Friday, January 26, 2007

Has it really been that long?

Hello Everyone! And Happy Birthday to Booty! I am sure that all of you, like me, have been praying for (and will continue to pray for) HBM and Elvis as they welcome their new addition into the world today! On my way to work, I was praying for them and thinking about how awesome this miracle is! Some of you might remember sitting in a cabin at Butler Springs – just a little over a year ago – laying hands on and praying with HBM that God would open her womb for a precious baby. Isn’t HE amazing? It might not have happened in OUR timing…but it happened in HIS perfect timing. So, I can’t wait to hear the great news!!!!

So! What is going on with Mac-N-Cheese? Well, it has been one crazy week – both at work and home! I am so very glad that today is Friday! I am looking forward to the Women’s Retreat tomorrow….but I wish it started a bit later! Oh well! I miss being able to sleep in….that is one thing I really miss about being off! Not so much sleeping in, because kids don’t do that well….but being able to take naps! I wish they would institute a “nap policy” at work! LOL

Let’ see….I had two big meetings at work this week. They were both on Wednesday – back to back. So, that was a very long and stressful day! And Monday and Tuesday were stressful – getting ready for the meeting! Yesterday was much better – but just trying to get caught up from being behind because of the meeting. Oh, and my computer at work- crashed! I knew it was on its last leg, so I had already ordered my new one (it isn’t in yet). But on Wednesday, the day of the meeting…when my computer was the only one with all the presentations loaded on it….my computer crashed! It went into a perpetual “starting up mode” and wouldn’t power on. That made the morning interesting! I was working fast and furious to create new PowerPoints at the last minute! So, I have a loaner computer now…until my new one comes in! I am very excited about getting a new laptop!!! Yippee!

So, anyways…work is work. Stinky Pete is the same. I am not as frustrated with him as I used to be (before leave)….but it is building! The time off definitely helped…my frame of mind…but it won’t take long. It’s funny how the new girl was so smitten with him a few weeks ago….but she is already starting to see his true colors. It didn’t take long! She is nice….and I think we will work together just fine. But, she is very vulgar…..I mean, she has a potty mouth and cusses like in every sentence. That gets annoying. But other than that….she and I get along fine. It is just hard working with her when I feel like I have to be so guarded about how frustrated I am with SP because I don’t know if I can trust her…..if that makes sense. Although, maybe it is good that I can’t vent with her as much…..maybe it will help me. I am rambling….

So, at home….Monday night, I spent the entire evening cleaning our bedroom. I don’t know why in the world that room gets so stinking dusty…but it is annoying! It looked like I hadn’t dusted in ions, but I just did last week! Well, since we were getting our new king size bed on Wednesday, we had to move things around. So, that took me forever! We had to un-hook the computer and all that stuff to move it….move the bed….blah, blah, blah. So we got that done! Tuesday night…Hubby took the two older kids to a basketball game and I took Petunia to the gym with me. I left her in the nursery and KK and I went to a zumba class. Let me tell you….that was a trip! Basically, zumba is dance aerobics….like the salsa and the rumba and stuff like that. Well, we decided to do it….so we picked our spots in the very back of the class. We figured that we should really be close to the instructor so we could follow her, but we didn’t want to distract everyone else by making fools of ourselves, so we got in the back. Well, we started and for the first few songs, we were laughing so hard at times that we couldn’t even do it! It was very funny!!! Then, this lady joined the class late…and she stood behind us. I told her that that wasn’t going to work, but she didn’t believe me. Turns out, she was an instructor too who just wanted to take the class. Yeah….so after about 2 songs, she moved in front of us. I guess we were making her look bad….lol. It helped having her in front of us….but there ain’t no way I could ever look as good as she did. I am definitely a white girl with no rhythm! Well, KK and I both are! We had a great time, but we sure looked like fools! If you haven’t tried it, you really should! It is a great workout – but more fun then the treadmill! So, that was Tuesday night… then on Wednesday, I didn’t get home from work until nearly 7:00. Hubby and I-Man had church and MIL had the two girls….so I had a little bit of time alone! I ate a quick bite and then had to run out to buy some new blankets for our new bed! I had bought new sheets….but didn’t think about blankets! Luckily, I had been buying king-size quilts, so we had that. I LOVE our new bed! I honestly do not know why we waited so long to get a king size bed! (well, actually I do…money!) It fits great in our room….doesn’t crowd it at all…and we have both slept heavenly in it! LOVE!!!!

So, not much else going on. I feel like I am just rambling all over the board here. I keep getting interrupted, so this isn’t a very good journal entry!

