Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Let it Snow!!!!

Brrr….I am writing from cold and snowy Ohio! Actually, it is much warmer today (8 degrees with a high of 16 today) than it has been! ***singing “we’re having a heat wave….a tropical heat wave…*** end singing. But the snow is so pretty! I guess we got about 5 inches or so. Just enough to cause problems on the roads…but also enough for my Dad to play with the kids in the snow today! They are going sledding and Isaac is so excited! I don’t know if they will take Faith Anne or not…I am sure she will want to go. I wish I could watch them – notice I didn’t say that I wanted to do it with them – I like to be warm! But I am sure they will have fun!

So, really not a lot going on…I am just bored here at work, so I thought I would post! How’s that for honesty? I am also in a very goofy mood (in case you hadn’t already noticed). And I am dreading going to Weight Watcher’s today. I KNOW that I have gained this week. It has been TOM – my first one since I had Gracie – and I just can’t stop eating. Now, mind you, the things I am choosing to eat are not “bad” for me…and they are low in points….but 10 snacks at 2 points each add up, ya know? LOL I might be exaggerating a bit…but seriously, I could eat all day long! So, anyways…I am not looking forward to weighing in today, but I am going to make myself go and suck it up. Maybe that will help me get back on track! I just am not motivated to do what it takes to lose the weight. I want to do it…but I am really struggling!!! Maybe I need to challenge someone again…that helped me last time! Which is also weird, because I am really not that competitive of a person…at least I don’t see myself that way… again, weird mood…rambling!

SO! Isaac hasn’t had school all week due to the cold and snow. He has missed his friends! Oh, I have to tell you about this….last Friday when my mom picked him up from school, he told her that he wanted to go sledding with his friend Christopher. Well….first of all, there wasn’t enough snow and secondly, my mom had the girls and it just wasn’t going to work. Well, Christopher’s mom called me on Saturday – the boys had swapped numbers at school – to see if they could get together to play (how weird is it that my son is old enough for that!). Well, it was already Saturday evening and Scott was at PT practice, so I said no…and they couldn’t do it on Sunday because we had church, Grand Court and then the SB party at church. So, I said “maybe another time”. Well, fast forward to Monday….I am at work and making calls for Isaac’s Valentine’s Party next week (remember…I am the home-room Mom, so I have to line up people to bring snacks, etc.). Well, I call Christopher’s house….his sister answered and I asked for her mom….she said that she was on her other phone but hold on. Well, she must’ve taken the phone to where her mom was and put it down. I heard her tell her mom that someone was on the phone. Well, the mom continues to talk on her cell phone….and I can hear the entire conversation….I heard her tell whomever she was talking to that she had a felony conviction. I was mortified….I almost hung up, but before I had a chance to, the mom got on the phone and she was mortified that I had been sitting there. She must’ve given her daughter the evil eye…she said that she didn’t know I was holding and she was having a very private conversation on the other line….I just told her that I was at work, so I wasn’t really paying attention anyways. What could I say? So, needless to say…..Isaac will not be going to their house anytime soon! I guess I should beat them to it and ask him to come over to our house, that way I don’t have to say no to their house….very interesting! Hopefully you were able to follow that….it was quite comical!

So, anyways….my parents have signed an offer on their house in Kentucky! Praise the Lord! I know that is a huge burden off their shoulders! They will probably close and need to be out by the first part of March! So, they are trying to find a bigger house here to buy so that they can just move once. I don’t know if that will work or not…but they are looking! They called me yesterday to tell me they were here looking at houses….I didn’t know they were coming up! It was nice because since we got the snow, it gave Dad a reason to be here and go sledding with the kids! And I was starting to worry about Mom trying to drive up here in the snow….or not coming at all. So, they picked the kiddos up from my Aunt’s house and then we went over later and had dinner at their house….then Scott and I took Gracie home and the other two spent the night with them. That was nice! Scott and I don’t get much time to just talk – without a million interruptions – so that was a nice quiet evening for us! Gracie is the easy one right now.

