Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Falling Apart

Well, it has only been a little over a week this time! But, wow…what a week it has been! I can definitely tell that I am getting older and falling apart! Dang being “in my thirties”!

Let’s see, where to start? Well, last Tuesday was our 8th Anniversary! We really didn’t have anything planned – I was going to just cook Scott’s favorite (well, one of his favorite dinners) and have an evening at home with the kids. Well, when my dad asked Scott what we were doing and Scott told him, he insisted that he and my Mom would watch the kids so we could at least go out to dinner. We hadn’t asked them because they already do so much for us.

So, we ended up going to the Greene and to BD’s Mongolian BBQ for dinner – we love that place, but don’t take the kiddos there. So, we ate there and then just walked around and shopped a bit after and then went home. It was a nice evening! I forgot to mention that in the morning, I noticed that my back was hurting and trying to go out – it typically goes out about once a year. So, by Wednesday morning…I could barely move. Yep, my back went out!

So, that was how the week went last week. I worked even though my back was hurting horribly. There was lots of activity at my house because Scott and my Dad were working on the patio – I will tell about that in a minute – but I could do nothing to help. It was pretty bad. Finally on Friday, it still was bad so I went to the doctor. Yep, same as always, muscle spasms. My muscles get really, really tight for some reason and I can’t move. The doctor stretched me out some, but gave me a muscle relaxer, pain meds and directions for exercises and said it would just take time.

Well, Saturday morning comes and I have no choice but to get up and get moving, even though I can barely move! We had lots going on…trees being trimmed, youth that we “won” in the auction coming over to do yard work, Dad working on the patio, Lowe’s delivering tiles for patio, dance class for Faith Anne, baseball practice for Isaac, circus tickets for all of us and tickets to see Spam-a-Lot with Kelli in the evening. Needless to say, it was a JAM-PACKED day and I had no time to feel sorry for myself! It all went okay – the musical (Spam-a-Lot) was FANTASTIC! It was a spoof of the Monty Python movies (thanks to Sister for making me watch those) and it was fabulous – one of the best plays I have ever seen!

Sunday rolls around and I am still in lots of pain. I had to teach preschool and luckily my helpers were wonderful and we didn’t have many kids – that went off without a hitch. My mother-in-law took all three kids home with her for a bit while Scott had a meeting, so I went home and straightened up the house and then laid on the heating pad until I had to go get the kids. My back still was bad all day Sunday.

Monday – I woke up and it was a miracle (Thank You GOD), my back was better! Not 100%, but I could get out of bed! I actually went to the gym and took it easy, but was able to do some workouts! Then…the bad part! My stomach does not handle pain meds well, come to find out. And the kind that this doctor gave me, I had never had before and it did some horrible, horrible things to my tummy. I ended up leaving work early on Monday and missing all together on Tuesday with tummy issues.

So, today…I am on the road to recovery! I am actually starting to feel somewhat normal again!!! Geesh, I told you that I was falling apart!

Exciting weekend coming up for us! Let me tell you what all we have going on and you tell me if you would just call in dead:

Thursday night: Isaac’s musical at school – he is so stinking excited about it
Friday: All day shopping trip to the Vera Bradley outlet sale with GIRLS!
Saturday Morning/early afternoon: Church play practice for Isaac, Faith Anne’s Dance Review and Isaac’s Baseball practice – at the same time…should be interesting
Saturday afternoon: Birthday party in Wilmington
Saturday evening: Praise Team practice (I think) for either me or Scott
Sunday: church
Sunday afternoon: Church play

PHEW! It is going to be a busy weekend with lots of excitement! Jodi is coming up tomorrow – so that is really exciting! She gets to leave the girlies with Jimmie so she can enjoy Isaac’s play and the shopping day! Then she has to scoot back to KY because she is singing (and has a solo) in their community choir cantata on Sunday! I wish we could go, but it is at the same time as Isaac’s play at church!

So, all good stuff, but just a lot of good stuff!

Everyone else in our household is doing good! Isaac is doing alright with baseball. He is a little scared of the ball still, but this is his first year with coach-pitch…I am sure it will get better. Faith Anne is her normal diva self! Gracie is into everything still and as rotten as ever!

Now, our patio. We already have a wooden porch area off the back of our house. We also have a lot of yard! Well, on one side of the porch, it was always muddy and grass didn’t grow very well. So, Scott and my Dad put in a new addition to our porch with pavers! It looks fabulous! I am so excited to get out there and get stuff moved around and all pretty! They just finished it on Sunday and then I have been so sick that we haven’t gotten a chance to do much else to it yet. Plus, Mom and Dad are giving us a really nice patio table and chairs to put out there, so once we get that, we can get everything situated the way we want it. But it looks very, very nice. They did a great job! I am so proud of Scott! My Dad helped immensely, but he had Scott do most of the grunt work and he did all the measuring, figuring and stuff like that. Honestly, my dad is more of a dad to Scott than his is…but we won’t even get started on that! It looks great! You all will have to come over and see it soon! I am ready to have a party or something out there!

Well, I better get to work! I haven’t been here much this week and I am taking off Friday…so I better get something done today!

Love ya…and lots of prayers for Sara’s family! I have a new prayer place – I have been tanning in the morning before my work-out and I spend that time in prayer! It is really a good place to do some talking to God!

Love ya!


Kelley said...

I'm sorry about your back. That stinks that it happens every year. I'm glad that it didn't happen this weekend....even though last weekend seemed pretty jam packed too!

Two days of work....what a week! lol! Where is that Vera Bradley sale? I'm tinkered with buying a diaper bag for this kid....I mean, I'll have to carry stuff for three boys! lol!

Lots of Love!

Dawn said...

I love praying while tanning its the best thats what I do also. I'm so so sorry to hear about your back and then your tummy. Girl you poor thing but I"m glad ya'll had a nice anniversary and that you got to spend it alone. I hear ya on the busy weekend. We're going to KY and taking the girls out of school on friday but coming back the same day. Its stews grandfathers 80th bday. See ya later.
love ya :)

Sara said...

Have fun tomorrow!!!! Hope you're feeling much better to enjoy the shopping trip!

I bet your new patio area's beautiful! I think you should have a girls only party!!! :)

Can't wait to sing with ya Sunday! Love ya!

Kelley said...

You have to tell me how the Vera Bradley sale was and what all you got! Lots of Love!