that it has been so long since my last post! Geesh! Sorry about that! I have been keeping up on everyone of the Journal Goddesses....but just lurking lately, so sorry about that. It sounds like we are all getting ready for the Holidays! I am really not wanting Christmas to be here quickly....because that means it is almost time for me to go back to work! But seriously, this year....I will be off work for 20 weeks! Isn't that crazy! That includes the vacation time I took and the maternity leave. That is just crazy! Nice, but crazy!
So, let's see....what have we been up to? Let me just go through each person in my family....
Hubby is fine. He took Wednesday off last week and Thursday and Friday were holidays for them....and then he didn't work on Saturday either. So, we have had a bit too much of each other. LOL He is on my nerves and I am on his. So, he went back to work this morning...thank goodness. Hehehe. He is just doing so good at his job. I am so proud of him. Even though he was "off" last week...he worked a lot at my parents house. Because they "tag" doors, he gets calls all the time. In the 3 hours it took us to get to my parents, he had 3 customers call him and made 3 sales! Isn't that crazy? So.....anyways....that is Hubby! He did have a little bit of a rough Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time at Sister's house with my family.....and then on the way back to my parent's house, he decided to call his Dad and wish him a Happy Thanksgiving. Well, come to find out, his dad was at his Aunt's house in Cincinnati and his grandparents were up from Kentucky (they live in Somerset). He talked to his dad and then hung up and got upset and decided to call back and see when his grandparents were leaving so we could hopefully go see them before they headed home. Well, come to find out, they had been there since Tuesday (we could've stopped and seen them on our way to KY) and they were leaving Friday morning and couldn't stay a few more hours so that we could get up there to see them before they left. It upset Hubby a lot...he was in tears because he just doesn't understand his family. It really hurts his feelings. So, I felt badly for him....but couldn't really do anything to fix it! So.....that is Hubby!
I-Man....he has become quite the social butterfly in our neighborhood. He is to the age where he wants to go outside and play with his friends. There is a boy across the street who is a little bit older (I think he is in 4th or 5th grade) and he and his step-dad play football a lot. So, I-Man plays with them....and then there is another little boy down the street that they play with too. Now, he has also been playing with the little boy next door who is 4 or 5. So, he has lots of buddies and is discovering a little bit of independence in playing with them without Mom or Dad right there. Well, the other night, he was playing with one of the boys outside and I kept looking out and checking on them...well, I looked out once and they weren't in my sight. So, I put Baby down and ran outside....yelling for him.....I couldn't find him. So, I went across the street and knocked on their door...and sure enough! He was there! He had told the step-dad that I knew where he was. So, we had to talk about that. I know them and trust them, so I was fine with him going inside their house....but he has to tell me first! So....he is a social butterfly! It is really cool to see him grow up into such a neat little person. He has invited all of our neighbors to church and his program. My little evangelist. Oh, funny story....he really wants to take communion at church.....but we really want him to understand what it is that he is doing before he takes it. So, yesterday, he and I were in the van together and he says: "Mommy, I need to teach you a lesson right now. I know what communion is and I am going to take it." I about cracked up. So, we talked about it and he is starting to understand it more....but he isn't quite there yet. Bless his little heart!!!
FABulous.....well, she is our test. We have determined that she has ALL of my stubborness & strong will....and ALL of Hubby's one little body. She is a pill! She can be so cute and sweet one minute, and then a real terror the next. Her thing right now is that she is hitting, Hubby, I-Man.....and as soon as she does it to me, I look at her and she says "Sorry Mommy"....but then does it again! It is hard not to laugh because it is quite funny.....but man she is a pill! I just don't know what we are going to do with her!!! Like I said, some days are good and she is sweet and fine...but then other days, I just want to trade her in for my sweet girl! fine, spoiled, but fine. She wants to be held all the time. If you put her down, she cries. Being with Mom and Sister this past weekend didn't help that any! Silly thing, when we were at my parent's house....all 4 nights she slept from like 10:30 or 11:00 until 6:30 or 7:00. It was HEAVENLY. Now that we are home....she hasn't slept like that! She still only wakes up once a night...but I could get used to the other! She is getting so big so fast! They just grow up so fast. She is really smiling now and loves it when you talk to her. She still spits up more than either of our other kids did.....which is annoying....but you get used to it. One of her eyes has cleared up completely....but the other is still blocked. And she is pretty snotty. It isn't every we haven't taken her to the doctor. We have to take her next week for her 2 month check-up we will probably just wait until then. But she is doing good!
