So, I should really be working. I have a million things to do. But…I feel like posting! So, I am going to do that before I tackle the items that have been on my “To-Do” list that I don’t really want to do. Does anyone else do that? Every day before I leave work, I create my “To-Do” list for the next day. Inevitably, there is never enough time to get it all done so some of the tasks are carried over to the next day….and sometimes the next day….and the next day….and the next. There are just some things that I put off. I don’t know why I do that, because then I just dread them the next day, but I do! Oh well. I always get it all done, just not always in the right order!
Anyways….not really a lot going on to post about, but I will anyways! Work has been stressful, but good lately. Good because Stinky Pete has been out on vacation! He comes back tomorrow, though. So that is a bummer. But it has been a nice break without him here creating a bunch of dumb stuff for us to do. We have been able to get stuff done instead. Although, back to my first paragraph, there are two things that I have put off! Funny thing happened to me yesterday morning. I was sitting here, minding my own business, typing away at my computer about 7:30ish. I thought that I saw something out of the corner of my eye…and that is where my window is too, so it could’ve just been outside. So, I look over and low and behold, a little mouse was looking back at me! I about DIED. I sat here and looked at it in disbelief (and fear!) and waited for it to turn around and go where I couldn’t see it anymore. Then I promptly jumped up and yelled for my friend who happened to come in early (normally I am here by myself until about 8:00). We had the geebies together and called the maintenance guy. Of course my friend (the mouse) could not be found now. So, now I have mouse traps all around my office and I am extremely paranoid! I work in a building that has 29 floors and who knows what kinds of things live here with us….but that was too close for comfort for me! We laughed about it all day….I was hoping to come in and find a dead friend in one of my traps, but nope! And I haven’t seen him again yet today either. I was telling everyone that growing up in the country, we had mice in our house all the time….but country mice are fast and scared of people. This little guy wasn’t that fast and I don’t think he was scared of me! I think he was staring me down because I was in his house! LOL Nothing like a little excitement to start the day!
We have reason for a HUGE celebration in our household…..Faith Anne has been wearing big girl panties since last Friday! Yep, that is right…the DIVA finally decided that she was ready to do it and has done really well! She has had two little accidents where she started to go but then realized she was in panties so ran to the potty. One time she was busy playing and she stopped and asked me…”Mommy, am I wearing a diaper or panties?” I said..”panties”…so she said….”I gotta go poop.” And ran to the bathroom. So, she is getting it and she is doing so well and I couldn’t be more excited! We went and bought her a Dora’s Magic Castle on Saturday because we had been telling her we would get her that once she started going potty. Funny thing was, when we got to Target, she picked out all these cheap toys for her gift. So, we bought her this pop-up castle that she said she wanted. When we got it home, she didn’t like it. So, we took that back and bought her what we had originally wanted anyways! The castle. She has played with it a lot. When I pick her up from Barbara’s, she asks me if the castle is still at her house. What a funny kid. She is still a DIVA, but at least she is a DIVA in panties now. At church on Sunday she was cracking me up because I would tell her to tell people that she was a big girl with panties on now, and she would just pull her dress up and show them! This is a HUGE milestone for us! Only one in diapers now….that will save some money! And now it isn’t like an assembly-line for changing poopy pants now! LOL
Gracie is still not sleeping very well. I know, know, know that we just need to let her cry. But that is so much easier said than done. We tried that technique the other night and it was horrible. She wouldn’t stop screaming and so we only got about 3 hours of sleep. Not fun! We might try again this weekend. The easy thing to do is just feed her and then let her sleep with us. But that is not the solution. So, it is my 3rd kid, I know what I need to do…..it is just so hard since she shares a room with Faith Anne. Maybe we will put FAB in Isaac’s room this weekend when he is gone….
Isaac is going to spend the weekend with his Uncle Jimmie (and sometimes Jodi). He is so excited. Jimmie is picking him up on Friday and taking him to a tractor pulls and their house. I think he is bringing him home sometime on Sunday. So, does anyone want my girls this weekend? LOL Faith Anne will be lost without her big brother! Or, she might just like the extra attention! Anyways, I think it is great that Jimmie likes to have Isaac around for those things. I am sure that Isaac talks his ear off….but Jimmie probably does the same! Good bonding time for them.
