Monday, February 04, 2008


Not a long post today…but I wanted to post what my beautiful three year old said the other day.

We were driving home on Friday and I was telling Faith Anne about the Memorial Service that we were going to attend later that evening for Miss Pat. Miss Pat is the mother of a dear friend of ours who passed away from cancer. She was a wonderful grandmother-figure to all the kids of our church….and especially to Isaac and Faith Anne. She was in the nursery frequently with them and even in Isaac’s preschool class as their Prayer Partner. We also had small group with them – so they knew her very well.

Well, as I was telling Faith Anne that Miss Pat had gone on to heaven to be with Jesus, my three year old says:

“Mommy, Jesus says ‘Come to Me and rest.’ That is what Miss Pat is doing. She went to Jesus to rest.”

Through my tears I told Faith Anne that she was absolutely right. Miss Pat was in heaven with Jesus, resting.

WOW. Talk about a “God-Moment”. We were very blessed to have known Miss Pat.


Sara said...

What a very sweet moment! I'm so impressed she even knew Jesus said that.

Kelley said...

What a wonderful memory you'll have. I'm also very impressed that she knew that! Lots of Love!

Kelley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelley said...

Sorry, I deleted the comment cuz it came up twice. So you didn't delete it, I did! lol! Lots of Love!

Ren-Bot said...

Hey Missy- That's such an amazing story- I love it! Well just wanted to also let you know I'm blogging if you didn't already have my blog name. Hope you're well! Hugs!