Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update on Mandy

Thank you Prayer Warriors! My mom just called me with an update on Mandy! They did not keep her at the hospital last night and they did not find any blood clots - HALLELUJAH!

We are still not really sure what they "diagnosed" as the problem, but I do think they gave her some migraine medicine. So...not sure if that was the root of the problem or what.

I am sure the fact that she just had a baby last week and she was probably over-doing it might have played into this as well!!!

So, thank you for your prayers...they are much appreciated! Hopefully she will update us soon or if I hear more, I will certainly pass it along!

The whole blood clot thing really had me freaked out since I just about lost my friend Kelli to blood clots a few years ago! But...God is good!!!!

I will try to put a real post up later today - if work allows! LOL

Love you all and appreciate you all so very much!


Unknown said...

YAY!!! Glad to hear everything's ok with her. Still keeping SebbieDue in my prayers. I think I need to stop by her office today to see how she's doing.

Kelley said...

Praise God that Mandy is okay! I read the first line of your blog and started freakin' then I read yesterday's blog. I'm just now getting caught up!

That scares me about the blood clots. That's why my doc said that I HAVE to stop (at the most) every two hours to walk around.

Thanks for keeping us informed!
Lots of Love!

Sara said...

Thanks for the update!!!!