Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Last Day of Work - FOREVER!!!!

Today is my Daddy's last day of work - FOREVER! He is retiring today! Well, Jodi and I told him that now he can work for us - on our Daddy-Do lists! But today is his official last day at Ford! (LOL...did you think I was talking about myself in the title! I wish!!!) So, Happy Retirement Dad!!! Please keep him and my mom in your prayers as they have SO much on their plates right now! Today is his last day....they are packing up their Kentucky house today...they close on the sale of that tomorrow....they close on the house they are buying in Ohio on Friday...they move in this weekend - and the weather is not looking good for that! So, just pray for peace for them. I know my Dad hasn't slept in weeks!

And also, please pray for Jodi! Just as I am excited that Mom and Dad are moving up here, I am sure she is going to miss having them so close! This is going to be a big change for everyone! I was telling Kelli the other day that I haven't lived this close to my parents for my whole adult life! is going to be an adjustment! So, just keep Jodi and Jim in your prayers too! Love you Sister!!!!

So...not much to update really. Faith Anne really made me mad last night....the stinker! She was acting like she needed to poop (hiding in the corner), so Scott put her on the toilet and she sat there screaming for me. So, I went in and sat down on the tub and talked to her while she was on the potty. I asked her if she wanted to wear big-girl panties and she said that she did. So, I went and got them and let her pick out what pair she wanted to wear. I put them on her and she strutted around the entire house - showing everyone her panties - even Gracie who just laughed at her! So, I made her sit on a towel because I didn't want pee on the furniture! We ate dinner and she sat on her towel and was so proud of her panties. After dinner, Scott and I were talking in our room with Gracie and next thing I know, Faith Anne comes in and tells me her sock is wet. Well, hello...what about the panties you have on that are wet?!?! That is why the sock is wet, silly Girl! So, I made her clean up the floor where she pee'd...reminds me of a puppy....then I put her in the shower and hosed her down. That little stinker. So, I told her we were giving her big girl panties to her friend Madison. At first she cried, so I thought....great! We will try again. But then she went and got all of her big girl panties and put them by the front door for Madison. Yep, she is going to be wearing diapers in Kindergarten!!!!!!!!

We did some "Spring Cleaning" last night! I worked in the main living area (that is what I am going to call it....because it is one big, living room, dining room, sitting area....) cleaning and taking down all of my snowman stuff. I told Scott that winter is no longer welcome here....Jodi made me a wreath that says "Winter Welcome" with a snowman on I took that down. Scott and Isaac worked in Isaac's room - cleaning, organizing and getting rid of two buckets of toys! Now we have to do the girl's room! That is going to be a chore! But I like having all the clutter cleaned up!

Well, that is really about all I have for today! I just wanted to post about my parents really - and the joys of potty-training. I think I am about to just give up on her until she is ready - because she is obvioulsy not ready right now.

Have a great Hump Day! Love and hugs to all!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Do you still remember me?

WOW! It has been a while for me! I am sorry that I haven’t been a better blogger – that was for you Sara!!!! I actually had an entry that I started last week – but I never finished it. So, I erased it and am starting over, because I doubt anyone cares enough about my life to want to ready two weeks worth of updates!

So, let’s see…I don’t even know where to begin? Not that my life is that exciting, but because it has just been so long! We have had some sickness at our house, so that has been exciting! All three of the kids came down with fevers last weekend….I even stayed home from work last Monday with them. After the fevers broke, they all just had colds. Well, this past Friday, Gracie turned worse…she started having a fever again. I was picking them up at my Mom’s house and I saw some wax in her ear and went to get it out…she started screaming. So, we got her into the doctor on Saturday morning and she has an ear infection. The doctor actually said it looked like her ear drum had ruptured because there was so much liquidly wax in there….but after she cleaned that out, she said she just had an infection. So, she is on an anti-biotic and doing much, much better! That stuff works fast. However, she still has the cold - runny nose and cough. Which is actually what RSV is….so we have to keep an eye on her and if her breathing gets more labored or she stops eating/drinking, we will have to take her in again. I think she is going to be fine. Basically RSV means that they have a cold and they can’t break the mucous up when they are that little, so it can cause more problems. So, anyways….she is doing better, so I think we will be alright! I just hate to hear her cough….poor thing!

Good news about Isaac! We didn’t get to have our conference with his teacher because it was cancelled due to bad weather. But I spoke to his teacher on the phone last week and she told me that she was not going to suggest that we hold him back. She was actually going to tell us that he is doing much better – there are still a few areas we need to work on with him, but he is “holding his own”. Then, I didn’t get to go to his last party of the year – his Valentine’s Party – that is a long story – but Scott did and he got the paperwork from her and he is really doing much, much better. We are still thinking about getting him a tutor for the summer – just to make sure he is ready for 1st grade. One of the 1st grade teachers at his school goes to our church, so we might ask her or his current kindergarten teacher. Although, Jodi called and offered Jimmie to be Isaac’s tutor…for free….but I don’t know about that! He is so silly! (Jimmie, I mean) So, PRAISE THE LORD for all of that! I was so relieved! Although, what this whole thing has taught me is that I cannot expect Isaac (or the girls for that matter) to be straight A students and honor’s students just because I was and because it came naturally to me. This whole parenting thing is hard!!! I am sure we will make lots of mistakes with Isaac…he is like our “practice kid”. LOL

Umm…Faith Anne still has no intention of becoming potty trained. She is so stubborn. I really don’t know what we are going to do with her. Someone had the idea of putting her in the bathtub to change her own poopy diaper. Now, I don’t know if my OCD can handle all of that….but something has got to work?!?!? She had her first sleep-over at her friend Madison’s house…and Madison is one month older than her… she was trying to show her how to go potty. Too cute….they are so cute together. I can’t believe that she slept-over at her friends house already at 2…but Tera (her mom) asked and she said it was actually easier having Faith Anne there! She has a 3 month old baby boy, too. Anyways….Faith Anne is as cute…and as rotten… as always! Her new thing is to tell us that we are mean. She says: “You mean”. It is very funny. She definitely has her own little unique personality! I can tell she is going to be our challenge!

