Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two posts in one month????

So, wow! Two posts in one month! How is that for progress? Really what that means is that I am bored at work and so, I am going to waste some time to update you all on my “oh, so exciting” life! LOL

So we are officially done with our Football and Cheer Season! Football wasn’t quite as exciting as last year, as we didn’t make it to the Super Bowl, but the boys had a good season and we weren’t too sad to see it over. There is just a lot of drama with parents and such on that team. A lot of the boys are from broken homes and the things their parents say and do are just so sad! And of course that carries over to the kids! So, as much as I want the boys to win…I want them to learn life lessons more and sometimes that comes in the way of losing a few games!

Cheer season was really, really good! My first year coaching is under my belt and I think it went great! Tai, the head coach, did a fabulous job and I think we made a great team! She did great with all the details and logistics and I just had a ton of fun with the girls! We took first place in our competition!!!! That was so very exciting and I was so proud of the girls. Now, mind you….we only competed against one other team, but we still took first! And they had a lot of tumbling in the first part of their routine – which means lots of points, even if executed poorly – and we didn’t have any tumbling….so that is really good that we won! We had a party later that night and one of the girls was just bawling as she was leaving because she was going to miss us so much. I assured her that we would see her again next year, but she and her mom were crying as they were leaving. I guess that means we did a good job! Our goals were: to make sure the girls had fun and that they learned something. I think we accomplished both of those goals! And we learned a lot in the process too!

So, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I ran in the Turkey Trot for the third year in a row! It was warm this year, but rainy! I have never in my life voluntarily been running in the rain….so this was a first for me! BUT – I beat my own time! The first two years I did it (a 5 mile race) in about one hour and seventeen minutes. This year I did it in one hour and nine minutes! I was super excited about that great time! I hope I can beat that next year! This is really becoming a tradition that I love….I have done it by myself the past two years and I don’t mind it at all because it is great time to think and also people watch! There are lots and lots of people there. One girl wanted to be my friend and running buddy…and I actually kept up with her for the entire first mile….but then I had to slow down and let her go on! Plus, I had just downloaded some new tunes to my iPod and really wanted to listen to music instead of trying to talk, while out of breath, to a new friend. LOL She was nice, though!

We had a great time at my parents’ house with a bunch of our family. Aunt Susie was there and this was the first time I had seen her since she nearly died with a heart attack about a month ago. She told me that she doesn’t remember much, but she does remember waking up and seeing me crying and telling her that I loved her. That was scary….and I hope a big wake up call for her! It was fun to just be with family and eat and laugh and play games and watch the little ones all play together. Poor Cali…everywhere she went, she had three little mother hens right behind her, Faith, Gracie and Michaela. It was cute, but probably annoying for Cali! God sure has blessed our family this year…and every year. After we left there, we went to Scott’s mom’s house and of course , there is always drama with his family. But we still managed to have a good time. I just ignore the drama and pretend like it isn’t there! LOL His mom has said several things to me about how she wishes we could all be together and blah, blah, blah….so I just ignore it. She doesn’t understand that the drama that accompanies that just is not fun! Oh, the joys of in-laws!!!

Friday, I went shopping with Dad! I was a bit upset because our Wal-mart changed the way they do things and instead of cutting the shrink-wrap off the 5:00 AM deals at 5:00 AM, they let you grab it whenever but you couldn’t check out until 5:00 AM. So….lots of stuff that I wanted but didn’t get. However, there really wasn’t’ anything I “needed” that I didn’t get. I wasn’t very prepared and actually wasn’t in the mood at first….mostly because my body was aching all over from pushing so hard the day before for the Turkey Trot! But…I quickly got in the mood and ended up having a great time shopping on Friday – mostly by myself. I just took my time and enjoyed it! I got a lot of our shopping done, but still have a LOT to do! The kids “Santa gifts” are done. Isaac is getting a laptop (can we say spoiled) and the girls are getting the Bitty Twins American Girl Dolls (again, can we say spoiled)? Now just have to get everyone else bought for and the other little things for the kids. I like them to have a lot to open on Christmas morning! Scott gets annoyed, but I like them to each have the same amount of presents and for it to be a lot….even if I have to wrap up silly things separately! Oh…and I really like the paper I got this year. The girls talked me into buying bows this year…I HATE bows because they never stay on. Plus, Buckeye likes to try to take them off the presents. But right now I have everything wrapped that I bought for people other then my kids under the tree. So far…nothing has had to be re-wrapped. We will see how long that lasts!

Okay….here is where I could use some help! Gracie….she is four now, but she is still having temper tantrums as if she were 2 or 3. I am truly at my wits end with her! On Saturday, we were getting ready to head out and I asked her to try and go potty before we left. She proceeded to scream as if I were killing her slowly for 45 minutes. Seriously….45 minutes straight of screaming, kicking, crying, slamming doors,….full blown temper tantrum. I was a bad mommy and actually threw a plastic stool…not at anyone, just at the floor, because I was so upset and couldn’t get her to stop. That kinda scared Faith and I explained to her that my options were to hit Gracie or throw the stool and I chose to not hurt her sister. LOL After she did this for 45 minutes, she came out and got in the car and said she was ready to go. I was like, SERIOUSLY? This is an extreme example, but she does this screaming, hitting, growling thing every time she doesn’t get her way. It doesn’t always last this long, but she does it a lot. We have tried spanking, time out, taking things away, putting her in her bed and/or room, everything! I am at a loss as to what to do to stop the screaming!!! Any suggestions? We are about ready to turn her in for a newer model that doesn’t scream!!! LOL

I can’t believe that it is going to be December tomorrow! This year has truly flown right on by! I guess it is true what they say…time flies when you are having fun! I love this time of the year …. But I don’t like working this time of the year! LOL I wish I could take the whole month of December off. LOL I guess I will just have to settle for the last week!

Everyone needs to UPDATE your blogs! I miss you all!!


Sara said...

Ok, you've inspired me to update mine....look for my update in the near future! lol. So sorry about gracie's tantrums. Abby is doing some mild versions of that, but not to that extent. Wish I had some better advice for you! Jack is a holy terror if that makes you feel better. He does the exact opposite of whatever you want him to do. If he doesn't want to do something, he'll just ignore you...seriously. Rotten rotten child!!!!! lol.

Miss you lots!!!!

Jodi said...

well sister... I think you should watch the Supernanny... or see if she has a website with answers to similar questions. Last week she showed a mom how to show her child that she was actively ignoring him. It was a bedtime issue. He wouldn't go to sleep in his crib so the nanny had the mom sit on the floor where he could see her, with her back to the child and her face to the door and ignoring him. the first night the kid cried, screamed, said he was dying, for over 45 mintues but he finally went to sleep. As long as you all are reacting to Gracie, she is getting some form of attention and that is probably her ultimate goal. But I'm in no way an expert but I would search out a few websites where people who are experts give advice.

love you... proud of you... I'm going to go update my blog... see you soon!

Jodi said...
