that group of ladies that you see that you wonder, umm…do they think they can dance? Then you realize….they are having a ball and I want to be with them! That is what we were! We danced and we whooped and we hollered and we just had an awesome time. The drummer would say “Ladies” and point his drum stick at me….although everyone else thinks he was pointing at them. Anyways, he would ask us to dance and sing songs just so we would dance to them. This was night one of our love affair with Music Network, the greatest live band on Carnival Destiny EVER! We literally shut the place down that night (at almost 2:00 in the morning) and then headed back to our rooms.
When Mom, Jodi and I got to our room, we were so giddy and just talked for a bit while we all got ready for bed. Oh, and of course we had a “towel creature” in our room and chocolate mints on our beds. It was HEAVEN! We fell asleep still smiling from our first “day” on the boat!
Tomorrow is KEY WEST!!!! Stay tuned!!!!
Day 2 – Thursday, May 13 The first day of the Cruise!!!
Since our flight left Dayton at 5:45 AM, it was an EARLY morning! I got up and got ready and went to pick up Joy at her house and then we went to my parents’ house. My dad was our chauffer for the trip. We all loaded into his truck and off we went to the airport. Note here…I was pleasantly surprised that not only were Mom and Jodi ready on time, but they were also both in good moods! That is saying a lot since they are not morning people! Yeah Jodi and Mom!!!
We got to the airport and dad dropped us off (breathing a sigh of relief, I am sure) and we went in. We didn’t know it then, but we were the last ones to arrive! How crazy is that since I am the only one used to that early morning hour and I am usually the first to arrive anywhere?!?! LOL I guess we were all pretty excited about this trip!
A very nice lady at the Delta counter helped us immediately (we must’ve looked like we needed it) and we were on our way! We met up with the rest of the group at our Gate. Thank goodness we had our own semi-private area to wait. We might’ve gotten on the nerves of the other passengers. (Or maybe we did anyways? LOL) After some great pictures and my mom handing out our “magic wands” for anything that annoyed us or wasn’t going our way…we were on our first little plane to Detroit.
The flight was fine and we arrived in Detroit with no problems. We all were hungry, so we kinda split up and did our own thing for breakfast. Joy and I opted for a sit-down breakfast at Max & Ermas’. It was yummy! We then headed to our gate and got off with…oh wait, PROBLEMS! We boarded the plane just fine. But then we didn’t take-off right away. In fact, we sat on the plane for a long time. There were storms and such, so we had to wait for a good time to take off. Mom was panicking a little bit….well, not so much panicking as getting upset because this just meant less time on the boat. So, we took off and ended up landing in Miami later then expected, but still in PLENTY of time!
We get off the plane in Miami and head on our way! We found the people holding the Carnival Signs….and one older man who told us that someone’s Mama was looking for us. That was so cute. Joy’s mom had flown from her home in Iowa and the first time they saw eachother was in the airport at Miami. They were both pretty excited!
After retrieving our luggage and boarding a bus to the boat….we were so stinking excited! I remember seeing the ship for the first time and commenting that it was OUR turn to take pictures and get on the big boat! Mandy said, yes…it is our turn to annoy others with our pictures. You aren’t annoyed, right? Well, even if you are..don’t tell me. LOL I don’t really care. Kidding….kinda.
So, we get to the dock (and really, I mean building next to the huge ship). This was my mom’s 10th cruise with Carnival, so she was a VIP. We weren’t sure what that meant, but we quickly found out. We didn’t have to wait in line at all and we went to a little reception room (hoity-toity) to get registered or whatever it is called. We got our sign-n-sail cards (the room key and the way you pay for everything on the cruise) and were on our way!
We were marveling and oohing and ahhing over every little thing on our way to get on the ship…and then we where there! It was beautiful! When you get on, you are in the main atrium and it is like a grand entrance to a very nice hotel. I was immediately surprised that the boat wasn’t nearly as wide as I thought it would be. I mean, we walked on and I could see right across to the other side. Now, mind you, it is HUGE. But that was just my first thought. We got in the atrium and decided to wait to watch everyone else get on before we ventured to our room.
Immediately there was a bar-maid with a tray of umbrella drinks and Mom bought Jodi and me our first drinks on the cruise! LOL We wanted to have them in hand when everyone else boarded! Plus, I think it was my mom’s way of telling us it was okay that we drank in front of her. Neither Jodi nor I have ever drank alcohol in front of our mother. What Mom didn’t know is that this drink was delicious….but VERY, VERY strong! And we hadn’t eaten for quite a few hours. LOL After everyone else boarded, we all went our separate ways to our rooms.
Our room was awesome. I mean, they are very small on cruise ships, but it was so nice! It had two twin beds and a Murphy bed type thing. It went up into the ceiling and they bring it down at night. We had a balcony and the view was incredible. We dropped our stuff and immediately went exploring! We found the Lido deck and sat and enjoyed our drinks (well, kinda because we were feeling a bit tipsy. LOL) and then we had a little bite to eat before we took off to explore the rest of the ship!
Okay, let me explain to those who have not been on a cruise what the Lido deck is. This is the place to be. LOL This is where the pools (salt water filled) and hot tubs are. This is also where there were like 6 or 7 buffet lines and about 6 soft-serve icecream machines. There were 3 or 4 bars and lots of bathrooms and tables and indoor seating and outdoor seating and a water slide and just lots and lots of things here. They have a pizza buffet, a New York Deli line and lots of other things. This is where we ate nearly every meal except dinner. Lots to see and do….and lots of great people-watching opportunities!