So, that is all of us except for me. I am doing fine! I am finally feeling "normal" without taking motrin every day. I forget I missed my 6 week check-up last I go to the doctor tomorrow. I went to the gym for the first time this morning. I really have to get serious about losing this baby weight. I am going to join Weight Watchers again..... actually going to the meetings instead of just doing it on-line. I might wait to do that until I go back to work....just because it is so hard to lose weight during the holidays. I am thinking of starting the gym now.....and the diet part later. We'll see, though. It was nice to work out today.....I wanted to just crawl back in bed because none of the kids slept good last night...we were up and down all night.....but I made myself go to the gym instead!
Ummm....I did go shopping on Friday! My dad and I got up really early and were at Wal-mart by 4:50! Since the store didn't close, they had all the early bird specials wrapped in black shrink you had to find where you wanted to stand and wait for 5:00 when they unwrapped everything. So, my target was a 20 inch LCD TV....I got it! It was very fun being there so early in all the chaos! Everyone was very rude shoppers....and it was just fun! I got some great deals and got quite a few gifts marked off my list. Then we went back to their house...and I went back to sleep for a few hours. Then we ALL went shopping....we took 4 cars for 9 people.....everyone had to have their own car in case they wanted to do their own thing. We had fun. Hubby helped pick out the gifts for his sisters.... and he let me buy a few things for myself....OH! The mall we went to was an out-door mall and they had free horse-drawn sleigh rides with Santa....and so FABulous was scared and wanted nothing to do with Santa or the horse...but Mom and Dad got her to go on and we got a GREAT picture of my parents with the 3 kids. It was awesome! And it was FREE! Isn't that wild?!?! I did buy an extra print for $5.00. What a great idea! So, anyways....Friday shopping was FUN, but tiring. I was so tired by the end of the day....I was dragging! I said, we had a great time in KY with my family. We played games and ate a bunch of food and had fun visiting and we went to the movies and saw Santa Claus 3.....we just had a really good visit! We left Saturday morning to come home....and stopped at the Forest Fair Mall on the way.....we went shopping at Steve and Barry's there (really cheap stuff) and then they had a play place for the Chucky we let the kids play there for a while before we came on home. It was a very nice trip!
So, since my last post, we got a new garage door! That is so exciting! We had our family portraits I remember why we don't do those very often. FABulous had a MAJOR melt-down. I am anxious to see the proofs....hopefully soon! I am sure the pictures will cost us an arm and a leg.....but they will be worth it! I love the couple that does them....they did our engagement, wedding and family photos (when we just had I-Man!). So, looking forward to that!
Umm....the big present for I-Man and FAB this year is going to be that Fisher Price digital camera! I am so excited about that! I had to get them on Ebay because everywhere else is sold out! I got a blue one and a pink one for a little more than I would've paid in the not too bad. Hopefully they like them!
Well, I don't want to keep you anymore! I hope you all are doing fine and that you had a nice Thanksgiving. I will try to do better at commenting instead of just being a lurker! Love to all!!!
Ramblings of the Mommy of three beautiful "Angelkids" (as dubbed by their Papaw). I have been married to Scott for 12 years and we have 3 Angelkids - Isaac (11), Faith (8) and Gracie (6). I am not perfect, but I am a Princess - Daughter of the King of Kings!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas....
at least at my house!!! Yep! I have all of my Christmas decorations up! Well, the inside ones! I am actually sitting in my new loveseat (tell you that one in a minute) and looking at my Christmas tree and listening to Christmas music while my dinner is cooking. Do I sound like Martha Stewart or what? LOL I know that many of you think I am CRAzY for having my decorations up already...but I have been putting them up on Veteran's Day for the past several years. My excuse has always been that I had that day off work, so it was a good time to do it since we go away for Thanksgiving....I couldn't really use that excuse this year....but I still put them up on Veteran's Day!!! I love all my decorations! For some reason, I feel like I am missing some...but I can't think of what they are...and I don't know where they would I must just be crazy. But it does feel less "cluttered" this year. Hmm....