There is really so much going on….but who has time to tell you all about it? I will say that Scott and I went to the Chris Tomlin/ Matt Redman concert on Saturday night. We went with Lori and Chad from church….and met Mandy and Steve there. It was an awesome concert!!! We have seen Chris Tomlin a few other times….but this was the best, I think. It was just like a worship service – an awesome worship service. I just wish it wasn’t so hot in the place….but oh well! It was great!

BUT…we did start World War 3 with Scott’s family Saturday night. The drama drives me nuts….my family is SOOOOOO not like them. But I will say, I was so proud of Scott and how he handled himself. Let me remind you that a few weeks ago, we found out that Laura (mil) was having her boyfriend (Rob) spend the night with her on weekends. At that point, Scott told her that we would not allow the kids to spend the night with her if Rob was also staying the night. We just don’t agree with it and don’t feel like we should put our kids in the middle of that situation. So, fast forward to Saturday – the night of the concert. She was watching the kids for us, but Tera was coming to her house to pick up Faith Anne for her sleep-over with Madison. Well, of course Isaac felt left out that he wasn’t getting to spend the night anywhere. So, he asked Laura (in front of us) if he could spend the night with her. She said yes. We asked her…”You don’t have plans with Rob tonight?” And she said, no…they had gone out on Friday night, so she had no plans. Fine. So, we go to the concert and at the intermission, Scott calls to check on the kids. She tells him that Rob is there. Fine. Again, we don’t care if he is there with the kids, but spending the night is different. So, Scott asks her if Rob is spending the night and she says yes. So, Scott calmly says, well then, Isaac can’t stay there. She starts to yell at him on the phone and he says – again, calmly, “Mom, I don’t want to get into this right now. You know how we feel. He cannot spend the night.” So, now my evening is ruined. I can’t stop thinking about it…I know that this is going to create a problem, but I also think we are making the right decision. Everyone who was at the concert with us agreed that we were making the right decision – not the easy one – but the right one. So, after the treacherous (icy) drive home, we had decided that Scott would go into his mom’s house to get the kids and would just say that since the roads were bad, we didn’t know if Mimi would be able to get Isaac to Sunday School, so we wanted him to come home with us. Well, I didn’t go inside, but Scott said that is all he said (mainly because he didn’t want to get into it all in front of Isaac)….Rob came outside to shovel, so he wasn’t in the house….apparently Laura started yelling at Scott and got into his face with her finger and told him that he shouldn’t be treating her like this and Scott said that he didn’t want to get into it now. He said that she knows how we feel and she raised him to feel that way and that Isaac was not spending the night. Isaac was crying (of course) and Laura was yelling….I guess that Scott did yell back after she got in his face. Well, I was oblivious to the whole thing because I was in the van. So, Scott gets the kids in the van…Isaac had stopped crying because I was showing him the video of “Indescribable” that I took on my phone from the concert (that is his favorite song). Well, Scott and I couldn’t talk about what happened because I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Isaac. We had already called my parents and asked them if Isaac could come sleep at their house….we didn’t want to punish him for what happened….but we also didn’t mention it in front of Laura because that would’ve only made matters worse. So, Scott dropped me and Gracie off and then took Isaac to my parent’s house. When he got home, he was on his cell phone with Stacey….who was YELLING at him. I could hear her through his phone. She was yelling at him for treating her Mom like that and making her cry. I was so proud of Scott because he didn’t yell once….he was calm and just maintained that we are the parents and have to make the best decisions for our kids, as we see them, and it was our decision. That is it. Well, she hung up on him….then he called to talk to his mom….Rob answered. He talked to Rob for a while and it went very well…. Scott told him that this wasn’t about Rob…it was about the decision that Laura has made and if it was any other guy, we would feel exactly the same way. The funny thing was that Rob told Scott that he didn’t want him yelling at his mom….I told Scott later that he should’ve told Rob that he needs to find a different family then, because the whole family yells…….that is how they have always been! Anyways, so he talked to his mom and she was crying so hard he couldn’t understand her….so really, nothing was resolved. He apologized for yelling, but not for our decision. So, then…he calls Stacey and she hung up on him a few times, but she finally talked to him and come to find out, she tells him that his whole family doesn’t like us (basically…she didn’t say those words, but she might as well have) because we act like we are better than them and we don’t have time for them and my family is better than them and blah, blah, blah. So, we talk about that for a while….she finally says that she is blowing things out of proportion and she is sorry….blah, blah, blah….and then the truth comes out. She was crying and saying that basically we are teaching Isaac that she is a bad person because obviously she lived with/had sex with someone she wasn’t married to and that is where Brayden came from. So, at that point, I told Scott to give me the phone ( I have heard all of this because she is so loud on his cell phone)….I quickly told her that we will make sure that all of our kids know how proud we are of her….she has made the toughest decisions of her life in the past year and she has done what is best for her and for Brayden by getting away from Jon. So, we got everything worked out with her….we both were crying by the end of that conversation….she and Scott told each other that they loved each other by the end. But…Sunday morning was interesting! See, it was Baby Dedication Sunday….so Steve and Patty (FIL and step-MIL) and Rob and Laura (Boyfriend and MIL) were ALL at church on Sunday! Rob and Laura didn’t say one word to us at church….Scott did hand Gracie back to them for a while….we didn’t want to look like we were only letting my parents hold her….but other than that, not a word. So, after church, we all go out to eat (not my parents). It was fine….they just acted like nothing had happened. We were the first to leave, so I am sure we were talked about after we left.