So, after we explored the entire ship, we went back to our room to get ready for dinner. We all got spiffied up and headed off to find our dining room. Now, let me insert here that we were all tired and excited and hot and everything all rolled into one. Mom and I took off to find our dining room and Jodi stayed behind to finish getting ready. Well, Mom wanted to try some perfume, so we went to the perfume store and then got lost trying to find our dining room. We finally found it and sat down and Jodi got there right after. LOL She didn’t have any problems finding it. Just a note…Mom and I had problems finding it EVERY NIGHT. LOL
Dinner…WOW. We had the best seats in the whole house. Our group of 23 women (I know, isn’t that cool) had three tables right in the middle of the dining room. Seriously, the best seats in the house. So, they treat you like absolute ROYALTY on the cruise. They put your napkins on your lap for you and just cater to your every whim. After looking at the menu, and following my mom’s advice, I ordered two appetizers (she ordered 3) and then a dinner and an extra dinner to share with her. I wanted to try tilapia (yuck) and this is the time to do it since you can order whatever you want and it is all included in what you have already paid for! Dinner was delicious! We had fun talking and laughing and just enjoying every minute of it! Dessert was DIVINE. Now, I remind you that this is my mom’s 10th cruise with carnival and for the past 10 years we have heard about this great dessert called Chocolate Melting Cake. So, of course that is what we got for dessert…Mickey Mouse Style. What is this slice of heaven, you ask? They bring you this sinful bowl of hot chocolate cake and then two smaller bowls of vanilla icecream and it is DIVINE. There is really no other word to describe it. I am sure it will be in heaven for you to try there if not before!!! So, as we are enjoying this taste of heaven, the maitre’ d introduces himself and then the best part (so far) happens. The waiters start singing and dancing….it was AWESOME. They had these little platform spread throughout the dining room to store the menus and stuff in and to put the trays on to serve from….well, they are also dancing platforms! That was a hoot! We all loved it! Marella, one of my mom’s cousins that we were sitting with, was a particular hoot and was fanning herself because she said she was getting hot from the waiter who was dancing by her. She chose her seat differently the next night to be closer to him. LOL
So we left there and went to the 5th Floor. This is where a lot of the entertainment was. There was a casino, shopping, a piano bar, a sports bar, a karaoke bar, a bar with a live band, a dance bar (like hip-hop or something), an internet café (LOL), a library, a cigar bar, and who knows what I am missing. But you get the point….there was A LOT of different things to do on that floor. We went to the karaoke bar first and what a hoot that was!!!! We got there and got books and Mandy put us all down to sing “Goodbye Earl” by the Dixie Chicks….I put in to sing “Killing Me Softly” by the Fugees and Mandy put in to sing “Something about Elvis” (or something like that) by Patty Loveless. Well, we quickly figured out that the person in charge of the karaoke was the world’s biggest dork with no personality. I mean, seriously….Ines was her name and bless her heart, she needed a behind-the-scenes type job…we think she was related to the captain! Remember that dorky guy in “Dirty Dancing”….the grandson guy…yep, that was Ines. She also couldn’t sing, but thought she could. LOL Anyways, there were some good and some not-so-good singers while we waited our turn. Meanwhile, the “older” ladies we were cruising with also came to the karaoke bar, but didn’t sit with us. They were a riot. Well, it was our turn and so Jeanna, Chelle, Mandy and I (at least, I think that is who went up there) got up and sang Goodbye Earl. Since we were on a cruise with 23 ladies, we had a good cheering section (HA) and it is a fun song, so everyone cheered us on. Well, just as we went to sit down, Ines called my name and at this point…this is what I am thinking….”I am about the whitest girl in here getting ready to sing a song with soul in a room full of soul sisters. What am I doing?” LOL But at that point, what have I got to lose?!??! So, I sing my song and had so much fun with everyone doing the “1 time, 2 time” and “go on girl” stuff. Then Mandy sang her song and ROCKED IT! She is amazing….and it was pretty ironic that she sang a song about Elvis because the next guy sang “Teddy Bear” by Elvis. This is the funniest part….he had a great voice, but didn’t look a stitch like Elvis. He was pudgy and bald. Well, Mom and her cousins all got out their magic wands and tried to use them to make him LOOK as much like Elvis as he sounded like him. LOL It didn’t work. LOL But it was fun!!!
So, some of our group went to bed (party poopers) and the rest of us made our exit from the Karaoke bar when a few of the ladies got out of hand with their song and actually, Ines started to sing again. This was AFTER we had done the Conga Line around the bar (started by Joy) and laughed our butts off. So, we looked in at the piano bar, but it was really smokey in there, so we opted to not stay there.
We went over to the bar with a live band….and it was love at first sight. First of all, this place was decorated so COOL! It was dark, but had these cool lights on the ceiling that were huge music notes. There was a huge trumpet on one wall and the tables had legs that were also instruments. It was just really, really cool. And the band. Wow. What do I say….the band was simply AWESOME! It was a group of guys (I think they were Filipino) and they were amazing! The lead singer was the drummer…..they sang covers from all genre’s. Anyhow, we went in and were up dancing almost immediately. I don’t even think I can do justice to how much we loved this band…..and this band loved us. Have you ever been to a party or a club and seen a group of girls dancing and they look so sexy and sultry and every guy wants to be with them? Well, that is precisely what we were…….NOT! We were that group of ladies that you see that you wonder, umm…do they think they can dance? Then you realize….they are having a ball and I want to be with them! That is what we were! We danced and we whooped and we hollered and we just had an awesome time. The drummer would say “Ladies” and point his drum stick at me….although everyone else thinks he was pointing at them. Anyways, he would ask us to dance and sing songs just so we would dance to them. This was night one of our love affair with Music Network, the greatest live band on Carnival Destiny EVER! We literally shut the place down that night (at almost 2:00 in the morning) and then headed back to our rooms.
When Mom, Jodi and I got to our room, we were so giddy and just talked for a bit while we all got ready for bed. Oh, and of course we had a “towel creature” in our room and chocolate mints on our beds. It was HEAVEN! We fell asleep still smiling from our first “day” on the boat!
Tomorrow is KEY WEST!!!! Stay tuned!!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
We went on a cruise!!!
Did you know that we went on a Girls' Cruise?!? LOL
I want to share EVERY detail about it because it was AWESOME! But it will take me a while. So, I am going to post one day at a time.
Here is my first post:
Wow. I wanted to write a recap of our FABULOUS vacation! I am still smiling from our Girls’ Cruise a few weeks ago. Jodi is brilliant for having the idea and I still can’t believe we managed to pull it off. We all have wonderful husbands who allowed us this privilege to go and enjoy ourselves so much. So…here is my Cruiser Chic Recap:
Day 1 – Wednesday, May 12 The day before the cruise
Mom, Jodi, Gracie and I met up and drove to Waynesville and met Janice (our other sister) at Der Dutchman for a lovely brunch! We enjoyed the time to eat and visit so much. I think this is going to be our annual way to celebrate Mothers’ Day! Gracie was really, really good too!
So, after a lovely brunch, we took Gracie to spend some time with Papaw and we headed out shopping. Note to self, shopping with Jodi and Mom is dangerous to my pocketbook. We went to TJ Maxx because I needed to get an evening bag for the cruise. I hadn’t realized that I needed one. So, we had fun shopping there for a little bit until it was time for our pedicure appointment! We headed over to the nail salon and met up with Mandy, Chelle, Aunt Joanne, Aunt Barbara and Jeanna….all of us (except Joanne) got pedicures and it was wonderful! There was a lot of laughing and excitement going on! The nail ladies were a hoot! Jodi and I got the “French Manicure” on our toes ( so pretty!) and then we started talking about buying rhinestones or something to put on them….then Jodi asked about flowers and before we knew it….everyone of us left there with pretty flowers on our toes! We had fun taking pictures of our toes outside (without Chelle and Mandy because they were tanning and wouldn’t let us borrow their feet for pictures).
We then headed (Mom, Jodi and me) to Gabriel Brothers. Mind you, at this point I was completely packed for the cruise and had my new evening bag. Well, don’t you know that I left Gabriel Brothers with two new sundresses for the cruise. LOL Like I said, shopping with them is dangerous. Thank goodness GB is very, very cheap!!! We had fun looking at lots of stuff there.
After that, we went to Mom’s house and I collected my kids and went home to spend the evening with them and try to sleep before the big day!!!
I want to share EVERY detail about it because it was AWESOME! But it will take me a while. So, I am going to post one day at a time.
Here is my first post:
Wow. I wanted to write a recap of our FABULOUS vacation! I am still smiling from our Girls’ Cruise a few weeks ago. Jodi is brilliant for having the idea and I still can’t believe we managed to pull it off. We all have wonderful husbands who allowed us this privilege to go and enjoy ourselves so much. So…here is my Cruiser Chic Recap:
Day 1 – Wednesday, May 12 The day before the cruise
Mom, Jodi, Gracie and I met up and drove to Waynesville and met Janice (our other sister) at Der Dutchman for a lovely brunch! We enjoyed the time to eat and visit so much. I think this is going to be our annual way to celebrate Mothers’ Day! Gracie was really, really good too!
So, after a lovely brunch, we took Gracie to spend some time with Papaw and we headed out shopping. Note to self, shopping with Jodi and Mom is dangerous to my pocketbook. We went to TJ Maxx because I needed to get an evening bag for the cruise. I hadn’t realized that I needed one. So, we had fun shopping there for a little bit until it was time for our pedicure appointment! We headed over to the nail salon and met up with Mandy, Chelle, Aunt Joanne, Aunt Barbara and Jeanna….all of us (except Joanne) got pedicures and it was wonderful! There was a lot of laughing and excitement going on! The nail ladies were a hoot! Jodi and I got the “French Manicure” on our toes ( so pretty!) and then we started talking about buying rhinestones or something to put on them….then Jodi asked about flowers and before we knew it….everyone of us left there with pretty flowers on our toes! We had fun taking pictures of our toes outside (without Chelle and Mandy because they were tanning and wouldn’t let us borrow their feet for pictures).
