Hi! Don’t know if you all remember me or not, but I just thought I would stop by and give a quick update! Life has happened to us and I have been lurking daily, mostly waiting to see if Josy is EVER going to have that little baby….so I have kept up with those of you that post regularly….but just haven’t done a good job of commenting or posting myself! Oh well! So goes life!
I really should be working right now, but there is too much to do that I don’t even know where to start….so I decided to not start! LOL How is that for procrastination?!?! Let me start with work….so, there is still no word on the Audit position that I applied for. I heard from the hiring manager yesterday and they are looking at October 15th before there will be any decisions made. They have really made this a long-drawn-out process. Part of the problem is that there have been a lot of vacations, but also they are doing their budget planning for 2008 and so that has taken top priority. So, whatever. I will continue to wait. I am not feeling really confident about the job, but I still would like some closure to the issue. Time will tell. In the meantime, my job has been busy lately. Just a lot of stuff going on as we enter the 4th Quarter. My boss is the same – nothing has changed there. Oh well, eventually he will get moved out of here.
I was very sick last week – for a week! It was horrible. I thought I just had the stomach bug that Scott had….but it kept lingering and I was in a ton of pain. So, I finally went to the ER and they treated me as if I had e coli. I am not sure if that is what I had or if I had a stomach virus that sat so long in my stomach that it turned into an infection, but either way….after morphine, vicodine and then two doses of the anti-biotics, I finally started to feel better! It was really bad. Not a lot of vomiting or the other stuff, but just immense pain in my abdomen. It was seriously worse than labor pain! And it would not go away for a week. But, I am all better now and so far, none of the kids have gotten it! That is the most important thing!!! But, it did kick-start my losing weight…I lost 14.5 pounds in a week! Not eating will do that to you. Problem is…my appetite is back with a vengeance this week!!! But I have been going to the gym. I am really struggling with this…..depressing. But, you all have heard this before, so why bore you? LOL
Let me give you an update on the kiddos:
Isaac is doing really great. He seems to be doing great in first grade….we have the first Parent/Teacher conference next week. All of his work that he brings home have been all E’s with one S. His spelling tests are all E’s…his math tests are too. So, he just seems to be doing great in school. Football is still going strong. They have only won one game, but he just has a good time with it. This past weekend, my sister Janice and her whole family came to his game. That was a shocker! We go to a lot of my nephew’s games, but they had never been to one of Isaac’s. We had a really good time and it was nice to be able to talk to my sister some. We actually got to talk a lot at my nephew’s game on Saturday night…so I saw a lot of them this weekend. Anyways, back to Isaac….he is such a good little Team Player – always cheering his team on and staying up-beat even when they aren’t winning. He has said that football is a lot more work then he thought it was going to be, but he still seems to enjoy it. Scott has started helping out with coaching at the practices and on the sidelines at the game. He does really good with the kids.
Faith Anne is well, Faith Anne! She has such a strong spirit – a nice way of saying she is a stubborn brat! LOL I guess that preschool is going well. I never pick her up or drop her off, so I haven’t heard any problems. My mom said that she is rarely sitting down like all the other kids are when she picks her up, so I am sure we will be hearing from Mrs. Baker soon. She really seems to like going to school two days a week. She keeps us in stitches at home because you just never know what that little girl is going to say or do. She marches to the beat of her own drum. Yesterday, she wanted to talk while Isaac was talking, so she took the bowl that she had just eaten her snack out of and whopped him on the face with it. She can just be mean as a pistol – but also sweet as candy when she wants to be. So, she is going to be a challenge!!!
Gracie – she is going to be one next week! I cannot believe it! This year has just flown by! She is just a sweet little baby who is into absolutely everything at our house! She did sleep through the night for the past two nights…so we will see! We moved Faith Anne out of their room and put her in with Isaac until Gracie learns to sleep better. That has just meant that Faith Anne ends up in our bed. So, not sure how this is all going to end up! But Gracie is doing better with sleeping lately. It won’t be long until she is walking. She walks around stuff while holding on and will occasionally let go and just stand by herself. So, I am sure she will be walking soon. I don’t know that I am really ready for that, but what can you do? She makes all kinds of noises and definitely her first word has been Mama…which is great because the other two said Dada first. She is just such a cutie batootie! We are having her party on Sunday and I am anxious to see how she will do. She doesn’t seem to really like crowds very much. At Isaac’s party she was fussy until everyone left and then she perked right up! I can’t wait to see her dive into her cake! This is FOR SURE the last time I am planning a one-year old’s party!!! FOR SURE!!!
Scott is doing well. He is still a leader at work and liking his job. Every company has things that irk you, but he is doing really well. His job has been such a blessing to our family. Obviously the money is great….but more than that the flexibility that he has…it has just made our lives so much easier. I still feel like every day is a marathon….but it is so much easier since he can be around to help so much. I get aggravated at him sometimes (don’t we all get that way with our hubbies?), but he does so much with the house and the kids. He was just wonderful when I was so sick. Between him and my parents, I couldn’t have made it without them!
So, that is the quick and dirty (well, not really) on what has been going on with us. I know there are so many things that have happened…it’s been so long, but it would take forever to recap all of it! Hopefully Josy will have that little baby girl soon! Take care and love you all!!!
I was about to email you and make sure you were still alive...14.5 pounds in a week??? Lord have mercy girl! I need that diet! lol. Sorry about all the pain you had, though. That must have been awful!
Glad everyone's doing well! I missed you at church last Sunday! I'm still pulling for you for this job...Love ya!
I, on the other hand, do NOT want that diet! lol! I'd rather be fat than throw up! lol!
Sounds like the family is good. I mean, it HAS been a month since you've written, so I was beginning to wonder! lol!
Sorry you were so sick. I'm so glad that the kids didn't get it. And I can't believe that Gracie is going to be 1 next week. My the time has flown. I can't believe it's been a year since we've been gone...
Hope you have a great next month (but you BETTER write before that)!
Lots of Love!
I totally meant to ask you more about you being in the hospital when I saw you saturday but then got sidetracked. Chasing after kids will do that to me HA!! That had to be awful to be worse than labor. It does make ya wonder though since the kids didn't get it maybe it was ecoli. I agree with Sara I think of you often and hope you get that job. I know God will have His hand in whatever happens. Faith Anne is just the cutest. Isn't it so fun to hear them come home from preschool and talking about it. Abbi knows the pledge perfectly she was just saying it last week and I was melting. Then she sings a few songs that she learned there. Such sponges I wish I could have the energy to do more with her at home. I can't get over how Gracie just change and changes when I see her. She's a gorgeous little girl. Talk to ya later chickee!!
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