Thursday, January 11, 2007

Phones, WW and more!!!

Hello Ladies! I hope you are all doing well. Can you all believe that it is already January 11? Where does the time go? I guess that time really does go by much faster as you get older!

So…not really a lot to update you on, but I just felt like posting! So, we will see where this post takes us! I never know where I am going to ramble to next!

First week of Weight Watchers...lost 5 pounds!!!! I was excited about that! Now only a lot more to go!

Let’s see…work…well, is work. Quite frankly it stinks! I hate that I am not working with KK anymore….I hate having to see Stinky Pete…or even just talk to him. It has gotten to the point where I just don’t like him, so no matter what he does it gets on my nerves. That isn’t fair to him…or really to me either…but that is the way it is! I keep whining to Hubby that I want to go part-time….but so far, he hasn’t given in! He did say the other night that if they get back a sales program that they used to have (it was called debt-forgive and basically if you had had cable before and not paid for it…they would “forgive” that debt and let you start over). Anyways, he said that if they got that back, maybe then I could go part-time (that drastically increases the number of sales). So, that was the first time he even made it sound like a possibility! But honestly, Monday and Tuesday of this week, I worked in the office until 2:00 and then left to get I-man from school and then went home and worked from home until 5:00. It was SOOOOO nice to be home by 2:30! I don’t technically work again until 3:00, so I was able to get I-Man a snack and settled in on a project and tidy up the house, get dinner “ready” (thawed out, etc.) and it was just so nice! I was in a much better mood the entire evening then when I have had a long day at work and rush to get the kids and rush to get home and get dinner. It would be so nice to do that all the time! But, as I was telling Hair-Dye yesterday, that is in the perfect world and we don’t live in the perfect world, unfortunately! So, anyways….that is work! Aren’t you glad you asked…oh, wait…you didn’t ask! LOL

Hubby and I both got new cell phones on Saturday….but he has already taken his back to get a new one and I am going to take mine back tomorrow or Saturday! Well, what happened was….we actually got out of there with our 2 phones for FREE….we had to pay $50 up front that will be reimbursed (rebate) and then a $24 activation fee. Well, Hubby decided (after a few days) that the “bare-bones phone” he wanted wasn’t fun enough…so he wanted something nicer. So, he went there today and got a new phone (again for free) and it is very cool….well, anyways, he talked to the lady and apparently my phone that I LOVE is last year’s model and I can get the new (and improved) model for free too! The girl who helped us on Saturday was new and didn't know what she was doing! So, I am going to get the new one! AND…we found out that she shouldn’t have charged us the activation fee! So, we will both have these new phones that do way more than we really know what to do with them. This guy at work has been showing me all the cool things I can do with mine and it is pretty neat! Anyways....I am amused easily! He (the tech guy at work) told me “welcome to the new age” because I am so not technologically advanced!

Funny story about my phone…I can record things and last night I was recording FAB singing. Well, I did it once and then played it for her…she was so excited. So, we did it again and then she said “Put dat girl on Mommy!” I tried to explain to her that she was “dat girl”. So funny! I just love that little Girl… even though she is as stubborn as all get out!

Umm…I-Man was so happy to be back at school this week! He missed all of his friends and teachers. I realize why I am not a teacher though…he was trying to write something last night and kept asking me questions and I was ready to scream! I just don’t have the patience…after 20 times of telling him the same thing! But he was so cute, he wrote his teacher a thank you note…not sure for what…..and then he got an envelope and then he tore a little piece of paper and drew snowflakes on it and then got the glue and glued it right where the stamp would go. He tried to put it in the mailbox and I told him that he couldn’t mail it because it didn’t have a stamp on it…..he told me it did have a stamp on it….he had made it! So cute.

Well, I have shared stories about the oldest two….I need a story for Little G! She hasn’t said anything cute yet (lol), but she is just so stinking cute with her smiling and laughing and just starting to really be aware of everything. Her eyes light up every time she sees her brother or sister. I just love that. And when I pick her up in the afternoon she just smiles at me. So cute. She has been waking up at 4:45 or 5:00 the last few mornings for me to feed her….not so cute! I have to get up at 5:15ish anyways….but those last few minutes of sleep are nice! Oh well. At least I get to start my day with her!

God has blessed us so much! I realize that so much more every day. I was talking to this guy Paul that I work with. He used to sit in the office next to mine, but has since moved to a branch. Well, we got along so well and I just love him to death. He has a daughter from a girlfriend (when he was really young) and then he is married and they are trying to get pregnant. His wife is a kindergarten teacher and wants to have a child of her own so badly. She adores his daughter and is a great step-mom, but wants to do the whole baby thing. Well, she has a lot of health problems….and they weren’t getting pregnant, so they did invetro (not sure how to spell that). Well, he called me back in the summer and told me they were pregnant…..I was SO excited for them. Then he called me a few weeks later to tell me that she had lost the baby. She (and he) took that so hard. Well, I went out on maternity leave. When I got back, I called him to see how he was doing….well, listen to this! They did invetro again and right after that, his wife was hospitalized. It took them more than a week to figure out what was wrong with her. She had some kind of a viral infection the size of a softball in her lower abdomen (again…she has a lot of health problems). She was in the hospital for a month recovering. Well, they found out that the invetro worked again….but they lost the baby because of all the meds and stuff that she was on. So, needless to say, when I talked to him, my heart just went out to them! BUT through all of that, his faith has GROWN! He is catholic….but before all of this stuff, he never went to church and blah, blah, blah. Now, he and his wife are faithfully attending church and he listens to K-love every day and has just made some tremendous changes in his life. So, that song “Praise You in this Storm” comes to mind….when this could’ve driven them farther from the Lord, it actually drew them closer.