Well, anyways! I am sure you are curious what I have been up to in the past week? To answer that....I feel like all I do is clean, referree, change diapers and feed Baby...but I really do love it! Now, I don't think I would be a very good SAHM...I told Hubby that he might come home one day and I would be sitting in a corner slobbering all over myself....or FAB would be.....she is a PILL. But I am really enjoying my time at home. I try to make the most of each day...I don't want to go back to work and realize that I was a bum during my entire time the girls and I usually go somewhere every day....but there are some days where we just stay at home (today was one of those days).
So, let's see....last week...what did I do? Well, when I was in Kentucky, my lovely mother planted the seed in my mind that a loveseat would be a great addition to our "sitting area" in our house....we have a very wide-open floor plan and there is part of it that I feel we just haven't really maximized the space and we never really use it. So, my lovely Mom mentioned a loveseat and also a flat screen tv mounted in the corner (well, I might've mentioned the tv....but you get the picture!). So, I came home and told Hubby my plans....he said no way. Well, the next evening when he came home from work, we all went out to dinner (yes, all five of us) and then we went furniture shopping! Seriously, we went to (during the course of the week) about 6 or 7 stores looking for a blue loveseat. We discovered that blue is not a popular color right is really hot! And I LOVE all the red stuff. I asked Hubby if he could just repaint the wall for me...but he didn't take that too well. LOL SO....anyways....on Saturday (fast forward with me) we went to the Midwest Outlet Center in is an outlet for Morris and Ashley furniture. Well, they open at 12:00 and we got there at 12:00...along with a bunch of other people. It is one of those places that they only have like one of each you have to stake your claim before someone else does. So...we walked in and saw a blue loveseat and sofa and BOLTED for it. I didn't really realize the importance of this at the time...but Hubby plopped himself and Baby down on the loveseat and wasn't going to move. We took the tag and looked around some more.....good thing we took the tag because there was another couple who wanted it too!!! We got lucky...there is nothing wrong with was special-ordered for someone who then didn't want it. So we got lucky and got it! It is a reclining loveseat and it is blue....exactly the shade of blue as our wall....and it is that micro-suede or whatever it is called. I LOVE it. Their delivery was over $ Hubby asked Swimmer's Hubby to help him (with his truck) to pick it up on Sunday....thanks Swimmer! Hubby had been still saying no way to the TV...but then last night he asked me where I wanted to put the TV!!! I knew he would come around! We probably won't buy it until after Christmas or put it up until then anyways because the Christmas tree is there.....but YEAH! Hopefully he doesn't change his mind. That is what we are getting each other for Christmas this year...the loveseat, a new garage door....hopefully the TV and also new doors (interior doors). Aren't we romantic? But they are all things we "need" and for the I am totally fine with it. last week, we were thinking about the loveseat all week! We also made an appointment with the photographer from our wedding for a family portrait and also a picture of our kids with Little B (my nephew). Those are on I did some shopping last week (my new favorite past-time) and got an outfit for Little B....a sweater for I-Man and a sweater for me. Hubby has a sweater that he has never worn that he is gonna wear and I had already bought the girl's outfits. Seriously though, I need to go back to work so I can stop spending money! I go shopping nearly every day! I have been buying a few things for Christmas. I have bought I-Man two stocking stuffers and three presents....and FAB a stocking stuffer.....and Hubby's birthday presents (his birthday is Sunday....we are going out to dinner on Wednesday with no kids!!!). But, this Christmas, we will be able to buy presents without going into debt! What a great feeling! God has truly blessed us. I just look around at my house and my kids and I get teary-eyed thinking of how much He has blessed us this year. Seriously, Hubby is so happy at his job...he is making more money than ever. He will actually make more money than me (like $10K more than me) and he has never made more than me. I know that does a lot for his self-esteem. So, God has really blessed us. I am not bragging...I am just being grateful. And I really know that it is because we have been very obedient and very committed in our giving for the first time in our marriage...even when we barely had enough to make ends meet...we did what we had to do to be able to tithe to what we committed to at the beginning of the year....what a good feeling that is. I am embarrassed that we didn't commit to tithe as we should have earlier. At any rate, God is good and I am looking forward to celebrating His birthday with my kids and making sure they understand the true meaning of Christmas.
