Tuesday, October 10, 2006

From the Hospital....

Howdy everyone! I am sitting in my hospital bed.....and journaling! Isn't that a hoot?!? HBM will probably be doing the same thing in a few months....right???? It is actually cool that Hubby's laptop works in here....we have been able to check email, look at Little G's picture on the website (www.kmcnetwork.org) (then go to KMH or something like that Baby Gallery...for Josy, in case you don't remember, my last name starts with a B)...and of course, I have been able to check journals! Priorities...right?!?!? LOL

So, obviously Little G is here and health and everything is going good! Umm...don't remember where we left off, but Saturday and Sunday I didn't do much of anything. I did go to church...but that was about it. I only slept about 2 hours each night....just so uncomfortable and nervous and all that stuff. So, Monday morning....I got up and got myself all ready and then woke up Hubby and the kids. We got the kids all ready and then my parents came over. When we woke I-Man up, the first thing he asked me was if this was the day that the baby was going to be born. I got all teary-eyed....I miss that little guy...he can be so sweet at times! (Notice the "at times"). So, then Hubby and I were off to the hospital!

We got into the HUGE labor and delivery room. I wish my "real" room was that big! Oh well. My nurse was really nice and made the time go by quickly and painlessly. Well, maybe not painlessly. She had to poke me twice to get the IV in...which is really not bad for me. But the first time really hurt because she was really trying to move it around to make it work. OH, and the BP cuff was killing me too. So....just a few minutes before it was time for me to go to the OR, my parents got there with FABulous and my MIL came. After hugs and kisses all around, I walked to the OR...isn't that weird! Well, the nurse told Hubby she would be right back to get him after they gave me my spinal. Well, 30 minutes later they went and got him. The first person who tried to give me my spinal did something wrong or something...I am still not sure what happened, but someone else had to come in and do it again. So, that was VERY NOT PLEASANT. It was actually extremely painful....and I have a huge bruise on my back to show for it. (you aren't supposed to have that bruise) It probably would have been better if Hubby had been in there with me during that....but my doctor was great and really helped me through that. They kept apologizing, because it really wasn't supposed to be that bad....but I told them (after they finally got it in and I was going numb) that they didn't need to apologize...I was having a kid here...so pain was to be expected!

Okay...so then Hubby came in and the fun began! About 11 minutes after Hubby came in the room, Little G was out!!! Hubby got it on video and he left my side to go be with her while they began to tie my tubes. They held her up so I could see her....but I was crying too hard. I just lay there and cried and cried and cried. I was so relieved that she was healthy (her APGAR scores were 9 and 9....the best they give!!!). I did over-hear one of the doctors tell the other that they didn't know how I had gotten pregnant because "neither of her tubes look good". I thought that was interesting...and confirmed yet again that the One we serve is greater than all things and His plan is perfect and beyond our comprehension. Needless to say, I was a little emotional!!!! So, Hubby got to spend a lot of time with her while they were tying my tubes...that was awesome! It is so neat to see your husband, the man you love and the man that God gave me, to see him at moments like those. Can't really describe it...but it is just awesome and makes you love them even more. Talk about a proud Daddy...and a good one too. SO...finally they got my tubes tied, cut and burned.....at my request!!!...and the doctor handed me my little girl and they wheeled me out of the OR. I held her and kissed her and was amazed by her. I asked Hubby to go get my Mom....that is who I needed to see next...and she needed to see me. So, she came back and I gave her Little G so she could be amazed by our third precious gift. Hubby brought FABulous back too....and her first reaction was really just overwhelmed....I think. Well, I still had my hair net on (because I forgot about it) and had all kinds of tubes and stuff on me. So, she didn't really know what to think. But she did kiss Little G and started to warm up to her. My Dad came back and held her for a minute...and so did MIL. Then FIL and Step-MIL showed up. I was glad they did....for Hubby. He needed his parents there too. So, that was about it for a bit. They took Little G off to the nursery and I rested in the recovery room until they took me to my room!

Once I got all settled in my room, Hubby and his parents went and had lunch and I just rested. That was nice. Then, they brought Little G in the room and we got to enjoy our new bundle. She is beautiful...I know I am biased, but she is beautiful! Make sure you go to the website and check her out! I wish I could add a picture here...but I don't remember how to do that and I don't know if I could do it on Hubby's computer anyways. So, check out the website!!!

So, FIL and Step-MIL stayed and visited with us for a bit....then they left and Preacher and his middle girl came to visit....then my Parents got here with I-Man and FAB. Since Preacher's girl was here at first, I-Man was a bit shy at first....but he did hold Little G. We got some pictures of the three kids together....but my kids didn't stay too long because they get too hyper and bored in the hospital!!! And again, I was still hooked up to the IV and a catheter, so I think that might've scared them both a bit.

So, on her first day, the only other visitors we had were MIL and New Mommy and Little B came in the evening. It was funny to me that I had just seen Little B at church the day before and thought how little he was....but next to Little G...he looks so big! It was a nice visit with SIL. I am really beginning to get along with her and feel closer to her all the time.

So, then Hubby and I just had Little G to ourselves until we sent her to the nursery for the evening. Hubby spent the night here and I don't think he slept well on the rock-hard recliner, but I, for the first time in weeks, slept great! They gave me some benadryl for the itching that the pain meds caused....so that helped me to sleep....it was a nice night.

This morning, after they had taken my IV out and my catheter...I was able to get up and move! That was great!!! It was hard.....but it felt good to be out of the bed! I took a shower and felt more normal!!!

