Hi! My name is Missy! I don’t know if you remember me or not…Geesh! It has been a long time! Sorry about that! Thanks to those of you who emailed me to see if I was alright! I didn’t fall of the face of the earth….it has just been really busy lately at work and home! And adding a third kid to the mix doesn’t give you a lot of free time at home…or maybe I should say NO free time! But I wouldn’t trade Gracie for the world….now Faith Anne, maybe! Just kidding! But she is truly a DIVA in every sense of the word, bless her heart!
So, yeah…a lot going on at work lately. Last weekend was the Home & Garden Show, which is usually my busiest week of the year anyways. Well, since I was out on maternity leave, they also planned a meeting last week – a BIG meeting. And I am also in charge of all the details for those….so last week was like a whirlwind! I didn’t know if I was coming or going! And this week has been playing catch-up and getting ready for 2 big meetings next week! I think they are punishing me for being out on leave. Not really, but it has just been one big thing after another! I wonder what they did without me! Just kidding! But it has been crazy! Things with Stinky Pete are pretty much the same – no changes. He does “walk on egg shells” around me – for lack of a better description. I feel like he goes out of his way to not make me mad or to keep me happy. The only problem with that is…I still have to work with him! If I didn’t have to work with him, that would make me very happy! But oh well. It is kinda funny to watch. I really don’t deal with him that much on a day-to-day basis, so I am tolerating it. He currently works 2 floors away from me…but will be moving to my floor in a month! That will make it harder to tolerate! But anyways…that is about all I am going to say about work! Work is work!
The family is doing good! Right now everyone is healthy….but that can change on a dime! Scott is doing good at work still…and he still likes it real well. His buddy Jason – who we went to the Lodge with – is going to start working with him again. So, that is cool! I call him Scott’s girlfriend because they talk on the phone all the time. Oh, we went to a basketball game the other night (Scott and I…he won tickets from work) and I got to meet his boss and his big boss…and a couple of the guys he works with. This one guy told me that he hated to tell me this in front of Scott….but that I have a good guy! That was funny. It was neat to see him interact with his co-workers. The really funny thing was that they were grown men (which I guess Scott is too….but I still struggle with the whole “feeling like an adult thing”….and they were goofing off and being silly. I guess men do that no matter how old they are!
Isaac is growing up so fast! We have had some funny conversations lately. The one that I like the most was when he and I were driving somewhere and I was asking him if he had any girlfriends. He told me no….and he said that if a girl likes you and you don’t like her…to just be mean to her and she won’t like you anymore. I asked him about all the girls at school (that I could think of) and then all the girls at church….and when I asked him about Madison (Scrapbook Queen’s oldest), he said that he had given up on her because she had given up on him. I about died laughing. He said that she was too old for him….or that he was too young for her…..he wasn’t sure which. Too funny….he has also been having a great time playing with the neighbor kids. Our next door neighbors have a son named Branson who is also 5 – but in pre-school. He and Isaac have become good buddies – except when the older neighbor kids are around….then Isaac wants to play with them. But he goes over to Branson’s house a lot or Branson comes to our house. It is neat to see that. The cool part is….Branson’s uncle and Scott were good friends like that when they were kids. It is a small, small world! School is going good…I am so proud of him for his behavior. He hasn’t gotten off of “green behavior” for a very long time! And he is learning so much! It is neat to see him start to read! He read a book to me last night….I think it is called “Hop on Pop” by Dr. Seuss. He read most of it by himself…I had to help with a few of the words. But he is doing great! I just can’t believe how fast he is growing up! Right before my eyes!!!
Faith Anne is a DIVA – as I said before. She is such a drama queen…and so stubborn….and ornery….and rotten….and so stinking adorable! It is hard to stay mad at her for long. Uhh….potty training is pretty much not happening. My aunt does get her to pee on the potty occasionally – but that is about it. She still tells you when you need to change her diaper. So, whatever! Honestly, she is so stubborn that I just don’t think it is going to happen until she makes up her mind to do it. Here is an example of what I mean about being stubborn….we were at my parent’s house last week and she was swinging a toy and hit my mom’s hand. I told her to tell my mom she was sorry…she didn’t do it. So, I took her out of the room and talked to her and told her to go tell Mimi she was sorry…we went back to my mom and she went to her and just started crying, but didn’t say she was sorry. So, I took her out of the room again and spanked her and told her to tell Mimi she was sorry…she said she would….so back to my Mom and again, went up to her and just cried – but wouldn’t say she was sorry. This went on about 5 or 6 times before she FINALLY told my mom she was sorry! My dad just couldn’t get over how stubborn she was about it! And there are DAILY examples like this…DAILY! This is just the one I remember the most. I don’t want to break her spirit, but man! Hopefully this just means that when she is older she will be the leader – and follow what she believes in. I just have to keep telling myself that! We moved her bed into the Gracie’s room – so we now have the Girl’s room and Isaac’s room. She loves it, so far! And so does Isaac – although he gets a bit lonely! He has a full-size bed in his room – so he looks like King Isaac! And Faith Anne and Gracie look a bit cramped with a twin bed and the crib in their room. It will be better when we can make the beds bunk again and get rid of the crib. But, it does look very nice and girly! I can’t wait to buy them matching girly quilts and really make that room fit for two Divas!