Again…the drama in his family KILLS ME! I wish we could move far, far away from them! I shouldn’t say that….but this kind of stuff DRIVES ME CRAZY! So, do you guys think we did the right thing or should we have just sucked it up just to make everyone happy?

Oh…and Jason and Tera visited our church on Sunday too…right in the middle of all this fun stuff! It was an interesting day, to say the least! After lunch, we went home and I literally crashed! I was so exhausted from the emotions of it all…I slept for a few hours!

So, that is what is going on with that! My Dad’s last day of work is Wednesday. I can’t believe he is retiring!!! They close on their Kentucky home on Thursday and their Ohio home on Friday! So, we are going to help them move on Friday & Saturday. I am hoping that MIL can help watch the kids so that I can really help too. Otherwise, it will be Scott helping without me!

Umm….work is crazy right now. I have a lot of stuff going on….which is really why I haven’t posted! I have so much to do right now, that I shouldn’t be doing this now, either. But oh well! I needed to get this stuff off my chest!

Well, I guess I will let you all go for now. I will try to not let it be so long next time! Please just keep us in your prayers with this whole thing with Scott’s family. I know that it is wearing on Scott too….especially with some of the hurtful things that Stacey said to him. I know that a lot of it was just her speaking out of emotions, but she said some hurtful things to him about us….and it is hard to just think she didn’t mean them.

Love you all….and praying for the Journal Goddesses!!!!

P.S. I meet with the Lasik Surgeon on 3/20! I am excited about that!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Well, it sure has been an interesting few days! That much is for sure! I guess we can’t really complain, because we have still had a mild winter. But I am ready for Spring!

Let me back-up for a minute though and tell you about my weekend!!!

Friday…I worked until 1:00 (oh, a girl I work with is making the cutest purses! So, I got two of them from her on Friday) and then I met my mom at the Doctor’s office for Gracie’s 4 month check-up! First of all, I can’t believe it has been 4 months already! Well, she weighs 16.75 pounds (97%tile) and is 25 inches long (75%tile)…and her head is like in the 95%tile too. So, she is very healthy! J AKA very chubby! The nurse and doctor kept commenting on how cute she was and the nurse didn’t want to give her the shots because Gracie was so smiley and happy! But, she still had to get 4 shots! She was a trooper…..she cried, but got over it quickly. My mom took Gracie and Faith Anne and I headed home to get our boys! We got the boys and the van all packed and headed down the highway! We met Jason, Tera and Madison at Outback for dinner…YUM! We were all very good on our diets (except Scott LOL) at dinner. Then we headed to the hotel! We got checked into the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason and found our room. Everything was so nice…clean…cool and just really, really nice! We quickly got changed into our swimming stuff and headed to the Water Park! The guys immediately took off (with Isaac) to the slides and the girls and I headed to the kids slides and wave pool. We had a great time….Faith Anne was scared of just about everything…but we pushed her down a few slides anyways! We are bad parents….she had fun, but she would say she didn’t want to do it again! So…the boys came back and Tera and I went down the biggest slide of all…it is like a roller coaster! You ride this raft thing and it shoots you up little hills and stuff….very, very fun! We were both a little scared as we waited in line…but it was fun! So, then we had the girls again and the boys went off to do whatever….we hung out in the wave pool and the lazy river…and then decided to take the girls and get their PJs on for a bed-time story – read by the wolf – by the fireplace! That really wasn’t as much fun as it sounds. Faith Anne was scared of the wolf (imagine that… are you sensing a theme?) and you couldn’t really hear the story…so we went into the gift shop…then we went down to the bakery where they had the best looking desserts in the world. I am not kidding….we both are “dieting”, but decided we really needed something since we were on vacation. We couldn’t decide what we wanted. So, we checked that out and said we would come back with money! We went up to the room and waited for the guys…they came back within minutes of being in the room. Tera and I get along really great….so we had such a good time just talking and stuff. So, the guys got changed and then we all headed downstairs. The boys headed to the Arcade – like Chuck-e-Cheese – with the kids and Tera and I checked out the desserts again…still didn’t buy anything. So, we went to see what they were all up to….they were doing fine…so we went up to the restaurant/bar and sat and enjoyed ourselves there for a while. We saw two lesbians…and an older weird guy who was with his wife – but they didn’t look like they belonged together – and he was staring at Tera. We got a good laugh at that. We went back downstairs and took the kids from the boys so they could play games….and we went back to the bakery. At this point, it was about to close…so we finally decided what we wanted….and was it ever HEAVENLY! So, we headed back up to the room and got the kids in bed. Madison and Faith Anne wanted to sleep together…and that was so cute to see. Tera took some pictures of them. Isaac had a big bed all to himself, but I think he would have rather been with the girls! After we got them in bed, we played cards (euchre…not that I know how to spell that) and just talked. We had a really great time!

