Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hello Girlies!

First of all, I need to ask you all to pray for a family at our church. Kerry and Tina’s daughter – Alycia – delivered her baby very early this morning. She was only 31/32 weeks along, but there were toxins in her body that were harmful to her and the baby. So, Rylan (boy) was born this morning. The delivery went very quick and Alycia is doing good. They gave her some medicine to help her sleep. At this point, all I know is that Rylan weighs a bit over 3 pounds and they are testing him there at the same hospital. They have prepared them that they may need to transport him to Miami Valley to the NICU. But they have not done so yet. So, please surround this family in your prayers. Not only do they have the stress of all this to deal with, but Kerry just lost an Uncle and his Grandma has been given a short time to live. In addition, this is a mixed family (divorce/etc.) and there are a lot of other issues as they all come together for the baby. So, please cover them in your prayers.

So! I hope you are all doing well on this fine Thursday morning! I am doing GREAT because I am leaving work early to go to Fort Wayne, Indiana to go to the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale tomorrow! Joy and I are leaving this afternoon and heading over and staying in a bed and breakfast (which I am very excited about!) and then going shopping tomorrow morning! I have never been before, so I hope we find some good deals! But even if we don’t, I am sure we will have fun just getting away for the evening! I am hoping that Cindy will join us, but I don’t think she has committed one way or the other yet. It would be good for her to get away too….but not sure if she will. She is the lady at our church that has a 2 year old girl who is battling Leukemia. Needless to say, a get-away would be great for her! So, that has me in a good mood and very excited this morning!

So, some miscellaneous ramblings! I finally felted my purse!!! Yep, that’s right! I started on this purse LAST YEAR and I actually had it pretty much done within a few weeks of starting it. Well, I finally pulled it out of the closet and finished it and felted it and it is stinking adorable! I will have to post a picture of that (don’t hold your breath) as soon as Joy helps me put the straps on it. I am hoping we can do that tonight or something. But I probably won’t carry it. I will probably hang it up for display in my house. LOL It is very cute, if I do say so myself! I should start another one…..yeah, right. As if I have time! I swear I don’t even sit down and take a breather at night until 9:00! I don’t know what happened, but the last few weeks have been go-go-go!

American Idol…I am so right there with Josy about the loser who sang on there last night. What was that all about? Scott said he is Alan Thicke’s son…which I can totally see the resemblance, but man, he was horrid! I wish I could’ve heard Simon judge him! I was a bit bummed to see Phil go, I would have rather seen Lakisha go….but at this point, I hate to see anyone go. It is going to be interesting to see who wins it!

Dancing with the Stars….Billy Ray needs to GO! He is such a country bumpkin! I LOVE Ian Zehring and would love to see him win it because of his partner….but I kinda think that Apollo or Joey will win. They are both really good! Anyhow, Billy Ray needs to GO! I guess those country fans are loyal and all, but seriously. He stinks.

I guess that is all my tv stuff. I will share a funny story with you. Sorry to those of you who have already heard it. My friend Kelli was driving home with her 6 and 12 year old boys. It was past their bed times, so she was telling them all the things they needed to do when they got home. She originally told them that they would take separate baths, but then re-thought it and told them they didn’t have time for that, so they could just take a shower together when they got home. So, a few minutes passed when her 6 year old says to his brother:

L: So B, when we get home we are going to have sex in the shower. Right?
Kelli: L! What did you just say?
L: B and I are going to have sex in the shower when we get home!
Kelli: L! Where did you hear that?
L: From Barney
Kelli: The big purple dinosaur?
L: NO! Barney on that show that Daddy watches
(The show is How I met your mother…or something like that)
Kelli: L….You cannot say that!
L: What? B and I are just going to have sex in the shower
B: L…we are not gay!

Kelli was dying laughing at this point because OBVIOUSLY the 6 year old had no idea what he was saying…..but it wouldn’t be so funny if he was at school (he goes to private Christian school) and says that to his teacher! Aren’t kids so funny!!!!

Well, I would ask that you please keep me in your prayers. Satan is really attacking me right now on something and I know that it is him….so I am actively fighting him on it and praying about it often. But I would love it if you could keep me and my family in your prayers. I don’t want to go into details, because really that isn’t what is important. Really, it is just that we (mostly me) fight this and recognize that Satan is fighting against the great work that God is doing in my heart. It seems that at the times when our Faith is the greatest, that Satan works his hardest to get in and mess it all up. So, just pray for me…please!

On that note, I best get to work! Thank you for your prayers for Kerry and Tina and their family….and hopefully Angela is doing well and hasn’t had her little boy yet! I haven’t seen or talked to them in ages, so I hope all is going well! It is almost time for their newest addition to arrive!!!

Love and hugs to all….and wish me luck at the Vera Sale!!!!


Sara said...

Sorry I had to miss out on the Vera trip, but I'm sure you will have a good time! I hope you get some great deals!

I knew that this was a possibility with Alicia, but I didn't know it had happened. I can't imagine what they're all going through. I'll definitely be praying for them and for you and Satan attacking you. If there's anything I can do, let me know!!!

Love ya!

Jodi said...

Who the heck is that Ian dude? I don’t like him…lol…and actually I’m rooting for Layla to win…that chick rocks! But Joey or Apolo probably will win….I haven’t faithfully watched that show but that’s my two cents on that….

As far as AI goes…I’m so not over my whole missing last season people…so to me the show is just BLAH….but I as happy that Phil left…it’s not that he wasn’t talented and all…but there was just something about him that I just couldn’t stand…I liked Chris but he just sand too much thru his nose…and oh man I have to agree that that “special guest” Thicke dude…ouch! I had heard that Allen Thicke’s son was out singing and that he was doing well…but I hadn’t actually heard him “sing”…what the heck was that??? I said to Jimmie, that is mosquito voice multiplied man…wowie…

Anyway…I’m pulling for Melinda or Jordin to win…but no one really has that wow factor that almost every contestant had last year….I told Jimmie that is probably why they have brought on so many special guest stars this year. I know probably because the show is definitely growing in popularity but also, there really isn’t one contestant that stands out with star power…so they have to enlist the pros.

Praying praying for the couple at church and the newborn tiny baby. Oh my…

And praying for you and your family too sis! Stinking Satan….why does he always have to try and rob us of our blessings??? Grr

Love you!

Kelley said...

First off, I'm praying for you and your family. Satan has been attacking a lot of people that we love lately and it just means that good is happening. Praying that for that situation to clear up soon.

Laughing out loud about the Kelli story. Makes me want to delete a lot of things that we watch! lol!

Have a great trip!
Lots of Love!

Sherry said...

OMG!! I just laughed so hard I peed a little! I totally needed that laugh today!

Praying for your friends and you girl!

Let me know when Angela has her baby!!