We then headed (Mom, Jodi and me) to Gabriel Brothers. Mind you, at this point I was completely packed for the cruise and had my new evening bag. Well, don’t you know that I left Gabriel Brothers with two new sundresses for the cruise. LOL Like I said, shopping with them is dangerous. Thank goodness GB is very, very cheap!!! We had fun looking at lots of stuff there.
After that, we went to Mom’s house and I collected my kids and went home to spend the evening with them and try to sleep before the big day!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
10 Years Ago Today....
I married my best friend! And today....I couldn't be more blessed. I just look at my husband and how wonderful he is to me and I am amazed at God's blessings in our lives. We have three beautiful children and we are closer today and more in love today than I could have ever imagined.
Now...that isn't to say that we haven't had our moments that have been hard in the past 10 years. We have been through a lot of drama together but God has used those life events to pull us closer to HIM and closer to each other.
I am so blessed to have a husband who puts Christ at the center of our marriage and we share the same love for Christ.
I just wanted to post this as I am thinking about my wonderful husband! I took him ice cream at lunch as he is at home planting flowers....he was surprised. I also have another gift to give him later and he doesn't think I am getting him anything! HA!
Anyways...10 years ago today I was preparing for one of the best days of my life! I always say that it is funny to me to look back now at that day and think about how in love I thought I was. I don't think I really knew what love was at that point. Not sure if that makes sense...but with each day and each year and each baby that was born and each night up with a sick kid and each time he looks at me and each time he cleans the house or does the laundry or buys my special things at the store or brings me flowers just because or pushes me to do something that I really want to do but don't know if I can do or each time he tells me I am beautiful or watching him read the kids a book or saying it is jump on daddy time and watching him play with the kids or the times he stays home with the sick kid so I can go to work or the times he gets the kids ready and comes to watch me in a race or the times he tells people what a great mom I am or the quiet moments when it is just him and I and we just talk....I mean the list could go on and on....each of those moments have made our love grow and made me look at him more and more for the man he is and not the man he will be. I love him and I am so blessed to have him as my husband.
Just wanted to share that today!!!! Happy Anniversary to me!!!!
OH....and Happy Earth Day too!!!
Love ya!
Now...that isn't to say that we haven't had our moments that have been hard in the past 10 years. We have been through a lot of drama together but God has used those life events to pull us closer to HIM and closer to each other.
I am so blessed to have a husband who puts Christ at the center of our marriage and we share the same love for Christ.
I just wanted to post this as I am thinking about my wonderful husband! I took him ice cream at lunch as he is at home planting flowers....he was surprised. I also have another gift to give him later and he doesn't think I am getting him anything! HA!
Anyways...10 years ago today I was preparing for one of the best days of my life! I always say that it is funny to me to look back now at that day and think about how in love I thought I was. I don't think I really knew what love was at that point. Not sure if that makes sense...but with each day and each year and each baby that was born and each night up with a sick kid and each time he looks at me and each time he cleans the house or does the laundry or buys my special things at the store or brings me flowers just because or pushes me to do something that I really want to do but don't know if I can do or each time he tells me I am beautiful or watching him read the kids a book or saying it is jump on daddy time and watching him play with the kids or the times he stays home with the sick kid so I can go to work or the times he gets the kids ready and comes to watch me in a race or the times he tells people what a great mom I am or the quiet moments when it is just him and I and we just talk....I mean the list could go on and on....each of those moments have made our love grow and made me look at him more and more for the man he is and not the man he will be. I love him and I am so blessed to have him as my husband.
Just wanted to share that today!!!! Happy Anniversary to me!!!!
OH....and Happy Earth Day too!!!
Love ya!
Monday, April 12, 2010
I love this time of the year!!!

God has a plan for you. Before you even thought about Him and what His plan entails for you, He was already thinking about you and He already had a plan for you. Wow. That is pretty cool!!!
So, we had a great sermon yesterday. I have to tell you that when we first started attending this new church, I wasn’t too sure about the preacher because he is vastly different from Bob and I really enjoyed Bob. But let me tell you, there have been so many awesome sermons. My mind has totally changed about him. Yesterday he preached from Jeremiah 1 and it was a powerful, powerful sermon. Then the sweetest thing happened at the end of the service. Each Sunday they invite people to come up if they need prayer or whatever and it is always so sweet how it is handled. Typically he will tell everyone what the person is requesting prayer for and then invites people who have had similar situations in their life to come up and pray with them. I love that part of the service. It is so neat to see. Anyhow, yesterday there were several people who went up for prayer and right before the end of the song, these two young boys went up together. You could tell that their parents did not know what they were doing and they actually tried to stop them for a second but they were quick! LOL Well, those two little boys went up to request prayer for their grandma who is having back problems. When Randy (our preacher) asked them their Grandma’s name…they shrugged their shoulders and said “Grandma”. So sweet. So, he prayed for their grandma and it was so precious. So precious to see their faith and they knew that their request – no matter how big or small – was just the right request to take to the Lord. Oh, if only we had that same faith and persistence. It was a great ending to a great service. Oh…plus we sang the Revelation Song yesterday and that is just about one of my favorite songs ever and it was so neat to see how it moved so many people.
However, on that note…I have to say that last week on Easter, church was really great in all three services that I sang in. And I had this cool conversation with a guy after the first service. Our first service is a traditional service and the average age of the congregation is about 65 or so. Well, I made the comment to him that it was neat to see some of them “get into” worship with us because that is so rare and there aren’t many. And he said that he has a different theory about that….he said that just because we don’t see them “get into” worship the way that we do, doesn’t mean that they aren’t “into it”. We talked about that for a while and he made a great point and I will certainly keep that in mind. Now, I still think the ones that stand with their arms crossed and their lips pursed together are probably NOT into worship, but who am I to judge? LOL It was just a great conversation and Easter worship was really good!
So, what has been going on in my life the past two weeks since I last posted? Let me recap all of the excitement for you!!!!
Vacation….was AWESOME! We left early on Sunday morning and drove to Gatlinburg. My parents have an AWESOME time-share place there that has a very cool indoor waterpark. So, we got there on Sunday and Mom and I went and got groceries and Scott and Dad took the kids onto the resort and waterpark. The kids had so much fun. That night, we stayed at the park until it closed and then went back to our room and I cooked dinner. We had a relaxing evening and just enjoyed the company. Then the next day we got up and took the trolley (found it!) to Gatlinburg and went to the Aquarium. Aside from Gracie having a few meltdowns, we had fun there. Faith just loved to take pictures of everything and she was a bit scared of walking under the sharks. We all tried to touch the sting-rays and I actually did touch one but no one else could reach them. We ran into two families from Dayton there that we knew…so that was a bit weird! Then we went back to the waterpark for a bit and then we went out to dinner to Logans. YUMMO. Plus CHEAPO. We did some outlet shopping…I have to go to the Disney Store when we are there and then back to the room for dessert and games. Then on Tuesday we just planned on spending the entire day at the waterpark and we had a blast. The kids all love it and just had so much fun playing. I went back to the room at one point and made sandwiches for lunch and we just hung out all day there and enjoyed the time. After cleaning up and grilling out for dinner, we went to the Miracle Theater to see Joseph and the Technicolor Coat of Many Colors featuring Melinda Doolittle (from American Idol a few seasons ago) as the narrator. It was AWESOME and the kids all were great and really enjoyed it….we all did! Faith’s favorite part was getting Joseph’s autograph afterwards. She thought she had seen a celebrity! So cute. Plus the kids got to ride on a camel! Oh….Gracie fell asleep on my lap right before the end, but she still loved it! We got up and headed home the next morning. Being home and off work the next two days was fabulous because we had perfect weather! The girls and Isaac literally played outside pretty much the entire two days. I took them to Cox Arboretum one day. I had never been there before and we will definitely go back because they had so much fun and it was so pretty. I didn’t take my camera and that was really dumb. I got the pictures that I posted here with my phone.