So, Saturday morning, we all got up and got ready. My kids were the first ones up….no surprise there! We got all of our stuff out of the room and checked out and then had the most wonderful breakfast at the hotel – they had a buffet and the waffles (which I am really not a big fan of) were to die for! They were like little pieces of heaven! J So, after our big breakfast, we went to the waterpark! This time, Scott and I kept all the kids so that Jason and Tera could ride some slides….then they took all the kids and we did the same. That was fun! Scott and I were over the weight limit on one of them, so our butts dragged a little, but it was still very, very fun! So, that was pretty much how the day went…I volunteered to sacrifice (lol) and keep the girls a lot….I am not that into water slides, and I had so much fun in the wave pool and the lazy river, that I didn’t mind one little bit! So, the kids were getting tired and we were getting hungry, so we got dressed and went to have lunch at the restaurant/bar before we headed home. We really had a wonderful time! I am ready to go back again!!! Seriously, the kids were both asleep in the van before we even got to the interstate…and it isn’t that far off the highway! We got home and Mom and Dad brought Gracie home and told us about the house they found and put an offer on. I wish we could’ve visited with them more, but they were tired and we were tired and Isaac was pestering them to spend the night….so, we pretty much cleaned house and did laundry on Saturday night. I spend a lot of time holding Gracie! I missed that little girl! I am glad we didn’t take her…we would see babies there and miss our babies, but not enough to have brought them and had to worry with them the whole time. That wouldn’t have been much fun.

So, that was our little get-away! Sunday…we got up and went to church. We decided to just come home after church…I went and got my nails done and then Hubby went grocery shopping…and then he went to Men’s Group and I enjoyed a nice quiet evening with Gracie (the other two were already in bed!). Oh…I wanted to say that our Sunday School class is really great! We have such a diverse group….the discussions are great and it is just really nice to have the all women’s class!!!! Ok….that is all I wanted to say about that!

So, Monday was work and that was fairly uneventful! I had to leave at 1:00 to get Isaac from school, instead of 2. They had an early dismissal. We got home and I worked and he played. I don’t really remember what we did on Monday evening…..nothing, I guess. OH! Now I remember….I took Isaac to the eye doctor with me and had a HORRIBLE experience there. My appointment was at 5:30. So, I got there at about 5:15 because I had never been there before and figured there would be paperwork. The girl was rude to me for being early. So, I did the paperwork…and waited…and waited…and waited. It was 5:50 and I was about to go tell them I was leaving when they came and got me. They took me back for my “pre-doctor screening”. Then they put me back in the lobby to wait. It was about 6:00 now. So….6:26 rolls around and I am still waiting. I went up to the receptionist (who was really nice) and told her I was leaving – this is ridiculous. She tells me that my doctor’s appointment wasn’t until 6:00, but he was running late. I told her no, my appointment was at 5:30…she says that is for the pre-work (that took 10 minutes)…I wasn’t to see the doctor until 6:00 – what a dumb way to run your appointments! Whatever. I left and I am not going back…just try to make me pay for that appointment! That was horrible!!!!! So, Isaac and I went home and had dinner and then Scott took him and Faith Anne to the store to get Valentines. I had bought him some, but he was writing his name in the wrong place…in the “To” spot instead of the “From” spot….he started crying when I pointed it out to him….so I told him we would get new ones. They found Scooby Dooby ones, so that made him very happy.

Well, we have an appointment with his teacher on Thursday night. I think they are going to tell us that he needs to re-do Kindergarten. There are just some things he is not getting…so I am preparing myself for that. I am sure I will cry with the teacher, but oh well! That is who I am and I can’t help it. Isaac will be very disappointed, but I would rather have him re-do Kindergarten than to have him struggle in school. We will see. Scott is pretty upset and doesn’t want to hold him back, but I am going to trust the teacher. We knew this was a possibility when we sent him at 4. So, say a little prayer for us tomorrow night.

So, anyways….Tuesday….well, I got up and saw all the snow outside and saw that Isaac’s school was cancelled. I got ready for work anyways…and then ended up just working from home. I was on the phone most of the morning and then worked like crazy in the afternoon because we ended up closing our branches early…so all that work falls on me. It was quite interesting! Scott stayed home…who can sell cable door-to-door when there is 5 – 6 inches of snow and 2 – 3 inches of ice on the ground…and still falling? So, he did a good job of keeping the kids from bothering me too much. It was nice to be able to work from home for the whole day! I loved being able to hug and kiss the kids occasionally! We had chili for dinner and just stayed in all day and night! It was nice!

This morning…got up and got ready for work and then got on-line for work at 5:51 and the morning was crazy! I sat in the same spot and talked on the phone, sat on conference calls, sent emails, etc. until 9:00! By that point, the kids were driving me crazy and I decided to go to work. LOL I guess yesterday they weren’t stir crazy yet, so they were good. Not this morning! So, I braved the bad roads (they haven’t plowed my street at all!!!) and made my way into work! There is hardly anyone here…and things have died down now. Our branches opened late today…so that is what my entire day has been consumed with! There is so much “behind the scenes” to deal with – no one thinks about that!!!

