Tuesday, July 01, 2008


So, how in the world am I going to survive this day at work? I am bored out of my mind at work and today is my LAST DAY BEFORE VACATION! There always has to be a “last day before vacation”, but they really stink! Hopefully either I get a fun project to work on to make the time go by fast…or my boss just says to go home early. Yeah, that isn’t going to happen…so hopefully it will just go by fast!

So…since it has only been a week since my last post, I don’t have a lot to say…but like I said, I am bored! So I am sure I can think of something!

Maybe I won’t do a person-by-person update this time. Maybe I will just talk about what is going on.

Last week, my Daddy turned 65! That is just so hard to comprehend for me. When did I get so old and my parents age so much? I mean, seriously, they are both in fantastic health and I don’t think either of them look or act their age, but 65 is a scary number for me in my mind. I guess I just can’t really fathom the day that they won’t be here anymore. Anyways, I have just been thinking about that a lot lately. We didn’t really do a whole lot to celebrate his birthday. For some reason, going out to dinner with me and my three kids wasn’t his idea of a relaxing dinner! LOL We did go out to dinner later in the week, and validated why he didn’t think it was a relaxing dinner! Three kids – especially with two under 4 – is just a lot!

Last Friday night, Scott had a softball game. He plays for his work team and my Uncle Poncho plays with them…so it is fun to go to those games and see my family! Plus they won! Anywhoo, after the game…somehow I left the ballfield with 2 extra little girls! LOL Not sure how this all came about, but I left with Abbey May and Madison (Mandy’s daughter and our friend’s daughter). We first went to the fireworks (there was some sort of celebration on the Base) with Mandy, Steve and Eli…and Isaac was with us too. Scott and Gracie went home. So, we watched the fireworks and then the girls all came to my house for a sleepover! I didn’t realize when we first asked Abbey that it was her first sleepover (besides at her grandparent’s, of course). She was so cute when I asked her if she wanted to stay…she said that she would have to think about it and then ask her Mommy and Daddy.

I got the girls situated in bed and asleep before midnight and then they were up by 7:20. They played pretty good together, aside from the normal drama of sharing toys. Gracie wanted to be right in the middle of whatever they were doing and that didn’t go over too well. At one point, I was putting laundry away and I hear the three older girls all telling Gracie to go away and then all of a sudden I hear crying….Gracie bit Madison on the foot…and left a mark! She bit her pretty hard! I was like…couldn’t you have at least bit your sister and not one of the other girls?!??! So, then I think they were all scared of Gracie the rest of the morning!

So, my nice peaceful and shopping-filled Saturday morning plans didn’t happen, but that was alright because it really was fun for the girls and I had fun watching them! They played tea-party, doctor, mommy, dress-up….all kinds of things! At one point, Abbey was in Gracie’s bed being the baby and Faith Anne and Madison were hugging…they were being the Mommy and the Daddy! LOL So cute to see little girls play together!

Oh….just had to insert this. Did you know that I have collar bones? I didn’t know I had them until I felt them yesterday for the first time. Funny how I am noticing little things like that since I have lost so much weight. I am down 63 pounds now. I am hoping to just maintain or only have a slight gain over the next week of vacation.

So…vacation! Kelli and I fly out on Thursday morning and get to Ft. Myers around noon. We are both so excited! We are planning on going to Key West one day and renting bikes to tour the island! That should be really fun! Since we have both lost so much weight and are both so aware of it, I hope that we keep each other on track! We are planning on splitting a lot of meals and stuff – not only to watch what we eat, but also to save some money! And we are going to get up and walk on the beach every morning to watch the sunrise! If we can get up and go to the gym at 4:00, we can surely get up at 6:00 to watch the sunrise! So, we leave Thursday and come home on Monday evening. I am so excited, but I am also starting to feel guilty and sad about leaving the kids. I am going to miss them so much….but I also need this Mommy time. I know that some of you probably think I am selfish for doing this, but everyone is different and this is something that I need for me. Scott is so great to let me do this. He is going to have help with the kids from my parents and his mom. Plus he is great with them and manages them every morning by himself anyways!

