Monday, December 11, 2006

2 Months Old!!!

Well, my time is rapidly coming to a close! Petunia is 2 months old….or 9 weeks old today, which means that I have 3 weeks left! That isn’t a lot! I have gotten teary twice today…once when I was changing FAB’s diaper and I whispered to her that I loved her and she whispered it back to me…and then once when I was changing Petunia’s diaper. I have to say that having 12 weeks home (well, actually 16, but 12 with all three kids) has been such a blessing to me. I have really cherished this time with them. With the other 2, I only got 8 weeks leave….so the extra 4 weeks is awesome! Especially because those extra weeks for a newborn make a big difference! I mean, Petunia is just really starting to socialize and smile and discover things. So, it has been wonderful! As much as I am ready to get back into my work routine again, I am surely going to miss being home! We still haven’t decided about the whole “part-time” or “flex-time” thing. That is a big decision that I have been making light of….I need to really sit down and look at a budget to see if we can really do it….then convince Hubby. I think he is just really scared because it is a leap of faith. So, we need to figure that out in the next 3 weeks so I know what to talk to my HR person and Stinky Pete about when I go back….because I really need to do it as soon as I get back…that is the best time to have that conversation. So, we will see!!!

Anyways! Enough about that! So, what has been happening in the Cheese family? Well, I-Man had his theatrical debut in his first ever Christmas program at church. He was such a ham! But I really didn’t expect any less! He was dancing and fidgeting and arguing with the girl next to him and playing with his scarf and smiling and just being the most adorable little thing! I was so proud of him! He really did great. My parents made it…which just made him so happy and FAB wouldn’t let go of her Papaw. I think that Hubby’s parents got jealous….but they hadn’t seen my parents since Thanksgiving, so they were entitled to be a little selfish with the kids. Plus, we had asked MIL to watch the kids for us during choir practice later that evening….she told us that she wasn’t feeling good (she pulled a muscle in her back) but she left right after with her boyfriend…so whatever! Oh, get this….she told Hubby to “bite me” when he was teasing her about being late to the play! NICE! I am telling you…..that woman is not the MIL that I once knew. She is such a different person. Actually, her boyfriend leaned over and told her to say it before she did….so yet another reason for Hubby to not like her boyfriend. Oh well! No sense in getting started on that….I can’t do anything about it but love her!

Ummm…I am pretty sure that Hubby ordered the Mother’s Ring that I have been telling him I want for Christmas! I really want it to be a surprise, but I think he did. We will see! I am excited about all the presents I have gotten him…I think he will like them. There are just a few more things I want to get for him and for the kids. I am going to take the girls to my Aunt’s house on Wednesday and go shopping with KK for a bit. That will be nice! I am looking forward to that. OH, on Friday night…I really needed a break… KK and I went to see “The Holiday” at the late movie. It was a cute chick-flick. Jack Black just makes me smile to look at him and Jude Law is so stinking cute! It was definitely a chick-flick….but cute.

We ended up spending the big bucks for the pictures. Hubby just didn’t want to cut any from the ones I wanted and we figure since we don’t do this often…..we should just splurge and get the pictures. I am sure that we will have my mom scan some more copies for us….but he did such a great job. We went to the home of the guy who did our wedding portraits. He has a studio in his basement. Anyways….now I am just holding my breath that nothing goes wrong and we get them by Christmas! That would be a real bummer if we didn’t !

So, my Dad officially got his “early retirement buy-out package” today and his “official last day” will be February 28. Mom called me briefly to tell me that….but then she had to go because Sister was calling her. So, we didn’t talk long. I am sure that Dad has very mixed emotions about this. Apparently, it is voluntary….but if you don’t take it, there is the chance that they could just come and tap you on the shoulder one day and tell you that this is your last day. So, voluntary, but not really. I am sure they do that on purpose because it makes it hard to say no….which is what Dad needed or he would probably have said no! So, I am excited for them! I was just so worried that he would work too long and then not be able to really enjoy his retirement! That happens to so many people….and he has worked so many years! It is time for him to enjoy some time for just him and mom! So, the next few months will be very stressful for them as they figure out all the details of where they are going to live and selling houses and all that jazz. So, please keep them in your prayers. This is a big ego thing for men…and although my dad is not a proud man at all, I am sure this will take its toll on his ego.

So, Sister has been dreaming big about this million dollar home….but secretly I don’t want them to buy it because I am still holding out hope that they will move back up here! I know they won’t….because they love it in Tucky….but I want them here (especially when they adopt a baby!!!)! That is very selfish, so, sorry Sister….but I am just being honest and it is my journal so I can! LOL But….at least if they bought that big old house, we could all go stay! They just need an in-ground pool and the big 4th of July bash would be back on!!!!

Umm….I guess that is about it for tonight. I am tired and I am going to go feed Petunia again so that hopefully she will sleep through the night! Last night, she slept from 11:00 until 8:30 this morning! I could so get used to that! Of course she slept in today….when I couldn’t! I had to get up and get ready for her doctor’s appointment (she got 4 shots today…poor thing). Oh! They gave her an oral vaccination for the Roto Virus. I was so excited about that (it is new) because I-Man ended up in the hospital when he had the Roto Virus! That is a cool thing!!!! She weighs 12.7 pounds (watch out Piglet!) and is 23.25 inches long. She is in the 95-99% for her weight and 90-95% for her length….no surprises here! She did give us a prescription for Zantac since she spits up so much…..I am going to give her one more week on the new formula before I try that. She is spitting up much less….but it is still rather annoying. So, we will see.

Okay….for real. Gonna go! Have a nice night and I will “talk” to you all soon! Love ya!!!!


Sara said...

Hey girlie! I had fun last night too! Thanks also for listening! I needed that. We definitely need to get together more often....whatever happened to that girls night anyway???

Little Petunia is just so cute! Even if she is catching up to Piglet! LOL. I hope you dont' have to go the Zantac route, but if you do, it will be fine. Piglet was on that for 6 months.

I'm sorry you have to go back to work soon, but I hope it works out for you to do the flex-time thing. That would be awesome! I really wish I could do something like that too! I'd much rather be at home with Piglet...well, most days! Anyway, I've written a book here, so I'll stop now. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh you make me tear up when you talk about going back to work. I remember when I went back and I called Hubby a billion times a day just to make sure things were okay. I would talk to Stinky Pete soon though. You mentioned keeping full time, but working at home in the afternoon a few weeks ago. I would try for that. That would be awesome and you wouldn't lose out on any $$$$.

I'm glad that you're getting out and having fun. I'm sure just the few shopping trips and movies are helping you through the ARGH moments! I know they help me!

I know that your dad has very mixed emotions. I just wish that it happened when they were expecting it months ago...but there is a reason why. Do you think they'll move to OH for good? I know they have so many things to think about now.

I can't wait to see the pictures. You better put them on your blog so I can see 'em!

Lots of Love!