Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break!!!!

“Be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down with Love, so be careful little eyes what you see.”

Not sure why that popped in my head just now, but it did so I thought I would share. I love that Casting Crowns Song that includes this song at the end. How true it is; how true it is. Amazing that the little songs we learned in church as kids can have such an impact on us even as adults….or in some cases, especially as adults.

You know, God is just really working in my life right now. Being a Christian for so long, I have definitely experienced times in my life where I know that I was far from God. And I have definitely experienced times where I know that I am close to God. This is one of those close to God times. I don’t know why we allow ourselves to move far from Him when it feels so good to be close to Him. I know that Satan orchestrates that, but we allow it to happen. So, anyways….I really think that our new church is challenging me in ways I have needed for a while. It has a lot to do with timing too. But when you spend time in His word and in prayer and you deepen your relationship with Christ, other things fall into place.

So, what is going on with me? Well, I am on vacation next week…can I get an Amen!?!?!? I am so ready for a week away from work. I was originally only planning on taking three days off, but just changed my mind yesterday that I wanted the whole stinking week! Now, I am sure I will pay for it when I get back…so I will take my laptop and do some work from home next week, but a whole week of not getting up at 3:45 is so exciting to me! We are heading to Gatlinburg with my parents on Sunday and will come back from there on Wednesday. We don’t really have a lot planned while we are there – other then spending time at the WaterPark at the resort that my parents own a time-share in. The kids are excited about vacation! I haven’t even started packing or getting stuff ready for that yet. So, I am going to be busy on Saturday!

Well, according to Jodi’s facebook note…we have less than 49 days until our cruise. WA-FREAKING-HOO! I can’t wait! We had a fabulous time this past weekend with our “cousins’ sleepover” at Jodi’s house. Although, I fell asleep before the end of the karaoke, but we had fun! We always have fun when we are together…we need to do it more often! I am telling you what….God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life. If you read Mandy’s post, you can tell that we had some deep conversations on our way home (sorry that you missed it, Jodi) about what a difference God has made in our lives. It was just so powerful and we were all in tears at one point because the magnitude of what one young girl did for our family hit us all at the same time. It was very cool. One of the things that we have really been talking about in my Bible Study group is that it isn’t always our responsibility to cultivate the seeds that are planted, but it is our responsibility to plant seeds. It was just a powerful conversation. When you can look back in time and see where one person planted a seed and then another cultivated it and then to see the ripples and how God works….amazing.

Our adventures with Buckeye are going pretty good. He is a very sweet little puppy and he is getting the hang of how/when/where to go potty. We still don’t let him have the run of the house, but soon he will be able to go where he wants. He is going to stay with a very nice family from our church while we are on vacation. They have a bunch of animals and live out in the country, so he should have fun there. Oh, plus they have 4 sweet kids to play with him. We went to lunch with them after church last Sunday and we had a great time. They started going to our church about the same time or a little bit after us and so we have formed a friendship over the months. They are a very sweet family. It is funny because we really don’t have anything in common with them, but we all get along great. Anyways, I am sure Buckeye will have fun there. The kids are going to miss him, but taking him on vacation would NOT be fun!

Yesterday, I picked Isaac up from his Student Council Meeting and the advisor came over to me and told me what a great kid Isaac is. She said he is her most dependable and responsible kid on the Student Council….which is amazing considering there are 4th and 5th graders on there too. She said that he is always the first to volunteer to do anything to help and he constantly asks her how he can help her. Talk about making a Mama proud?!?!? I told her thank you and then she said…”No, thank you for raising such a fine young man.” Now, that fine young man doesn’t always reside at my house, but it was so nice to hear that from a teacher! Wait until she has Faith and Gracie! HA! Boy will she be surprised! LOL

I was so mortified by Gracie the other day. On Saturday night after we got home from Kentucky, my family loaded up and went to Rita’s (the most yummy ice/custard place around) for their free ice day. So, we get up there and are standing in line and I pick Gracie up and pretty loudly she says (with her hand on my chest now)…”Look Mommy! I can feel your big boob!” I about died right there in the parking lot. Of course everyone around us heard that…..and they were all snickering but trying not to look too much. The lady behind me was dying laughing. Scott was like…did she just say what I think she said? Umm..yes…she did! That girl is infatuated with my chest and hers now too. The other night I was giving her and Faith a bath and they both just kept saying boobs over and over and over again. And Faith used to call them “chubby-chubbies” and she remembered that and was like…well, they are kinda chubby mom. Oh, this is going to be fun.