Then that was Easter weekend and we had fun with my family! We painted eggs on Saturday with Jodi’s family and Isaac got to hang out with Austin. He sure loves his cousin! They played a lot of basketball and a lot of xBox. Austin ended up spending the night with us and the boys had fun….well, I know Isaac did. He probably annoyed Austin, but Austin was a good sport! And of course, Easter Sunday was tiring because we had to be at church early and sang in all three services, but that was very fun! Then we got to spend most of the day with my family – which I LOVED – but we had to leave before everyone else to go to Scott’s family….which I could’ve done without. Oh well. I enjoy spending time with them….but lately there has been drama again, so that makes it not as much fun. Plus, when my family gets together, it is really more of a gathering of my best friends, so I just hate missing out on any of that! But…did you know that we are going on a cruise in May? LOL So, that will be awesome! I am getting so excited!
So, anyways….then I had to go back to work and work was crazy busy! But at least I have a job! I ended up spending one night in Columbus, which was okay. I just enjoyed one night of total quiet and peace in a hotel room. That doesn’t happen very often. And the rest of the week was spent just getting caught up at work and running to soccer practice and baseball practice and t-ball! The kids are super busy…but they are enjoying it all. Poor Gracie isn’t in anything yet, but she enjoys running everywhere with me. Well, for the most part! LOL
We have been doing some landscaping at our house and I just don’t want to come to work! I would rather be sitting in my backyard and enjoying the fruits of our labors….or just enjoying the sound of the girls playing (or screaming) in the backyard! They LOVE their playground so much. I need to get them a new see-saw thingy to put in place of the baby swing since we don’t need that anymore. They will play out there for hours. It is so funny to listen to their imaginations as they play baby or go on rock hunts or push the dog down the slide (LOL). They crack me up.
I am sure there is so much more that I could say….I feel like I could go on forever, but I am also sure that I would bore you to tears! Love to all!!!
So, we had a great sermon yesterday. I have to tell you that when we first started attending this new church, I wasn’t too sure about the preacher because he is vastly different from Bob and I really enjoyed Bob. But let me tell you, there have been so many awesome sermons. My mind has totally changed about him. Yesterday he preached from Jeremiah 1 and it was a powerful, powerful sermon. Then the sweetest thing happened at the end of the service. Each Sunday they invite people to come up if they need prayer or whatever and it is always so sweet how it is handled. Typically he will tell everyone what the person is requesting prayer for and then invites people who have had similar situations in their life to come up and pray with them. I love that part of the service. It is so neat to see. Anyhow, yesterday there were several people who went up for prayer and right before the end of the song, these two young boys went up together. You could tell that their parents did not know what they were doing and they actually tried to stop them for a second but they were quick! LOL Well, those two little boys went up to request prayer for their grandma who is having back problems. When Randy (our preacher) asked them their Grandma’s name…they shrugged their shoulders and said “Grandma”. So sweet. So, he prayed for their grandma and it was so precious. So precious to see their faith and they knew that their request – no matter how big or small – was just the right request to take to the Lord. Oh, if only we had that same faith and persistence. It was a great ending to a great service. Oh…plus we sang the Revelation Song yesterday and that is just about one of my favorite songs ever and it was so neat to see how it moved so many people.
However, on that note…I have to say that last week on Easter, church was really great in all three services that I sang in. And I had this cool conversation with a guy after the first service. Our first service is a traditional service and the average age of the congregation is about 65 or so. Well, I made the comment to him that it was neat to see some of them “get into” worship with us because that is so rare and there aren’t many. And he said that he has a different theory about that….he said that just because we don’t see them “get into” worship the way that we do, doesn’t mean that they aren’t “into it”. We talked about that for a while and he made a great point and I will certainly keep that in mind. Now, I still think the ones that stand with their arms crossed and their lips pursed together are probably NOT into worship, but who am I to judge? LOL It was just a great conversation and Easter worship was really good!
So, what has been going on in my life the past two weeks since I last posted? Let me recap all of the excitement for you!!!!
Vacation….was AWESOME! We left early on Sunday morning and drove to Gatlinburg. My parents have an AWESOME time-share place there that has a very cool indoor waterpark. So, we got there on Sunday and Mom and I went and got groceries and Scott and Dad took the kids onto the resort and waterpark. The kids had so much fun. That night, we stayed at the park until it closed and then went back to our room and I cooked dinner. We had a relaxing evening and just enjoyed the company. Then the next day we got up and took the trolley (found it!) to Gatlinburg and went to the Aquarium. Aside from Gracie having a few meltdowns, we had fun there. Faith just loved to take pictures of everything and she was a bit scared of walking under the sharks. We all tried to touch the sting-rays and I actually did touch one but no one else could reach them. We ran into two families from Dayton there that we knew…so that was a bit weird! Then we went back to the waterpark for a bit and then we went out to dinner to Logans. YUMMO. Plus CHEAPO. We did some outlet shopping…I have to go to the Disney Store when we are there and then back to the room for dessert and games. Then on Tuesday we just planned on spending the entire day at the waterpark and we had a blast. The kids all love it and just had so much fun playing. I went back to the room at one point and made sandwiches for lunch and we just hung out all day there and enjoyed the time. After cleaning up and grilling out for dinner, we went to the Miracle Theater to see Joseph and the Technicolor Coat of Many Colors featuring Melinda Doolittle (from American Idol a few seasons ago) as the narrator. It was AWESOME and the kids all were great and really enjoyed it….we all did! Faith’s favorite part was getting Joseph’s autograph afterwards. She thought she had seen a celebrity! So cute. Plus the kids got to ride on a camel! Oh….Gracie fell asleep on my lap right before the end, but she still loved it! We got up and headed home the next morning. Being home and off work the next two days was fabulous because we had perfect weather! The girls and Isaac literally played outside pretty much the entire two days. I took them to Cox Arboretum one day. I had never been there before and we will definitely go back because they had so much fun and it was so pretty. I didn’t take my camera and that was really dumb. I got the pictures that I posted here with my phone.
Then that was Easter weekend and we had fun with my family! We painted eggs on Saturday with Jodi’s family and Isaac got to hang out with Austin. He sure loves his cousin! They played a lot of basketball and a lot of xBox. Austin ended up spending the night with us and the boys had fun….well, I know Isaac did. He probably annoyed Austin, but Austin was a good sport! And of course, Easter Sunday was tiring because we had to be at church early and sang in all three services, but that was very fun! Then we got to spend most of the day with my family – which I LOVED – but we had to leave before everyone else to go to Scott’s family….which I could’ve done without. Oh well. I enjoy spending time with them….but lately there has been drama again, so that makes it not as much fun. Plus, when my family gets together, it is really more of a gathering of my best friends, so I just hate missing out on any of that! But…did you know that we are going on a cruise in May? LOL So, that will be awesome! I am getting so excited!