Boy....I am rambling! Sorry about that. Let's see....what else happened last week? KK and I went out for a short "girls-night" on Friday. We just went and she bought a new Vera (I actually made it out of the store without buying anything! SHOCKER! I almost bought the Vera for sister that she bought for glad I didn't do that!) and then we went out for appetizers. It was nice to just have some "me time" where I could take my Mommy hat off for a few hours. Ummm....oh! Yeah so Saturday....I asked Hubby to get all my Christmas decorations down and just leave them in the garage so I could bring them in one box at a time....well, he brought them all inside. Then the phone rang...he looked at it and said, "Oh, by the Aunt S is coming over to see the kids today." Well, she was coming in two hours. NICE So, I put all my decorations up (just the lights on the tree) and vacuumed and got all the boxes put away in the garage in 2 hours!!! Not the way I wanted that to go, but at least it got done. Then the kids "helped" me decorate the tree later...that was a chore! But it looks nice!!!!
Well, I have so much more to say....but I need to finish dinner and I need to post this or I will never do it! I have started it about a gazillion times but get interrupted by a kid and don't finish! We are having a yummy dinner...mashed potatoes, meat-loaf and green beans. YUM! Love and hugs to all!!!
Well, anyways! I am sure you are curious what I have been up to in the past week? To answer that....I feel like all I do is clean, referree, change diapers and feed Baby...but I really do love it! Now, I don't think I would be a very good SAHM...I told Hubby that he might come home one day and I would be sitting in a corner slobbering all over myself....or FAB would be.....she is a PILL. But I am really enjoying my time at home. I try to make the most of each day...I don't want to go back to work and realize that I was a bum during my entire time the girls and I usually go somewhere every day....but there are some days where we just stay at home (today was one of those days).
So, let's see....last week...what did I do? Well, when I was in Kentucky, my lovely mother planted the seed in my mind that a loveseat would be a great addition to our "sitting area" in our house....we have a very wide-open floor plan and there is part of it that I feel we just haven't really maximized the space and we never really use it. So, my lovely Mom mentioned a loveseat and also a flat screen tv mounted in the corner (well, I might've mentioned the tv....but you get the picture!). So, I came home and told Hubby my plans....he said no way. Well, the next evening when he came home from work, we all went out to dinner (yes, all five of us) and then we went furniture shopping! Seriously, we went to (during the course of the week) about 6 or 7 stores looking for a blue loveseat. We discovered that blue is not a popular color right is really hot! And I LOVE all the red stuff. I asked Hubby if he could just repaint the wall for me...but he didn't take that too well. LOL SO....anyways....on Saturday (fast forward with me) we went to the Midwest Outlet Center in is an outlet for Morris and Ashley furniture. Well, they open at 12:00 and we got there at 12:00...along with a bunch of other people. It is one of those places that they only have like one of each you have to stake your claim before someone else does. So...we walked in and saw a blue loveseat and sofa and BOLTED for it. I didn't really realize the importance of this at the time...but Hubby plopped himself and Baby down on the loveseat and wasn't going to move. We took the tag and looked around some more.....good thing we took the tag because there was another couple who wanted it too!!! We got lucky...there is nothing wrong with was special-ordered for someone who then didn't want it. So we got lucky and got it! It is a reclining loveseat and it is blue....exactly the shade of blue as our wall....and it is that micro-suede or whatever it is called. I LOVE it. Their delivery was over $ Hubby asked Swimmer's Hubby to help him (with his truck) to pick it up on Sunday....thanks Swimmer! Hubby had been still saying no way to the TV...but then last night he asked me where I wanted to put the TV!!! I knew he would come around! We probably won't buy it until after Christmas or put it up until then anyways