Ummm……the kids are all doing great. Petunia has a bit of a runny nose and I think she might be starting to cut teeth already. She constantly chews on her hands or her pacifier. She is just so pretty….and cute! She laughs all the time and is just a good baby. She is starting to reach for things and really interact with everyone – especially her brother and sister! FAB is as ornery as ever…but also as cute! Yesterday, my mom tried to get her to poop in the potty….well, soon after she got off the pot, she pooped in her diaper. I guess she walked out to where my mom was and put her hands on her hips and told my mom that she needed to change her diaper. She has such a little attitude! I just love to hear her talk…it is so cute! She is kinda hard to understand, but she has a lot to say! Hubby played with her and I-Man in the snow on Sunday….it was her first time to do that! They had a good time and Hubby let them bury him in the snow. Well, I went back inside (I was video-taping it from the porch) and Hubby started to bury I-Man in the snow….FAB didn’t like that! She was crying because she thought he was hurting I-Man. She can be sweet when she wants to be! I-Man has had fun playing in the snow nearly every day. He still loves school – we are supposed to get his report card today. I am anxious to see how he is doing and if he will be able to move onto 1st grade next year or if we need to hold him back. I am open to whatever his teachers feel is best, but he will be disappointed if he has to take Kindergarten again. But I would rather him be disappointed now, then down the road. So, we will see.

Hubby didn’t win the trip to Cancun! Bummer! But seriously, I am so proud of him for being in the running! He actually ended the year as the #3 salesperson! The funny thing is….to win the trip you had to sell a bunch of extra stuff (like HBO and NFL stuff)…well, he didn’t even focus on that and he still almost won it! So, now that he knows...there is always next year! But anyways….work is good for him. It is just a really cold time for knocking on doors every day!

We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge the weekend after next. I had been wanting to go…but then we had dinner with some friends and they suggested it, so we are going to go with them! It is funny how Hubby told me it was too expensive, but when they wanted to go too, it was alright! LOL They have a daughter the same age as FAB – so they will do well together. We are trying to get MIL or someone to keep Petunia over-night so we don’t have to take her. It wouldn’t be much fun for her…and it would be easier to just have the older two. So, we are looking forward to that!

And then also in February…we are going to a Chris Tomlin concert with King and Queen! There are two other people too…I think one is Jeremy Camp and the other is that Giglio guy who is a great speaker. I am really looking forward to that! Hopefully we can find someone to watch all the kids for that night! I just thought of that!!!!

So, like I said…things have been busy! It seems that I am busier now than I was before. I guess because when I was pregnant, we didn’t do much in the evenings – and I really didn’t do much around the house. So, since I am now working full-time and not pregnant, my evenings are busy again – with the kids and the house-work! I swear we do laundry every night! How is that possible?!?!?

Well, I have rambled long enough! I better get back to work! You all have a great day and see some of you this weekend!

Love ya!


Sara said...

Where's the Great Wolf Lodge? Sounds neat! I hope you have a good time!

I'm jealous of your new bed! One of these days when we get a bigger house (with a bigger bedroom) I will make it a point to get a king size bed!

I hope things start getting better with SP. Yikes on the computer crashing! I would be frantic too! I'm glad you get a new laptop, though! That will be fun!

Well, have a good weekend! Love ya!

Dawn said...

Yay on the bigger bed! If we had a biggger bedroom we'd for sure have a king size. Someday I know we won't live in this house forever HA! Bummer he didn't get the trip but he's still done a great job!!! I'm sure you'll love the Great Wolf Lodge. We are wanting to go also in the later spring or early summer. I was laughing though cause we'd never want to do something like that with friends stuff like that is just for the 4 of us. You'll have a great time the commercials look awesome!! You'll have to let me know does the price online include the fun stuff also? I figured it did but wasn't sure. OK rambling here I'll see ya at church tomorrow!!You can come home and take a nap after its over. Thats what I"m planning on doing HA!! Later girl!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going really well with the Cheese family! Sorry that DaddyMac didn't win the trip, but look how far he's already come in his job! That is awesome! I'm so glad that he's doing something that he likes that he is so successful in! Praise the Lord!

I hate to say this, but I'd be leary of the new girl too. You don't know who you can and can't trust and if you say the wrong thing, that could come back on you like white on rice! You have your journal pals to confide in....and you have plenty of people to be able to vent to. Plus, it might keep you in better spirits that you can't complain to anybody at work!

That concert that you are going to will be AWESOME!!!!! You'll have to let me know how it goes. Hubby will be jealous!

I'm glad the kiddo's are doing well. Isn't it funny that you and DaddyMac had three kids and how different their personalities are? That is the one thing that I'm excited to see with our two!

Thanks for the prayers that you've sent our way. It's been a blessing to know that even though we aren't able to see one another, you're still praying and thinking about us. I LOVE blogging!!!!!! It has been a lifesaver to keep in touch with people that God has put in our path!

Lots of Love!