WOW! It has been a while for me! I am sorry that I haven’t been a better blogger – that was for you Sara!!!! I actually had an entry that I started last week – but I never finished it. So, I erased it and am starting over, because I doubt anyone cares enough about my life to want to ready two weeks worth of updates!
So, let’s see…I don’t even know where to begin? Not that my life is that exciting, but because it has just been so long! We have had some sickness at our house, so that has been exciting! All three of the kids came down with fevers last weekend….I even stayed home from work last Monday with them. After the fevers broke, they all just had colds. Well, this past Friday, Gracie turned worse…she started having a fever again. I was picking them up at my Mom’s house and I saw some wax in her ear and went to get it out…she started screaming. So, we got her into the doctor on Saturday morning and she has an ear infection. The doctor actually said it looked like her ear drum had ruptured because there was so much liquidly wax in there….but after she cleaned that out, she said she just had an infection. So, she is on an anti-biotic and doing much, much better! That stuff works fast. However, she still has the cold - runny nose and cough. Which is actually what RSV is….so we have to keep an eye on her and if her breathing gets more labored or she stops eating/drinking, we will have to take her in again. I think she is going to be fine. Basically RSV means that they have a cold and they can’t break the mucous up when they are that little, so it can cause more problems. So, anyways….she is doing better, so I think we will be alright! I just hate to hear her cough….poor thing!
Good news about Isaac! We didn’t get to have our conference with his teacher because it was cancelled due to bad weather. But I spoke to his teacher on the phone last week and she told me that she was not going to suggest that we hold him back. She was actually going to tell us that he is doing much better – there are still a few areas we need to work on with him, but he is “holding his own”. Then, I didn’t get to go to his last party of the year – his Valentine’s Party – that is a long story – but Scott did and he got the paperwork from her and he is really doing much, much better. We are still thinking about getting him a tutor for the summer – just to make sure he is ready for 1st grade. One of the 1st grade teachers at his school goes to our church, so we might ask her or his current kindergarten teacher. Although, Jodi called and offered Jimmie to be Isaac’s tutor…for free….but I don’t know about that! He is so silly! (Jimmie, I mean) So, PRAISE THE LORD for all of that! I was so relieved! Although, what this whole thing has taught me is that I cannot expect Isaac (or the girls for that matter) to be straight A students and honor’s students just because I was and because it came naturally to me. This whole parenting thing is hard!!! I am sure we will make lots of mistakes with Isaac…he is like our “practice kid”. LOL
Umm…Faith Anne still has no intention of becoming potty trained. She is so stubborn. I really don’t know what we are going to do with her. Someone had the idea of putting her in the bathtub to change her own poopy diaper. Now, I don’t know if my OCD can handle all of that….but something has got to work?!?!? She had her first sleep-over at her friend Madison’s house…and Madison is one month older than her… she was trying to show her how to go potty. Too cute….they are so cute together. I can’t believe that she slept-over at her friends house already at 2…but Tera (her mom) asked and she said it was actually easier having Faith Anne there! She has a 3 month old baby boy, too. Anyways….Faith Anne is as cute…and as rotten… as always! Her new thing is to tell us that we are mean. She says: “You mean”. It is very funny. She definitely has her own little unique personality! I can tell she is going to be our challenge!
There is really so much going on….but who has time to tell you all about it? I will say that Scott and I went to the Chris Tomlin/ Matt Redman concert on Saturday night. We went with Lori and Chad from church….and met Mandy and Steve there. It was an awesome concert!!! We have seen Chris Tomlin a few other times….but this was the best, I think. It was just like a worship service – an awesome worship service. I just wish it wasn’t so hot in the place….but oh well! It was great!
BUT…we did start World War 3 with Scott’s family Saturday night. The drama drives me nuts….my family is SOOOOOO not like them. But I will say, I was so proud of Scott and how he handled himself. Let me remind you that a few weeks ago, we found out that Laura (mil) was having her boyfriend (Rob) spend the night with her on weekends. At that point, Scott told her that we would not allow the kids to spend the night with her if Rob was also staying the night. We just don’t agree with it and don’t feel like we should put our kids in the middle of that situation. So, fast forward to Saturday – the night of the concert. She was watching the kids for us, but Tera was coming to her house to pick up Faith Anne for her sleep-over with Madison. Well, of course Isaac felt left out that he wasn’t getting to spend the night anywhere. So, he asked Laura (in front of us) if he could spend the night with her. She said yes. We asked her…”You don’t have plans with Rob tonight?” And she said, no…they had gone out on Friday night, so she had no plans. Fine. So, we go to the concert and at the intermission, Scott calls to check on the kids. She tells him that Rob is there. Fine. Again, we don’t care if he is there with the kids, but spending the night is different. So, Scott asks her if Rob is spending the night and she says yes. So, Scott calmly says, well then, Isaac can’t stay there. She starts to yell at him on the phone and he says – again, calmly, “Mom, I don’t want to get into this right now. You know how we feel. He cannot spend the night.” So, now my evening is ruined. I can’t stop thinking about it…I know that this is going to create a problem, but I also think we are making the right decision. Everyone who was at the concert with us agreed that we were making the right decision – not the easy one – but the right one. So, after the treacherous (icy) drive home, we had decided that Scott would go into his mom’s house to get the kids and would just say that since the roads were bad, we didn’t know if Mimi would be able to get Isaac to Sunday School, so we wanted him to come home with us. Well, I didn’t go inside, but Scott said that is all he said (mainly because he didn’t want to get into it all in front of Isaac)….Rob came outside to shovel, so he wasn’t in the house….apparently Laura started yelling at Scott and got into his face with her finger and told him that he shouldn’t be treating her like this and Scott said that he didn’t want to get into it now. He said that she knows how we