Sunday, October 22, 2006

I don't like titles either!!!!

Well...I really don't have a lot to talk about...but I am a little bored, so I thought I would post and update you all on my boring life! I said in Kelley's comments the other day that I feel like that Suave commercial...the invisible mom syndrome. I think I changed 4 poopy diapers today....not counting the many wet diapers. So, I definitely think that FAB and I are going to seriously tackle potty training in the next few weeks. I am going to give us a little more time of getting used to having Baby around, but then we are going to tackle this while I am home on Maternity Leave. She is 27 months old and it is time....I hope she agrees!!!

So, let's see! Friday...was a good day. I felt much better. I had FAB and Baby all morning and then when Hubby got home from work (he only worked half a day), I went and got my nails done really quick. Then when I got back, my parents were here and Dad went and got I-Man from school while Mom and I sat and talked. Then Mom and Dad went and got a new car and then came back to show it to us and visit with the kids for a bit. Hubby left for the men's retreat....more on that later. Then MIL came and picked up FAB and I-Man. So, Baby and I headed out to go shopping! I needed some things at she and I headed there and then we went to Kohls to get a gift card for Mom for her birthday. What do you buy a woman who has everything? So, I just got her a gift card so she could pick out her own gift. Then we came home and enjoyed our evening together. Actually....she was awake later than normal and she woke up twice in the night. More than she usually does, of course since Hubby wasn't here to help!!!

So, then Saturday morning I got up before MIL was bringing the kids back so that I could take a shower in peace. She dropped the kids off and we had a fine day. Actually, FAB started going down hill. She has a cold and you know how usually you have one or two bad days with a cold? Well, Saturday was her bad day. My Dad came by for about an hour to visit with the kids...oh, and me too...LOL....then the kids took naps. Then Mom came over to visit before she went back to Kentucky....then Hubby came home. He was only home for about 2 hours....time enough to give all the kids baths and a little snuggle time....then he headed out to PT practice. He had to go an hour early since he is singing at the Heritage service too. Well, he took I-Man with him....then about 6:40, they both walked in....he brought I-Man home and was going back to PT practice. He was frustrated......but enough about that.

SO, that is about it for Saturday. It was a good day....except for FAB not feeling well. She is doing better now....but yesterday was rough. But anyways, my first day with all three kids went well and it was really not a big deal. I would've taken them to the park if FAB had been feeling better. I did fight back tears when my Mom left....she asked me if I was going to cry and I almost did...but then I started laughing with her about how much I bawled when she left after I-Man was born....I thought I had it tough then...with one baby! Geesh! Really, then it was more the fear of the unknown....but still. I am going to miss having her close...but I knew she had to go home at some point!

So, um.....the Men's Retreat. It sounds like they had a good time...but Hubby was a little disappointed. He really opened up a lot to me and talked.....we have certainly gotten much closer with this new baby....funny how that happens. Anyways, he was a little disappointed because he was really looking forward to some "male bonding time" and some real open and honest sharing time.....but I guess that didn't really happen. I guess it was hard for that to happen because some of the youth came. Not that that was a bad thing, but it did prohibit some of the "bonding" that Hubby was looking for.....that I think he is needing right now. He did share that they talked about their biggest fears in life...and he told me that he shared that he was scared that he was going to end up like his Dad and his Grandpa.....both cheated on their wives and walked out on their families. I knew that that worried him....but he had never actually come right out and told me that. I reassured him that I am much meaner than his mom or his grandma and if he did that, I would just cut it he better not do that! Of course I was joking with him....but it was good for us to talk about it. I felt bad for him that he didn't get out of the retreat what he was hoping to. I know that I have gone to retreats or things like that sometimes and not had the experience I was hoping for either. But ....they had a good time and it was the first time they have ever done that kind of thing together and I hope it is the first of many! The guys at our church....all ages....need to come together and unite to make us stronger....just as the women do! On a funny was a very cold night for camping!!!! I worried about him all night! I sure missed him at home!

Let's today....the girls and I didn't go to church. FAB was feeling better when she woke up...but we weren't sure how she would we decided to just stay home. The boys went to girls just hung out here and played and stuff. I made lunch....the boys came home and we ate and then took naps....and then we went to choir practice. It was nice to get out of the house and have some adult conversation. We got the kids to bed and then Hubby went to Men's Group. Now I am watching some of my favorite shows......not much else going on!

OH! I spoke to KK on will never guess this! Stinky Pete called her into his office on Friday morning and was BAWLING. HE WAS CRYING...he is a broken man and feels so bad for what he has put her through and is extremely worried about losing me. I couldn't believe it when she told me that. And, my cell phone rang and it was HIM! I didn't answer it. But he left me a message and he and his wife and daugthers want to come over to my house to see Baby. I don't know what I am going to do.....I don't want them at my house, but how do I say no?!??!!? I am going to call and leave him a message....who knows what is going to happen with that. How weird.

Well....I guess I am gonna go. Tomorrow we have Baby's 2 week check-up....and then I get to go pick I-Man up from school for the first time in a few weeks. I am much stronger I need to start walking and get rid of this baby weight! (I was wearing regular jeans at choir practice tonight!!!!) I had decided to take myself off of all of my pain meds today....but that didn't last. I still need some of them. But I am out of the vicodin, I have one refill left, but I am going to try to just take the motrin. Aren't you glad I shared that?

Okay...I am rambling now. I hope you all have a great Monday and I will talk to you later! Love and hugs to you all!!!!


Kelley said...

Let's see...what to comment on first!

I'm sorry that DaddyMac didn't get that experience that he wanted. I know that it is hard enough getting guys to bond and then to not have it do what they are expecting doesn't make it any better. BUT....on the positive side, you and DaddyMac had a wonderful conversation....and I have a sharp knife if you ever need it! LOL!

I'm sorry that your parents have left, but you will be fine. I'm a little nervous about since you already have three and if I need some down time, can I just send Pita Pocket to you?!?!? LOL! You're such a great mommy! I can't even imagine taking them to the park....are you crazy? LOL!

Now, about Stinky Pete. The ball is in your court baby! Let him and his family come over (might make for a nice gift). I'm not saying that things have changed but he might really see where you and KK are fixing his mistakes. You have the upper hand! Ha ha ha ha ha (evil laugh)!!!!!

I pray that potty training works out for you. I was just telling Hubby that we started with the potty thing 1 year ago and gave up each time....this is the FIRST time that Pita Pocket wants to go to the potty. Good luck to ya!!!!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I have to laugh at what Kelley said about letting Stinky Pete come over b/c it could make for a nice gift. That's exactly what I was going to say! Are we bad or what? At least if his wife was there, you wouldn't have to deal with him alone. It's probably unavoidable.

I'm sorry your Mom left you, but it sounds like you're doing great. At least you have a great hubby who helps you out a lot!

Thanks for letting me hold Baby last night, even if I had to give her up to Kim! :) j/k. I don't want to be selfish with her anyway....and she's your kid. Have a good Monday! Love ya!