Happy Friday! I love Fridays! The day just seems more bearable than the rest of the week….yeah! So, can you tell that I am bored at work lately? I think this is my third post this week…yeah, that is how bored I am!
So, I am going to attach a cutie picture of Faith Anne – it is her Preschool Picture. So cute! I wish that I would’ve bought more of those. And I am going to attach on of Isaac in his football stuff and one of Scott and Gracie from our vacation. I just love that picture. I may have posted it before…but I love it! I wish we were at the beach again!
Tonight we have a surprise birthday party for MIL. It is at 5:30…isn’t that a weird time to have a party? I am stressing because I usually don’t get home from picking up the kids until 5:00 or after – especially since I haven’t seen my parents for 3 weeks! I can’t just walk in and take my kids and leave…ya know? And we still have to make the appetizers that we are to take. I am taking beer bread (which I haven’t made yet) and spinach dip (that is made!) and then that cheesy/salsa/sausage dip. Scott is supposed to throw that together today, so hopefully he gets that done. I doubt we will stay at the party long…I am imagining that there will be a lot of their friends there….and not the best place for our kids to be. So, we’ll see. I don’t think she has any idea that we are doing this…the funny part is that I think the reason Rob (her BF) is doing this is because FIL threw her a surprise party before they split. Yep…6 years ago. I am rambling about nonsense…next topic.
The kids (meaning Isaac and Faith Anne) absolutely infuriated me yesterday. I was picking Isaac up from After-Care at school and trying to get all three of them into the truck….well, one of my neighbors was parked next to me and she was getting in her car so we were talking. Well, we were trying to have a conversation and my kids were acting like complete wild Indians….they were horrible! They were fighting and crying and screaming…I was so embarrassed….absolutely embarrassed. I made them go straight to their rooms when we got home. I don’t know why they do that sometimes! They fight about who is the first one in and then who is the first to get their seat belt on and then who is the blah…blah…blah…. It is never-ending!
Little Miss Gracie is walking all over the place! My Aunt had to take my Grandma to the doctor yesterday and she had my girls with her so Grandma got to see Gracie walking and that juts made her day. She gets so excited when she starts to get close to something and she starts squealing. She is just so stinking cute! However, she is into EVERYTHING. And if you tell her no….she just throws a fit and puts her hands on her hips. What a little attitude already!!!! I don’t know where she gets that from! LOL
The big football game is tomorrow morning! If we win tomorrow, we play again on Sunday. And if they win on Sunday, they play again next Saturday. So….go team, but I won’t be heartbroken if they lose. I don’t really think that Isaac will be either, at this point. He doesn’t want to turn in his uniform. He keeps saying that he is going to hide his jersey so that he doesn’t have to turn it in. I know he will be sad, but at the same time….the break will be nice! They have been scrimmaging the 3rd grade team this week because we are the only Bantam (K-2) team left. He has had fun with that…but he has been sore every night! So, root us on for tomorrow….but if we win tomorrow…then we don’t want to win on Sunday! LOL I need my Girls’ Weekend next weekend!
Yeah, so four of us that work together, we have been doing an annual Girls’ Weekend for the past few years. This year, we are going to Louisville and staying in a neat hotel in downtown right across from 4th Street Live – shopping/food/night-clubs. It should be a really good time. We are planning on going to Howl at the Moon Saloon on Saturday night…and hopefully Jodi is going to come down and meet us! I am sure it will be a fun time!
Well, we are getting our van back – AGAIN – today. Hopefully they get it right this time! If not, I will for sure be writing a nasty letter….or maybe I will do it anyways. We’ll see.
That is about it for today! You all have a great day and a great weekend! Kelley – I visited Franklin’s my-space last night and LOVED hearing his songs. I haven’t bought the cd yet…but I will! If for no other reason….to hear “Get in the Game” again! We were just laughing about that at the Women’s Retreat….how it sticks in your head!
Love ya all!
So, I am going to attach a cutie picture of Faith Anne – it is her Preschool Picture. So cute! I wish that I would’ve bought more of those. And I am going to attach on of Isaac in his football stuff and one of Scott and Gracie from our vacation. I just love that picture. I may have posted it before…but I love it! I wish we were at the beach again!
