Wow! Can you believe that it is just about Thanksgiving? I cannot! Where, oh where has the time gone? I hate to say it, but our parents are right! The older you get the faster, it seems, that time goes by! But….I LOVE this time of the year! I just love it!
So, it has been a while….just lots going on, I guess! Not that I can think of what that is right now, but there must be something! Everyone in our household is doing good…but with a family of five, there isn’t a lot of downtime! It is still hard to believe that I am the mother of 3 kids sometimes…but then I look in the mirror at how tired I look and how I am aging, and it is obvious! LOL
Let’s see…Scott is doing great at work. He is working more hours now that he doesn’t have to rush home for football – which means more money! So, that is a good thing! He just had a birthday yesterday – that was nice. I didn’t get him anything yesterday because I had bought him tickets to a Brown’s game a few weeks ago as his early present. But we had his family over last night and I cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans – his favorite dinner – so that was nice. We had a very good visit with his Mom and her boyfriend. So, it was a nice evening. I think that is like our Thanksgiving with them….since we are going to Kentucky (YEAH) for Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to getting away and having a nice visit with my family! It seems like it has been forever since we saw Jodi and Jimmie, so I am looking forward to it very much. But, I digressed…Scott is doing fine! LOL
Isaac is still doing great at school. He is really growing up, which makes me sad and excited at the same time. It is exciting to see him go through all the changes, but also reminds me that my little boy is growing up! Yesterday, I picked him up from school and then we were home for a bit before we went to get the girls. He talked my ear off. But it is amazing to see how his mind works. He is really putting the pieces of stuff that he is learning together. He loves to sit and write books and illustrate them…or copy a book onto paper. Again, just amazing to see how he is growing up so fast! I am thinking about signing him up for swimming lessons in January. I think he needs to do something and that is something he would really enjoy…and we can do that on a month-by-month basis. So, we’ll see….but I am thinking about it. It is two nights a week, so not as daunting as football. Oh…and he got a trophy for football (all the kids do) but when the coach presented it to him he said Isaac was the “Most Improved” and he had the best attitude. I am so proud of him - especially about the attitude! Football was fun, but we are glad it is over for this year!!!
Faith Anne – what can I say about little Miss Faith Anne? She is doing fine at school – I guess. I don’t get much interaction with her teacher since I don’t pick her up or drop her off for school, but she always tells my parents that Faith Anne is good. So, they have conferences in like January or February, so I am anxious to hear what she has to say. Faith Anne has been sounding things out and telling me the beginning sound to the word. She has also been playing this little Barbie Laptop that has her identify the letter and she is getting better at it. Isaac is jealous that she is going to preschool since we didn’t send him. They are having Breakfast with Santa at her school on December 13….I am not sure if we are going to take her or not because she is so deathly afraid of Santa – well, just about anything actually. It is ridiculous how scared she gets over things. We were at a parade the other night and she was terrified of the horses – who were attached to a carriage and no where near where she was. She was scared of the people dressed up in costumes and the nativity scene people and the band and….yep, everything. We went to a pet store and got a few puppies out to play with and she was screaming and shaking she was so scared. And the puppies were LITTLE. One was a Yorkie Poo and only weighed probably 3 – 5 pounds. It was only the second time that puppy had been out to play with people and the puppy was shaking like a leaf and then just laid on me and Faith Anne was terrified. Then we got a Shih Tzu out and played with it and again, she wigged out. That one played with me for a bit but then literally laid in my lap, but she was still scared. Looks like we won’t be getting a dog soon! The people at the pet store told us to come back as often as we want to. So, we will probably try to do that once a week or so to try to help her get over at least that fear. It is very odd. My MIL suggested we talk to the doctor about it, but what can they do for her? LOL I don’t want to medicate her just because she is scared of stuff. So, anyways, she is a trip. I can’t believe she is scared of anything as mean as she is! She is just very feisty! But I sure love that feisty little thing – she keeps me humble, that is for sure!
Gracie is walking all over the place! She started one week and by the next she was cruising all over the place! And she is into EVERYTHING. A few times at my parent’s house she has actually gotten into the bathroom (they aren’t as good at keeping the door closed as we have become accustomed to) and gotten toilet paper and put it in the toilet…..along with her hand! She knows where it goes, at least! LOL So, she is into everything and has already started getting time-outs! But she is such a sweet baby too. She doesn’t sleep really good – so hopefully that will come eventually. But she is fun and I can’t wait to see how she does with Christmas this year. We have our tree up – and I mean up! We actually put it up on the coffee table so she can’t reach the ornaments. She hasn’t bothered it too much yet…I think it will be fun to watch her open presents and all that fun stuff!
