Saturday, October 14, 2006


Well, we are all home! All 5 of us! Little G and I got released from the hospital on Thursday morning. I should back up and say that Hubby decided to stay at the hospital with me on Wednesday night. We decided that we missed each other too much when he went home, so he stayed with me. Isn't he sweet?!!? For some reason, my emotional reaction to this baby has been that I don't want Hubby to leave me. Silly, I know...but I just cry when he leaves. But am crying at everything...but more about that in a minute.

So, Thursday doctor came in and went over all my discharge stuff....we got out of there by 10:45! I was very impressed. So, Hubby and I got Little G in the van and headed home. My mom and FAB met us there. FAB was so sweet and just wanted to hold Little G. So, Mom left and it was just the four of us for a bit. FAB and Little G sat in our big recliner together and watched cartoons. It was very sweet. Then we all went to take naps....FAB never went to sleep, but she was quiet and good so we all could sleep for a bit. Then Hubby and FAB went to pick I-Man up from school. He came home and we had some nice family time for a while. I-Man had a bad day at school...he ended up on blue (it goes, green then yellow then blue) not good. But we didn't scold him too much because it was a rough week for him! MIL ended up coming over with Little B and she brought dinner for us. Then later my mom came and brought dessert....New Mommy showed up....then my mom took the kids (I-Man and FAB) to her house for the evening. MIL left soon after and then SIL left soon after that. And we were alone for our first night at home!!!

Little G did pretty good for her first night. I was afraid that we were going to have to wake her up to feed her...because she was sleeping so much. But that was not the case. She woke up every 3 hours to eat. At the 2nd feeding, she just didn't want to go back to sleep. In fact, I am not sure she ever did. I think Hubby ended up getting up with her and feeding her again and then putting her back to bed. So, it wasn't too bad. The second night was worse...but I think that is just because I was more tired. My body just has to get back in the routine of getting up every few hours. But Hubby helps a lot too....he can since I am not breastfeeding.

So, on Friday....not much happened! My mom brought the kids over for we all had lunch together (well, not Hubby because he had to go to work). They didn't stay very long and then Little G and I just took it easy all afternoon. We dozed off and just relaxed. Hubby got home from work and really ended up working on his computer most of the night...but he was home! Mom brought the kids back over for a little Dad came over for a few minutes when he got in town...and then they left again for the evening.

Last night (although I was more tired) was a good night for Little G. Hubby fed her at 10:15 and then put her in her cradle. She slept until 2:30! I got up and fed her 4 ounces....she didn't want to go back to sleep right away (she had the hiccups, so I don't think she could've anyways), so I just sat and rocked her...dozing a bit...until she fell asleep around 4:00. Then she got up to eat again at 6:15. I ended up staying up because we had to tak her to her check-up appointment at 8:30 anyways. She weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces, so that is good! The nurse said they are supposed to be back to their birth weight by 2 weeks, ummmm...that shouldn't be a problem! She isn't jaundiced AT ALL! Isn't that great!?!?! So, the appointment was great. We left there and ran by the pharmacy to pick up a few things and then came home. That was the most I had been "out" since we had her on Monday!

We got home and ate a quick breakfast before Little G needed to eat. Hubby had to go to work and then Sister and Buford showed up!!! Sister was so excited to see Little G. She just kept taking pictures and "oohing" and "ahhing" over her! We both agreed that looking at Little G is not like looking at a new baby because she looks so much like I-Man did when he was a baby! It is very uncanny. So, Sister and Buford and I sat and talked for a while...then Mom and Dad came over with the kiddos. I-Man and Buford took off to hunt for fleas (they went to the Flea Market...LOL). Mom, Jodi, Dad, FAB, Little G and I just took it easy around here and enjoyed the company. Mom gave Little G her first sponge bath...and we just had a great day.

Well, then I started to get really tired and sore and emotional. I just can't put it all into words. I got this way with both of the other I knew it was coming, but it just kinda hit me all at once....where I cry for no reason...or for so many resasons that I can't put into words why it is that I am crying. I feel bad because I can't handle all of my kids yet...I mean, I just had a pretty major, it is normal that I am sore and recovering and all of that..but I feel like a bad mom. I feel bad because my mom has put her life on hold for me and my family....I feel bad because I can't pick up FAB and give her the attention she was used to having....I feel bad because I can't do much around the house...I feel bad because....I could just go on and on and on! I just can't stop crying and I also can't really put into words why I am crying! So, I was an emotional mess as Sister and Buford and my parents were leaving. I just went and took a nap!

