Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Has it been more than a week?!?!

Well, again…it has been quite a while since my last post! I just am not good at sitting down long enough to type up a journal entry! And then when I do…it is so long because it has been so long since I last journaled….it is like a vicious cycle! Geesh! But I do “lurk” every day. I don’t always leave comments because sometimes the website is slow and I am not patient and other times I just had time to read before I was off to do something else and other times I just don’t know what to say! So…there you go! But I do read every day! So, now that you all know that about me….here is what is going on….

Let’s see….I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. I have a few more things to get Hubby….actually I need to think of what those things are….but I need to get him a few more things. There was something else I wanted to get I-Man but Hubby thinks we have gotten him enough. So, I need to count how many presents I have for each of them to make sure they are about even and then make sure we are done with the kiddos. Poor Baby doesn’t have much….not like she notices that, but we need to get her a few more things so the other two don’t think Santa forgot about their sister! I am not good with the whole “Santa” thing. I keep talking about shopping and stuff and it almost slips more than once. The other night, I-Man asked me if the Santa that lives in our neighborhood (there is a guy who has a TON of lights on his house and every night he sits in his window with a Santa costume on and waves at the people who drive by….I have heard that if your kids knock on his door, he gives them a candy cane or something too….very cool for the kids) anyways, I-Man asked me if that was the real Santa. So, I used a trick that my good friend KK taught me and I asked him what he thought. Well, he thought about it for a while and decided that he didn’t think that was the real Santa. So, I told him he was probably right….and it was really most important what he thought. Anyways, FAB calls him “t-taus”, at least that is what it sounds like. She keeps saying that she needs to tell “t-taus” what she wants for Christmas. She is so stinking cute sometimes….notice that I said Sometimes!

I am really just going to ramble in this entry….we got our proofs back tonight from our family portraits. There are SO MANY good pictures…I don’t know how I am going to decide! I wrote up what I wanted to buy for us and everyone and it came to $532. That is not acceptable. So, I am going to have to re-think that. But they are Christmas presents for my parents and Hubby’s parents and a few others. But GEESH! So, I have until Friday at 5:00 PM to make up my mind about that! There are so many good pictures. I think that SIL will be disappointed because there isn’t one picture of the 4 kids (Little B and my three) that is like…WOW! That is good. But how can you expect to get 4 kids to all smile in the same picture….and two of those kids are under 3 months… ain’t gonna happen! I think she thought it would….but no way! So, I hope she isn’t too disappointed. But anyways….great pictures!!!!

Hubby and I have been arguing a lot yesterday and today. I think I am PMSing….because I am just not being nice to him and EVERYTHING he does and says is rubbing me the wrong way. So, bless his heart. I also think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am not used to being home so much….and I am getting a bit stir-crazy and missing adult conversations. So….I take that out on him because he gets to go out and have adult conversations every day. He can just leave and do whatever he wants whenever he wants…whereas I have 3 kids to think about. See, I told you that I wouldn’t be a good stay-at-home-mom. Anyways….this too shall pass. Luckily, he is good at putting up with me when I am being a brat!

Ummm….what else? The days are dwindling down quickly on my leave! I go back to work on January 2! The funny thing is…..I got a summons for Jury Duty that starts on January 2! So, wouldn’t that be a hoot if I had to go serve on a Jury right when I am supposed to go back to work! I have to call on December 29 to see if I am needed or not. It would be fun to do….but I don’t think my work would like that very much!

I-Man is in his first Christmas play at church this Sunday! He is very excited! They had practice tonight and he came home and is excited to do it in front of people. They sang a song at church on Sunday and it was adorable. I was so proud of him! I hope he does as well this next week!!!!

I-Man is doing well in school still. It is amazing to me to see how quickly he is growing up! I think he comes home from school with a new phrase or new story every day. That kid is just so animated…he really cracks me up!

FAB is…well, FAB! She can be so stinking sweet and adorable one minute…. And a HOLY TERROR the next minute! She has been saying “Oh My Gosh” and it is so cute! She is not the LEAST bit interested in potty training. We have shown her the Little Mermaid panties we bought for her…..she likes them, but not enough to pee and poop in the potty. I showed her the Dora’s Magic Castle at the store and told her she could have that when she can pee and poop in the potty…..that might be out of style before she does! She is very stubborn and just not ready! I-Man was so easy….I have heard that girls are harder….FAB is making sure of that!

Petunia (Sister’s new name for Baby G) is good. I take her for her 2 month check-up on Monday. Two months….that is hard to believe! She is a porker….and adorable! She has bad hair days every day because her hair just sticks straight up, bless her heart. She spits up a lot…..I tried a new formula…..called “Gentle”, and she has spit up less, but she still spits up a lot. I am going to talk to the pediatrician about it. I doubt they will want to do anything differently because of it…..she is certainly gaining weight just fine. But it is annoying! She spits up more than both of my other two combined! We have to change her bib about 10 times a day! But, her eyes are looking better. She had blocked tear ducts in both eyes….her left eye is completely better and her right one is getting better. Hopefully it will correct itself so we don’t have to do the eye probe thing like we had to with FAB. She will get 4 shots on Monday….so I am not looking forward to that! But man….these 2 months have flown by! I know that we weren’t expecting a third baby, but I love that little girl so much ….and I love to see FAB with her. I-Man doesn’t pay much attention to her except for every once in a while. But FAB….she loves her baby Sissy and kisses and hugs her all day long. It is so neat to see how Petunia (lol….that name cracks me up….see, she snorts and Sister said that Petunia was the name of the girl pig on Looney Tunes) anyways….it is neat to see how Petunia is smiling and socializing in her baby way with all of us. But, as much as I love her, I am glad this is my last baby! There are some things I won’t miss! LOL

Well, I need to go and try to get her to sleep! There is much more I could fill you in on, but I don’t get much free time these days!

