Thursday, August 02, 2007

Second post this week!!!

Yep…that’s right! Two posts in one week! WOW! Can you tell that things are slow at work right now? I hate being bored at work…I would rather be swamped. It is especially annoying to be slow at work when there is so much I need to do outside of work, but I can’t because I am at work. What a dilemma?!?!

So, things are crazy at our house right now! Let’s see….my week has looked like this: get about 4 – 5 hours of sleep at night because Gracie doesn’t like to sleep at night, get up and go to work, rush home from work to get kids, get home with kids, get kids fed and bags packed for the evening, rush to football, get home from football, give everyone baths, try to make the house look presentable, eat dinner, crash into bed to start the whole cycle all over again!!! It has just been crazy… and this is only the first week of football! Now, Scott has been helping….but it is still just absolutely crazy!

So….Monday was the first night of football. Scott and I both took him and Gracie up there. It is very close to our house, so we walk there. Mom took Faith Anne, so we just had Gracie. Well, Gracie and I didn’t stay very long because it was so hot and she was getting fussy. So we came on home. Isaac did alright at football. It was funny to see them doing all of those exercises and stuff. He was very sore the next day, that is for sure!

Tuesday….Isaac wasn’t feeling very good. When I picked him up from my Mom’s, he was not feeling great, but said he still wanted to go to football. I should’ve listened to my Mother’s Instinct and kept him home, but he wanted to go. This week is conditioning and they have to have 5 days of conditioning before they are allowed to have any contact (tackle). So, they were told on Monday that if they missed a night this week, they will have to make it up next week before they can tackle. So, he wanted to go. Mom took the girls, so it was just me and Isaac. For the first part of the practice he did alright. He wasn’t giving it his all, but he was trying to keep up even though he wasn’t feeling good. Well, they took off to run around the track (an actual football field track). He was slow and behind everyone…which didn’t surprise me. I was watching and noticed that he was falling way behind, so I got up to go to him and my intent was to finish the track with him and try to hustle him up. Well, as I was walking over to him, a cheerleading mother on the side of the track had her arm around him and was bringing him to me. I started running to him and he was having an asthma attack. It scared me to death. He couldn’t get his breath and so that was making him panic and he was crying and it was just a mess. So, of course I don’t have an inhaler for him because he has never really been diagnosed as having asthma – although we do have a medicine inhaler for preventive purposes…not for “in-the-middle-of-an-asthma-attack” purposes. So, I got him to my chair and had him sit down and calm down. Of course we had walked there, so I made him sit there while I walked home and got the van to come back and pick him up. Well, I called my parents and they immediately came to help me….Scott was working and was on the other side of town, so he couldn’t get there fast. I had to call the pharmacist and then the doctor-on-call to get prescriptions for inhalers for him. Even though he was calmed down by this point, I wasn’t taking any chances going into the night. It really scared me. For those of you who have asthma or kids with asthma, you know how scary it is when you are looking at your child struggling to breath. The look of panic in his eyes took my breath away!

SO! Yesterday morning Scott took him to our family doctor and they gave us a prescription for the “rescue” inhaler and we are to keep that with us at all times when he is playing football – DUH! As if I would go anywhere without it after my scare from the night before! They also did a strep test on him, but it came back negative. He just has some kind of a viral infection that is going around…, that was a good thing. He was actually doing much better by yesterday evening. He went to football last night and did fine – no asthma problems! So, that has been the way things have gone the past few days!

On a really fun note….at Christmas, my parents told the kids that their big present was going to be a swing-set for our back yard. Well, Dad really wanted to get one of those nice wooden ones, but those things are crazy expensive! So, he had been looking for a good deal….and boy did he find one! He was at a yard sale before we went on vacation and there was a family selling theirs. He bought it and had to take it apart and then put it back together at our house….but man is it awesome! He finished it yesterday….except there are a few things we want to do to it still, but it is AMAZING! It was easily over a $1000 when they bought it new. Faith Anne played on it for 2 hours last night (MIL watched the girls for us last night). So, that is our new excitement at our house. I hate that we are gone so much right now…they don’t get to play in our backyard very much, it seems. Hopefully this weekend they will have a chance to play out there.

Last night we had practice for the Praise Team for the Women’s Retreat at the end of this month. There were only 4 of us there, but we had fun! I really miss singing….that is what it told me! If we could just figure out what to do with our kids on Saturdays so that I could go to practices, I would love to get back on the Praise Team! This Sunday, Scott and I are leading worship in the Heritage Service, so that should be fun. But I really miss it! Anyways, we had fun practicing, but we also had fun just talking when it was over! We got done earlier than I had told Scott, so I just enjoyed the few minutes of “me-time” to sit and catch up with the girls!

Well, I am supposed to get my hair-cut today, but I will have to cancel that appointment because there aren’t enough hours in the day to do that, get the kids picked up and fed and get to football on time. Scott helps as much as he can, but his best hours to sell/work are in the early evening. So, if I want him to make good money, he needs to work then! It is a double-edged sword! Oh well…..hopefully I can get in soon! I am so over-do for a haircut… if you all really wanted to know that! LOL

Well, the most recent update on Michael….not much has changed. He is still at the rehab unit and going through therapy. The doctors told his parents that he has a long road of recovery/therapy ahead of him. They suggested (strongly) that they should apply for social security or Medicaid to help with the hospital bills. They do have insurance, but that only covers so much and if he had the supplemental insurance, he would get the better care that he needs. So, that was hard on them – like a reality shot. I haven’t been to see him again since Sunday. I might go over on my lunch today – or for sure this weekend. I don’t want to get in the way of his progress, but I do want to make sure he knows we are praying for him and how much he is loved.

So, I guess that is about it for today! I better get back to work….or back to looking busy! Have a great Thursday!


Sara said...

Holy moly! Twice in one week! Yippee! :) I'm so glad Isaac is okay! How scary! I would have freaked out!!! I'm glad you have the emergency inhaler now.

I bet your swingset is neat! I can't wait for Abby to be old enough for one. She has the small baby one right now, but I love those big wooden ones! Of course, we'd probably have to sell her to afford it and that would defeat the purpose...lOL.

Love ya!

Kelley said...

Oh you scared me 1/2 to death about Isaac. I'm so glad that he's okay and that you took him to the doctor.

The swingset sounds like so much fun. I wish we had a big backyard...heck, I wish we had our OWN backyard! lol!

I miss the women's singing! Thanks for the note in my journal. I miss the women stuff up there!

Sorry that the medical stuff isn't awesome about Michael, but praise the Lord that he's still with you. I pray that the recovery works wonders!

Have an awesome Friday!
Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

I'm really glad it wasn't any more serious with Isaac and that you got him calmed down. Madison was diagnosed with "asthmatic symptoms" not offically ashthma so we never saw her struggling that bad but I bet you were freaked out of your mind. Glad you've got the inhaler now. I just found ours the other day that she had 2 years ago. Guessing I should pitch it I don't know how long they last. Praying for Michael still. Have a good weekend :) LOve ya!