Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hola Ladies!

Where does the time go? Geesh! I feel like I blink and another week has passed! There just seems like there is always so much going on. It has been kind of a crazy week. Let’s see….

Last week was a typical week….but then the weekend came and things went crazy. Two women from our church passed away over the weekend, which has just led a crazy week. I think that all of the families involved seem to be doing alright. There was cancer involved in both. But, both are now in heaven and in no more pain, so that helps ease the pain.

On Saturday, we had our Women’s Gathering. When I got there, I found out the news about Pat, one of the women, who at that point was just not doing well and had been taken to Hospice. Well, my immediate thought was to get on my knees and pray. But I didn’t…. So, Joy was our speaker and she did a phenomenal job…just great. She welcomed us to come up and pray at the end and I just kept sitting there…even though I kept having the nudge to get up and go get on my knees. I stayed in my seat…. And then, one of the songs that came on during the quiet time was “I get on my knees”. Okay, HELLO LORD. That time I listened! I went up to the altar and got on my knees and prayed. See…..all of the different studies that I have been doing lately have one thing in common…..the word SURRENDER. God is really working with me to SURRENDER my ALL to Him. It is a daily thing….something that I will never “arrive” at – but more like something I will do every day. Anyways, He just amazes me and I am excited to see what He has in store for me….when I FULLY surrender to Him.

Everything else is going along just like normal. Isaac got his second report card for the year and he is doing really great. I am so proud of that little guy! His reading is coming right along and he is just doing great. He is excelling in math – I think he gets that from me. I was always good at math – not so much anymore. He is also doing good in swimming! Scott was able to take him the other night and he was impressed with how he did. In fact, he is in Level 1 and this class lasts one month. Most kids have to take it more than once, so I signed him up for Level 1 again next month (February). But on Tuesday, they told him that he gets to move on to Level 2!!! I am so proud of him! He is really doing great!

Faith Anne is still LOVING her dance class. She dances to everything….or shakes her booty as she calls it. Oh, that reminds me. We have officially joined the “High School Musical” craze at our house. We watched 1 & 2 the other night and the kids loved them. By the end, all three of them were dancing. Faith Anne would hop off the couch everytime there was a musical number and start dancing.

Gracie is just as rotten as ever! She is into EVERYTHING. I mean….EVERYTHING. You turn your back for one minute and there is no telling what she has gotten into next! But she is so adorable – you can’t help but smile at her! And let the heaven’s rejoice – She has slept through the night for the past week! Like…every night! From 8:00 to 8:00 or later! HALLELUJAH! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! What a difference a night of uninterrupted sleep makes…even if I still only get 5 or 6 hours of sleep.

Last Friday night, Scott went to play basketball with his buddy at a church in Wilmington – so I took all three kids – by myself – to Cici’s pizza and then to Magic Castle. I know, a little crazy. But, they were as good as gold! I mean, seriously, they were the best they have ever been! We had so much fun! Then we came home and put Gracie to bed and we had a “PJ and Popcorn” party to watch HSM 2. It was a really fun evening. I told them if they could just act like that more often, we could do stuff like that more.

Well, Jodi and Jimmie are going on their cruise this weekend! They board the ship tomorrow – I am very excited for them! And Mom and Dad get back from their month-long vacation this weekend. I can’t wait for that! The kids miss them so much – and I do too! Although, we have so much going on this weekend…not sure how much we will see them! Hopefully they will come to the church SuperBowl party! But, Saturday is going to be a crazy day….gym, Dance Class, Baby Shower, Princess Abbey’s birthday party and Praise Team practice! It is going to be a busy day! I hope I can get it all in! I think that Scott is going to have to do the Build-A-Bear part of the Birthday party. But she is VERY excited about that – cool idea Mandy!

So, I am still losing weight! I have lost nearly 28 pounds so far. But more importantly than the weight I have lost, I am really working on my “relationship with food” and my relationship with God. This study (Lose it for Life) is awesome and does such a great job of addressing the emotional, physical and spiritual battles we face with our weight issues. I LOVE IT and highly recommend it to anyone!

Well, I have to get going! Hopefully we don’t get all of this bad weather they are calling for! If we do, tomorrow will be interesting!

Love you all!!!!


Kelley said...

I'm so sorry about the deaths at church. I know that's got to be hard on you all. Praying that tomorrow night's service will be so uplifting and honoring of Pat.

Go Isaac!!! Already at level 2? He's amazing. I'm so proud of him. I bet he's got just the greatest personality. He and Parker would be great buds right now.

So glad the girls are doing well. We haven't hit the HSM phase (lol!) so I have no clue what you are talking about. Around here is TMNT and Superheroes!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I'm glad everyone's doing well! I'm also glad your parents are coming back! I'm sure you missed them as well as your babysitters! lol. Have a good weekend and try to get some relaxation in there somehow....

p.s. Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!!!!!

Dawn said...

Congrats girl on your weight loss. I have also heard good things about that wed. night bible study. Faith Anne was so stinking cute last night coming over to see Abbi like that. I could tell they wanted to talk but she looked like she just wasn't sure if she was allowed over there or not hA! I was gabbing and next thing I knew she was gone. Her comment she made that you shared was just precious. Madison thought so also and she thought she heard her tell Abbi something like that when they were talking when I wasn't paying attention. Isn't this age the best. Hugs girl see ya tomorrow!