What else? Oh, this weekend we got together with Mom and Dad and Jimmie and Jodi to celebrate Father’s Day and Dad’s birthday. We had a really good time. Dad made some really, really yummy ribs! We also took the kids fishing. It was so funny….we got to this pond and AS SOON as Faith Anne put her pole in the water, she had one! I wasn’t ready with the video camera….but she was excited. Then she was getting bored because she wasn’t catching anything, so Jodi caught one and when Dad took it off her pole, he told Faith Anne he needed to put more bait on her line, but really put Jodi’s fish on her hook and she thought she caught it. It was a lot of fun. We just had a good day of visiting and eating! On Sunday, after church, we met with Scott’s Dad and Step-Mom….and his Aunt from Texas was in town with her husband, so we had dinner with all of them. It was a nice, short visit. Those are my kind of visits! They came over to see our house and then left…so it was nice. Then his sister came and got Isaac and Faith Anne to take them swimming. Scott, Gracie and I all took long naps…it was heavenly! I love days like that! They just don’t happen often enough!
OH! Friday night we went to Kristin’s birthday party and they had a real pony for the kids to ride! It was so cool! Isaac got on it right away with no problems….except the pony walked a lot faster when the kid was big….so that was funny. Faith Anne was scared to death (surprise, surprise) and wouldn’t go near the pony. We worked with her all night and finally Scott just put her on there. She cried at first, but then loved it. We got her and Kristin on there together and they were two little “Princess Cow-Girls”! They both had on pink cowboy hats and were saying “Giddy-Up Sugar”! It was so cute! We also got a great picture of Gracie sitting on the horse too.
Well, I guess I am going to go. If there are pictures on here, that means I figured out how to do it! They are from my cell phone, so they aren’t the greatest! Oh, and by the way….I bought a new digital camera. I accidentally won it on Ebay! I got a Kodak Easy Share 7.1 megapixel camera and printer dock. I bid on it, but didn’t think I would win it….but I did! I hope I like it!!!
Have a great day….hugs and love to all!
Anyways….not really a lot going on to post about, but I will anyways! Work has been stressful, but good lately. Good because Stinky Pete has been out on vacation! He comes back tomorrow, though. So that is a bummer. But it has been a nice break without him here creating a bunch of dumb stuff for us to do. We have been able to get stuff done instead. Although, back to my first paragraph, there are two things that I have put off! Funny thing happened to me yesterday morning. I was sitting here, minding my own business, typing away at my computer about 7:30ish. I thought that I saw something out of the corner of my eye…and that is where my window is too, so it could’ve just been outside. So, I look over and low and behold, a little mouse was looking back at me! I about DIED. I sat here and looked at it in disbelief (and fear!) and waited for it to turn around and go where I couldn’t see it anymore. Then I promptly jumped up and yelled for my friend who happened to come in early (normally I am here by myself until about 8:00). We had the geebies together and called the maintenance guy. Of course my friend (the mouse) could not be found now. So, now I have mouse traps all around my office and I am extremely paranoid! I work in a building that has 29 floors and who knows what kinds of things live here with us….but that was too close for comfort for me! We laughed about it all day….I was hoping to come in and find a dead friend in one of my traps, but nope! And I haven’t seen him again yet today either. I was telling everyone that growing up in the country, we had mice in our house all the time….but country mice are fast and scared of people. This little guy wasn’t that fast and I don’t think he was scared of me! I think he was staring me down because I was in his house! LOL Nothing like a little excitement to start the day!
We have reason for a HUGE celebration in our household…..Faith Anne has been wearing big girl panties since last Friday! Yep, that is right…the DIVA finally decided that she was ready to do it and has done really well! She has had two little accidents where she started to go but then realized she was in panties so ran to the potty. One time she was busy playing and she stopped and asked me…”Mommy, am I wearing a diaper or panties?” I said..”panties”…so she said….”I gotta go poop.” And ran to the bathroom. So, she is getting it and she is doing so well and I couldn’t be more excited! We went and bought her a Dora’s Magic Castle on Saturday because we had been telling her we would get her that once she started going potty. Funny thing was, when we got to Target, she picked out all these cheap toys for her gift. So, we bought her this pop-up castle that she said she wanted. When we got it home, she didn’t like it. So, we took that back and bought her what we had originally wanted anyways! The castle. She has played with it a lot. When I pick her up from Barbara’s, she asks me if the castle is still at her house. What a funny kid. She is still a DIVA, but at least she is a DIVA in panties now. At church on Sunday she was cracking me up because I would tell her to tell people that she was a big girl with panties on now, and she would just pull her dress up and show them! This is a HUGE milestone for us! Only one in diapers now….that will save some money! And now it isn’t like an assembly-line for changing poopy pants now! LOL
Gracie is still not sleeping very well. I know, know, know that we just need to let her cry. But that is so much easier said than done. We tried that technique the other night and it was horrible. She wouldn’t stop screaming and so we only got about 3 hours of sleep. Not fun! We might try again this weekend. The easy thing to do is just feed her and then let her sleep with us. But that is not the solution. So, it is my 3rd kid, I know what I need to do…..it is just so hard since she shares a room with Faith Anne. Maybe we will put FAB in Isaac’s room this weekend when he is gone….