I woke up still emotional...but I know this is just part of it. It will probably get worse before it gets better....the joy of hormones!!!!! However, FAB and I-Man are sound asleep in their own beds for the first time this week. That makes me feel good. I love that my Mom has kept them for us all week....but I also love having them home. I just can't handle them by myself yet....

SO! Enough about all of that! I am pretty sure that Little G and I are going to church tomorrow...unless something happens and we have a really bad night. I am not going to let anyone hold her (except family) because she is just too little to be passed around yet. But we are going to be there! I need to get out of the house and feel somewhat normal. I don't know about choir or women's group yet. I don't want to over-do it and then pay for it on Monday. So, we will see!

Well...I guess that is enough rambling for one night. I am glad to be home...glad that Sister and Buford met Little G today....just pray for my "baby blues" as my Mom calls them. Really it is just getting my hormones under control.....but it is a pain in the meantime!!!

Love and prayers to all!!!!


girlie_mom said...

Ok so I am just sitting her crying reading your blog...I am soo sorry. I know it is hard. I do believe, though, that your mom LOVES being able to do this for you. I can't imagine that she sees this as a big chore. She gets her "angelkids" to herself and just be Grandma. Also, imagine when Little G or FAB have babies, won't you want to do the EXACT same thing for them??!?!? I know I sure would!! You are doing fine. You need to take a little bit of time to make yourself better and then you can get into a routine with all 3!!! Boy that sounds weird to say. You will be better in the long run. Why only be able to do some (kind of not good) than take a break, and be able to do lots GREAT!!!! Did that make sense??? I hope you know what I mean. I know things are crazy right now, but I know that you want to have things just is just your nature. But with a newborn, there is no just right. Little G is ruling the roost now. Let her. Take care of yourself, your babes are in GREAT hands.

Ok so off my soapbox. YOu totally have my permission to say all these things back to me in May. HEE HEE HEE.

Love you and praying lots!!!

(p.s. Do I count as family???)

Mandalynn said...

YAY!! :) I'm family!! LOL :) Did you mean just immediate family, or cousins, too?!!? LOL j/k Understandable that you wouldn't want her passed around church just yet, but it's nice that you're taking her to be made over, too :)

Baby blues...those are the pits!! (((((HUGS)))))) & here's more permission to take time & let yourself heal!! :) Things will be "back to *new* normal" soon enough. We all know you can do it, and will do GREAT!! :)

Okay, better to ya later :) Love ya!! :)

Kelley said...

Totally understand the not wanting to have other people hold her. Heck, I didn't even have family hold Pita Pocket the first few months! Yes, I said MONTHS! LOL! It's just all the germs and then the little kids all over the baby...yuck!

I'm very happy for the five of ya' odd is that to read? The baby blues are very very very normal! I had a little bit with Pita Pocket. I cried at the drop of a hat. cry anyway, so this is normal! LOL!

I can't wait to hear how the first Sunday went. I'm sure things will be fine....and stick to your guns about who holds her and who doesn't. This is YOUR baby!!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I couldn't believe you were at church yesterday! It was good to see you though and I can understand you wanting to be up and around! I missed you at choir though! :( Maybe next week...?

I'm so glad Buford and JJ got to met Little G. She's definitely one to show off! What a cutie! I'm glad I got to hold her Friday!

Everyone's already said what I would about you being emotional. I know I was like that too and I also didn't want my Hubby to leave me at the hospital. Bless his heart...he stayed all 5 nights with me!

Jodi said...

G-girl is such a little sweetie pie...I miss her already!!!

Good call about not passing her around too much forget how fragile they are when they are

so I felt really bad leaving you on Saturday in your emotional state...I know it was probably best that we left but I was like...oh my goodness maybe we shouldn't leave her...bless your heart!! It's times like these that I do regret that we live away from you all...because I feel like as your big sis I should be doing so much more to help out...but thank heavens for mom that is for sure!

I was telling my boss today (she has 3 girls) that you are being just a little overwhelmed right now and she totally agreed that it's normal and that you are going to be just just takes a little time to bounce back...I mean like you said, you did just have a major had a whole person removed from you for heavens sake!! lol

And actually, I think I got more FAB time on Saturday which is fine by me...she is at such a fun age...and husband had a good time at the flea market with I-man...

but you and I'm praying for a speedy return to normalcy for you!