So, anyways….then I had to go back to work and work was crazy busy! But at least I have a job! I ended up spending one night in Columbus, which was okay. I just enjoyed one night of total quiet and peace in a hotel room. That doesn’t happen very often. And the rest of the week was spent just getting caught up at work and running to soccer practice and baseball practice and t-ball! The kids are super busy…but they are enjoying it all. Poor Gracie isn’t in anything yet, but she enjoys running everywhere with me. Well, for the most part! LOL
We have been doing some landscaping at our house and I just don’t want to come to work! I would rather be sitting in my backyard and enjoying the fruits of our labors….or just enjoying the sound of the girls playing (or screaming) in the backyard! They LOVE their playground so much. I need to get them a new see-saw thingy to put in place of the baby swing since we don’t need that anymore. They will play out there for hours. It is so funny to listen to their imaginations as they play baby or go on rock hunts or push the dog down the slide (LOL). They crack me up.
I am sure there is so much more that I could say….I feel like I could go on forever, but I am also sure that I would bore you to tears! Love to all!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Spring Break!!!!
“Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with Love, so be careful little eyes what you see.”
Not sure why that popped in my head just now, but it did so I thought I would share. I love that Casting Crowns Song that includes this song at the end. How true it is; how true it is. Amazing that the little songs we learned in church as kids can have such an impact on us even as adults….or in some cases, especially as adults.
You know, God is just really working in my life right now. Being a Christian for so long, I have definitely experienced times in my life where I know that I was far from God. And I have definitely experienced times where I know that I am close to God. This is one of those close to God times. I don’t know why we allow ourselves to move far from Him when it feels so good to be close to Him. I know that Satan orchestrates that, but we allow it to happen. So, anyways….I really think that our new church is challenging me in ways I have needed for a while. It has a lot to do with timing too. But when you spend time in His word and in prayer and you deepen your relationship with Christ, other things fall into place.
So, what is going on with me? Well, I am on vacation next week…can I get an Amen!?!?!? I am so ready for a week away from work. I was originally only planning on taking three days off, but just changed my mind yesterday that I wanted the whole stinking week! Now, I am sure I will pay for it when I get back…so I will take my laptop and do some work from home next week, but a whole week of not getting up at 3:45 is so exciting to me! We are heading to Gatlinburg with my parents on Sunday and will come back from there on Wednesday. We don’t really have a lot planned while we are there – other then spending time at the WaterPark at the resort that my parents own a time-share in. The kids are excited about vacation! I haven’t even started packing or getting stuff ready for that yet. So, I am going to be busy on Saturday!
Well, according to Jodi’s facebook note…we have less than 49 days until our cruise. WA-FREAKING-HOO! I can’t wait! We had a fabulous time this past weekend with our “cousins’ sleepover” at Jodi’s house. Although, I fell asleep before the end of the karaoke, but we had fun! We always have fun when we are together…we need to do it more often! I am telling you what….God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life. If you read Mandy’s post, you can tell that we had some deep conversations on our way home (sorry that you missed it, Jodi) about what a difference God has made in our lives. It was just so powerful and we were all in tears at one point because the magnitude of what one young girl did for our family hit us all at the same time. It was very cool. One of the things that we have really been talking about in my Bible Study group is that it isn’t always our responsibility to cultivate the seeds that are planted, but it is our responsibility to plant seeds. It was just a powerful conversation. When you can look back in time and see where one person planted a seed and then another cultivated it and then to see the ripples and how God works….amazing.
Our adventures with Buckeye are going pretty good. He is a very sweet little puppy and he is getting the hang of how/when/where to go potty. We still don’t let him have the run of the house, but soon he will be able to go where he wants. He is going to stay with a very nice family from our church while we are on vacation. They have a bunch of animals and live out in the country, so he should have fun there. Oh, plus they have 4 sweet kids to play with him. We went to lunch with them after church last Sunday and we had a great time. They started going to our church about the same time or a little bit after us and so we have formed a friendship over the months. They are a very sweet family. It is funny because we really don’t have anything in common with them, but we all get along great. Anyways, I am sure Buckeye will have fun there. The kids are going to miss him, but taking him on vacation would NOT be fun!
Yesterday, I picked Isaac up from his Student Council Meeting and the advisor came over to me and told me what a great kid Isaac is. She said he is her most dependable and responsible kid on the Student Council….which is amazing considering there are 4th and 5th graders on there too. She said that he is always the first to volunteer to do anything to help and he constantly asks her how he can help her. Talk about making a Mama proud?!?!? I told her thank you and then she said…”No, thank you for raising such a fine young man.” Now, that fine young man doesn’t always reside at my house, but it was so nice to hear that from a teacher! Wait until she has Faith and Gracie! HA! Boy will she be surprised! LOL
I was so mortified by Gracie the other day. On Saturday night after we got home from Kentucky, my family loaded up and went to Rita’s (the most yummy ice/custard place around) for their free ice day. So, we get up there and are standing in line and I pick Gracie up and pretty loudly she says (with her hand on my chest now)…”Look Mommy! I can feel your big boob!” I about died right there in the parking lot. Of course everyone around us heard that…..and they were all snickering but trying not to look too much. The lady behind me was dying laughing. Scott was like…did she just say what I think she said? Umm..yes…she did! That girl is infatuated with my chest and hers now too. The other night I was giving her and Faith a bath and they both just kept saying boobs over and over and over again. And Faith used to call them “chubby-chubbies” and she remembered that and was like…well, they are kinda chubby mom. Oh, this is going to be fun.
Well, I am going to go eat my lunch! My mother-in-law is going to keep the kids tonight so I can go out to dinner with some football moms and then I am going to check a few more places for a swimsuit. I am so sick of swimsuit shopping….wonder if I could just wear a bag! LOL
Love you all!!!!
Not sure why that popped in my head just now, but it did so I thought I would share. I love that Casting Crowns Song that includes this song at the end. How true it is; how true it is. Amazing that the little songs we learned in church as kids can have such an impact on us even as adults….or in some cases, especially as adults.
You know, God is just really working in my life right now. Being a Christian for so long, I have definitely experienced times in my life where I know that I was far from God. And I have definitely experienced times where I know that I am close to God. This is one of those close to God times. I don’t know why we allow ourselves to move far from Him when it feels so good to be close to Him. I know that Satan orchestrates that, but we allow it to happen. So, anyways….I really think that our new church is challenging me in ways I have needed for a while. It has a lot to do with timing too. But when you spend time in His word and in prayer and you deepen your relationship with Christ, other things fall into place.
So, what is going on with me? Well, I am on vacation next week…can I get an Amen!?!?!? I am so ready for a week away from work. I was originally only planning on taking three days off, but just changed my mind yesterday that I wanted the whole stinking week! Now, I am sure I will pay for it when I get back…so I will take my laptop and do some work from home next week, but a whole week of not getting up at 3:45 is so exciting to me! We are heading to Gatlinburg with my parents on Sunday and will come back from there on Wednesday. We don’t really have a lot planned while we are there – other then spending time at the WaterPark at the resort that my parents own a time-share in. The kids are excited about vacation! I haven’t even started packing or getting stuff ready for that yet. So, I am going to be busy on Saturday!
