Sunday, January 07, 2007

I survived....

my first week back to work! It wasn't easy...and it got off to a very rocky start...but I survived! first day...I FULLY expected (and really deserved) for Stinky Pete to set aside time for me and him to talk about how things went down with KK and how he was changing and all that jazz. Well, he did come down to my desk when he got in and welcomed me back....then he asked me to come up to his office at 9:00 am. So, I thought... Great! He is going to talk to me about it then. Well, 9:00 rolls around and I go up to his office and he calls in the new girl (who replaced KK) and me. So, OBVIOUSLY he wanted to just talk business-as-usual and did not address KK's leaving. I left his office without talking to him about flex-time or anything. I went out to the new girl's desk and then went right back into his office to at least talk about my flex-time. I thought he would say yes right away.... he didn't. Instead, he was very wishy-washy...but he did say that he wanted to meet with me on Wednesday to talk about KK's leaving and etc. So, I walked out of his office and went back down to my desk and was on the VERGE of tears....I came around the corner to my office and there was a HUGE and GORGEOUS basket of daisies on my desk. I opened the card....not really knowing who they were from...and they were from KK. Isn't she the greatest!?!? And the card said "Remember that His mercies are new every morning...even if we need a 30 minute day!" I just love her. What am I going to do without her? So, I called her and cried to her and then just sucked it up and enjoyed catching up with all my co-workers and jumping back into the parts of my job that I love.

So, that was Tuesday. I left work and went to my mom and got the kiddos and we had a nice family evening. We went out to dinner and just enjoyed each was very nice. I really do make a better Mommy when I am working....I know that some of you don't understand that, but that is just how God made me. And I am fine with that. I am not going to feel bad about that anymore....sometimes I feel guilty about it....but I am not going to do that to myself anymore, at least I am going to try not to do that to myself anymore.

SO, on Wednesday, I went up to SP's office and he talked for like 30 minutes....just a bunch of nonsense, because I know all the real reasons that KK left and I know all that happened between them while I was out.....and then he asked me if I wanted to set up a time to come back and talk to him about this all....after I had a chance to get my thoughts together....and I pulled out my notepad and told him that I was ready then. I was really proud of myself. I was EXTREMELY honest and bold with much as I can be. I started out by telling him that my parents raised me to be extremely respectful....almost to a fault because I don't stick up for myself as much as I should....I told him that I was ready to quit on Tuesday and that I went back to my desk in tears because he already frustrated me so much. I told him that he disappointed me and that I do not respect him as a leader.....I was very honest. So, we will see what happens from here. He said all the right things....but actions speak louder than words. We will see if anything changes. On the flex-time, he basically said he was going to talk to a few other people that I work with to see what they think and then if they agree, we will try it for 3 months and see how it goes. If he told me no, I was going to tell him that I was going to have to go part-time then, either with this job or somewhere else in the bank. I didn't want to threaten him, but I was prepared to say that if need be. So, we will see. I am going to do my flex-time this week on Monday and hopefully it goes well.

So, the rest of the week was pretty much back to normal. It was nice to see everyone and get caught up on all that happened while I was out. I still don't feel 100% back " in the loop", but it will take a while! I mean, I was gone for a while, so it will take a while to feel normal again!

SO! On the homefront, everyone is doing fine. The kids enjoyed my mom this week. I am so blessed that she is willing to do this for us! I-Man goes back to school this it will be interesting to get everyone into that schedule. Poor Hubby....he definitely gets the short end of the stick - having to get everyone ready in the morning by himself! I don't envy him that! I-Man is ready to go back to school. He has missed it tremendously! The girls are going to my Aunt's on Monday - Wednesday this that should be fun!

Umm..we got new cell phones yesterday! We got two phones (really nice ones) for $24! Don't know how that worked out exactly...cuz my phone had a price of $159 on it and Hubby's had a price of $ that is cool! I have to learn how to use mine, it opens up and has a whole little keyboard in it..for text messages. I do that a lot now at that is cool! Hubby just got a regular phone....he doesn't need much more cuz he barely uses the extras on his phone!

I did join WW last I will let you all know how I do on my first week! So far, I think I am doing good. A girl that I work with and I are going together. The accountability will be good for me.

I guess that is about it for now. I just wanted to let you all know how work was this week. Love you all and talk to you soon!!!!


Sara said...

Wow! When you were talking about your conversation with Stinky Pete this morning in SS, I had no idea just how honest you got! I'm so proud of you!!!! You and I are a lot alike in that aspect and I don't know if I could have been as bold as you. I really hope he takes it to heart and improves in his actions!

As much as I'd love to stay home with Abby, I'm not so sure I could be a full time stay at home Mommy either. It's hard work! :)

Well, I hope that things go better at work this week. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOO proud of you! I hope that Stinky Pete really listened and changes in the future. The good thing is that you got some flex time!

I didn't know that KK actually quit. Where did she go? Is he crazy that you wouldn't know why she left?

Glad your week went well. Can't wait to hear how the flex time goes!

Lots of Love!