Gracie is the chubbiest baby….so cute! She is like one big roll…her thighs are so adorable! Why is that so cute on babies but not on us? LOL I just wish she would sleep through the night! She keeps waking up in the middle of the night wide awake! Last night was miserable for me….I am just so tired and wanting to sleep….but she just wants to play! So, I hold her and get her back to sleep…..then put her back in her crib and she wakes right back up. ARGH! That is very annoying! I think we need to start feeding her cereal with a spoon before bed…maybe that will help. At this point, I will try just about anything! Scott feeds her at like midnight before he comes to bed….so she shouldn’t need to eat in the middle of the night at 5 months old! Hopefully this phase passes soon! She still spits up quite a bit…and she is no where near rolling over – mostly because she HATES being on her belly. But she is doing good at sitting up with help and she loves to be in her walker or bouncer (like a mega-saucer). She is a very happy baby and really only cries when she is hungry or really tired. I bought her and Faith Anne some matching outfits and Faithy loves to match her sister! I got their Easter dresses - they are so stinking cute! And I got Isaac a shirt that is the same colors…so they are going to be adorable! I still need to get the girls shoes. I should probably do that soon because most places sell out of those things so fast at Easter time!
It is so wonderful to have my parents here! I see them just about every day! In fact, I think there has only been one day since they got here that I haven’t seen them. I am sure that will change, but for now it is nice! They are watching the girls for the first time today….my Aunt has had them a lot while Mom and Dad are getting settled. And I am grateful for that. I really don’t want them to watch them so much that they get burnt out. So, it is working out pretty good so far. They did come and get Isaac the other day to take him for a ride in the convertible. He loved that. Dad’s back is starting to hurt him a little bit…so I think he is going to take it easy for a few days….at least I hope he is! They have just been moving at full-speed trying to get moved into the new house and out of the old one here….and he has probably over-done it. But the new house looks so nice and is such a nice house! I am jealous of all the space and storage space they have! They have also been to our church for the past 2 weeks! I guess actually it has been 3 weeks since they came for Gracie’s dedication too. I told them that my feelers wouldn’t be hurt if they didn’t come to Bethany because I know they don’t like the contemporary music…but I think right now it is just easier than trying to find their own church. And of course the kids are a good excuse too! I told them they could go to the Heritage service – which does hymns….and Scott helps lead in that a few times a month…so we will see. It has been nice to have them there, though! Kerry asked Dad to help with a service project at Camp – so I think he will do that. It is the camp that I went to as a kid…and we might send Isaac there this summer! Scott said they have a day-camp for his age and that they can spend the night if a parent stays with them. That would be a fun thing for the two of them to do together. I need to look into that. Pardon me… I am thinking out loud here!!!