Well, according to Jodi’s facebook note…we have less than 49 days until our cruise. WA-FREAKING-HOO! I can’t wait! We had a fabulous time this past weekend with our “cousins’ sleepover” at Jodi’s house. Although, I fell asleep before the end of the karaoke, but we had fun! We always have fun when we are together…we need to do it more often! I am telling you what….God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life. If you read Mandy’s post, you can tell that we had some deep conversations on our way home (sorry that you missed it, Jodi) about what a difference God has made in our lives. It was just so powerful and we were all in tears at one point because the magnitude of what one young girl did for our family hit us all at the same time. It was very cool. One of the things that we have really been talking about in my Bible Study group is that it isn’t always our responsibility to cultivate the seeds that are planted, but it is our responsibility to plant seeds. It was just a powerful conversation. When you can look back in time and see where one person planted a seed and then another cultivated it and then to see the ripples and how God works….amazing.
Our adventures with Buckeye are going pretty good. He is a very sweet little puppy and he is getting the hang of how/when/where to go potty. We still don’t let him have the run of the house, but soon he will be able to go where he wants. He is going to stay with a very nice family from our church while we are on vacation. They have a bunch of animals and live out in the country, so he should have fun there. Oh, plus they have 4 sweet kids to play with him. We went to lunch with them after church last Sunday and we had a great time. They started going to our church about the same time or a little bit after us and so we have formed a friendship over the months. They are a very sweet family. It is funny because we really don’t have anything in common with them, but we all get along great. Anyways, I am sure Buckeye will have fun there. The kids are going to miss him, but taking him on vacation would NOT be fun!
Yesterday, I picked Isaac up from his Student Council Meeting and the advisor came over to me and told me what a great kid Isaac is. She said he is her most dependable and responsible kid on the Student Council….which is amazing considering there are 4th and 5th graders on there too. She said that he is always the first to volunteer to do anything to help and he constantly asks her how he can help her. Talk about making a Mama proud?!?!? I told her thank you and then she said…”No, thank you for raising such a fine young man.” Now, that fine young man doesn’t always reside at my house, but it was so nice to hear that from a teacher! Wait until she has Faith and Gracie! HA! Boy will she be surprised! LOL
I was so mortified by Gracie the other day. On Saturday night after we got home from Kentucky, my family loaded up and went to Rita’s (the most yummy ice/custard place around) for their free ice day. So, we get up there and are standing in line and I pick Gracie up and pretty loudly she says (with her hand on my chest now)…”Look Mommy! I can feel your big boob!” I about died right there in the parking lot. Of course everyone around us heard that…..and they were all snickering but trying not to look too much. The lady behind me was dying laughing. Scott was like…did she just say what I think she said? Umm..yes…she did! That girl is infatuated with my chest and hers now too. The other night I was giving her and Faith a bath and they both just kept saying boobs over and over and over again. And Faith used to call them “chubby-chubbies” and she remembered that and was like…well, they are kinda chubby mom. Oh, this is going to be fun.
Well, I am going to go eat my lunch! My mother-in-law is going to keep the kids tonight so I can go out to dinner with some football moms and then I am going to check a few more places for a swimsuit. I am so sick of swimsuit shopping….wonder if I could just wear a bag! LOL
Love you all!!!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Warning: A Rambling Lunatic Wrote This Entry
Seriously…is it Friday yet? Let me tell you, this has been a week! For some reason, work has been extremely stressful this week and home has been busy – so I feel like I am spinning my wheels but not getting anywhere! I know that you all have been there before too! Can I get an Amen?!?! LOL
((Insert girl squeal here)) We are having our “Cousin’s Slumber Party” next Friday night and I simply can’t wait! The Ohio Cousins need to talk about the driving situation, but I am so excited! I need a little get-away! ((Insert girl squeal here))
My kids crack me up….I have been thinking about this today and I just keep giggling about it. The school is doing a fundraiser and for some reason, Isaac and Faith decided that they would only return one form and then share the prizes that they get. Not sure what made them decide to do this because I never even mentioned it, but fine by me! So, yesterday I asked Isaac which of them would actually return the form in their name and he said… “Well, we had a drawing and Faith Anne won, so I put her name on it.” So stinking funny. There is no doubt in my mind that he literally wrote his name down and then Faith’s name down and pulled a name out of a hat. I was at Bible Study when this transpired, but it cracked me up!
So, I have had a couple of melt-downs this week and I just think that the stress of work…well, that I allow the stress of work… to get to me too much. And then trying to be a good mother and a good wife and a good Christian and a good housekeeper and a good….well, you see. The list goes on and on! Again, I know this is something that we all struggle with and I am not alone, but sometimes I just feel like throwing in the towel because I just can’t do it all! I really liked that “invisible” post that Mandy put up because that is often how I feel! Sometimes it all just gets to me and then what I don’t like about myself is that I take it out on the people that I love the most. The other day…Monday…was just NOT a good day for work. All around…just not a good day. Well, it happened to be one of the days that I “leave work early” and go get the kids from school and then work from home for a few more hours. Well, Isaac had a club after school and Gracie was at the sitters so it was just me and Faith Anne. I literally just looked at her and started crying because I feel like I am failing her so much. She was happy as a lark cutting and coloring while I was sitting across from her working. But I looked at her and thought….here I am working when I should be spending time with her. UGH. There are times, as a mom who works outside of the home, that I just feel so guilty. Then there are other times that I know I would not be a good stay-at-home mommy….but Satan just knows what buttons to push and how he can help me bash myself. I know I am rambling….so feel free to stop reading. But it just helps to put this out there…ya know? I think that as moms….well, not even that….as women, we will always feel guilty about something. Not cleaning enough, not exercising enough, not being a good enough mom, not being a good enough wife, not being a good enough cook, not spending enough time here or there or anywhere. Anyways….Satan uses those feelings and then piles on inadequacy and insecurity and before you know it, you are feeling worthless. Which is the exact opposite of how God views us and wants us to view ourselves. He treasures us like rare jewels and he treasures our efforts and uses them for His glory. How can I let Satan tear me down over and over and over again? I bet that hurts God’s feelings. Then I begin the questions (or Satan pushes play again) of how can He love me so much…why would He love me so much?
I guess it is good that I realize it is Satan who plants these seeds…but I need to get better at shutting Satan down and not allowing them to grow.
Again, I know I am rambling but it feels good to put this out there. I hope I am not alone with these struggles.
As you can see, God is working on me…..THANK GOODNESS. I have been spending more time in His word and in prayer and in just “being” with Him. Now mind you, I need to spend a lot more time with Him….because it is pretty amazing how much it makes a difference. But when I feel Him working on me is when I feel the guilt and the doubt and the insecurities mount. I wish Satan would just take a hike right on out of my life! HA! Don’t we all?!?!?
Okay….I need to get back on track.
Scott is going to Butler Springs (church camp) this weekend for the Men’s Retreat. He is going with his buddy Jason and our old Minister and friend, Bob. There is a big group of men from our church going. So, I hope they have a good time. I know he has been looking forward to it and so have I, actually. It is so neat to see how God is working in both of us since we have been at our new church. Again, being pushed out of your comfort zone can be a very good thing. So, it is just me and the kiddos this weekend. We are going to go over to Mom and Dad’s house and do a little “Welcome Home” decorating. The kids are so excited to do that…and about them coming home!
Cute idea for mommies of little clutzy girls, like my Gracie. On Tuesday, she fell at the sitters. She didn’t really have any cuts or anything, she just landed funny on her wrist. So, to get her to calm down….normally a bandaid will do, but Tera told her to close her eyes and she painted her wrist with sparkly fingernail polish and told her to open her eyes and then said that it was Princess Dust and the Princess had put it there to make her feel better…..and of course, she did! LOL She was so excited and proud to show it to me when I got there. I thought that was a great idea for future reference!
Well, I have rambled enough for one day. Thanks for loving me in spite of my flaws and rambles!!!