So, that is about it! Everyone is doing fine….Mom and Dad have sold their Kentucky house and are buying another house in my town….it is bigger than what they have now. So, next they will be selling their house here! Things have gone so smoothly for them so far, so please pray that that continues.

Well, I guess I have rambled enough for one day! I hope you all have a Happy Valentines Day! Love ya!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

See my real post below this one....

But I just had to pop in to say that I lost 3.2 pounds this week!!! I was SHOCKED at WW because I just knew I had YAHOO!! I am down 11.2 since starting!

Let it Snow!!!!

Brrr….I am writing from cold and snowy Ohio! Actually, it is much warmer today (8 degrees with a high of 16 today) than it has been! ***singing “we’re having a heat wave….a tropical heat wave…*** end singing. But the snow is so pretty! I guess we got about 5 inches or so. Just enough to cause problems on the roads…but also enough for my Dad to play with the kids in the snow today! They are going sledding and Isaac is so excited! I don’t know if they will take Faith Anne or not…I am sure she will want to go. I wish I could watch them – notice I didn’t say that I wanted to do it with them – I like to be warm! But I am sure they will have fun!

So, really not a lot going on…I am just bored here at work, so I thought I would post! How’s that for honesty? I am also in a very goofy mood (in case you hadn’t already noticed). And I am dreading going to Weight Watcher’s today. I KNOW that I have gained this week. It has been TOM – my first one since I had Gracie – and I just can’t stop eating. Now, mind you, the things I am choosing to eat are not “bad” for me…and they are low in points….but 10 snacks at 2 points each add up, ya know? LOL I might be exaggerating a bit…but seriously, I could eat all day long! So, anyways…I am not looking forward to weighing in today, but I am going to make myself go and suck it up. Maybe that will help me get back on track! I just am not motivated to do what it takes to lose the weight. I want to do it…but I am really struggling!!! Maybe I need to challenge someone again…that helped me last time! Which is also weird, because I am really not that competitive of a person…at least I don’t see myself that way… again, weird mood…rambling!

SO! Isaac hasn’t had school all week due to the cold and snow. He has missed his friends! Oh, I have to tell you about this….last Friday when my mom picked him up from school, he told her that he wanted to go sledding with his friend Christopher. Well….first of all, there wasn’t enough snow and secondly, my mom had the girls and it just wasn’t going to work. Well, Christopher’s mom called me on Saturday – the boys had swapped numbers at school – to see if they could get together to play (how weird is it that my son is old enough for that!). Well, it was already Saturday evening and Scott was at PT practice, so I said no…and they couldn’t do it on Sunday because we had church, Grand Court and then the SB party at church. So, I said “maybe another time”. Well, fast forward to Monday….I am at work and making calls for Isaac’s Valentine’s Party next week (remember…I am the home-room Mom, so I have to line up people to bring snacks, etc.). Well, I call Christopher’s house….his sister answered and I asked for her mom….she said that she was on her other phone but hold on. Well, she must’ve taken the phone to where her mom was and put it down. I heard her tell her mom that someone was on the phone. Well, the mom continues to talk on her cell phone….and I can hear the entire conversation….I heard her tell whomever she was talking to that she had a felony conviction. I was mortified….I almost hung up, but before I had a chance to, the mom got on the phone and she was mortified that I had been sitting there. She must’ve given her daughter the evil eye…she said that she didn’t know I was holding and she was having a very private conversation on the other line….I just told her that I was at work, so I wasn’t really paying attention anyways. What could I say? So, needless to say…..Isaac will not be going to their house anytime soon! I guess I should beat them to it and ask him to come over to our house, that way I don’t have to say no to their house….very interesting! Hopefully you were able to follow that….it was quite comical!

So, anyways….my parents have signed an offer on their house in Kentucky! Praise the Lord! I know that is a huge burden off their shoulders! They will probably close and need to be out by the first part of March! So, they are trying to find a bigger house here to buy so that they can just move once. I don’t know if that will work or not…but they are looking! They called me yesterday to tell me they were here looking at houses….I didn’t know they were coming up! It was nice because since we got the snow, it gave Dad a reason to be here and go sledding with the kids! And I was starting to worry about Mom trying to drive up here in the snow….or not coming at all. So, they picked the kiddos up from my Aunt’s house and then we went over later and had dinner at their house….then Scott and I took Gracie home and the other two spent the night with them. That was nice! Scott and I don’t get much time to just talk – without a million interruptions – so that was a nice quiet evening for us! Gracie is the easy one right now.

I am so excited….Jodi, Mandy, Chelle (Mandy’s sister) and Jeanna (our skinny cousin) are all going to Women of Faith in April!!! I am going to miss the Women’s Retreat at church….but I know that we will have a great weekend – both spiritually and emotionally! Some good cousin-bonding time! Man, I am so blessed to have such great family. Thanks to Mandy for the idea!!! I bought our tickets today…and now we just need to find a hotel! All of them that are within walking distance are sold-out….so might have to get a cab again! Jodi is a pro at flagging down cabs, so that shouldn’t be a problem….LOL!