I promise to tell you all about it when we get back…and will try to post some pictures! I don’t come back to work until next Thursday! So…two days of work this week and two days of work next week! I was gonna come back on Wednesday, but that is my birthday and I decided that I would rather be home with my kids on my birthday then at work!

Umm…let’s see…..Isaac’s baseball team won their game again last night. He played 3rd base one time and he didn’t do very good. He just wasn’t paying attention at all. The coach talked to him after that inning and the next time he played pitcher…doesn’t mean he pitched because it is coach-pitch, but he stands next to the pitcher. That is usually the person who gets the most action…and he did great! I was so proud of him! He is having a lot of fun and learning a lot! Last night was his coach’s last night because they are on vacation and we only have two more games….he got all choked up talking to the boys. His oldest son was there and he made him come next to him and told him that it wasn’t but a blink of the eye ago that he was their age. It was so sweet…he is such a sporty, manly, man…but also so tender-hearted and good with the kids. We are blessed to have him as a coach.
My little girl, Faith Anne, will be four on Monday! That has just flown by! We are taking her, Abbey, Kristin and Madison to Sweet and Sassy on Tuesday to have their hair done and their nails and toenails painted! That will be very cute, I am sure! Then we having a Hannah Montana party next Saturday! I would love to find a cute dress with sequins on it for Faithy to wear to her party….so I need to look for that. She is a true Diva!

Oh…so…this past weekend, I went to a birthday party (took Isaac and Faith Anne) at the skating rink. So, how do you teach a kid to roller skate? I tried to help Isaac and Faith Anne, but I don’t know how you teach them to do it! Isaac was not gonna give up and he (by himself) went all the way around the rink (holding onto the wall). Now, it took him a long time…but he did it! Bless his heart, he wanted to go again and ended up wiping out pretty bad. I seriously thought we were going to have to go to the ER, but then he felt better. Faith Anne did alright, but she didn’t like it too much. I put skates on and instantly remembered how to do it and did really, really well….until….I was going to go back out to the rink and fell on the carpeted step! How dumb is it to have a step in a skating rink! LOL I have a big knot on my knee…but I really think that Scott and I are going to go there on a date-night soon. It was so much fun, I had kinda forgot how much I loved that!

Well, I guess I better do something constructive here today! Take care everyone and I won’t be able to keep up with everyone…so I will “see you” when I get back! Love you all!!!


Sara said...

Oh, gee....I haven't skated since the last church skate party that my brother DJ'd forever ago!!! lol. I'm sure you did great!

I don't judge you at all for going on a girls vacation...in fact, I'm just jealous! :) I hope you have a great time...who am I kidding? Of course you will!!!! Enjoy it!

Sherry said...

My boss is the ice skating coach for high school but he puts in a few hours with the youngest league (age 4-7). He says the best way to teach to skate (ice skating, blades, whatever) is to give the kid a trash can or chair (depending on size) that they can hang on to to push around the rink. This keeps their balance forward where it sould be and gives them some support too.

Have a great vaycay!

Kelley said...

Holy Cow girl!!!! I was shocked that you wrote again! lol! I am so excited for you to go on vacation. Plus, it's great to get away with the girls...and one that will help you be accountable! Heck, I'm the worst parent ever...I'm going the weekend before Pita Pocket starts school AND before Baby Bubba gets here! :(

Hope you have a grand time and don't forget to post when you get back!

Lots of Love!

Jodi said...

When Jimmie and I were dating I thought it would be fun to go roller skating. So we went to the rink and they didn't have shoes in his size... I skated anyway for a little bit and actually I think he squished in to some shoes that were way too small for him - poor fella. We haven't been back since but that does bring back memories of the Christian School skating parties... fun times...

I'm still looking at you perplexed about your collar bone comment... lol you'd look funny without a collar bone so I'm glad that you confirmed that you have one (or is a set of collar bones? hmm)!

Seriously, I'm proud of you sister!