Thursday, April 22, 2010

10 Years Ago Today....

I married my best friend! And today....I couldn't be more blessed. I just look at my husband and how wonderful he is to me and I am amazed at God's blessings in our lives. We have three beautiful children and we are closer today and more in love today than I could have ever imagined.

Now...that isn't to say that we haven't had our moments that have been hard in the past 10 years. We have been through a lot of drama together but God has used those life events to pull us closer to HIM and closer to each other.

I am so blessed to have a husband who puts Christ at the center of our marriage and we share the same love for Christ.

I just wanted to post this as I am thinking about my wonderful husband! I took him ice cream at lunch as he is at home planting flowers....he was surprised. I also have another gift to give him later and he doesn't think I am getting him anything! HA!

Anyways...10 years ago today I was preparing for one of the best days of my life! I always say that it is funny to me to look back now at that day and think about how in love I thought I was. I don't think I really knew what love was at that point. Not sure if that makes sense...but with each day and each year and each baby that was born and each night up with a sick kid and each time he looks at me and each time he cleans the house or does the laundry or buys my special things at the store or brings me flowers just because or pushes me to do something that I really want to do but don't know if I can do or each time he tells me I am beautiful or watching him read the kids a book or saying it is jump on daddy time and watching him play with the kids or the times he stays home with the sick kid so I can go to work or the times he gets the kids ready and comes to watch me in a race or the times he tells people what a great mom I am or the quiet moments when it is just him and I and we just talk....I mean the list could go on and on....each of those moments have made our love grow and made me look at him more and more for the man he is and not the man he will be. I love him and I am so blessed to have him as my husband.

Just wanted to share that today!!!! Happy Anniversary to me!!!!

OH....and Happy Earth Day too!!!

Love ya!


Kelley said...

What a sweet post!!!!

Sara said...

You totally made me tear up! I hope you showed him that or you at least told him. Beautiful! I know exactly what you mean about how you didn't really know what love was back then! lol. It's amazing how we grow and mature...especially in love!


Mandalynn said...

Absolutely!! We had no idea, did we?!?! LOL You know the "I Will Be Here" song by Steven Curtis Chapman? That song's meaning just grows deeper with each passing day, doesn't it?

Happy Anniversary!! :)