((Insert girl squeal here)) We are having our “Cousin’s Slumber Party” next Friday night and I simply can’t wait! The Ohio Cousins need to talk about the driving situation, but I am so excited! I need a little get-away! ((Insert girl squeal here))
My kids crack me up….I have been thinking about this today and I just keep giggling about it. The school is doing a fundraiser and for some reason, Isaac and Faith decided that they would only return one form and then share the prizes that they get. Not sure what made them decide to do this because I never even mentioned it, but fine by me! So, yesterday I asked Isaac which of them would actually return the form in their name and he said… “Well, we had a drawing and Faith Anne won, so I put her name on it.” So stinking funny. There is no doubt in my mind that he literally wrote his name down and then Faith’s name down and pulled a name out of a hat. I was at Bible Study when this transpired, but it cracked me up!
So, I have had a couple of melt-downs this week and I just think that the stress of work…well, that I allow the stress of work… to get to me too much. And then trying to be a good mother and a good wife and a good Christian and a good housekeeper and a good….well, you see. The list goes on and on! Again, I know this is something that we all struggle with and I am not alone, but sometimes I just feel like throwing in the towel because I just can’t do it all! I really liked that “invisible” post that Mandy put up because that is often how I feel! Sometimes it all just gets to me and then what I don’t like about myself is that I take it out on the people that I love the most. The other day…Monday…was just NOT a good day for work. All around…just not a good day. Well, it happened to be one of the days that I “leave work early” and go get the kids from school and then work from home for a few more hours. Well, Isaac had a club after school and Gracie was at the sitters so it was just me and Faith Anne. I literally just looked at her and started crying because I feel like I am failing her so much. She was happy as a lark cutting and coloring while I was sitting across from her working. But I looked at her and thought….here I am working when I should be spending time with her. UGH. There are times, as a mom who works outside of the home, that I just feel so guilty. Then there are other times that I know I would not be a good stay-at-home mommy….but Satan just knows what buttons to push and how he can help me bash myself. I know I am rambling….so feel free to stop reading. But it just helps to put this out there…ya know? I think that as moms….well, not even that….as women, we will always feel guilty about something. Not cleaning enough, not exercising enough, not being a good enough mom, not being a good enough wife, not being a good enough cook, not spending enough time here or there or anywhere. Anyways….Satan uses those feelings and then piles on inadequacy and insecurity and before you know it, you are feeling worthless. Which is the exact opposite of how God views us and wants us to view ourselves. He treasures us like rare jewels and he treasures our efforts and uses them for His glory. How can I let Satan tear me down over and over and over again? I bet that hurts God’s feelings. Then I begin the questions (or Satan pushes play again) of how can He love me so much…why would He love me so much?
I guess it is good that I realize it is Satan who plants these seeds…but I need to get better at shutting Satan down and not allowing them to grow.
Again, I know I am rambling but it feels good to put this out there. I hope I am not alone with these struggles.
As you can see, God is working on me…..THANK GOODNESS. I have been spending more time in His word and in prayer and in just “being” with Him. Now mind you, I need to spend a lot more time with Him….because it is pretty amazing how much it makes a difference. But when I feel Him working on me is when I feel the guilt and the doubt and the insecurities mount. I wish Satan would just take a hike right on out of my life! HA! Don’t we all?!?!?
Okay….I need to get back on track.
Scott is going to Butler Springs (church camp) this weekend for the Men’s Retreat. He is going with his buddy Jason and our old Minister and friend, Bob. There is a big group of men from our church going. So, I hope they have a good time. I know he has been looking forward to it and so have I, actually. It is so neat to see how God is working in both of us since we have been at our new church. Again, being pushed out of your comfort zone can be a very good thing. So, it is just me and the kiddos this weekend. We are going to go over to Mom and Dad’s house and do a little “Welcome Home” decorating. The kids are so excited to do that…and about them coming home!
Cute idea for mommies of little clutzy girls, like my Gracie. On Tuesday, she fell at the sitters. She didn’t really have any cuts or anything, she just landed funny on her wrist. So, to get her to calm down….normally a bandaid will do, but Tera told her to close her eyes and she painted her wrist with sparkly fingernail polish and told her to open her eyes and then said that it was Princess Dust and the Princess had put it there to make her feel better…..and of course, she did! LOL She was so excited and proud to show it to me when I got there. I thought that was a great idea for future reference!
Well, I have rambled enough for one day. Thanks for loving me in spite of my flaws and rambles!!!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
I think Spring might be here…at least this week it is! I don’t know about you, but the sunshine and warmer weather has me in a great mood – even though work has been extremely stressful this week. Ugh…it is only Tuesday! Seriously!??!?
Well, the adventures of Buckeye are continuing at our house. I really to believe that Scott and I are both too anal about having a clean house to have a dog, but these are the things we do for our kids! Although, Isaac isn’t that interested in the dog! The girls are more smitten with him than Isaac is! I think he would rather be playing his xBox or watching TV or playing basketball! Silly, silly boy! We need to transition the dog to going outside for the potty instead of going on the puppy pad. I put him outside yesterday and he was like…umm…now what? LOL He just stood there and looked at me. He did poop for the first time outside when Faith and I were walking to get Isaac from school yesterday. That was funny because he kinda did it mid-walk. LOL I bet you are so interested in the bodily functions of my dog! LOL He is a funny little thing. He has a pet squirrel (stuffed animal) that he loves. He will occasionally bark and growl at it. And he also barks and growls at his reflection in the window. The other night I was cracking up because he would peek his head out from around the couch and see his reflection and start barking and growling. Ferocious little thing! HA!
The family is all doing good! My parents come home this weekend…can I get a Woot! Woot! ?!?!? They have been gone since January 2nd and we all miss them terribly! Honestly, the babysitting situation has been just fine. We just miss them! And the kids really miss them. We are going to make some signs to go over and decorate their house with to welcome them home. Also, I do need my handyman of a dad home! I have a list for him to start on when he gets back. LOL Mom said he needs to feel needed…well I need him!
I have a real dilemma. Well, it may not seem like a real dilemma to y’all… but it is to me! The Vera Bradley Outlet Sale…well, the day I am supposed to go to with Jodi, Joy and her cousin Kelly is on Friday, April 30. That is the same weekend as the Women of Faith Conference in Columbus. Well, I have already made plans with Jodi, Joy and Kelly to go to Vera that day. A big group of ladies from my new church are going to WOF and leaving on Thursday night to stay in a hotel for the conference. I think that would be a great opportunity to really get to know the women at my church…and several of them have been asking me to go. I don’t really have any good friends there like I had at BCC…mostly because we haven’t been there long, but also because I need to attend more of the things that they do for women to develop those relationships. Anyways…Scott is urging me to go to WOF because he thinks it will be cheaper (HA!) but also because he wants me to make friends too. So, I am in a tough spot. I don’t want to let Jodi, Joy and Kelly down…and I don’t want to miss out on the great deals…but I do want to go to WOF… I just don’t know what to do! Decisions, decisions. I was actually pretty surprised that Scott would be okay with me going to WOF because I would be away from home for two nights and then just a few weeks later I will be on our cruise. But I think he knows how much I enjoy WOF and this is a neat thing to be able to go with a big group.
Onto other topics….I have to tell you that I am really enjoying being a part of the Worship Team at our new church. It is really fun!!! I actually am on the rotation with Sara’s previous MIL…which is interesting. We are the two real altos…and then there is this “tenor” who sings with us. BUT he can’t read music (not that I am good at that) and he just sings what harmonies comes naturally…which is the alto part…so Patty and I have to fight him for a part. We kinda just wait to see what he sings and then pick a different part. We have laughed a lot about it. It is fun learning all the different personalities and quirks of the groups. Scott sings opposite weeks of me, so he has a whole different team that he works with. It is just so much fun….Oh…and Sara…Patty is giving me her 20% discount on vera, so that is WONDERFUL. She brought me a new purse to church on Sunday and that was so fun! It is the little things in life that I get excited about. Have you seen the new Cha-Cha purse by Vera? It is ADORABLE!