Ummm…what else? See, I didn’t have much to say….but I am bored! We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge on Friday….I am starting to get excited about that! I just have a lot to do before we go! I don’t think that Faith Anne has a swim-suit that fits her….I don’t know where Isaac’s is….and I think that Scott needs a new pair of trunks! So, I have to do that tonight. I am leaving work a bit early on Friday, taking Gracie to her 4 month appointment and then we are heading out! I think we are going to do an early dinner before we start all the swimming and stuff at the Lodge. Lord knows the kids won’t want to get out once we get started, so we might as well eat before. I will let you all know how it is…I have heard really good things about it. I bet it will be busy since it is so cold outside!

I want to vent for a minute about my MIL. I am so frustrated with her because she really does nothing to help us. I mean, I know it isn’t her responsibility, but it would be nice if she offered to help, or even just helped when we ask her. We really don’t ask her at all anymore. It has just gotten to the point that she is never able to help us, so why bother? I mean, she keeps telling us that she doesn’t get to spend time with the kids…blah, blah, blah…and then when we ask her to watch them, she has a million reasons why she can’t! Case in point, this weekend…we asked her to watch Gracie and she still doesn’t know if she can or not…she says because of her work (she is working a second job right now). But…we asked her about 3 or 4 weeks ago…and she is telling Scott that she doesn’t know her schedule for the weekend…what? That doesn’t make any kind of sense. And….she when the schools are closed (like they have been all week) she doesn’t have to work either…..and Scott talked to her all three days…and not once did she offer to watch the kids. Not once! Now, we were able to take them to my Aunt’s….but it would’ve been nice for her to offer so we didn’t have to spend all that money. We have tickets to a concert later this month on a Saturday night….I am thinking about asking an older lady at church to watch the kids for us. I am tired of always asking my parents…and I know that Laura (MIL) will probably not be able to or want to help us….so I am just going to ask someone else and pay them, I think. It is just frustrating that we can’t count on her. Okay….sorry to vent….but sometimes we just need to do that!!!!

Well, I think that is all I can find to ramble about today! I hope you are all staying warm! I wish some of you would post more often to give me something to read while I am at work! LOL

Love you all!!!!

P.S. Please keep our worship leader and his wife in your prayers....she just had a miscarriage - their first. Many of you know how she is feeling....and they could both certainly use our prayers!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Snow Day...but No Snow?!?!

So is it bad that I was upset that Isaac didn’t have school today? For some reason, all the schools in the area closed…I guess because it is so cold. I wish work would close because it is too cold! I work in a big Tower – and they are dumb and turn the heat off on the weekend (to save money) and so it has still not warmed up in here! I have a little space-heater, but it is still FREEZING in here! Anyways…since Isaac didn’t have school, I had no excuse to leave here early and work from home! I look forward to that now! So, I was a little bummed by that!!! Oh well!!!!

Enough of my whining…I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I did – but it just went by so stinking fast! We didn’t do anything too exciting….but I will re-cap it for you anyways!

Friday night…Scott went and got Chipotle for dinner (yum!) and then he and Isaac went to a basketball game. The Girls and I went to the Mall. I didn’t really want to go anywhere…but Faith Anne wanted to go! So, we went to the Mall and she was very upset because she just assumed that Mandy & Abbey would be there (that is where we met once a week while I was on maternity leave). So, I got to shop a little bit at Parisian (got 2 shirts for $14!!!) and then she played….and then we shared a pretzel…and then we left! Gracie slept the entire time, but woke up mad and hungry on the way home! So, when we got home, I fed her and then soon after, Scott and Isaac got home. We got all the kids to bed and then we went to bed. I was so exhausted!

Gracie slept from like 11:30ish to 9:00!!!! It was so WONDERFUL! I got up at 6:00 and had to change Isaac’s sheets – he had an accident (too much water!). But I went right back to sleep and didn’t actually get out of bed until almost 11:00! Seriously! Now, I wasn’t sleeping that whole time….playing with the kids and what-not, but that was heavenly! It has been a long time since I got to do that! Have I mentioned how much I love our king bed??? So, I got up and got moving and Isaac and I headed out to a birthday party for Kelli’s (KK’s) son – Logan! It was at a bowling alley. We had fun! I stayed to help her with all the 5 and 6 year olds. Isaac was the only one there that doesn’t go to school with them…so I was a little concerned that he wouldn’t have fun… but he had a blast! He just fit right in. We went home after that and pretty much just hung out at the house the rest of the night. Scott made a really good dinner and then he went to PT practice…the kids were pretty well-behaved.

Sunday…was a very busy day! We got to church and had a good Sunday School class…I cried…big surprise there….and service was good. Then we came home and had a quick bite and I got busy making White Chili. Then we rushed off to Grand Court (a nursing home). Our Small Group has decided to do that once or month or something like that…I am not sure of how often. But we got there and Scott and I lead music. It was such a pleasure to sing those old hymns and see the faces of those attending just light up with the words. Kerry did the message….and the kids – all the kids – were so well-behaved! They were all (the Pranaitis 4 and our 3) sitting with Grandma Pat and another lady…and Kaylen and they were so quiet and well behaved. It was very surprising and nice! Anyways, Kerry’s message was so sweet and he was telling them that they should remember no matter how old they are, God can use them right where they are. He said that they are such a blessing to us and he got choked up and it was just so sweet. He is such a sincere person….it was nice. So, we left there and headed home for a quick minute. I threw together a dessert to take to church and then we were off to church for the Super Bowl party. I won for “most original chili”….because mine was the only white chili. It was pretty good, if I do say so myself! We had a good time at church. It is always fun to hang out with everyone. I feel like I ran around the whole time keeping a tab on the kids, but they were pretty good for the most part. At one point, Isaac got locked in a room by some older kids, but Scott scared them (Lol) so it was alright. Actually, he just told them to keep in mind how big Isaac is and paybacks would not be fun! LOL But other that that, it was fun. I don’t know if anyone ended up going to Women’s Group last night or not….I didn’t. I was just too tired! We got home and I straightened up the house and then lay down with Gracie. She and I both feel asleep pretty quickly. I didn’t even wake up when Scott came and got her to feed her before bed.