So, that is us in a nutshell, I guess. I did have a GREAT Girls’ Weekend last weekend – well, the one before the last one. Anyhow, we had a great, great time in Louisville, even though Jodi didn’t join us – it would’ve been more fun if she had, but I understand. We went shopping and we went bowling and we went to Church Hill Downs and we went to Howl at the Moon and Hard Rock CafĂ© – we just had a great, great time! It was nice to get away with some friends and just be a girl – with no kids and no hubby to take care of! We met a professional baseball player! This table of men (mostly married men…so it was just friendly) started talking to us as soon as we got to Howl and one of them was a baseball player. Well, that is what they told us. Of course, I didn’t believe them. I was sending Scott a text message to ask him if he had heard of him, but it was late and Scott didn’t answer me. I ended up getting his picture and his autograph – still not really believing that he was for real…but when I got home, I googled him and he is for real! He was called up from the minor leagues this year and only played in the majors for part of the season – but how cool is that? And another cool thing…the Extreme Home Make-Over show was in town and the cast was all staying at the same hotel as us! So, when we got back to our room that night, there was a “Call Sheet” left under our door. They must’ve had us confused with some of the people associated with the show…but it was very cool! It had all the numbers and locations and times where they were going to be. Unfortunately, Ty didn’t get in until Sunday night and we left Sunday afternoon. But it was still neat! We saw several people with the t-shirts on, but none of the stars! So, we had a great weekend!
Uhh…like I said, we are headed to Kentucky for Thanksgiving! I am not sure when we are leaving, either tomorrow and staying at a hotel with an indoor pool in Florence so the kids can have some fun, or Thursday morning. I would rather just leave Thursday morning, but Scott wants to leave tomorrow night, so we will see! Either way, I am looking forward to a great Thanksgiving with my family and then some fun shopping on Friday! My Dad, Jimmie (maybe) and I are planning on getting up very early to go shopping! We got some great deals last year, so hopefully that will work out again this year! I am not really looking for anything specific this year, I guess. I really need to get a game plan!
So…I guess that is about it for today! I need to get some work done since I am off until next week after today! That is a blessing!!!
Have a great Thanksgiving!!! Love you all….and I am very thankful for my Journal Buddies!
Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007

Happy Friday! I love Fridays! The day just seems more bearable than the rest of the week….yeah! So, can you tell that I am bored at work lately? I think this is my third post this week…yeah, that is how bored I am!
So, I am going to attach a cutie picture of Faith Anne – it is her Preschool Picture. So cute! I wish that I would’ve bought more of those. And I am going to attach on of Isaac in his football stuff and one of Scott and Gracie from our vacation. I just love that picture. I may have posted it before…but I love it! I wish we were at the beach again!
Tonight we have a surprise birthday party for MIL. It is at 5:30…isn’t that a weird time to have a party? I am stressing because I usually don’t get home from picking up the kids until 5:00 or after – especially since I haven’t seen my parents for 3 weeks! I can’t just walk in and take my kids and leave…ya know? And we still have to make the appetizers that we are to take. I am taking beer bread (which I haven’t made yet) and spinach dip (that is made!) and then that cheesy/salsa/sausage dip. Scott is supposed to throw that together today, so hopefully he gets that done. I doubt we will stay at the party long…I am imagining that there will be a lot of their friends there….and not the best place for our kids to be. So, we’ll see. I don’t think she has any idea that we are doing this…the funny part is that I think the reason Rob (her BF) is doing this is because FIL threw her a surprise party before they split. Yep…6 years ago. I am rambling about nonsense…next topic.
The kids (meaning Isaac and Faith Anne) absolutely infuriated me yesterday. I was picking Isaac up from After-Care at school and trying to get all three of them into the truck….well, one of my neighbors was parked next to me and she was getting in her car so we were talking. Well, we were trying to have a conversation and my kids were acting like complete wild Indians….they were horrible! They were fighting and crying and screaming…I was so embarrassed….absolutely embarrassed. I made them go straight to their rooms when we got home. I don’t know why they do that sometimes! They fight about who is the first one in and then who is the first to get their seat belt on and then who is the blah…blah…blah…. It is never-ending!
Little Miss Gracie is walking all over the place! My Aunt had to take my Grandma to the doctor yesterday and she had my girls with her so Grandma got to see Gracie walking and that juts made her day. She gets so excited when she starts to get close to something and she starts squealing. She is just so stinking cute! However, she is into EVERYTHING. And if you tell her no….she just throws a fit and puts her hands on her hips. What a little attitude already!!!! I don’t know where she gets that from! LOL
The big football game is tomorrow morning! If we win tomorrow, we play again on Sunday. And if they win on Sunday, they play again next Saturday. So….go team, but I won’t be heartbroken if they lose. I don’t really think that Isaac will be either, at this point. He doesn’t want to turn in his uniform. He keeps saying that he is going to hide his jersey so that he doesn’t have to turn it in. I know he will be sad, but at the same time….the break will be nice! They have been scrimmaging the 3rd grade team this week because we are the only Bantam (K-2) team left. He has had fun with that…but he has been sore every night! So, root us on for tomorrow….but if we win tomorrow…then we don’t want to win on Sunday! LOL I need my Girls’ Weekend next weekend!
