Tuesday, May 08, 2007

2nd Post Today

My real post is below....but I just thought of something cute that Isaac said yesterday! When I picked him up from school, he told me that he had shared his Mr. Banana Monkey with his girlfriend. I said....his what? And yes, he said his girlfriend. Apparently there is a girl in his PM class that all the boys like because he said she had more than one boyfriend. LOL

Well, last night when we were at Frickers and I was telling Scott and Jason and Tera about it, he got embarrassed and he told me :

"No Mommy! I crushed up on her." I was like, "You What?" and he said it again..."I crushed up on her!"

How cute!!! He meant that he BROKE UP with her!!!! He got the terms "crush" and "broke-up" mixed up!

So cute!!! Kids say the cutest little things!!! Gotta love it!


Sara said...

Isaac's first relationship....oh, the drama! LOL. They start so young these days! :)

Jodi said...

ok I read this at work and I'm laughin so hard there are tears...too cute...but more than the girlfriend thing I was questioning what the heack a Mr. Banana Monkey is and why is he sharing it???

Jodi said...

k so I just read you next entry and I now know that it was ok that Isaac shared his Mr. Banana Monkey! lol but ya know kids say the darndest thing and with you recently posting Kellie's story...my mind went to strange places...anyways...never mind!!

love you!

Kelley said...

Too cute! I wish I could tape record MOST of what Pita Pocket says! lol!

Lots of Love!