Tonight we have a surprise birthday party for MIL. It is at 5:30…isn’t that a weird time to have a party? I am stressing because I usually don’t get home from picking up the kids until 5:00 or after – especially since I haven’t seen my parents for 3 weeks! I can’t just walk in and take my kids and leave…ya know? And we still have to make the appetizers that we are to take. I am taking beer bread (which I haven’t made yet) and spinach dip (that is made!) and then that cheesy/salsa/sausage dip. Scott is supposed to throw that together today, so hopefully he gets that done. I doubt we will stay at the party long…I am imagining that there will be a lot of their friends there….and not the best place for our kids to be. So, we’ll see. I don’t think she has any idea that we are doing this…the funny part is that I think the reason Rob (her BF) is doing this is because FIL threw her a surprise party before they split. Yep…6 years ago. I am rambling about nonsense…next topic.
The kids (meaning Isaac and Faith Anne) absolutely infuriated me yesterday. I was picking Isaac up from After-Care at school and trying to get all three of them into the truck….well, one of my neighbors was parked next to me and she was getting in her car so we were talking. Well, we were trying to have a conversation and my kids were acting like complete wild Indians….they were horrible! They were fighting and crying and screaming…I was so embarrassed….absolutely embarrassed. I made them go straight to their rooms when we got home. I don’t know why they do that sometimes! They fight about who is the first one in and then who is the first to get their seat belt on and then who is the blah…blah…blah…. It is never-ending!
Little Miss Gracie is walking all over the place! My Aunt had to take my Grandma to the doctor yesterday and she had my girls with her so Grandma got to see Gracie walking and that juts made her day. She gets so excited when she starts to get close to something and she starts squealing. She is just so stinking cute! However, she is into EVERYTHING. And if you tell her no….she just throws a fit and puts her hands on her hips. What a little attitude already!!!! I don’t know where she gets that from! LOL
The big football game is tomorrow morning! If we win tomorrow, we play again on Sunday. And if they win on Sunday, they play again next Saturday. So….go team, but I won’t be heartbroken if they lose. I don’t really think that Isaac will be either, at this point. He doesn’t want to turn in his uniform. He keeps saying that he is going to hide his jersey so that he doesn’t have to turn it in. I know he will be sad, but at the same time….the break will be nice! They have been scrimmaging the 3rd grade team this week because we are the only Bantam (K-2) team left. He has had fun with that…but he has been sore every night! So, root us on for tomorrow….but if we win tomorrow…then we don’t want to win on Sunday! LOL I need my Girls’ Weekend next weekend!
Yeah, so four of us that work together, we have been doing an annual Girls’ Weekend for the past few years. This year, we are going to Louisville and staying in a neat hotel in downtown right across from 4th Street Live – shopping/food/night-clubs. It should be a really good time. We are planning on going to Howl at the Moon Saloon on Saturday night…and hopefully Jodi is going to come down and meet us! I am sure it will be a fun time!
Well, we are getting our van back – AGAIN – today. Hopefully they get it right this time! If not, I will for sure be writing a nasty letter….or maybe I will do it anyways. We’ll see.
That is about it for today! You all have a great day and a great weekend! Kelley – I visited Franklin’s my-space last night and LOVED hearing his songs. I haven’t bought the cd yet…but I will! If for no other reason….to hear “Get in the Game” again! We were just laughing about that at the Women’s Retreat….how it sticks in your head!
Love ya all!
And doesn't Get in the Game sound so different? Thing2 e-mailed me asking if it was on the CD. What fun memories! :)
Sorry about the rowdy kids. Pita Pocket does that with Little Burrito....and LB doesn't even care who gets in the car first! But, the good thing is that all the way home, the other lady's kids were fighting about "he's looking at me" all the way home! lol!
Have fun this weekend! Don't know whether to say I hope I-Man wins his game or not! lol!
I can't believe how much FAB has grown up!!!
Lots of Love!
LOL...about "Get in the Game". Brian was listening to the tracks on the my space page last night and I started singing alone with it. Too Funny!
Yikes, girl, you're cutting it awfully close tonight if you still have to make the beer bread. I think that takes at least 30 minutes to make. Hopefully you can get out of work sooner.
That's awesome about next weekend. That's the kind of thing I keep saying I need, but just cant' afford! Argghh!
Okay, hope you have a good weekend! Love ya!
Whew! I finally made it through both posts! Actually, it's your sister's fault...it took me forever to get through her posts. But not really her fault either, I have just not been in a "reading anything" mood lately. Totally rambling...
Your kids are so stinking cute! Love it!
Hope your van is finally fixed and that you wrote a nasty letter!
Love ya!
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