because the Christmas tree is there.....but YEAH! Hopefully he doesn't change his mind. That is what we are getting each other for Christmas this year...the loveseat, a new garage door....hopefully the TV and also new doors (interior doors). Aren't we romantic? But they are all things we "need" and for the I am totally fine with it. last week, we were thinking about the loveseat all week! We also made an appointment with the photographer from our wedding for a family portrait and also a picture of our kids with Little B (my nephew). Those are on I did some shopping last week (my new favorite past-time) and got an outfit for Little B....a sweater for I-Man and a sweater for me. Hubby has a sweater that he has never worn that he is gonna wear and I had already bought the girl's outfits. Seriously though, I need to go back to work so I can stop spending money! I go shopping nearly every day! I have been buying a few things for Christmas. I have bought I-Man two stocking stuffers and three presents....and FAB a stocking stuffer.....and Hubby's birthday presents (his birthday is Sunday....we are going out to dinner on Wednesday with no kids!!!). But, this Christmas, we will be able to buy presents without going into debt! What a great feeling! God has truly blessed us. I just look around at my house and my kids and I get teary-eyed thinking of how much He has blessed us this year. Seriously, Hubby is so happy at his job...he is making more money than ever. He will actually make more money than me (like $10K more than me) and he has never made more than me. I know that does a lot for his self-esteem. So, God has really blessed us. I am not bragging...I am just being grateful. And I really know that it is because we have been very obedient and very committed in our giving for the first time in our marriage...even when we barely had enough to make ends meet...we did what we had to do to be able to tithe to what we committed to at the beginning of the year....what a good feeling that is. I am embarrassed that we didn't commit to tithe as we should have earlier. At any rate, God is good and I am looking forward to celebrating His birthday with my kids and making sure they understand the true meaning of Christmas.
Boy....I am rambling! Sorry about that. Let's see....what else happened last week? KK and I went out for a short "girls-night" on Friday. We just went and she bought a new Vera (I actually made it out of the store without buying anything! SHOCKER! I almost bought the Vera for sister that she bought for glad I didn't do that!) and then we went out for appetizers. It was nice to just have some "me time" where I could take my Mommy hat off for a few hours. Ummm....oh! Yeah so Saturday....I asked Hubby to get all my Christmas decorations down and just leave them in the garage so I could bring them in one box at a time....well, he brought them all inside. Then the phone rang...he looked at it and said, "Oh, by the Aunt S is coming over to see the kids today." Well, she was coming in two hours. NICE So, I put all my decorations up (just the lights on the tree) and vacuumed and got all the boxes put away in the garage in 2 hours!!! Not the way I wanted that to go, but at least it got done. Then the kids "helped" me decorate the tree later...that was a chore! But it looks nice!!!!
Well, I have so much more to say....but I need to finish dinner and I need to post this or I will never do it! I have started it about a gazillion times but get interrupted by a kid and don't finish! We are having a yummy dinner...mashed potatoes, meat-loaf and green beans. YUM! Love and hugs to all!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Man...time just seems to fly by since I have been home on Maternity Leave! I can't believe that Baby is 4 weeks old today....I have been off work for 8 weeks....which means my leave is half over!!! I don't want to think about that....but I do really think that my house is going to look so nice once this leave is over! The best it has looked yet! I will get more into that later.....
Let's see....Thursday night, we had small group which was good. I picked out the study we are doing....everyone was in a very chatty mood, but it was nice. The kids didn't get into bed until we were hoping they would sleep in on Friday (since I-Man didn't have school), but that didn't happen!!! Oh well!
