Monday, August 06, 2007


Happy Monday Everyone! Or is that an oxymoron? Someone has said that before, but boy that is so true! Mondays are a bummer! I wish weekends were longer….but they aren’t, so oh well!!!

Well, for an update on Michael – I went and saw him on Thursday and he was pretty bad. This phase that he was going through in his recovery was just very hard to witness. They actually had to restrain him to his bed on Thursday (after I was there) and Friday and Saturday. My parents talked to his folks yesterday and it sounds like he is doing better and they were able to un-restrain him. I plan on going over there on my lunch hour tomorrow to see him. I hope that it is better than last week! After I visited him on Thursday, I had a rough time. It was just very scary. I was talking to the girls at Women’s Group about it last night and just cried and cried. I think I had kept it bottled up that as soon as I started talking about it, I couldn’t stop all the emotions. (But I still didn’t cry as much as Amber on BB!!!) So, thanks Ladies for letting me get that out last night! I needed it!!!!

So, Friday was an alright day at work. Nothing too exciting. I got the kids from my aunt’s house and we rushed home to get Isaac ready for his last night of football for the week. It was their first time wearing all of their “gear”. It is gonna take me about 15 minutes each night to get him all ready…but he looked so cute!!! Scott got home and took him to football so I stayed home and gave the house some much needed attention! One of the things that I did was go through all the toys and purge some of the junk – like the stuff we get from restaurants or stuff we don’t have all the pieces for anymore. My house just needed some TLC! Once Scott and Isaac got home, Kelli picked me up and we went to see a chick flick – No Reservations with Catherine Zeta-Jones. It was a cute movie. We got there early so we were able to visit a bit and get caught up before the movie….it was a much-needed little break!

Saturday….I did more cleaning and laundry and just had fun with the kids. Scott went to work, so we just hung out around the house. The kids played nearly all morning on their new swing-set. I think Faith Anne just sat on the swing for hours! She loves having it in her backyard! Scott got home from work and we were going to take the kids out on some errands, but both Isaac and Faith Anne were being whiney and bratty, so I just said enough is enough and made them go to their rooms! Faith Anne went to sleep, but Isaac never did. So, Scott went and did a few things and I just played with Gracie and did laundry and stuff. It was a pretty un-eventful Saturday. Oh, I did watch DejaVu and that is a really good movie! Lots of twists and stuff, but I liked it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Denzel Washington is in it!!!

Sunday – we got up and all headed out to church. Scott and I led worship in the first service. It was neat too because we had prayer time over the youth. We have a group leaving for Mexico tomorrow on a mission trip! I am so envious of that….I wish I could do something like that. Anyways, Sunday School was good – there were only 3 of us, but it was nice. I went and got Gracie and had her with me for the 2nd service. She fell asleep during the worship set, so that was nice to just hold and cuddle her! When she is awake, she is on the go, so cuddling is getting harder and harder! We left after church and dashed home and then headed down to Wilmington. Matt met us at our house and went with us. The boys had some “NFL Draft” for their fantasy league (whatever) and Tera (his friend’s wife) and I took all the kids to the pool. They are members of the private pool club in Wilmington – which is very funny to me because when I was in school, only the snobs were members there. I did see one person I knew…..he was my high school government teacher. He looked about the same – just much less hair. It was funny because he was the kind of teacher that is only a few years older than me and so he dated some of the students when I was in school. He is like the owner or something of the pool. So, that was funny. Anyways, the kids had fun and Tera and I always find lots to talk about. So, it was a nice way to spend the day. We went back to their house to get the boys and they weren’t done yet, but let me tell you…talk about BORING! I don’t get the whole Fantasy Football thing. Oh well!

So, we got home and pretty much got the kids fed and ready for bed and then it was time for me to go to Women’s Group. It was fun….and you already saw some of what happened there.