I told you I would be all over the board with this post. What is next? Umm… so I have Monday off! I am so excited! I just wish that Women’s Group would’ve been this week instead of last week! Oh well! I am going to try to go see a movie or something with KK on Saturday night after Hubby gets home from PT practice. I am looking forward to the day off…even though I just started back to work!

Hubby should find out tomorrow or next week about if he won the Sales Trip or not! He did find out that it isn’t a cruise….but instead it is a 5 day/4 night all expenses paid to a really nice resort in Cancun! It would be so wonderful if he won that….but I told him that even if he didn’t win it, I am still so stinking proud of him for being in the running for it! I am really proud of how well he is doing. It is especially neat to see how his self-esteem has been boosted! For the first time since we have been together, he made more money than me last year….and that is a big deal to him….probably for most men. So, that has really boosted his self-esteem and he is so much happier at this job! So, again, God has blessed us!

Ummm…I don’t think I ever put this in my journal before (and for those that have already heard this, I am sorry!)…but one time at Women’s Group, we were talking about how we fold our washcloths and towels….and we were actually using napkins to explain it. Well, I was telling them that I am so anal about it that I will always just re-fold it when Hubby has folded the washcloths because they are folded wrong. Finally, I just told him how I wanted it done, instead of getting mad at him when he didn’t know the way I wanted it. Well, soon thereafter, we watched Detergent’s kids and she came to pick them up. Well, I didn’t know this at the time, but she went into my bathroom and unfolded all of my washcloths and re-folded them the wrong way and then rolled them and put them back in my basket. That night, I noticed it (of course!!!)….but didn’t mention anything to Hubby. The next day, I asked him if he did it and he said no. So, I thought that maybe Detergent’s older daughter had done it or something. I kinda liked the way they looked rolled, so I left it alone. Well…a few days later, I noticed that not only were they rolled, but they were all folded wrong and then rolled. So, I yelled at Hubby about it….but he kept insisting he didn’t do it! I figured he did it as a joke and didn’t want to confess to it. Then, that Sunday at church, Detergent told me what she had done and we laughed and laughed about it. She thought it was so funny because I am so anal about that. We still laugh about that!

I just thought of another I-Man story real quick....on the way home from school the other day, he asked me if it was almost time for "that king's birthday". I had no idea what he was talking about. So I asked him what he was talking about and he said..."you know, that King...that King that did a lot of stuff for us so we get to have a day off school?" OH! Martin Luther King, Jr. Kids...he obviously didn't understand that his name is King. So funny!

Okay…since I am totally rambling…I will go ahead and go! You all have a good day!!! Love ya!


Anonymous said...

I just love reading your journal because I feel that I can get caught up on your entire family in one entry....and with my small attention span, it's like I go from show to show in 15 seconds flat! LOL!

It's so good to hear how well the kiddos are doing. Pita Pocket saw a kid somewhere and said "look Mommy, it's I-Man". I havce no clue why he thought that...didn't look a thing like him.

Glad that your hubby's worrk is going well. It IS a man's thinking about the whole "making more money than your wife" thing. I think it's also a Christian man's thinking....something about providing for your family! LOL! It's sad to see them think about that....but I haven't met a man yet who doesn't think that way!

Sorry that work isn't good. I hate that Stinky Pete is working out. Can you move to another place in your office where he isn't in charge? Sorry that KK left. It's just hard when you don't like your boss. It was like that my first (and ONLY) year of teaching elementary school. The principal just didn't gel with her teachers. Praying that it works out!!!

Lots of Love!!!

Sara said...

Congrats on the 5 lbs.! That's aweesome! I know from experience how encouraging losing a pound here and there can be.

That's awesome about the cell phones. I keep meaning to check into our plan b/c we have Verizon too (I think I remember you saying that's who you have) anyway, neat!

I remember you telling the towel story. That's so funny that Detergent did that to you! Well, I hope things with SP get better soon! Wish there was something I could do to help...Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go! You're doing great on your first WW week!

LOL! I was laughing so hard when I read your FAB story, "dat girl!" Such a cutie.

I love that I-man is writing his teacher. How sweet and yes there was a stamp, just not a postage stamp, mommy!

Don't you just love when they become aware of what and who's around them? Enjoy every minute w/ Little G. I already miss that stage! Everythings still new w/ CLW but she's a kid now, not a baby anymore. :(

Well, congrats to your hubby! I agree that even if he doesn't win the trip, he can take pride in his hard work. It's way cool that his company recognizes their employees like that. Not many do that anymore.

Enjoy your Friday! Much love!

Mandalynn said...

YAY, for your 5lb. loss!! :)

LOVED the kiddo stories!! :) "That King" & "Dat Girl" :) TOO CUTE :)

Still praying about SP situation...

I did the same thing with Steve with getting mad at his towel folding & then just stopping & showing him how to do it!! LOL But he still faces the "sloppy side" facing the linen closet door instead of the "pretty" side!! LOL I huff, then rearrange them :)

Okay, better go...oh, and thanks for offering to watch Princess Saturday, but I talked to Mom tonight & she said that they could watch her for me...I think with this year's new boss at Block, she might need some Princess time to get her mind off of it...VERY stressful, because the new boss is a StinkyPeterelly...

Okay, talk to ya later!! :)