Monday, December 18, 2006

Warning...Rambling Journal Entry!!!

A - Available or single: Married!B - Best Friend: My husband
C - Cake or Pie: Umm…I love a good chocolate cake…but I also love pie…just not the crust!

D - Drink of choice: Sweet tea!
E - Essential item you use everyday: my glasses

F - Favorite color: I love bright colors – especially yellow and pink
G - Gummy Bears or worms: LOVE Gummy Bears

H - Hometown: Born in Xenia, but consider Wilmington my hometown.
I - Indulgence: Wow, that is a hard one! Probably my Vera Bradley bags
J - January or February: what is the difference? I like January because I get two days off work – New Year’s Day and MLK Day….but I also like Valentine’s Day in February!
K - Kids & Names: Isaac – 5, Faith Anne – 2 (going on 16) and Gracie – 10 weeks today!

L - Life is Incomplete Without? my family
M - Marriage Date: April 22, 2000
N - Number of Siblings: 2 sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: I have a fear of being alone….and also of not raising my kids right! I worry about that every day!

Q - Fave Quote: Not a quote, but a Bible verse: Isaiah 41:10 (paraphrased) – So do not fear for I am your God and I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand.
R - Reason to Smile: God has blessed me beyond belief. I have many reasons to smile – but Scott, Isaac, Faith Anne and Gracie are 4 really good ones!
S - Season: Spring because we are surrounded by new life!

T - Tag 3 or 4 people: anyone who wants to share!
U - Unknown Fact about Me: Well, some people know this. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a professional whistler when I grew up!!! Stop laughing!!!!
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: there are lots! Lima beans, cooked spinach, cooked carrots, cauliflower….like I said, there are lots!

W - Worst Habit: eating too much!
X - Xrays: umm…of my leg when I was younger and I broke my shin bone in half….and I am sure there have been others, but that is the only one I can think of now
Y - Your Fave Food: I love Chipotle….and anything chocolate!!!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Cancer

I was bored earlier, so I decided to do this thing that was in Dawn’s journal.

Hey! I hope you are all doing fine! I cannot believe that we have less than one week until Christmas! Whew! Where oh where has the time gone? I guess I am done…but I always want to buy more! We are getting our family portraits tomorrow….so I still have to buy frames for them. But I wanted to wait until we got them before I get the frames! So, I have to do that this week. And there is this tool thing that I have seen on TV that I would like to get Hubby….so I might get that still. But anyways…..less than a week!

So, this weekend, Santa called and talked to I-Man and FAB. Cincinnati Bell has this free thing and so he called and talked to both of them. Well, I used it on I-Man tonight. He was just being rotten. He has really not been listening to us lately and has gotten bad at talking back to us. So, tonight I told him that he better start listening and obeying and stop talking back to me or I was gonna call Santa and tell him that I-Man couldn’t have any new toys. He asked me how I was going to do that and I told him that I had his number on caller id since he called this weekend. He straightened right up. How pathetic is that?!?!?

We had Hubby’s family Christmas gathering on Sunday at our house….it is all of his Mom’s side of the family. We had about 40 people here! It was very nice and went very smoothly! Hubby was worried that we wouldn’t have enough food…but seriously, before anyone else came, we had enough food for an army! So, there was more than enough food! He worries about the silliest things (uhh….hi Pot, this is the Kettle and you are black!). Anyways, everyone seemed to have a really good time and most everyone came and the food was good and it was just a good time! I am so glad that we were able to do that for his family. I really do like entertaining (fancy way of saying…having people over)…but I just don’t like to initiate it. Isn’t that weird! I mean, once it is decided and everything, I am fine….I just don’t like to extend the invitation and all that jazz. I am very weird, I know it. In fact, last week Hubby was giving me a hard time about the fact that the only “friend” (not counting my family members who are friends – Mandy!!!) that I do things with on a regular basis is KK….well, the reason is because I am quirky…and I realize that….and KK is also quirky….so we get along really good. Like for instance, we went shopping one day last week and I mentioned this to her and she thought I was weird…but then as we were shopping, I forget what happened, exactly, but the got what I was trying to say. Anyways, don’t know where I was going with that…but whatever. I am in a rambling kind of mood tonight. HEHE I just spelled mood “mude” and then changed it. I am goofy!