I am so excited….Jodi, Mandy, Chelle (Mandy’s sister) and Jeanna (our skinny cousin) are all going to Women of Faith in April!!! I am going to miss the Women’s Retreat at church….but I know that we will have a great weekend – both spiritually and emotionally! Some good cousin-bonding time! Man, I am so blessed to have such great family. Thanks to Mandy for the idea!!! I bought our tickets today…and now we just need to find a hotel! All of them that are within walking distance are sold-out….so might have to get a cab again! Jodi is a pro at flagging down cabs, so that shouldn’t be a problem….LOL!

Ummm…what else? See, I didn’t have much to say….but I am bored! We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge on Friday….I am starting to get excited about that! I just have a lot to do before we go! I don’t think that Faith Anne has a swim-suit that fits her….I don’t know where Isaac’s is….and I think that Scott needs a new pair of trunks! So, I have to do that tonight. I am leaving work a bit early on Friday, taking Gracie to her 4 month appointment and then we are heading out! I think we are going to do an early dinner before we start all the swimming and stuff at the Lodge. Lord knows the kids won’t want to get out once we get started, so we might as well eat before. I will let you all know how it is…I have heard really good things about it. I bet it will be busy since it is so cold outside!

I want to vent for a minute about my MIL. I am so frustrated with her because she really does nothing to help us. I mean, I know it isn’t her responsibility, but it would be nice if she offered to help, or even just helped when we ask her. We really don’t ask her at all anymore. It has just gotten to the point that she is never able to help us, so why bother? I mean, she keeps telling us that she doesn’t get to spend time with the kids…blah, blah, blah…and then when we ask her to watch them, she has a million reasons why she can’t! Case in point, this weekend…we asked her to watch Gracie and she still doesn’t know if she can or not…she says because of her work (she is working a second job right now). But…we asked her about 3 or 4 weeks ago…and she is telling Scott that she doesn’t know her schedule for the weekend…what? That doesn’t make any kind of sense. And….she when the schools are closed (like they have been all week) she doesn’t have to work either…..and Scott talked to her all three days…and not once did she offer to watch the kids. Not once! Now, we were able to take them to my Aunt’s….but it would’ve been nice for her to offer so we didn’t have to spend all that money. We have tickets to a concert later this month on a Saturday night….I am thinking about asking an older lady at church to watch the kids for us. I am tired of always asking my parents…and I know that Laura (MIL) will probably not be able to or want to help us….so I am just going to ask someone else and pay them, I think. It is just frustrating that we can’t count on her. Okay….sorry to vent….but sometimes we just need to do that!!!!

Well, I think that is all I can find to ramble about today! I hope you are all staying warm! I wish some of you would post more often to give me something to read while I am at work! LOL

Love you all!!!!

P.S. Please keep our worship leader and his wife in your prayers....she just had a miscarriage - their first. Many of you know how she is feeling....and they could both certainly use our prayers!


Sara said...

I don't know what to say about Laura that I haven't already said. I'm sorry she does that to you all. One of these days she'll regret it....

It's funny b/c as I was reading about you worrying about gaining weight, etc., I was eating chocolate and feeling guilty! LOL. Good luck today!

Have fun this weekend! I hope Laura comes through for you all!

Love ya!

Kelley said...

Sorry, but I was thinking about food the entire time you were talking about weight watchers! LOL! More like Chick-Fil-A....okay, enough about food!

I'm so sorry about MIL. I hate that she is doing that. She will regret it and I hate that for her, but I especially hate that for your kids....and for your hubby. It stinks when parents are either over-involved because of they feel like they have to be there every minute of they day or under-involved where they have no clue what's going on. I hate that she had all week off and she's not offered even once. I know you want to scream.

Okay, good cover on the whole phone call thing. I would be mortified if I heard that about a friend of my childs. I guess it happens though....just beat her by asking the friend over first....she might not let him if she thinks you heard anything and then there is no problem at all! LOL!

Have a wonderful trip this weekend. Even if you have all three kids, you'll have a fun time!

And my prayers go out to the worship minister and his wife. They have been married since the end of October, right? This is the time frame that we had our first miscarriage....about 3 months after we got married. It's very confusing at this time. Praying praying praying!

Lots of Love!