Yeah, so four of us that work together, we have been doing an annual Girls’ Weekend for the past few years. This year, we are going to Louisville and staying in a neat hotel in downtown right across from 4th Street Live – shopping/food/night-clubs. It should be a really good time. We are planning on going to Howl at the Moon Saloon on Saturday night…and hopefully Jodi is going to come down and meet us! I am sure it will be a fun time!
Well, we are getting our van back – AGAIN – today. Hopefully they get it right this time! If not, I will for sure be writing a nasty letter….or maybe I will do it anyways. We’ll see.
That is about it for today! You all have a great day and a great weekend! Kelley – I visited Franklin’s my-space last night and LOVED hearing his songs. I haven’t bought the cd yet…but I will! If for no other reason….to hear “Get in the Game” again! We were just laughing about that at the Women’s Retreat….how it sticks in your head!
Love ya all!
So, I am going to attach a cutie picture of Faith Anne – it is her Preschool Picture. So cute! I wish that I would’ve bought more of those. And I am going to attach on of Isaac in his football stuff and one of Scott and Gracie from our vacation. I just love that picture. I may have posted it before…but I love it! I wish we were at the beach again!
Tonight we have a surprise birthday party for MIL. It is at 5:30…isn’t that a weird time to have a party? I am stressing because I usually don’t get home from picking up the kids until 5:00 or after – especially since I haven’t seen my parents for 3 weeks! I can’t just walk in and take my kids and leave…ya know? And we still have to make the appetizers that we are to take. I am taking beer bread (which I haven’t made yet) and spinach dip (that is made!) and then that cheesy/salsa/sausage dip. Scott is supposed to throw that together today, so hopefully he gets that done. I doubt we will stay at the party long…I am imagining that there will be a lot of their friends there….and not the best place for our kids to be. So, we’ll see. I don’t think she has any idea that we are doing this…the funny part is that I think the reason Rob (her BF) is doing this is because FIL threw her a surprise party before they split. Yep…6 years ago. I am rambling about nonsense…next topic.
The kids (meaning Isaac and Faith Anne) absolutely infuriated me yesterday. I was picking Isaac up from After-Care at school and trying to get all three of them into the truck….well, one of my neighbors was parked next to me and she was getting in her car so we were talking. Well, we were trying to have a conversation and my kids were acting like complete wild Indians….they were horrible! They were fighting and crying and screaming…I was so embarrassed….absolutely embarrassed. I made them go straight to their rooms when we got home. I don’t know why they do that sometimes! They fight about who is the first one in and then who is the first to get their seat belt on and then who is the blah…blah…blah…. It is never-ending!
Little Miss Gracie is walking all over the place! My Aunt had to take my Grandma to the doctor yesterday and she had my girls with her so Grandma got to see Gracie walking and that juts made her day. She gets so excited when she starts to get close to something and she starts squealing. She is just so stinking cute! However, she is into EVERYTHING. And if you tell her no….she just throws a fit and puts her hands on her hips. What a little attitude already!!!! I don’t know where she gets that from! LOL
The big football game is tomorrow morning! If we win tomorrow, we play again on Sunday. And if they win on Sunday, they play again next Saturday. So….go team, but I won’t be heartbroken if they lose. I don’t really think that Isaac will be either, at this point. He doesn’t want to turn in his uniform. He keeps saying that he is going to hide his jersey so that he doesn’t have to turn it in. I know he will be sad, but at the same time….the break will be nice! They have been scrimmaging the 3rd grade team this week because we are the only Bantam (K-2) team left. He has had fun with that…but he has been sore every night! So, root us on for tomorrow….but if we win tomorrow…then we don’t want to win on Sunday! LOL I need my Girls’ Weekend next weekend!
Yeah, so four of us that work together, we have been doing an annual Girls’ Weekend for the past few years. This year, we are going to Louisville and staying in a neat hotel in downtown right across from 4th Street Live – shopping/food/night-clubs. It should be a really good time. We are planning on going to Howl at the Moon Saloon on Saturday night…and hopefully Jodi is going to come down and meet us! I am sure it will be a fun time!
Well, we are getting our van back – AGAIN – today. Hopefully they get it right this time! If not, I will for sure be writing a nasty letter….or maybe I will do it anyways. We’ll see.
That is about it for today! You all have a great day and a great weekend! Kelley – I visited Franklin’s my-space last night and LOVED hearing his songs. I haven’t bought the cd yet…but I will! If for no other reason….to hear “Get in the Game” again! We were just laughing about that at the Women’s Retreat….how it sticks in your head!
Love ya all!
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