OH....we were asked yesterday if we would be okay with having a male student nursing assistant today....and I said sure. Well, I was the only patient that said yes to that, so we had this young guy, Caleb, who took really good care of us all morning....like he was seriously in here every 10 minutes. He was sweet....I guess since it is my 3rd, I am not nearly as "shy" as new mothers....and they like for them to see c-section patients because there is more for them to check and see.

Little G is doing great!!!! Overnight, and even when MIL was here last night, she had been spitting up a lot. I was afraid we were going to have to change her formula. But today, she has done great and she has only spit up once...and it was very little! We kept her with us all day except when they took her out for lab work this evening. KK came to visit today and then TT and her daughter....and then Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho...then Aunt Chatty Cathy and Uncle Funny Hat....and then Queenie and Princess....and MIL. We had a lot of visitors tonight!!! MIL got ticked off.....and I don't really care! She gets off work at 3:30...but didn't show up to see us until nearly 7:00. Well, when she got here, Aunt Beautiful and Uncle Poncho had been here for about a half an hour and hadn't gotten to see or hold Little G yet because she was getting her lab work done. So, when they brought her in, I tried to make sure that Aunt Beautiful got to hold her first....she had been waiting and hadn't held her yet. So, I don't think MIL got mad about that....but I could tell she was itching to hold her....and I understand that. So, then....it was time to feed Little G and right then, Aunt Chatty Cathy came in. So, she just kinda took Little G and fed her.....that made MIL mad, I could tell. But I didn't care! MIL could've gotten there sooner....and Aunt Chatty Cathy didn't stay long anyways! She fed her and then MIL took her from her and they left. So, again....MIL had already held her (not fed her, but held her) AND she could've come earlier! So, then Queen was here...and I didn't think that MIL was going to give her up, but she finally did....sorry about that Queenie....but she had to hold her for a bit. She had to rush off...who knows why. ARGGH....

So, after everyone left, I mentioned that I think MIL got mad to Hubby and he said yes....he would call her tomorrow and tell her that she could've/should've come over earlier and also just because her family doesn't care to come and visit....my family does and that is just as important to me as anyone else who comes to visit. She gets her feelings hurt too easily... especially when she just comes and tries to act like Super Grandma when it is convenient for her. I made a comment about "my poor mom" having to take care of my kids all week and not getting much baby time...purposely to my Aunts in front of MIL. Did she catch the hint? Probably not. But I had to get that in. Then again, I would much rather they be with my mom....but I do feel bad for her. I am sure they are wearing her out.

I know I am rambling....sorry about that!!!!

So, I need to get off her and get to sleep. I was killing time because I knew they were going to come in and give me meds and a heating pad....so there was no use going to sleep until they did that. Well, I am now getting tired and ready to crash!!!

Thanks for your prayers.... they were answered because God blessed us with another BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY baby girl. We are both doing good, and looking forward to going home on Thursday.

Love and Hugs to you all!!!!


Sara said...

Hey! You've sounded so great every time I talked to you. Are you sure you just had a baby??? :)

I'm so glad everything went well and you and Little G are doing great! I can't wait to see her! Love you!

Kelley said...

I love the facial expression on that picture! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!

I'm so glad that the third time around was good. Sorry that the pain killer didn't go quite as well as expected....but glad that it is over.

Isn't it funny how they ask if the interns or residents can assist? I had two or three in the operation room. It was just funny because I was too worried about the birth than to worry about how many people and who was in the room!

Sorry the MIL thing isn't working out too great...you knew that it would happen. It's sad when both sides can't realize that there IS another side of the family...and my goodness, like now is the time to argue about it, right?

Praying for a great stay the rest of the time that you are at the hospital. Glad you got some WONDERFUL sleep!

Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

YAY YAY YAY I'm so excited to read this! Of course ya had me in tears also but thats ok !! CONGRATS I can NOT wait to see this new miracle. Stew was out of town ALL day monday and I wasn't bringing the girls by myself. THen yesterday same deal he was at the church all day till like 9:00 last. Seriosly home from 2:30-3:30 to do science with Madison. So hopefully soon I"ll get to come see ya!! So glad she's healthy and you sound awesome!! Take it easy and get lots of rest!! BIG HUGS!!

Pepto said...

Yay!!!! I'm so glad to know that you're doing fine and Little G is healthy. She's so precious, I can't wait to see her. I'm about to eat some breakfast, get dressed and head your way, so I'll be seeing ya soon. Love ya!

SebbieDue said...

I probably won't make it out at all to see you. I wanted to yesterday, but this one car thing is the pits.

She is sooooo precious! It truly looks like she's smiling already! What a little doll! Like ScrapbookQueen, you had me in tears too.

You MIL will get over it. You'd think by her age she'd realize it ain't about her. Sheesh.

Anyway, you and DaddyMac are gonna do great w/ three! And you're right, the One we serve has picked you "special" to raise these little ones for Him.

Get some rest! Give Little G a hug from Aunt SebbieDue (tee hee) and give one to DaddyMac too! I'm so happy for you guys!!! Much love!

Mandalynn said...

She IS beautiful!! :) hehehe, I was wondering if your MIL was gonna let me hold her last night :) LOL But that's ok, I understand...I had plenty of baby time :) She's gorgeous!! :)

Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Missy, she is so beautiful! I just love her already! Oh, I did remember your last name, it was the first name I brain-farted (I kept looking for Mac-n-Cheese)!

Hope you are adjusting well to life at home, what an adventure! Thank goodness it will be Stinky Pete free!

Love ya!