Isaac is going to spend the weekend with his Uncle Jimmie (and sometimes Jodi). He is so excited. Jimmie is picking him up on Friday and taking him to a tractor pulls and their house. I think he is bringing him home sometime on Sunday. So, does anyone want my girls this weekend? LOL Faith Anne will be lost without her big brother! Or, she might just like the extra attention! Anyways, I think it is great that Jimmie likes to have Isaac around for those things. I am sure that Isaac talks his ear off….but Jimmie probably does the same! Good bonding time for them.
What else? Oh, this weekend we got together with Mom and Dad and Jimmie and Jodi to celebrate Father’s Day and Dad’s birthday. We had a really good time. Dad made some really, really yummy ribs! We also took the kids fishing. It was so funny….we got to this pond and AS SOON as Faith Anne put her pole in the water, she had one! I wasn’t ready with the video camera….but she was excited. Then she was getting bored because she wasn’t catching anything, so Jodi caught one and when Dad took it off her pole, he told Faith Anne he needed to put more bait on her line, but really put Jodi’s fish on her hook and she thought she caught it. It was a lot of fun. We just had a good day of visiting and eating! On Sunday, after church, we met with Scott’s Dad and Step-Mom….and his Aunt from Texas was in town with her husband, so we had dinner with all of them. It was a nice, short visit. Those are my kind of visits! They came over to see our house and then left…so it was nice. Then his sister came and got Isaac and Faith Anne to take them swimming. Scott, Gracie and I all took long naps…it was heavenly! I love days like that! They just don’t happen often enough!
OH! Friday night we went to Kristin’s birthday party and they had a real pony for the kids to ride! It was so cool! Isaac got on it right away with no problems….except the pony walked a lot faster when the kid was big….so that was funny. Faith Anne was scared to death (surprise, surprise) and wouldn’t go near the pony. We worked with her all night and finally Scott just put her on there. She cried at first, but then loved it. We got her and Kristin on there together and they were two little “Princess Cow-Girls”! They both had on pink cowboy hats and were saying “Giddy-Up Sugar”! It was so cute! We also got a great picture of Gracie sitting on the horse too.
Well, I guess I am going to go. If there are pictures on here, that means I figured out how to do it! They are from my cell phone, so they aren’t the greatest! Oh, and by the way….I bought a new digital camera. I accidentally won it on Ebay! I got a Kodak Easy Share 7.1 megapixel camera and printer dock. I bid on it, but didn’t think I would win it….but I did! I hope I like it!!!
Have a great day….hugs and love to all!
Thanks for sharing pictures now was that so hard HEE HEE!! Just kidding I know what your kids look like but you know me I love pictures. Your phone takes awesome pictures girl. They are so cute and I love the one with all 3 of them.
I"m so excited she is in panties. I know you are more than she is because I remember that feeling. It was so weird it was just like one day she (abbi) finally decided she was gonna wear panties. She still at night sometimes will grab a pull up out of the drawer to sleep in. Not all nights but now and then. So I just let her. I tell her she's not gonna pee why does she want it but she is funny. And I totally know what you mean about letting them cry it out. I couldn't do it much either. Espeically late at night there is no way. I always felt like such a bad mom after she cried so long. I was to much a softy that was my baby wanting me HA! Hope you catch the mouse talk to ya later !!!! HUGS!
I'm okay. I just fell off my chair but I'm okay. Wow! Pictures! I can't believe how much your kiddos have grown! They are just beautiful and perfect.
I hope Isaac has a good weekend with Jimmie! Enjoy your girl time! Way to go, Faith Anne!
Okay...in my defense...it is SO MUCH easier to post pictures now than it used to be! So, this is the first time I have tried in forever and it was so easy! Now I will just have to get more on my work computer!
LOL..pick yourselves up off the floor!
I agree that your phone takes good pictures! It amazes me how much Gracie has grown in a couple of months!
I know letting them cry is hard. I won't give you any advice. We finally had to let Abby cry and it worked for us, but it may not work for you.
I'm so proud of Faith Anne and I know you are too! I got to see her panties on Sunday. LOL. Love ya!
I can't believe how much FAB has changed! And Gracie....wow, she looks just like your other two...and Isaac....he's still such a cutie! Thanks for posting those!
Have fun with your new office friend. Be worried if he sets up a desk and chair over the weekend!
Lots of Love!
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