feel and she raised him to feel that way and that Isaac was not spending the night. Isaac was crying (of course) and Laura was yelling….I guess that Scott did yell back after she got in his face. Well, I was oblivious to the whole thing because I was in the van. So, Scott gets the kids in the van…Isaac had stopped crying because I was showing him the video of “Indescribable” that I took on my phone from the concert (that is his favorite song). Well, Scott and I couldn’t talk about what happened because I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Isaac. We had already called my parents and asked them if Isaac could come sleep at their house….we didn’t want to punish him for what happened….but we also didn’t mention it in front of Laura because that would’ve only made matters worse. So, Scott dropped me and Gracie off and then took Isaac to my parent’s house. When he got home, he was on his cell phone with Stacey….who was YELLING at him. I could hear her through his phone. She was yelling at him for treating her Mom like that and making her cry. I was so proud of Scott because he didn’t yell once….he was calm and just maintained that we are the parents and have to make the best decisions for our kids, as we see them, and it was our decision. That is it. Well, she hung up on him….then he called to talk to his mom….Rob answered. He talked to Rob for a while and it went very well…. Scott told him that this wasn’t about Rob…it was about the decision that Laura has made and if it was any other guy, we would feel exactly the same way. The funny thing was that Rob told Scott that he didn’t want him yelling at his mom….I told Scott later that he should’ve told Rob that he needs to find a different family then, because the whole family yells…….that is how they have always been! Anyways, so he talked to his mom and she was crying so hard he couldn’t understand her….so really, nothing was resolved. He apologized for yelling, but not for our decision. So, then…he calls Stacey and she hung up on him a few times, but she finally talked to him and come to find out, she tells him that his whole family doesn’t like us (basically…she didn’t say those words, but she might as well have) because we act like we are better than them and we don’t have time for them and my family is better than them and blah, blah, blah. So, we talk about that for a while….she finally says that she is blowing things out of proportion and she is sorry….blah, blah, blah….and then the truth comes out. She was crying and saying that basically we are teaching Isaac that she is a bad person because obviously she lived with/had sex with someone she wasn’t married to and that is where Brayden came from. So, at that point, I told Scott to give me the phone ( I have heard all of this because she is so loud on his cell phone)….I quickly told her that we will make sure that all of our kids know how proud we are of her….she has made the toughest decisions of her life in the past year and she has done what is best for her and for Brayden by getting away from Jon. So, we got everything worked out with her….we both were crying by the end of that conversation….she and Scott told each other that they loved each other by the end. But…Sunday morning was interesting! See, it was Baby Dedication Sunday….so Steve and Patty (FIL and step-MIL) and Rob and Laura (Boyfriend and MIL) were ALL at church on Sunday! Rob and Laura didn’t say one word to us at church….Scott did hand Gracie back to them for a while….we didn’t want to look like we were only letting my parents hold her….but other than that, not a word. So, after church, we all go out to eat (not my parents). It was fine….they just acted like nothing had happened. We were the first to leave, so I am sure we were talked about after we left.
Again…the drama in his family KILLS ME! I wish we could move far, far away from them! I shouldn’t say that….but this kind of stuff DRIVES ME CRAZY! So, do you guys think we did the right thing or should we have just sucked it up just to make everyone happy?
Oh…and Jason and Tera visited our church on Sunday too…right in the middle of all this fun stuff! It was an interesting day, to say the least! After lunch, we went home and I literally crashed! I was so exhausted from the emotions of it all…I slept for a few hours!
So, that is what is going on with that! My Dad’s last day of work is Wednesday. I can’t believe he is retiring!!! They close on their Kentucky home on Thursday and their Ohio home on Friday! So, we are going to help them move on Friday & Saturday. I am hoping that MIL can help watch the kids so that I can really help too. Otherwise, it will be Scott helping without me!
Umm….work is crazy right now. I have a lot of stuff going on….which is really why I haven’t posted! I have so much to do right now, that I shouldn’t be doing this now, either. But oh well! I needed to get this stuff off my chest!
Well, I guess I will let you all go for now. I will try to not let it be so long next time! Please just keep us in your prayers with this whole thing with Scott’s family. I know that it is wearing on Scott too….especially with some of the hurtful things that Stacey said to him. I know that a lot of it was just her speaking out of emotions, but she said some hurtful things to him about us….and it is hard to just think she didn’t mean them.
Love you all….and praying for the Journal Goddesses!!!!
P.S. I meet with the Lasik Surgeon on 3/20! I am excited about that!!!!
Dang it! Stupid blogger lost my comment....
Well, just to reiterate what I said to you yesterday, I think you absolutely made the right decision and Laura will get over it. It comes down to your kids' well-being or Laura's feelings and the kids win!
Glad you had fun at the concert...well, the first half! Don't let it be so long next time between posts! Love ya!
You have every right to not let the kids spend the night because of that reason. I can't believe that she would be that upset about it. I wouldn't want my kids spending the night in that kind of situation either. And, for her to get mad about it, well, that's just uncalled for. The sad thing is that she taught Scott not to do that sort of thing. Praying for that situation....and for ya'll!
So your baby is going to move up! That is great! You're right about not expecting your kids to make straight A's. I grew up that parents really wanted me to be that kind of student and stuff like that just doesn't come that easily to me. He'll do great!!! (and I'm sorry you missed the Valentine party)
I don't get the changing their own diaper in the bathtub. That sounds weird to me, but hey, maybe it will work. I'm telling ya, we pushed and pushed for Pita Pocket to potty train for a long time. Then we moved and within a few weeks, he was full time in underwear. She'll come around....I mean, she can't be on a date and still in diapers! lol!
Lots of Love!
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