So, this is going to be a busy week for me! Today, not so busy….other than recuperating from the big party here yesterday. Those of you that know how anal I am should know that yes, our house was completely back in order before Hubby even went to Men’s group last night…so like within one hour of everyone leaving, my house was back in order. So, I was tired today. Anyways! Tomorrow and Wednesday, I am going to go to work! Yep, I am working! Actually, I am going to go and be a teller at KK’s branch because she is in desperate need of some help. And she must be desperate because I haven’t ran a teller window in YEARS….like, since before I-Man was born! It should be interesting! I am only working for a few hours each day…so that she and her other teller can take a lunch break…but that should be fun! Then on Thursday, meeting with Queen and Princess…that is always fun! Thursday night we are watching Detergent and Preacher’s kids as a Christmas gift to them. Preacher is surprising her (so don’t tell her if you see her before then!) with the night out! They need some time for the two of them because she has been working so much lately. Then Friday, I am helping out with I-Man’s Christmas party at school….and then on Saturday night, we have a wedding to go to! My mom is going to be here and watch all 3 of the kids, so we get to really enjoy the wedding…like a real date! I am looking forward to that! Then it is Christmas Eve and all that jazz starts! Unbelievable, really! I can’t believe that it is nearly Christmas!!! YIKERS!

Then next week, Hubby and I are both off work and it is going to be a fun week! I think we are having a “cousin’s game night” on Tuesday….I am going out with KK and another friend from work on Thursday night….and then we are having my whole family (well, whomever can come) over for New Year’s Eve. I think that SIL and Baby B are coming too. So, that should be fun! Then….I have to go back to work! I still don’t have my babysitting game plan firmed up. I need to talk to Mom and see what/when she wants to watch the kids….especially that first week because I-Man will still be on Winter Break from school. But, since my Dad is retiring and they have that house on the market, that might change things for her watching the kids. Which is fine, because my Aunt can do it….at least, I think she can….but we have to figure all that out. Plus, I have to get the guts to ask about the “flex time” thing…because I don’t think that Hubby is ready to take the plunge into part-time for me. It is just a scary leap of faith to take. So, we will see. OH! But really, Hubby’s job is such a blessing! They are having some kind of an auction thing on Friday….and they get play money based on their sales….and he has over $800 in play money to bid with! There are TVs, a microwave (which we desperately need), movies, formula (just for him!) and a bunch of things! So, that will be fun and exciting for him! Also….now, don’t get your hopes up (as if you all would…I am really telling myself that) but there is a good chance that he could win a CRUISE! This is separate from the auction thing….it is like their annual sales incentive trip and he is in second place to win it right now….and the guy that is in first place told him that he thinks that Hubby is going to win because he hasn’t been working much lately….so…..wouldn’t that just be awesome! I am trying to not think about it….because it is just a chance….but wooo hooo…that would be so exciting! We were talking about it tonight and Hubby was like “I think we can take the kids for pretty cheap.” And I just looked at him like he was crazy! I said, “Uhh.. my parents can watch the kids. We are not taking them along!” So, I know that some of you think I am a bad mommy….but if he wins a FREE vacation….I want a REAL vacation, which means no kiddos! Unless my parents could go on the same cruise with us! That would be the best case scenario!!! But anyways…..don’t I sound like I am not getting my hopes up? Hubbby said he shouldn’t have even told me until it really happened….but I mean, it is just a chance, so if he doesn’t win it, we haven’t lost anything except for the dream….and there is always next year! He didn’t even know that he was remotely in the running for it until last Friday.

Okay…I know that I am so rambling right now. I need to go to bed….since I am working tomorrow! Real quick…..thank you for your prayers for Hubby’s grandpa. Please continue to pray. They have started him on intensive radiation…that is really all that we know at this point. They won’t know how it is working until they run more tests which won’t be until later this week or after Christmas. The good thing is….Hubby’s aunt (the one that is the millionaire, married to a millionaire) well, her husband is a world reknown oncologist surgeon and is on the board for the American Cancer Society. So, they are ensuring that he is getting the best possible care and he is keeping a close eye on the test results and what-not. So, that is a blessing.

Well, have a good night and I will “talk” to you soon. Since I am such a sporadic journaler, if it isn’t before CHRISTmas…..Merry CHRISTmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!


Anonymous said...

That is so nice of ya'll to have your hubby's family over for Christmas. I'm glad it was an enjoyable event. And yes, I can imagine that you would have your house cleaned an hour after they left...who wouldn't expect that from you? LOL!

Are you excited about working? Will you be getting paid or is this a freebie? You'll have fun getting out and trying out the whole teller thing again! I wish I could come by your window just to say hi! LOL!

I'm so glad that your hubby is doing so well at his job. I hope that he wins some good stuff...and maybe that cruise!!!!!! If you'll take me, I'll watch the kiddos! :)

I was laughing at the first of your journal. We are so alike in so many ways...letters A,B,C,D,E,G,L,P,R,V, and Y!!!!! But I never wanted to be a professional whistler....but I laugh EVERY time I hear someone whistle cuz it makes me think of you!

Have a wonderful CHRISTmas if I don't hear from you before then!

Lot of Love!

Pepto said...

Hey! Haven't seen or talked to you in a while. I'm glad you've been enjoying your time off, and if KK's that desperate for help, tell her she can hire me. I'm looking for full time. Anyway, I have to go actually do my job. I hope I can see you sometime soon! Love ya!!