Well, I am going to go eat my lunch! My mother-in-law is going to keep the kids tonight so I can go out to dinner with some football moms and then I am going to check a few more places for a swimsuit. I am so sick of swimsuit shopping….wonder if I could just wear a bag! LOL

Love you all!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Warning: A Rambling Lunatic Wrote This Entry

Seriously…is it Friday yet? Let me tell you, this has been a week! For some reason, work has been extremely stressful this week and home has been busy – so I feel like I am spinning my wheels but not getting anywhere! I know that you all have been there before too! Can I get an Amen?!?! LOL

((Insert girl squeal here)) We are having our “Cousin’s Slumber Party” next Friday night and I simply can’t wait! The Ohio Cousins need to talk about the driving situation, but I am so excited! I need a little get-away! ((Insert girl squeal here))

My kids crack me up….I have been thinking about this today and I just keep giggling about it. The school is doing a fundraiser and for some reason, Isaac and Faith decided that they would only return one form and then share the prizes that they get. Not sure what made them decide to do this because I never even mentioned it, but fine by me! So, yesterday I asked Isaac which of them would actually return the form in their name and he said… “Well, we had a drawing and Faith Anne won, so I put her name on it.” So stinking funny. There is no doubt in my mind that he literally wrote his name down and then Faith’s name down and pulled a name out of a hat. I was at Bible Study when this transpired, but it cracked me up!

So, I have had a couple of melt-downs this week and I just think that the stress of work…well, that I allow the stress of work… to get to me too much. And then trying to be a good mother and a good wife and a good Christian and a good housekeeper and a good….well, you see. The list goes on and on! Again, I know this is something that we all struggle with and I am not alone, but sometimes I just feel like throwing in the towel because I just can’t do it all! I really liked that “invisible” post that Mandy put up because that is often how I feel! Sometimes it all just gets to me and then what I don’t like about myself is that I take it out on the people that I love the most. The other day…Monday…was just NOT a good day for work. All around…just not a good day. Well, it happened to be one of the days that I “leave work early” and go get the kids from school and then work from home for a few more hours. Well, Isaac had a club after school and Gracie was at the sitters so it was just me and Faith Anne. I literally just looked at her and started crying because I feel like I am failing her so much. She was happy as a lark cutting and coloring while I was sitting across from her working. But I looked at her and thought….here I am working when I should be spending time with her. UGH. There are times, as a mom who works outside of the home, that I just feel so guilty. Then there are other times that I know I would not be a good stay-at-home mommy….but Satan just knows what buttons to push and how he can help me bash myself. I know I am rambling….so feel free to stop reading. But it just helps to put this out there…ya know? I think that as moms….well, not even that….as women, we will always feel guilty about something. Not cleaning enough, not exercising enough, not being a good enough mom, not being a good enough wife, not being a good enough cook, not spending enough time here or there or anywhere. Anyways….Satan uses those feelings and then piles on inadequacy and insecurity and before you know it, you are feeling worthless. Which is the exact opposite of how God views us and wants us to view ourselves. He treasures us like rare jewels and he treasures our efforts and uses them for His glory. How can I let Satan tear me down over and over and over again? I bet that hurts God’s feelings. Then I begin the questions (or Satan pushes play again) of how can He love me so much…why would He love me so much?

I guess it is good that I realize it is Satan who plants these seeds…but I need to get better at shutting Satan down and not allowing them to grow.

Again, I know I am rambling but it feels good to put this out there. I hope I am not alone with these struggles.

As you can see, God is working on me…..THANK GOODNESS. I have been spending more time in His word and in prayer and in just “being” with Him. Now mind you, I need to spend a lot more time with Him….because it is pretty amazing how much it makes a difference. But when I feel Him working on me is when I feel the guilt and the doubt and the insecurities mount. I wish Satan would just take a hike right on out of my life! HA! Don’t we all?!?!?

Okay….I need to get back on track.

Scott is going to Butler Springs (church camp) this weekend for the Men’s Retreat. He is going with his buddy Jason and our old Minister and friend, Bob. There is a big group of men from our church going. So, I hope they have a good time. I know he has been looking forward to it and so have I, actually. It is so neat to see how God is working in both of us since we have been at our new church. Again, being pushed out of your comfort zone can be a very good thing. So, it is just me and the kiddos this weekend. We are going to go over to Mom and Dad’s house and do a little “Welcome Home” decorating. The kids are so excited to do that…and about them coming home!

Cute idea for mommies of little clutzy girls, like my Gracie. On Tuesday, she fell at the sitters. She didn’t really have any cuts or anything, she just landed funny on her wrist. So, to get her to calm down….normally a bandaid will do, but Tera told her to close her eyes and she painted her wrist with sparkly fingernail polish and told her to open her eyes and then said that it was Princess Dust and the Princess had put it there to make her feel better…..and of course, she did! LOL She was so excited and proud to show it to me when I got there. I thought that was a great idea for future reference!

Well, I have rambled enough for one day. Thanks for loving me in spite of my flaws and rambles!!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I think Spring might be here…at least this week it is! I don’t know about you, but the sunshine and warmer weather has me in a great mood – even though work has been extremely stressful this week. Ugh…it is only Tuesday! Seriously!??!?

