Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Yeah, okay…so I have totally started this entry like 10 times, but I always get distracted and never finish it! So, hopefully this time I get it finished! It has been a while since an “actual post” for me. Although, not as long as others (clearing throat…Dawn, Debbie, Jodi…the list could really go on and on!).

Things are going great in our household right now! Let me just give you the play-by-play for each person! I know everyone loves it when I post like that!

Scott is doing great! Work is going fine…he is keeping busy at home because he is a wonderful wife/husband! I know that I am spoiled by him….so I appreciate it! I try to remember to say thank you very often because I really do know that he spoils me. The ladies that I work with are always amazed by what I tell them that he does! He really does make a great wife! LOL I went to my first softball game of his the other night. They have a team with the guys he works with…and my Uncle Ronnie is the pitcher! Anywhoo, I was there for the first time and so was Aunt Joanne and her whole family – including Eli! So, although I didn’t get to visit with Chelle and Mandy much (I had to be the scorekeeper and watch Gracie at the same time), it was great to see them and know that Mandy was doing so much better. And that little Eli is so beautiful! You just forget how little they are!!! Anyways, they lost the game…actually they were winning until the last inning and then a new dumb rule kinda did them in and the other team scored like 20 runs in the last inning. I think I am not allowed to go to anymore games! LOL Anyways…so Scott is doing good! His company had a family picnic day at the Beach Waterpark this past Sunday. That was very cool because it was free to get in and they fed us lunch and the drinks were free all day! We left Gracie with MIL and Scott spent the day with Isaac while I spent the day with Faith Anne and we had a great time! It was perfect weather! Scott and Isaac went on all of the waterslides and had a blast! I spent the whole time in the kiddy-pool area with Faith Anne and she loved it.

Isaac is excited because his last day of school is on Thursday! He has done so great this year in school….I am anxious to see his final report card! They have been doing some fun things these last few weeks and he brought home his journal yesterday and it is neat to see what he has written about all year…and how much it has improved! They had a pool party last Friday and all the kids went to the Rec Center. I was a bit tiffed at the school because they asked us to send sunscreen, which I did, but obviously no one helped my first grader put it on! He was SCORCHED that evening…and in a lot of pain. I will make sure to talk to someone about that next year! He had fun anyways! He is doing really good in baseball! At their game last night, he hit the ball on the first or second pitch all three times he was up to bat and they were very good hits too! He got mad because when he was running from 2nd to 3rd, the boy who was up to bat hit the ball right to the 3rd baseman, so he got out two times that way. He started to cry, but kept himself in check. It was all I could do to keep from going and giving him a big hug, but that would’ve been worse! We tried to explain to him later that even the fastest runner can’t beat that if it is hit right to the 3rd baseman! After each game, the coaches pick the MVP and they get a lunchbox full of stuff…well, Isaac got it last night! He was so happy and I was so proud of him! I do have to tell you something funny….he was outside playing with the neighbor boys and he thought I had gone inside. So, he starts to shake his private area in a little dance and then ask them if they want to see his nipples? I caught his eye and he knew he was in trouble….as I was stifling back laughter! So, after the boys left, we sat down and talked about it and I told him he shouldn’t do that…blah, blah, blah. Later that night, because of course Scott wasn’t home when this happened, I told Scott that he needed to have an anatomy talk with Isaac. So, he did and he told him that it is his job to bring honor and grace to the family of God and also to our family and by doing that and saying those things, he isn’t doing that. I don’t know how much of that he understands…but we have to start trying to make him understand that now! He is only 6!!! I guess because he hangs out with mostly older kids though, we are gonna have to deal with all of this early! Oh boy!!!!

