Monday, November 06, 2006


Man...time just seems to fly by since I have been home on Maternity Leave! I can't believe that Baby is 4 weeks old today....I have been off work for 8 weeks....which means my leave is half over!!! I don't want to think about that....but I do really think that my house is going to look so nice once this leave is over! The best it has looked yet! I will get more into that later.....

Let's see....Thursday night, we had small group which was good. I picked out the study we are doing....everyone was in a very chatty mood, but it was nice. The kids didn't get into bed until we were hoping they would sleep in on Friday (since I-Man didn't have school), but that didn't happen!!! Oh well!

Friday Morning...I got up and got ready and go all of our stuff ready for our trip to Kentucky...then I left and went to meet with I-Man's teacher for my first Parent/Teacher conference. I-Man is doing well....there are definitely areas we need to work on, but the teacher and I had a very good conversation. She understood our reasonings for starting him early and agreed completely. She did the same with her daughter and they held her daughter back in first she has some ideas and stuff for us....which is great! I really, really like her!!! So, I went home and picked up the kiddos and we headed to Kentucky! The trip down there was pretty uneventful....Baby slept and FAB and I-Man watched movies. They were very good! When we got to Mom and Dad's house....FAB and I-Man went outside and helped Papaw blow leaves. It was so cute because he let I-Man have his own leaf blower. They were so cute! Sister came over and we headed to Wal-Mart (the girls did) while the boys went to get haircuts and Dad took I-Man to see the Ford plant where he works. We had a good and relaxing evening at home after that. Well, it was a rough night with Baby....of course Hubby wasn't there to help me with her and she woke up 3 times to eat! That is the most she has done yet!!! That little stinker! Oh wasn't that bad! I got to sleep in a bit later since my parents had the rugrats!

So, on Saturday...we got up and had a somewhat leisurely morning...then we headed over to Sister's house. She has a very neat little store right down the road from her house, so we went there and I spent a ton of money! But I got some cute things for my house....and the bug to go to Waynesville and get even more!!! Hopefully Mom and I are able to do that on Wednesday! Oh, I can't believe that Sister didn't put this in her journal...after I had checked out and so had Sister....we were talking to the ladies that work at the store and they asked me if I was the oldest. I about died!!!!! I made sure to say that she was 6 years older than me! What is up with that? She was happy.....and we got a good laugh about it! So, we went back to Sister's house and had a very, very yummy dinner....and then the girls headed out to the Outlet Mall that is near her house...we did some shopping there (Sister bought the girls some really cute outfits!) and then went back to her house for dessert. It was a very enjoyable day!!! We got back to Mom and Dad's house and the kids had baths and we just relaxed! Baby did much better that night. She only woke up 2 times. Not bad!

Sunday...we got up and the marathon began to get everyone ready for church. It is just so much harder when you aren't at your own house and in your own routine. But, we did it and we got to church before Sister even!!! Now, I love my church....but it is nice to feel like I am a kid again at an old country church. We all have our own desires and styles of worship....and I love Bethany and our style of worship....but again, it is nice to go back to my roots sometimes. The piano player at Sister's church is truly unbelievable...and we sat behind the I love to watch him play. Sister said that if her piano was in tune, she would sound like that too....uh, yeah. LOL I-Man had fun at children's church because they got to color the whole time, he said. FAB didn't stay in the nursery.....really I just think that Mimi felt bad leaving her. If I would've taken her down, she would've stayed, I am sure. Oh well. She was pretty good. After church, we went to Beef O'Brady's for lunch....that was Yummy! And we got to meet Dad's boss...who is also the man who is living in their old house. That was interesting....not what I expected. Then we headed back to Mom and Dad's and I got all of our stuff together and visited more with the parents and then headed North. The kids did great on the trip....all three of them slept nearly the entire time! So, I listened to our choir cantata cd and also to the Children's program cd....what a cute musical! It was a nice trip home....but I had to go to the potty so badly...I didn't think I was going to make it home!!! But I did...barely! So, we got all of our stuff inside and put away....ate a quick bite...and then headed to choir practice. It was rough....I really need to listen to my cd more....and actually find the alto one. But Speedy and I had fun laughing! We came home and put the kiddos to bed....I started hanging some stuff back up. Hubby painted the foyer and the hallway while we were gone...the same color as our living room...I LOVE IT! He did a great job! He also cleaned out the garage!!! We are getting a new garage door next Monday! That is WAY exciting because our garage door opener has not worked since we moved into the that will be wonderful!

Well.....I guess that is about it! I took both of the girls to the doctor today....FAB for her runny nose (she gave me a script for an anti-biotic, but isn't sure she really needs it....she is acting fine and just has a lot of snot in her nose) and Baby because she has blocked tear ducts. She gave me a script for some ointment for her eyes. They won't do the eye-probe until she is older. The good thing is...FAB got her flu shot! Hubby gets his tomorrow and then we will all have one! Our pediatricians recommended that we all get one with having Baby in the house. FAB did good with her shot....she cried for a bit, but then calmed down.

Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with I-Man's class. He is so excited!!! Then I am going to stay and have lunch with him! That should be fun!!!!

Well, I guess that is about it. I hope you all have a great evening...and Praise the Lord....all of these horrible political commercials and ads and signs and phone calls will be over after tomorrow.....I had 4 calls today to urge me to vote. It is DRIVING ME CRAZY!

Love you and hugs to all!!!!


Kelley said...

WOW! You took all three by yourself on a trip? You are awesome. I won't be doing that any time soon....even with one! LOL!

I'm so glad that you had a great time shopping and spending time with your family!

Glad the parent/teacher conference went well on Friday. Glad she's got some advice for ya....I'm so glad that I-Man is doing well!!!

I'm dying laughing because I've read three journals and ALL 3 have mentioned the choir practice! LOL!

Lots of Love!

Sara said...

I'm glad you had a good trip. It's nice that you can do that while you're on maternity leave. I'm also impressed you went with all 3 kids by yourself.

You need caller id. I don't answer the phone unless I know who it is (and even then I sometimes don't...ha ha) so I can avoid all those political calls.

Hope you have fun with I-Man's field trip today. Love ya!

Jodi said...

I can't believe I didn't mention the older sister thing too!! lol that was stinkin funny!

It's visits like this past weekend that make me miss you all so much but I know if we all lived closer we'd probably take it for granted so maybe we treasure our time together more now...I don't know...but I had a really great time just being in the midst of the chaos of your kiddos!! lol

When is your choir performing the cantata? will it be the same weekend as I-man's play?

I have the decorating bug too! But I think I want to get my Christmas stuff out...I can't wait to see your foyer...I bet that just warms it right up...

well I'm starting to you!

Sherry said...

That older sister thing happens to Tarbutt and I all the time! Although it's really bad when Bimmberbutt and I get mistaken for twins (not even close guys).

Sounds like a great trip and that things are great all around! Flu not looking forward to J-Man's flu shot!

Love ya,

Mandalynn said...

People ask me & Daisy if we're twins all the time, too, and we usually look at them like they're crazy, because, really, we don't look anything alike :) LOL

Glad you had a good trip!! I'm glad the election is over, too...those ads are SO obnoxious!! And, the phone calls, too...

Better go!! Love ya!! :)

SebbieDue said...

You are amazing! Drivin' all the way to 'tucky w/ all three young'uns! Wow! I am impressed. Much love!