Well, the adventures of Buckeye are continuing at our house. I really to believe that Scott and I are both too anal about having a clean house to have a dog, but these are the things we do for our kids! Although, Isaac isn’t that interested in the dog! The girls are more smitten with him than Isaac is! I think he would rather be playing his xBox or watching TV or playing basketball! Silly, silly boy! We need to transition the dog to going outside for the potty instead of going on the puppy pad. I put him outside yesterday and he was like…umm…now what? LOL He just stood there and looked at me. He did poop for the first time outside when Faith and I were walking to get Isaac from school yesterday. That was funny because he kinda did it mid-walk. LOL I bet you are so interested in the bodily functions of my dog! LOL He is a funny little thing. He has a pet squirrel (stuffed animal) that he loves. He will occasionally bark and growl at it. And he also barks and growls at his reflection in the window. The other night I was cracking up because he would peek his head out from around the couch and see his reflection and start barking and growling. Ferocious little thing! HA!

The family is all doing good! My parents come home this weekend…can I get a Woot! Woot! ?!?!? They have been gone since January 2nd and we all miss them terribly! Honestly, the babysitting situation has been just fine. We just miss them! And the kids really miss them. We are going to make some signs to go over and decorate their house with to welcome them home. Also, I do need my handyman of a dad home! I have a list for him to start on when he gets back. LOL Mom said he needs to feel needed…well I need him!

I have a real dilemma. Well, it may not seem like a real dilemma to y’all… but it is to me! The Vera Bradley Outlet Sale…well, the day I am supposed to go to with Jodi, Joy and her cousin Kelly is on Friday, April 30. That is the same weekend as the Women of Faith Conference in Columbus. Well, I have already made plans with Jodi, Joy and Kelly to go to Vera that day. A big group of ladies from my new church are going to WOF and leaving on Thursday night to stay in a hotel for the conference. I think that would be a great opportunity to really get to know the women at my church…and several of them have been asking me to go. I don’t really have any good friends there like I had at BCC…mostly because we haven’t been there long, but also because I need to attend more of the things that they do for women to develop those relationships. Anyways…Scott is urging me to go to WOF because he thinks it will be cheaper (HA!) but also because he wants me to make friends too. So, I am in a tough spot. I don’t want to let Jodi, Joy and Kelly down…and I don’t want to miss out on the great deals…but I do want to go to WOF… I just don’t know what to do! Decisions, decisions. I was actually pretty surprised that Scott would be okay with me going to WOF because I would be away from home for two nights and then just a few weeks later I will be on our cruise. But I think he knows how much I enjoy WOF and this is a neat thing to be able to go with a big group.

Onto other topics….I have to tell you that I am really enjoying being a part of the Worship Team at our new church. It is really fun!!! I actually am on the rotation with Sara’s previous MIL…which is interesting. We are the two real altos…and then there is this “tenor” who sings with us. BUT he can’t read music (not that I am good at that) and he just sings what harmonies comes naturally…which is the alto part…so Patty and I have to fight him for a part. We kinda just wait to see what he sings and then pick a different part. We have laughed a lot about it. It is fun learning all the different personalities and quirks of the groups. Scott sings opposite weeks of me, so he has a whole different team that he works with. It is just so much fun….Oh…and Sara…Patty is giving me her 20% discount on vera, so that is WONDERFUL. She brought me a new purse to church on Sunday and that was so fun! It is the little things in life that I get excited about. Have you seen the new Cha-Cha purse by Vera? It is ADORABLE!

I am all over the place today! I went swim suit shopping last week and let me tell you….is there anything more depressing than that?!?!? I literally left the store fighting back tears. ICK. Just not fun. I won’t go into all the details, but believe me when I tell you that skin that is no longer filled with as much fat is not pretty. LOL I ordered a suit from Chadwicks and HATED IT….so I sent it back. I just ordered one from Lands’ End (a friend had a good discount that I could use and free shipping) so we will see how that one goes. I thought I needed it before the cruise, but I really need it by the end of March for our vacation to Gatlinburg. My parent’s time-share has an indoor waterpark and that might require a swim suit that doesn’t fall off of me like my old one does. Anyhow….suffice it to say that I HATE swimsuit shopping.

I am very excited that next weekend we are having our Cousin’s Sleepover at Jodi’s house! Yeah! That will be a good time…and we can talk about our cruise-ware! I haven’t bought anything yet…I was thinking of wearing the dress I bought for my MIL’s wedding since I have only worn it the one time. So, we will see. I wonder how fancy everyone else will want to get. I did get my passport ordered, so that is a big relief. And I made my final payment for the cruise…so I am all set! If only May would get here sooner! Actually, I shouldn’t say that because it already seems like time is flying by!

Well, I guess I should get off of here and finish up some stuff at work. I just felt like rambling for a bit so that is pretty much what this post is! Maybe you just feel like you are talking to me.

OH! Listen to what my darling Gracie did yesterday….I went to pick her up from our Sitters in Centerville (yuppy town) and she tells me that Gracie pee’d in her backyard! LOL Apparently they were outside playing….Tera went into the house to get something and came back out to see Gracie’s bare butt squatting in her yard to pee! I about died when she told me. I am thinking that their daughter Madison showed her how to do it because we have certainly never done that….but it was so funny! Now, Isaac…I would believe in a heartbeat (thanks Dad), but Gracie?!?!? She thinks it is funny. LOL
