I just wanted to post a plea for prayer. I went to visit Michael tonight and our family truly needs your prayers. It is almost as if he is recessing again, instead of moving forward. I sat with him for quite a while tonight and held his hand...I prayed with him...I hugged him...I fed him...I told him how much we all love him...I told him that he is a miracle...I read to him....I loved him. He is just in such a different place...I really can't describe it.
When I first went into his room, he was sleeping. I just stood back and was actually praying for him quietly. He opened his eyes and saw me and reached his hand out to me. So, I sat beside him and held his hand and was still. Before long, he asked me a question. I couldn't understand him, because it is almost like he talks without moving his mouth. You have to get right next to him to really understand what he is saying. He is so weak. He shakes constantly and he is so pale. So, after repeating his question a few times, I realized that he was asking me how Isaac is...he finally said, your son....like hello! Do you not know who I am asking about? That made me cry...but I told him that Isaac is doing good and was at football and that Michael needs to get better because Isaac wants him to come and watch him play. He said he would. Then he asked me about my girls....he asked me how old they are. We talked for a minute before he drifted back off to sleep. Then he asked for candy...so his sitter fed him some fruit snacks. I made a joke about him trying to show me how big his mouth is...so he opened it wide for me. Then I asked him if he wanted to eat his dinner....he hadn't eaten in like 3 - 4 days. He said yes....so after a bit, I fed him his dinner.
There is an article in the paper about the girl who saved his life - she received a medal of honor. We showed that to him and he started crying because he couldn't read it. So, I read it to him and there is a quote in there that says that Michael..."is on his way to a miraculous recovery...". So, when I read that to him, he just started crying and reached out to hug me. I held him close and just whispered in his ear that it was okay to cry and that we love him and that God loves him and that this is all a part of God's plan...that God has a big plan for him....and that now we have it in black and white that he is a miracle. I told him that God isn't done with him yet...that God still needs Michael to spread the gospel and bring others to Christ. Michael agreed with me....this was the last time he was calm and coherent...it started to go down hill after that.
He wants to walk...but he is too weak. He doesn't want anyone to have to help him and he gets very frustrated and embarrassed. They can't allow him to go anywhere by himself because he has developed a blood clot on his lung, so he is on blood thinners, so they can't take a chance that he could hurt himself. That is why he is restrained to his bed. He is getting sore from being in bed all the time. Just imagine how hard that would be for a vibrant young man who is used to running and playing ball every single day.
I would just ask that you please pray. Pray for Michael. Pray for his parents....and his sister. Just pray that they would feel God's hand and turn to HIM for comfort. This is so hard on them. Words cannot express what it is like to see this young man in this condition. My dad is really having a hard time with all of this too. He is trying to be strong for my uncle, but he is such a tender-hearted person, he is really having a hard time.
My brother-in-law, Jimmie, said a very profound thing that has been ringing through my ears since Jodi told me.....he said....God's plan for Michael has not changed. This is all a part of the plan. Just because we didn't know this part, doesn't mean that God's plan for him has changed. He is still going to use Michael exactly the way He intended.
Please, Dear God, Healer of all things, surround this family with your loving and healing arms. Give them rest in YOU, allow them to let go and know that YOU are in control and that YOU are carrying them through this horrible time right now. Allow them to rest, physically, and not grow weak as they are trying to be there for Michael right now....and gently prod them to turn to YOU and not to earthly things for peace. Thank you for the MIRACLE of MICHAEL. Thank you for giving us him and for molding him into the child of God that he is. Thank you for allowing us to have him on this earth as long as we have and help us to understand that YOU are in control and that YOU are holding us in your hand. PRAISE THE LORD - He is good all of the time and all of the time, HE IS GOOD.
Thank you all for allowing me to post this plea for prayer. My heart is just so heavy for Michael and his parents and his sister. I know in my heart that God is in control, but it is hard for my head to grasp that knowledge and just let go and let God.
I love you all...and thank you for your continued prayers.....
Jimmie is so right. God's plan has never changed, but we don't know what it is or how things always work. We need to pray for God's will to be done through all of this. Who knows, Michael might be leading someone to Christ even as we write all this!
Praying for your family! We love you!
That's so touching about your time with Michael. I'm sure it means the world to him to have you visit him and read to him and just be there. I pray that he continues to recover, despite the road blocks in his way. Jimmie is surely right that this is all part of God's plan. There are no surprises for Him, that's for sure!
Love ya!
Wow, that Jimmie...he just made me cry!! In a good way!! Isn't that so true?!?! Absolutely for Michael, but all of us? Very profound, and a great reminder that this didn't "shock God off His throne..." (that's a Mark Lowry quote). Anyways, still praying...
Love you...
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