So, a pretty boring weekend! But it was nice…..we haven’t had one of those in a while and we have a lot going on next weekend, so we will take it! Football is only 4 nights this week (dripping with sarcasm), so that should be lots of fun. And Mom and Dad are out of town, so I will probably have to have the girls with me on both of my nights. Scott and I are splitting the nights. JOY….oh well, it really is good exercise and stuff for Isaac.

Oh! Guess what I found on our TV…..KARAOKE! Yep, that is right, there is actually a channel (oxygen, on demand) that has karaoke! I was playing with it last night with Isaac and Faith Anne on my lap and they were cracking up. Angela wants me to have a party and do that…that would be fun! Talk about peeing our pants! We would for sure!!!!

So, I guess that is about it. Pretty exciting post, huh? Please pray for the families of two people who work for my company. There was a bank robbery in Louisville this morning and two employees were shot. One was shot in the stomach and one in the arm – although the aim was at his head, but they hit his watch instead – he had his hands over his head. They weren’t fighting – they just couldn’t get in to the vault so the robbers got mad. They are both in stable condition, but how very traumatic and scary for them. Even though it happened a state away, all of our people are on edge. Just a reminder of the daily dangers our branch employees face.

Well, have a good Monday and a good start to your week! Hopefully I will have some good news to report on Michael soon! Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

That's awful about the bank robbery! I always remember how lucky I was. At least most of the time they aren't violent!

Glad you had a nice weekend. At least you got to enjoy the pool in that nasty weather we had yesterday! I can't imagine how hard it will be on those kids this week with 90 degree temps! Yikes!

Still praying for Michael. I hope he's on the upswing again!

Karake would be a blast! Maybe we should do a girls night at your house and do that! LOL. Love ya!

Kelley said...

It doesn't sound like too much went on for you this weekend (dripping with sarcasm). If this is a calm weekend for you, I'm already tired by Friday night!

Glad that you got some girl time this weekend. That is always needed!

You're gonna have to take a picture of this awesome swingset!

Praying for Michael....hopefully tomorrow's visit will be better!

Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

I am so sorry about all this with Michael and I hope you have some good news to report soon. And you totally didn't have to appologize to us last night for crying. Its good to get it out and talk about it.

I LOVED No Reservations. We saw it last week when the girls were gone. Just one of those feel good movies. And Stew has this secret dream of being a chef so I knew he'd like it also HA!!

Thats so scarey with the bank robbery. I hadn't heard about it yet but we hardly ever watch the news.

Yep the Karokee sounds like fun even though I'm sure i won't do it HA! But I"ll pee my pants watchig ya'll do it. I'll take pictures hows that.
Take care girlie!

girlie_mom said...

Yeah so when are you having us all over??? I am TOTALLY serious...with having kids and Allison being 8 hours away, I haven't been kareoking in forever!!! And the game on PS2 sounds great too...I wonder who's person would die first??? How embarassing if it was mine!?!?! So yeah, can you tell I REALLY want to do it?!?!?! Why don't you have a Labor Day party and we can do it then...that's the next "holiday" that is an excuse for having a party! ARen't I so nice for planning a party at YOUR house.

Yeah, and NEVER apologize for crying about things that are so on your heart like Micheal...I just don't know what I would do if I were in your situation. I just think the world of you for going and seeing him and all that like you have...I definitely wouldn't be that strong.

Hope you survive football practice this week.

Love ya!

Jodi said...

Jimmie said a really neat thing about Michael the other night because I kinda had a breakdown after you emailed me about your visit to the hospital on Thursday....anyway, Jimmie was consoling me and one of the things he said was this: God's plan for Michael is still there, it's just taken a different turn or a detour but God's plan is still there for him. I thougght that was a really profound thing for my husband to say...and very true...

anyways, I definately want to come to a karoke party but I think you know that! lol

on a serious of this morning they still had not found the bank robbers but they did say that both people that were shot were going to recover.

ok not my ya!