Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Please Pray...

Ladies, It appears that we need to keep two of our dear Journal Goddesses in prayers right now! Debbie - which hopefully you have seen her emails and know what is going on there with her eye. And now Mandy. I just got off the phone with my Uncle Ronnie (Mandy's dad) and she is at the hospital in the ER. They have not admitted her yet, but she is having substantial chest pains and having difficulty breathing. They are looking for blood-clots. Like I said, at this point they have not admitted her, but I am not sure what the rest of the evening will look like for them. Mandy's parents have both Abbey and Eli.

I will update as I hear more, but I now that she will appreciate your prayers - as well as Debbie! Just pray for God's wisdom to be with the doctors and for His peace to surround everyone involved.

Love you Girls!!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I knew about Debbie, but that's awful about Mandy! Please keep us updated! I'll be praying!!!