Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break!!!!

“Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with Love, so be careful little eyes what you see.”

Not sure why that popped in my head just now, but it did so I thought I would share. I love that Casting Crowns Song that includes this song at the end. How true it is; how true it is. Amazing that the little songs we learned in church as kids can have such an impact on us even as adults….or in some cases, especially as adults.

You know, God is just really working in my life right now. Being a Christian for so long, I have definitely experienced times in my life where I know that I was far from God. And I have definitely experienced times where I know that I am close to God. This is one of those close to God times. I don’t know why we allow ourselves to move far from Him when it feels so good to be close to Him. I know that Satan orchestrates that, but we allow it to happen. So, anyways….I really think that our new church is challenging me in ways I have needed for a while. It has a lot to do with timing too. But when you spend time in His word and in prayer and you deepen your relationship with Christ, other things fall into place.

So, what is going on with me? Well, I am on vacation next week…can I get an Amen!?!?!? I am so ready for a week away from work. I was originally only planning on taking three days off, but just changed my mind yesterday that I wanted the whole stinking week! Now, I am sure I will pay for it when I get back…so I will take my laptop and do some work from home next week, but a whole week of not getting up at 3:45 is so exciting to me! We are heading to Gatlinburg with my parents on Sunday and will come back from there on Wednesday. We don’t really have a lot planned while we are there – other then spending time at the WaterPark at the resort that my parents own a time-share in. The kids are excited about vacation! I haven’t even started packing or getting stuff ready for that yet. So, I am going to be busy on Saturday!

Well, according to Jodi’s facebook note…we have less than 49 days until our cruise. WA-FREAKING-HOO! I can’t wait! We had a fabulous time this past weekend with our “cousins’ sleepover” at Jodi’s house. Although, I fell asleep before the end of the karaoke, but we had fun! We always have fun when we are together…we need to do it more often! I am telling you what….God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life. If you read Mandy’s post, you can tell that we had some deep conversations on our way home (sorry that you missed it, Jodi) about what a difference God has made in our lives. It was just so powerful and we were all in tears at one point because the magnitude of what one young girl did for our family hit us all at the same time. It was very cool. One of the things that we have really been talking about in my Bible Study group is that it isn’t always our responsibility to cultivate the seeds that are planted, but it is our responsibility to plant seeds. It was just a powerful conversation. When you can look back in time and see where one person planted a seed and then another cultivated it and then to see the ripples and how God works….amazing.

Our adventures with Buckeye are going pretty good. He is a very sweet little puppy and he is getting the hang of how/when/where to go potty. We still don’t let him have the run of the house, but soon he will be able to go where he wants. He is going to stay with a very nice family from our church while we are on vacation. They have a bunch of animals and live out in the country, so he should have fun there. Oh, plus they have 4 sweet kids to play with him. We went to lunch with them after church last Sunday and we had a great time. They started going to our church about the same time or a little bit after us and so we have formed a friendship over the months. They are a very sweet family. It is funny because we really don’t have anything in common with them, but we all get along great. Anyways, I am sure Buckeye will have fun there. The kids are going to miss him, but taking him on vacation would NOT be fun!

Yesterday, I picked Isaac up from his Student Council Meeting and the advisor came over to me and told me what a great kid Isaac is. She said he is her most dependable and responsible kid on the Student Council….which is amazing considering there are 4th and 5th graders on there too. She said that he is always the first to volunteer to do anything to help and he constantly asks her how he can help her. Talk about making a Mama proud?!?!? I told her thank you and then she said…”No, thank you for raising such a fine young man.” Now, that fine young man doesn’t always reside at my house, but it was so nice to hear that from a teacher! Wait until she has Faith and Gracie! HA! Boy will she be surprised! LOL

I was so mortified by Gracie the other day. On Saturday night after we got home from Kentucky, my family loaded up and went to Rita’s (the most yummy ice/custard place around) for their free ice day. So, we get up there and are standing in line and I pick Gracie up and pretty loudly she says (with her hand on my chest now)…”Look Mommy! I can feel your big boob!” I about died right there in the parking lot. Of course everyone around us heard that…..and they were all snickering but trying not to look too much. The lady behind me was dying laughing. Scott was like…did she just say what I think she said? Umm..yes…she did! That girl is infatuated with my chest and hers now too. The other night I was giving her and Faith a bath and they both just kept saying boobs over and over and over again. And Faith used to call them “chubby-chubbies” and she remembered that and was like…well, they are kinda chubby mom. Oh, this is going to be fun.

Well, I am going to go eat my lunch! My mother-in-law is going to keep the kids tonight so I can go out to dinner with some football moms and then I am going to check a few more places for a swimsuit. I am so sick of swimsuit shopping….wonder if I could just wear a bag! LOL

Love you all!!!!


Sara said...

LOL on the boobs! Jack has taken to stroking mine lately....he does it so softly that I don't even notice at first! I honestly don't even think he knows he's doing it sometimes. Strange...yet awkward! LOL.

Glad you had a wonderful slumber party!!! Sounds like lots of fun!

Also yay for spring break! The girls asked me last night if I get off work for spring break.! I wish! lol. I'm taking 3 months off to have a baby instead! :) xoxo Miss you!

Kelley said...

Oh my I would have died! I wish I could have been there to see your face when that happened!!!!!

YAY for spring break, vacations, being off work...and for God working in your life....or should it be for you letting God work in your life? :) Lots of Love girl!

Mandalynn said...


Love ya!! :)