Hello Ladies! So, I promised it wouldn’t be so long…and it has still been a long time! And I should really be in bed right now….but I have a bunch of energy for some reason. I shouldn’t….but I will get into that in a minute!
So…things are going alright in our household. Scott has been gone since very early Thursday morning on his annual “Boy’s Basketball Weekend” with his uncles. He goes to Columbus to some basketball games every year with his uncles…they have a great time and he looks forward to it so much every year. So, I am glad he has that to do….but boy have we missed him around here! I know that he does a lot for me and the kids….but I REALLY KNOW when he isn’t here! And…of course, this is the time that Gracie decides to be a pain in the catookus! See, earlier this week…I came down with some kind of a crud. I started to feel ill and run a fever on Monday afternoon. But I had to work on Tuesday and Wednesday because I had two meetings that I was in charge of. So, on Tuesday…I just felt horrible and had a fever and by the end of the meeting (thank goodness it only went until 1:00), I was pretty much out of it. I couldn’t even really answer questions intelligibly. So, thank the Good Lord for my parents! They got Isaac from school and the girls from my Aunt’s house and let me just come home and crash! Then Wednesday…I went to work feeling really bad but was feeling much, much better by the afternoon. So, whatever I had…it hit hard and fast and then was gone. Either that has hit Gracie and is hanging on longer…or she is just teething….but it has been a long couple of days with her! She didn’t sleep well….actually she hasn’t been sleeping well for a while now. But on Thursday, my Mom had her and she was whiney all day long….which is so not like her. Then Thursday night….she only slept for a about 5 or 6 hours…and that wasn’t continuous and it was only when I was holding her. Friday, I ended up taking off work because she was so bad that I took her to the doctor. Well, the good news is that she didn’t have an ear infection. The bad news is…she didn’t have an ear infection. LOL So, nothing wrong with her except the crud and probably teething. So, whiney all day on Friday….and of course we had family in town from Oklahoma. I am sure they think I have the crankiest kid ever! Friday night….yeah, she and I only got about 3 hours of sleep….and that wasn’t at the same time. It was a very long night! And morning actually! She just couldn’t be consoled at times. One of those times, I was crying because I was so frustrated…and then Scott called….poor thing…he didn’t know what hit him! He offered to come home…but I told him no….but I really wanted to tell him yes! Come home now….but I didn’t! So, it was a long day!!! We went to Katie’s 1st birthday party and she whined there…but at least it was new people so they didn’t mind as much! She is asleep now…in my bed….but I doubt it will last! Scott will be home in a few hours, so he can fight with her all night! LOL I just feel bad for her because you can tell she is in pain…I have been giving her Tylenol and the oragel, but nothing seems to make her happy except being held…and that doesn’t even work all the time! Hopefully these teeth break through soon! Isaac nor Faith Anne ever had this much problem with their teeth! Fun, fun!!!
Umm….so, I can’t wait for Scott to come home to help me out again! My parents have helped as much as they can….but they have had a house full of people since Thursday, so they are exhausted! My Dad’s family is interesting…let me just leave it at that! The family that was in from Oklahoma was so nice to see and to visit with…it is just the ones that live here that are interesting! No wonder we don’t see them very often!
Let’s see….oh, just one little vent……when we had the big fight with Scott’s mom and sister a few weeks ago….one of the things that his sister said was she made a comment about how I always leave town to visit my folks in Kentucky when Scott leaves for a weekend (like he did this weekend). And I always have…but not this time, obviously. Well….she made that comment and said like why didn’t I stay and spend time with them or whatever. Well, they knew he was gone all this time…and that I had the kids by myself….do you think I heard from any of them once? NOPE! Not once! So, whatever. Just had to get that in!!!!
SO anyways….Jodi was here last weekend and we had a really great visit! We had fun doing some shopping and just spending time together! She got a really cute outfit for a gala that they were going to tonight. Isaac made a comment that he wants them to “retire and move to Ohio”….I guess he thinks anyone can retire. SO funny how their little minds work!
Well, I am going to have the PRK Custom Vision Eye surgery done on April 12!!!! I am SO STINKING EXCITED about that! I had my preliminary appointment this week and found out that I can’t just have lasik….my vision is too bad and my cornea is too thin. SO, I have to have the more expensive procedure…and the one with a longer recovery time….done instead. Apparently they actually burn something off your eye or something. I don’t know. I need to look into it so I understand it better. But I am really, really excited! I won’t be able to drive for like 7 – 10 days….so that will be challenging…but it will be so worth it! They did some very interesting tests to me! I am a little anxious about the pain of it…but more excited and I really can’t wait to go buy a pair of non-prescription sunglasses! It is the simple things that I get excited about!
Well, I need to get in bed! I know I am not going to get much sleep tonight because even if Scott takes Gracie, I still hear her and feel guilty that he is taking care of her. But I am singing special music at the Heritage Service in the morning…so I do need some sleep!
Good night to all…and love ya! Only one more week until our vacation! I am so excited! I don’t know if I mentioned it or not…but Mom, Dad, Jodi, Me and my 3 kids and my other sister’s 3 kids are headed to Gatlinburg for a few days for Spring Break….and the water park at my parent’s time share is open now…so we will have so much fun!!!
Love you all!!!!
Oh, Woman! I hope you and Gracie get some sleep soon! Poor little thing, that teething business is hard work. *Hmmm...where is my magic wand to make this all go away?* Don't ya just wish Mommyhood actually worked like that?
Yikes! Sounds like you've had "fun". You should have called me! I would have been glad to come over and help out! I'm sure she became a good little angel once Scott got home just to prove you wrong! LOL.
I have to tell you how cute Faith Anne was this morning in the nursery with Abby. She kept hugging her and chasing her around, bless her heart. Abby would just come running to me. She was so cute with her! She'll be a good little babysitter one of these days!
Hey girl I bet you are excited about your trip to Gatlinburg. One more week till my parents take our girls for the week WOOHOO I can't wait for spring break HA!! Gracie was so sweet today I loved that little dress you had on her. Sorry I missed your special music but I haven't ever been to 1st service and doubt I'll ever go HA!! I know what you mean about feeling guilty when Scott takes her at night when you are sleeping. Stew was always so good about wanting to take the girls when they were younger also but I'd never let him cause since I didn't work I felt like it was my job to be up with them I mean I'm at home during the day when they napped I'd nap . Its not like he could go to work and nap HA!! OK girlie off the computer and gonna get the girls to bed talk to ya later have a good week!! BIG HUGS!
I'm so excited about our trip!!
I'm so nervous for you to get the procedure done on your eyes...that freaks me out a little!!
Love you...see you soon...tell Gracie she can't be my roommate if she don't sleep!! lol...just kidding...bless her baby heart!
That is really cool about the eye stuff. You'll have to take a picture of you without glasses. I can't do it....I mean, it really freaks me out even thinking about it.
Sorry about the in-laws....complain and complain and then they're no help. Go figure. You are such a STRONG person for dealing with all this.
Sorry about Gracie not sleeping, but neither is Little Burrito...so I don't feel sorry for you one bit when you say she's getting only 3 hours of sleep....we're doing good to get a full two! lol!!! I'm kidding, I really do hope it gets better!
Lots of Love!
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