I do have a pretty big prayer request. Please pray for Scott’s family and also for my attitude. I will be the first to admit that I need an attitude adjustment with his family. However, (I didn’t want to say but….) they also need prayer! Things have gone from bad to worse with his mother. She moved her boyfriend in last weekend – totally. And it isn’t really that….but it feels like she is severing ties with us and with the kids. I don’t know how to really put it into words. But here is an example….Scott had asked her to watch the kids for us on Tuesday night. He was supposed to go to a basketball game with a guy from church and I was supposed to go to Zumba class. So, it would have only been for about an hour and a half. She hadn’t seen the kids in over a week (she wasn’t at church on Sunday), so he also thought she would appreciate seeing them. So, she said she would watch them. Well, then he won tickets to the luxury suite at the same basketball game and really wanted me to go…to meet his boss, etc. So, he asked her if she could watch them a bit longer and she said no. She said it was too long and too late. So, he was upset but just said “fine” and left it at that. So, we called my parents and they were okay to watch them. Well, Laura must’ve felt guilty because she called back and said she could do it. So, that actually worked out because my parents got a dinner invitation and I want them to do that kind of stuff – that is why they retired! Not to watch my kids all the time! SO! She gets there to watch the kids and she acts like we are really putting her out. She tells us that the kids will be in bed by 8:00 because she wants to watch AI. Scott showed her how to work the DVR in case she missed some of it….but she was adamant that the kids would not get in the way of her watching AI. Whatever. So, we get home from the game (at the exact time we told her we would) and she pretty much leaves right away….says she was so tired…it has been a long week…Scott pointed out it was only Tuesday and she said she was tired because she moved Rob in over the weekend…she just had to get that in there! Scott just ignored it and told her thanks…we both did…about a million times. You wouldn’t think she was their Grandma or anything. So, she leaves and I cannot even begin to tell you how messy she left the house. Now, I know that I have OCD issues…but seriously. There is not a single doubt in my mind that she did it on purpose. She let the kids play with play-do and then just left everything (all the play-do and all the “tools”) out on the counter. There was play-do on the floor and everywhere. There was ice cream on the bar and on the stools and on the floor. There was some kind of sticky stuff on the floor. There were too many dishes to have in the sink…so they were piled on the counter….it was horrible. Now, she is usually pretty messy when she watches the kids and I usually defend her to Scott because she isn’t there to clean our house, she is there to watch the kids. But we got home at 10:00….2 hours after the time the kids were in bed….and she couldn’t even put the play-do toys away? It was ridiculous. I told Scott that I think she did it on purpose to prove a point…or to make sure we don’t ask her to watch the kids again anytime soon! So…I think what I am going to do is that I am going to invite his family – over for dinner soon. Like on a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday after church – just invite them over and try to make things somewhat normal. It will be a stretch for them…but normal would be so nice. The drama is driving me crazy. So, please just remember this situation in your prayers….and like I said, I know my attitude towards them stinks, so I know that needs to be my prayer.
Well, if you have made it this far, you must be bored! LOL I am sorry for such a lengthy entry, but it has been a coon’s age since I posted! I will try to not make it so long next time, but I make no promises! Yeah that Sister is coming in town this weekend! I wish it was going to be beautiful weather like it was earlier this week….but that isn’t that important! You all have a great day and I have been lurking…so I apologize! I don’t always have time to comment, but I do keep up with you all! Love ya!!!!
P.S. I am still losing weight slowly on WW...I am up to about 14 pounds lost. So, it is moving in the right direction, I just wish it would move FASTER!!! But I am having fun doing Zumba! If you haven't tried it, you should! I guarantee you will have a good time and laugh a lot! That is burning calories too!!!!
It's about time!!!! :) Seriously, though, I've missed you and since this is the only way I can really keep up with you, I miss you when you don't post!
I predict that Abby will be just like Faith Anne. I hope not, but I'm worried she will. She's already so headstrong at 1!
Sorry about Laura. I just don't get her. You're better than me, b/c if it were me, I'd just stop calling her and making an effort. I know that's not the right attitude, but I applaud you for wanting to make an effort to ask them over. I'll be praying things get better there.
Awesome job on the weight loss! Congrats! Love ya!
Madison said she had fun at your house tonight. She kept telling Abbi that Faith Anne missed her it was so cute. Girl I'm with Sara I think I'd be doing a lot of pulling away from certain family members right now. I really admire you for trying harder when things are pretty crappy with her right now. I'm really sorry she doesn't act much like a grandma all the time. That has to stink. I have felt that way about my mom before just totally different stuff. Girl I thought of you last night while I was shopping at Kohls I almost bought their knock off Vera bag. It was so cheap $14 and I really liked it but I also really love my big orange purse right now so I held back. I refuse to add any more expensive hobbies so the knock offs will have to do for me. Ok just typing about it makes me want to go back and buy it. I've always been a purse girl ever since junior high :) Take care chickee!!
I have missed your journaling sister! But it sounds like that you have been so busy!
This is why I usually don't comment...because I read your journal at work and usually what I do is copy and paste and print out your entry and read it...I know, I'm weird...but anyways...I usually always giggle...and sometimes I take it home to read portions to Jimmie...like the I-man liking/not liking girls story...hilarious! I would just love to know how things go in his head...he is so stinking cute...how totally exciting that he is reading!! That is just amazing! very exciting!
well..I love and I'll see you soon! I'm glad that you are enjoying having mom and dad live close...I'm so jealous but also so happy for you and for them to be able to spend so much time with their grandkids...that is such a blessing!
anywa...see you!
I'm really worried about your MIL. Sounds like she is just throwing everything she knows away. I think it's great that you are trying to get them all together, but maybe space is what she needs. I know it's hard because you want to see them all get along, but it doesn't sound like MIL wants to get along. I feel so bad for Scott. I can't imagine how much this is hurting him.
Sounds like the kids are doing great! You should see Little Burrito's thighs...cute now, won't be cute later! lol!
Congrats about losing the weight. You are my inspiration...we're actually thinking about joining a gym!!!!!
Lots of Love!
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