Faith Anne is all done with preschool now! She had a great first year and I am so glad that we sent her! I just wish we had sent Isaac too! She really loved it and I can see that it made such a difference with her socially as well as academically. Her teacher actually cried when she hugged Faith on the last day. I think she really liked her spunk! She is already looking forward to next year. She is also looking forward to her birthday party in July. We have been asking her what she wants to do and she has some grandeous ideas…so we’ll see what we end up doing. My MIL is mad because the day we might have her party doesn’t work for her….but oh well! She kinda irked me off about that last night. Whatever. So, we are still trying to figure that out. Otherwise, Faith Anne is doing great. I just love her personality and watching how she is becoming her own little person. You can definitely tell that she is a middle child because she is in constant need of affirmation. She wants to always tell me how much she loves me and in turn, for me to tell her how much I love her. I don’t mind it one bit…it is just funny how different she is from Isaac in that respect. We don’t have her signed up for any dance or anything right now…so I need to look for something for her to do. I have enjoyed the break from that though! We still always have something going on, it seems!

Gracie is well, I am not sure how to put it! She is really a doll-baby, but she is also a difficult child! I can tell that she is FOR SURE going to be my challenge! She just has her own mind about everything and if she wants to do something….get out of her way! I want to channel that strong-will in, without breaking it altogether. My mom went to Kentucky to watch Maycie and Aniya (Jodi’s girls) and she said that after being with Aniya for that time, she realized just how difficult of a child Gracie really is. She is just ornery – into absolutely everything – and very, very stubborn. She is talking more, which I love. I love to hear her say “Sissy” and “Bubba”, which are two of her favorite people and words! But if they take something she wants, she has no problems biting…hitting…screaming…whatever to get her own way! I love her to pieces, but she is a challenge!!!!!

So, that is the short update on my family! We are a crazy bunch, I tell you! Things with me are going pretty good. I asked my boss if it looked like I was going to lose my job and he said definitely not…so hopefully that holds true. There have been so many cuts around me, that I began to panic. But he assured me that that was not going to happen.

I have lost 57 pounds and weigh in again tomorrow. I am just in a groove with it right now. I hope it continues! For some reason, it seems that it is really clicking with me this time and I really think I can do this and I can keep it off! It will be a constant struggle – I am sure for the rest of my life – but I am going to keep at it!

Kelli and I are trying to figure out where we are going for our get-away in July. We were waiting to get a good last-minute deal. It will be here soon…so we need to figure it out. I am excited about getting away for a few days! I would love to go to California or Florida…we’ll see!

Well, I better get to work. I feel like I am leaving something out that I was gonna share… but I can’t think of what it is now! Love you all and praying for so many!


Sara said...

Glad you blogged!!! Gracie is much like Abby. An angel in the nursery, but hell on wheels at home! lol. It's funny how sweet and shy she is in the nursery, but then they just break out of their shell after walking out those doors. I'm always amazed at how well they say Abby behaves! lol.

Lucky you getting a girls getaway! I'm jealous!!! You could getaway to my house in late July and help me with a newborn and a 2 year old! :) Yeah, didn't think so! :)

Awesome on the weight loss! Love ya!

Dawn said...

You have beautiful children and you are a wonderful mom. Just had to say that. I love reading how you write about them and whats going on in their little world at this time.

Florida or California that would be a hard choice. I'd pick California only cause I"ve lived in florida hA!! One day my friend Michelle and I want to do something like that we've only been talking about it for years HA!! I bet you can't wait to get the plans finalized and go and have a blast.

I can't believe tomorrow is Madisons last day also. I am not sure I"m ready for them here all the time and all the fighting. I figure if I build it up in my head as how bad it could be then I know it won't really be that bad it won't see so bad. Did that make sense. Don't think so HA!! OH and not sure I'll ever blog again just not sure I feel up to it HA!! :)

Kelley said...

I love reading about your family...if if the entries are few and far between! lol!

Sounds like Gracie is like our soon to be middle child! :) Get out of their way or they will run you over. I'm sure that will help them in life later on...right??!?!?!

Love the fact that you've lost 57 pounds. YOU ROCK! You're doing so well at it and I'm amazed at how well that it seems to come easy for you this time. You're such a great role model!!

Lots of Love!

Sherry said...

To echo Kelley, YOU ROCK!

Can I borrow Scott?

I'll trade your difficult child for mine...

Love you!