I am all over the place today! I went swim suit shopping last week and let me tell you….is there anything more depressing than that?!?!? I literally left the store fighting back tears. ICK. Just not fun. I won’t go into all the details, but believe me when I tell you that skin that is no longer filled with as much fat is not pretty. LOL I ordered a suit from Chadwicks and HATED IT….so I sent it back. I just ordered one from Lands’ End (a friend had a good discount that I could use and free shipping) so we will see how that one goes. I thought I needed it before the cruise, but I really need it by the end of March for our vacation to Gatlinburg. My parent’s time-share has an indoor waterpark and that might require a swim suit that doesn’t fall off of me like my old one does. Anyhow….suffice it to say that I HATE swimsuit shopping.
I am very excited that next weekend we are having our Cousin’s Sleepover at Jodi’s house! Yeah! That will be a good time…and we can talk about our cruise-ware! I haven’t bought anything yet…I was thinking of wearing the dress I bought for my MIL’s wedding since I have only worn it the one time. So, we will see. I wonder how fancy everyone else will want to get. I did get my passport ordered, so that is a big relief. And I made my final payment for the cruise…so I am all set! If only May would get here sooner! Actually, I shouldn’t say that because it already seems like time is flying by!
Well, I guess I should get off of here and finish up some stuff at work. I just felt like rambling for a bit so that is pretty much what this post is! Maybe you just feel like you are talking to me.
OH! Listen to what my darling Gracie did yesterday….I went to pick her up from our Sitters in Centerville (yuppy town) and she tells me that Gracie pee’d in her backyard! LOL Apparently they were outside playing….Tera went into the house to get something and came back out to see Gracie’s bare butt squatting in her yard to pee! I about died when she told me. I am thinking that their daughter Madison showed her how to do it because we have certainly never done that….but it was so funny! Now, Isaac…I would believe in a heartbeat (thanks Dad), but Gracie?!?!? She thinks it is funny. LOL
Well, the adventures of Buckeye are continuing at our house. I really to believe that Scott and I are both too anal about having a clean house to have a dog, but these are the things we do for our kids! Although, Isaac isn’t that interested in the dog! The girls are more smitten with him than Isaac is! I think he would rather be playing his xBox or watching TV or playing basketball! Silly, silly boy! We need to transition the dog to going outside for the potty instead of going on the puppy pad. I put him outside yesterday and he was like…umm…now what? LOL He just stood there and looked at me. He did poop for the first time outside when Faith and I were walking to get Isaac from school yesterday. That was funny because he kinda did it mid-walk. LOL I bet you are so interested in the bodily functions of my dog! LOL He is a funny little thing. He has a pet squirrel (stuffed animal) that he loves. He will occasionally bark and growl at it. And he also barks and growls at his reflection in the window. The other night I was cracking up because he would peek his head out from around the couch and see his reflection and start barking and growling. Ferocious little thing! HA!
The family is all doing good! My parents come home this weekend…can I get a Woot! Woot! ?!?!? They have been gone since January 2nd and we all miss them terribly! Honestly, the babysitting situation has been just fine. We just miss them! And the kids really miss them. We are going to make some signs to go over and decorate their house with to welcome them home. Also, I do need my handyman of a dad home! I have a list for him to start on when he gets back. LOL Mom said he needs to feel needed…well I need him!
I have a real dilemma. Well, it may not seem like a real dilemma to y’all… but it is to me! The Vera Bradley Outlet Sale…well, the day I am supposed to go to with Jodi, Joy and her cousin Kelly is on Friday, April 30. That is the same weekend as the Women of Faith Conference in Columbus. Well, I have already made plans with Jodi, Joy and Kelly to go to Vera that day. A big group of ladies from my new church are going to WOF and leaving on Thursday night to stay in a hotel for the conference. I think that would be a great opportunity to really get to know the women at my church…and several of them have been asking me to go. I don’t really have any good friends there like I had at BCC…mostly because we haven’t been there long, but also because I need to attend more of the things that they do for women to develop those relationships. Anyways…Scott is urging me to go to WOF because he thinks it will be cheaper (HA!) but also because he wants me to make friends too. So, I am in a tough spot. I don’t want to let Jodi, Joy and Kelly down…and I don’t want to miss out on the great deals…but I do want to go to WOF… I just don’t know what to do! Decisions, decisions. I was actually pretty surprised that Scott would be okay with me going to WOF because I would be away from home for two nights and then just a few weeks later I will be on our cruise. But I think he knows how much I enjoy WOF and this is a neat thing to be able to go with a big group.
Onto other topics….I have to tell you that I am really enjoying being a part of the Worship Team at our new church. It is really fun!!! I actually am on the rotation with Sara’s previous MIL…which is interesting. We are the two real altos…and then there is this “tenor” who sings with us. BUT he can’t read music (not that I am good at that) and he just sings what harmonies comes naturally…which is the alto part…so Patty and I have to fight him for a part. We kinda just wait to see what he sings and then pick a different part. We have laughed a lot about it. It is fun learning all the different personalities and quirks of the groups. Scott sings opposite weeks of me, so he has a whole different team that he works with. It is just so much fun….Oh…and Sara…Patty is giving me her 20% discount on vera, so that is WONDERFUL. She brought me a new purse to church on Sunday and that was so fun! It is the little things in life that I get excited about. Have you seen the new Cha-Cha purse by Vera? It is ADORABLE!
I am all over the place today! I went swim suit shopping last week and let me tell you….is there anything more depressing than that?!?!? I literally left the store fighting back tears. ICK. Just not fun. I won’t go into all the details, but believe me when I tell you that skin that is no longer filled with as much fat is not pretty. LOL I ordered a suit from Chadwicks and HATED IT….so I sent it back. I just ordered one from Lands’ End (a friend had a good discount that I could use and free shipping) so we will see how that one goes. I thought I needed it before the cruise, but I really need it by the end of March for our vacation to Gatlinburg. My parent’s time-share has an indoor waterpark and that might require a swim suit that doesn’t fall off of me like my old one does. Anyhow….suffice it to say that I HATE swimsuit shopping.
I am very excited that next weekend we are having our Cousin’s Sleepover at Jodi’s house! Yeah! That will be a good time…and we can talk about our cruise-ware! I haven’t bought anything yet…I was thinking of wearing the dress I bought for my MIL’s wedding since I have only worn it the one time. So, we will see. I wonder how fancy everyone else will want to get. I did get my passport ordered, so that is a big relief. And I made my final payment for the cruise…so I am all set! If only May would get here sooner! Actually, I shouldn’t say that because it already seems like time is flying by!
Well, I guess I should get off of here and finish up some stuff at work. I just felt like rambling for a bit so that is pretty much what this post is! Maybe you just feel like you are talking to me.
OH! Listen to what my darling Gracie did yesterday….I went to pick her up from our Sitters in Centerville (yuppy town) and she tells me that Gracie pee’d in her backyard! LOL Apparently they were outside playing….Tera went into the house to get something and came back out to see Gracie’s bare butt squatting in her yard to pee! I about died when she told me. I am thinking that their daughter Madison showed her how to do it because we have certainly never done that….but it was so funny! Now, Isaac…I would believe in a heartbeat (thanks Dad), but Gracie?!?!? She thinks it is funny. LOL
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