Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weekend Update!

Hello Ladies! I hope you all had a nice weekend…mine was a long one, since we were closed yesterday. I wish every weekend was a three-day weekend! Wouldn’t that be nice? Something about that extra day just makes me happy! Oh well!!!

So, let’s see….I did go and get my new phone. The guy at work was laughing at me because I was so indecisive about the whole thing…shocker! One minute, I told him I was getting it….and then the next minute, I told him I wasn’t. But I did. FAB and I went out on Friday night and got it. She is so cute…I wish I could bottle her up and keep her at this sweet stage forever. Now, don’t get my wrong…she has her very rotten moments….but lately there have been more sweet and loving moments then rotten ones. Anyways…she had fun at Circuit City with me while we were waiting for my phone.

So…that is what we did Friday night. Oh, Hubby and I bought a movie-on-demand. We watched “The Break-Up”. That was a cute movie….but the ending was really dumb. So then…Saturday morning, the kiddos (the older 2) got up early…but that was fine because MIL was coming to get them early. So, she picked them up and then Hubby and I got ready and took Petunia to have her 3 month pictures done. It was kinda nice to just be the three of us. She doesn’t get a lot of one-on-one time with us. So….she was fine for her pictures. Gotta love the cheap prices at Wal-Mart! I have to laugh because when I-Man was a baby, we would take him to the expensive places for pictures…but not now Buddy! LOL So, anyways…after that, we grabbed some Chipotle and headed home. I left Hubby and Petunia to go and get my nails done. I went to the new nail salon – called The Venetian – at the Greene. Man, is that place nice!?!? I want to go back there and get a pedicure. It is just so beautiful in there….they really pamper you! It only cost a little bit more than where I was going….and it was so worth it! So, then I went home and Hubby and Petunia were still alone…no louder, older kids! LOL When MIL dropped them off, I laid down with FAB and I-Man for a nap…that was so nice! We got up and got dinner and then Hubby left for PT practice. The kids played really well together. They were cracking me up because they were pretending that the couch was a boat and there were sharks in the water. Well, FAB’s “girl” (one of her dolls that she calls her “girl”) got eaten by the shark….and FAB started to cry. They have such vivid imaginations. So….they played for a long time and just had fun pretending! So, Hubby came home and I left! KK picked me up and we went to the Greene. We were seeing a late movie, but had some time to kill….so we walked around for a bit. Then we went and saw “We Are Marshall”. It was a very good movie….and it didn’t hurt that Matthew as in it! Very good movie.

Then on Sunday….Hubby was helping with the early service….so it was me getting the three kiddos ready for church. I was pooped by the time I got there! I know that Hubby does it every day…but it is a little different since he doesn’t have to curl his hair or put on make-up or anything. But it wasn’t that bad. We were a little late…but the service ran late, so it worked out! Sunday School was really good – there were so many women there! I was in a teary mood (shocker!!!), so I teared up a few times…but it was good! The sermon was good too…It was a great Sunday of Worship! After church we went to lunch at Tumbleweed with SIL and Little B. We had THE BEST service we have ever had there…I actually sent an email to their corporate about it….we usually have HORRIBLE service, but we were shocked this time! After that, I dropped Hubby and the kids off and went and picked up Detergent. She and I went to the mall for the afternoon. We were going to go to the Outlet malls…but it was such a nasty, rainy day…we decided to just go to the regular mall. We had fun. She cracks me up…everything we looked at, that she liked…she would say how “beautiful” it was. You can tell she is into knitting and stuff….because she would really notice the textures of things. Anyways….we had fun and we didn’t spend too much money! I dropped her off and went home and cleaned drawers and closets and stuff like that. The kids had fun “helping” me. Hubby went to Men’s Group and the kids went to bed….it was a nice quiet evening with Petunia.

Yesterday, Hubby slept all morning! He wasn’t feeling well. So, we had a lazy morning around the house. The kids played all morning while we took it easy. When Hubby finally got moving, we decided to go buy a new bed! We have been talking about it for a while….and our mattress is getting uncomfortable…and I have been wanting a king size bed for soooooo long! Well, Hubby finally gave in! So, we went to Morris and bought a king size bed! They are delivering it next week….and I cannot wait! I am so excited to have a big bed! Hubby is a major bed-hog! And the kids love to get in bed with us on the weekends…now they will be able to more often! I don’t mean to sleep….just to lay with us and wrestle and stuff. They rarely sleep with us…very rarely! After we bought the new bed…I ran to the Vera Bradley store and ran in and got a purse I have been wanting for a long time. I left Hubby and the kids in the van and just ran in to get it. I was going into withdrawal because I hadn’t bought a new purse in more than 6 months!!!! So, I bought it! I really do have a problem. For all you Vera lovers, I bought her new micro-fiber hipster. Her new spring colors are out and I really don’t like them very much. There is one that I like, but not so much with the others. Anyways, we came home and then Hubby and I-Man went back out to the grocery…. The rest of the day wasn’t very exciting.

So, that is about it for our weekend. Not a lot to report…but it was a nice weekend, even if the weather was stinky! I hate all this rain! I would rather it be snow…that would be prettier!

Well…I guess that is about it for today! I better get to work! You all have a great week and I will talk to you soon! Love ya!!!!


Sara said...

Sounds like you had a really nice weekend. Yeah for the new Vera! LOL. Yeah for the new bed too. I've always wanted a new king size bed. Just out of curiosity, what are you doing with your current bed?

Sorry you have to go back to work today. I had to work yesterday....that's one thing I miss about the banking business!

Anonymous said...

You will LOVE the king size bed. The first few nights, you will wake up just to make sure that your hubby is in bed with you! It's awesome!!!! You can spread out and there is no touching! LOL! Don't I sound like an old married pregnant woman?!?!? LOL! You'll love it.

I almost bought a Vera diaper bag, but just couldn't afford....but more importantly, couldn't find a place that sells them! LOL! Pita Pocket asked me why I was putting my "elephant bag" in the closet!

Sounds like things are going very well. I can't wait to see the pictures of Petunia...and I still haven't seen the family pictures yet!

Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Yea! for 3-day weekends!!! Sounds like you had a very nice one...two movies, a bed and a Vera! Wow!

I hope you enjoy your new bed! What a blessing a King size is! Ditto everything HBM said.

Have a great week! Much love!