At some point, Faith Anne got into bed with Scott and I last night. I woke up to him getting up to go to the bathroom and felt beside me….and she was there! So, who knows? Gracie woke up at 5:00 to eat….I guess her sleeping schedule isn’t real defined yet. She went right back to sleep after I fed her, though. We haven’t swaddled her for the last two nights….she has done alright with it. I always hate to give that up because I think it helps them to sleep…but she wasn’t staying swaddled, so I worried about her getting smothered under her blanket. She is so cute…and really such a good baby!

So, that was my weekend in review…LOL. This is going to be another busy week…but we are going to The Great Wolf Lodge on Friday, so I am looking forward to that. I don’t know the plans yet, but my mom is going to keep Gracie for us. She might be taking her back to Kentucky with her. Kelli and I are going to our Zumba class on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday this week. Maybe we will finally get it down! I doubt it….but it is certainly worth a good laugh!

I hope you all have a great week…I will talk to you soon!!! Love ya!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ramblings....and Deep Thoughts!

Hey everybody! I hope everyone is having a great day! I am so glad that it is Thursday! All week I have been thinking it is Thursday….but now that it is, it doesn’t feel like Thursday! Does that make sense? And I really don’t know what is so special about Thursday….other than that it is close to Friday!!! Yeah, I know I am rambling about stupid stuff. But that is the kind of mood I am in!

Before I forget….I lost 1.2 pounds this week on WW. I am not doing so good on that….and it is frustrating! I just can’t seem to get-with-it! However, I did go to Zumba with Kelli on Monday & Tuesday (btw…I am not going to use nicknames anymore, that is driving me crazy!). I really think that that helps a lot – the activity! We have so much fun! I would’ve gone last night, but I helped out at church last night. But it is a ton of fun…we laugh a lot, which is also a good way to burn calories! But anyways….still, I thought I was going to gain weight (because I ate so much at the Women’s thing on Saturday…that was delicious, but not good in points)….so I was pretty happy with a loss yesterday!

Okay…different topic! That one is no fun!

The kids are all doing good – everyone is healthy (knock on wood) and doing good! It is certainly interesting having a family with 3 kids! Things aren’t as easy as they used to be. I really can’t explain it, but it is interesting! I feel like we are busy all the time – and that is only going to get worse!

Isaac is doing okay in school. He got his report card for the 2nd nine weeks and there are some areas that he is doing great in and other areas that he needs to improve in. It is so weird to be the mommy when it comes to this school stuff. I was always an A+ kid and always in honor classes and all that….it just came very easily to me. So, to be the parent and to be worried about how my kid is doing in school…that is all so new to me! I know that we started him early, so that is a big part of why he is struggling. But the teacher says he gives up easily…or he will just ask for help instead of trying to do it himself. So, we have to figure out how to work on that. The biggest thing is that we need to be working with him more at home….which is so much easier said than done! Especially having a very demanding 2 year old and a baby! And I think his other problem is that he enjoys the social aspect of school so much that he doesn’t realize that that is not the only reason he is at school! He gets that from both of his parents, I think! But anyways…I can’t believe that I have a kid old enough to be bringing home a report card! Man, time flies by so fast!!!

Faith Anne is well, Faith Anne! She did poop on the potty once this week at my Aunt’s house. Barbara is so good at working with her…we are too lazy about it at home. Plus I get frustrated because she shows no interest. Isaac was so easy…this is a whole new ballgame! So, anyways….once she pooped on the potty! Baby steps are better than no steps, I guess. She has been very sweet this week. One minute I am ready to strangle her because she doesn’t listen or whatever…then the next minute she is hugging and kissing you and telling you how much she loves you. Yeah, she knows how to play us! She has been waking up nearly every night and trying to come and get into bed with us. Luckily, she is pretty easy to take back to her own bed. I don’t know why that is happening so much lately, though. She is VERY excited about going to Abbey’s birthday party tonight! When I was on maternity leave, we would meet with Mandy and Abbey every Thursday and she is DEFINITELY missing those two! She calls them Mandy-Abbey….like all in one word. Very cute. And on Sunday, the other Abbi (well, one of 3 that we know, actually!) but Dawn’s Abbi asked me where Faith Anne’s cousin is? Dawn and I just looked at each other…but I think that Abbi has heard us talk about our cousin Abbey…so she asked about her! How cute. Kids are such little sponges….so “Be careful little mouths what you say!”