Love you all!!!!


Dawn said...

Hey thats OK you lurk I do the same!! I wanted to tell you one thing we've done in the past with pictures is just buy a few and then scan them in and buy your own photo paper and print them out and that is WAY cheaper. You can get a pack of 25 sheets photo paper for under $10 and I'm sure you pay more than that for one sheet at the picture place. Heck you could get a new scanner even for the price you quoted and have tons left over still LOL! I also have a scanner if you need me to do it! Just an idea. I can't believe she is 2 months old also. Man its crazy how fast it goes by. Hugs girl!!!

Sara said...

It's about time! I was missing you! :) Lucky you...almost being done with your shopping. Although, if I was off work, I'd probably have mine done too. Sorry that Jan. 2 is fast approaching. That's funny about how you may have jury duty. I was called for it in October and I never went. (shhh..don't tell) My boss' ex-husband is a Dayton cop and she told me they never go after people who don't show up and I didnt' want to do it, so I didn't go. Bad me! :) Anyway, just a thought if you didn't want to do it.

Enjoy the rest of your time off!!

Kelley said...

I think that you should do jury duty just to show Stinky Pete that you have other things going on in life than him! LOL! I can't believe that you go back next month. Where has the time gone!?!?!?!

HOLY COW!!! That is a lot for those pictures. Scrapbook Queen is right....scan those babies in! Is there a way that you can buy a CD with the copywrite? They do that now at the Santa places in the mall (we got ours) so we have the license to do what we wish with them. You might ask if they have that. Then you could copy as many as you want. Just a thought.

Sounds like things are going well. I know you're looking forward to be out with adults. I was too when I first started staying at home....but then you eventually find things to do and enjoy some time at home! LOL!

Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Hey, girl! I'm a lot farther along than I usually am w/ the shopping thing, but no where near finished. Too many stinkin' kids in my family!!! (j/k)

A lot of places will give you a release now-a-days to copy/scan pics, but a lot still won't. Boy, that's a lot of mulah for one set of pics. Here's what we do, out of necessity because the funds are just never there. We buy one "page" of pics (usually an 8X10) for a gift and then let them reorder if they want more. That way we aren't out a bazillion bucks and they still get the gift, usually w/ a decent frame (bought on sale, of course). They are always happy w/ that because they don't really have a clue what we really wanted to purchase for them.

I don't envy you on Jan 2. Those "back to work" days are just hell. God is good though, and will take good care of your littles while you are away during the day!! And the perks are that you'll only change half the diapers!! I'll pray for you, though (I know I'd take all the diapers in a heartbeat to be able to stay home.

Much love, sister!

Jodi said...

umm SARA!! bad girl!

As someone who works for a judge, what's the number for the court house up there??? lol j/k

but seriously you are lucky you weren't called for jury duty down here because my judge slaps fines of $250.00 for three no shows and although she hasn't locked anyone up, she has threatened jail time! She did make one guy re-serve for another term because he had so many no shows....but we are small town compared to your area so I imagine plenty of people show up in Dayton - but what if everyone just blew it off? my soap box! lol

I could lecture more about the importance of jury duty but blah blah blah...not my journal...but I had to say something!!

That being said, husband will be jealous because he is just itching to be on a jury duty....the sad part is, if he's ever called, he probably won't get picked because his wife works for the judge!! bless his heart!

anyways...I was hoping you'd journal sister because I miss reading about you and the kiddies...

umm the "others" you were referring to regarding pictures hopefully included us!! lol

Seriously, $500 bucks is a lot for pictures, but if that's your Christmas present to yourselves and everyone, that ain't bad...Sebbiedue had a great idea with the letting people re-order your pictures though!!

Anyways, I've rambled enough...and we all lurk so no noeed to apologize...this journaling thing is supposed to be a leisure activity not something else for us to feel guilty about if we don't get to it (cause that's what women do)....that being said, JOURNAL MORE!!! LOL

love you!

Sherry said...

Hmmm...I know you're not "supposed to" but Wal-Mart has those Kodak photo centers where you scan the picture and they print out the photos for you. I say "not supposed to" because Wal-Mart employees are supposed to check to make sure you're not scanning copyright/professional material, but here in SD they never do. I think it's pretty reasonably priced and then you don't have to use your printer ink. Also, if you scan them in, upload them to or and they can also make all sizes of photos - no questions asked. I did that with Joe's pictures the first few years to save money.