And Gracie….she is so stinking cute! I swear that I hold her and look at her and think how uncanny it is how much she resembles Faith Anne at that age – just not as much hair! She is so chubby! She is not sleeping as well as we would like her to. Scott tries to feed her once more before he goes to bed (11 or later) and she still wakes up sometime between 4:50 and 6:30 to eat again. I know that isn’t bad….but it could be better! The other night is was 3:30! I think we need to start feeding her cereal in the evening…that would probably help. She still spits up so much, I am a little leery to add too much into her diet. Maybe that will help, though. Anyways….when she wakes us up so early (well, I get up at 5:15 anyways…but you know what I mean), I want to be mad at her….but she just laughs and smiles at you…and you can’t be mad at her for depriving you of sleep! So, she knows how to play us too! We got her 3 month pictures back and they are very cute. I will have to scan them…but I still don’t remember how to post pictures on here, so it might not do us any good. Anyways….she is doing good. She is really starting to get active – grabbing things and laughing and kicking her feet a lot. It is so fun to see her interact with Isaac and Faith Anne. They just love her so much!

Everything else at our house is going pretty good too. God has just blessed us so much. Scott’s job is going well. We did our taxes (thanks to Turbo Tax) and we are getting back a lot of money! I kinda thought it would be more than what it is….but it is still $2,000 more than last year….so I guess that is pretty good! Our plan is that I am going to get Lasik eye surgery done (YAHOO!!!) and we are going to buy a new shed. We’ll see. Like someone else said (I think it was Sara)…it seems like something always happens and you have to spend the money on something else. But…I am going to a doctor on Monday to talk about the surgery. Scott’s insurance gives us a discount on the procedure (it doesn’t cover it), but you have to see a doctor first who then refers you to a surgeon. So, who knows how long this whole process will take. I am so excited!!! It is a lot of money, but we are going to put some down and then take advantage of their interest-free financing for a year. It will be so worth it in the long run. I mean, seriously. Even with insurance, last year when I went to get my glasses, it still cost me a couple of hundred dollars. And it only covers every other year. And I wear my glasses all the time…so they won’t last me two years! So, that will be very exciting!!!

My parents are up here…both of them! I saw my Dad yesterday for the first time since New Years….you can really tell that the anxieties of everything going on with them right now (retirement, selling their house, etc.) is really worrying him. He just didn’t seem like himself. I can only imagine what they must be going through. As exciting as it is for him to be able to retire….it is also just as scary! My kids were so ecstatic to see my dad! I got teary just watching Faith Anne with him. She just sat on his lap and looked up at him with sheer adoration. I was on my way to work this morning thinking about that…and remembering when I was a kid and sitting on my Dad’s lap. I used to love to come downstairs in the wee hours of the morning and sit on his lap with my head on his chest and listen to him talk. I remember that as if it were yesterday….from the smell of the coffee to the warmth of our old kitchen. Anyways (tearing up again!), I drive past Hospice every morning and I always say a prayer for the people coming and going from there….and I just started crying today. I guess seeing my parents enter this new stage of their lives has just got my head spinning on the realization that they are not immortal. I have always thought of them as invincible and all that….but there will come a day that I will have to wake up in the morning without them….and man, that hit me like a ton of bricks today – not just with them, but with all the people in my life. It made me think of how I take advantage of every morning…of every minute…of every phone call…of every “I love you”…and I need to stop running from this thing to the next and really take the time to make sure that the people in my life know how much I love them. So, talk about deep thoughts this morning! I know that God is nudging at my heart….in more ways than one! Take the time today to tell someone you love them…and then say a prayer for that person!

On another topic, I am not sure if I have shared this here yet or not….but my MIL and her boyfriend are getting pretty serious. He is basically living with her on the weekends…and has his house on the market. She says that he isn’t moving in with her until they are engaged. Whatever. Anyways, yesterday she sent me an email about something else and I responded…but then I really feel like God laid it on my heart to say something else to her. So, I put in the email that I just wanted her to know that I was praying for her and her relationship with Rob. I told her that I was praying that God would bless their relationship and that it would continue to grow. I told her that I know that it would be so much easier on both of them – financially – to just have one house payment and upkeep – but that I hoped she was careful and sure that he was the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with first. I also told her to make sure that Rob cares for her as much as she cares for him and to guard her heart. I told her that she is so loving and giving and I just don’t want to see her get hurt. I also told her that kids only want what is best for their parents…and that is all that Scott and I want for her. I also said that I wasn’t putting Rob down….we would scrutinize anyone she is with….but that we love her and just want her to be happy. Well, I haven’t heard back from her since that. So, I am assuming she took it the wrong way. I mentioned it to Scott last night…just in case she says something to him. I really didn’t want to offend her…I just – at the spur of the moment – felt compelled to say something about it. Scott has said stuff to her…and bless his heart, he doesn’t always say the right thing….or if he does, his delivery sometimes comes off as being judgmental instead of being concerned….so I just felt like I needed to say something. So, it might back-fire on me. Please keep her in your prayers. I really do worry about her….there are quite a few of her family members who don’t like Rob…and Scott and I definitely have our reservations about him….so you do begin to wonder if there is a good reason for that. In my heart of hearts, I think she is just settling. I think she could so much better….but I think she has just settled on him. And I really can’t blame her….but it makes me worry about her!

Okay…I have rambled just about long enough! If you are still with me….thanks! I forgot to mention that I am typing this on my ultra-cool new laptop! I just got I yesterday and I LOVE it!!!!

Have a great Thursday…and a great Super Bowl Weekend!

Love you all!!!