Friday Morning...I got up and got ready and go all of our stuff ready for our trip to Kentucky...then I left and went to meet with I-Man's teacher for my first Parent/Teacher conference. I-Man is doing well....there are definitely areas we need to work on, but the teacher and I had a very good conversation. She understood our reasonings for starting him early and agreed completely. She did the same with her daughter and they held her daughter back in first she has some ideas and stuff for us....which is great! I really, really like her!!! So, I went home and picked up the kiddos and we headed to Kentucky! The trip down there was pretty uneventful....Baby slept and FAB and I-Man watched movies. They were very good! When we got to Mom and Dad's house....FAB and I-Man went outside and helped Papaw blow leaves. It was so cute because he let I-Man have his own leaf blower. They were so cute! Sister came over and we headed to Wal-Mart (the girls did) while the boys went to get haircuts and Dad took I-Man to see the Ford plant where he works. We had a good and relaxing evening at home after that. Well, it was a rough night with Baby....of course Hubby wasn't there to help me with her and she woke up 3 times to eat! That is the most she has done yet!!! That little stinker! Oh wasn't that bad! I got to sleep in a bit later since my parents had the rugrats!
So, on Saturday...we got up and had a somewhat leisurely morning...then we headed over to Sister's house. She has a very neat little store right down the road from her house, so we went there and I spent a ton of money! But I got some cute things for my house....and the bug to go to Waynesville and get even more!!! Hopefully Mom and I are able to do that on Wednesday! Oh, I can't believe that Sister didn't put this in her journal...after I had checked out and so had Sister....we were talking to the ladies that work at the store and they asked me if I was the oldest. I about died!!!!! I made sure to say that she was 6 years older than me! What is up with that? She was happy.....and we got a good laugh about it! So, we went back to Sister's house and had a very, very yummy dinner....and then the girls headed out to the Outlet Mall that is near her house...we did some shopping there (Sister bought the girls some really cute outfits!) and then went back to her house for dessert. It was a very enjoyable day!!! We got back to Mom and Dad's house and the kids had baths and we just relaxed! Baby did much better that night. She only woke up 2 times. Not bad!
Sunday...we got up and the marathon began to get everyone ready for church. It is just so much harder when you aren't at your own house and in your own routine. But, we did it and we got to church before Sister even!!! Now, I love my church....but it is nice to feel like I am a kid again at an old country church. We all have our own desires and styles of worship....and I love Bethany and our style of worship....but again, it is nice to go back to my roots sometimes. The piano player at Sister's church is truly unbelievable...and we sat behind the I love to watch him play. Sister said that if her piano was in tune, she would sound like that too....uh, yeah. LOL I-Man had fun at children's church because they got to color the whole time, he said. FAB didn't stay in the nursery.....really I just think that Mimi felt bad leaving her. If I would've taken her down, she would've stayed, I am sure. Oh well. She was pretty good. After church, we went to Beef O'Brady's for lunch....that was Yummy! And we got to meet Dad's boss...who is also the man who is living in their old house. That was interesting....not what I expected. Then we headed back to Mom and Dad's and I got all of our stuff together and visited more with the parents and then headed North. The kids did great on the trip....all three of them slept nearly the entire time! So, I listened to our choir cantata cd and also to the Children's program cd....what a cute musical! It was a nice trip home....but I had to go to the potty so badly...I didn't think I was going to make it home!!! But I did...barely! So, we got all of our stuff inside and put away....ate a quick bite...and then headed to choir practice. It was rough....I really need to listen to my cd more....and actually find the alto one. But Speedy and I had fun laughing! We came home and put the kiddos to bed....I started hanging some stuff back up. Hubby painted the foyer and the hallway while we were gone...the same color as our living room...I LOVE IT! He did a great job! He also cleaned out the garage!!! We are getting a new garage door next Monday! That is WAY exciting because our garage door opener has not worked since we moved into the that will be wonderful!
Well.....I guess that is about it! I took both of the girls to the doctor today....FAB for her runny nose (she gave me a script for an anti-biotic, but isn't sure she really needs it....she is acting fine and just has a lot of snot in her nose) and Baby because she has blocked tear ducts. She gave me a script for some ointment for her eyes. They won't do the eye-probe until she is older. The good thing is...FAB got her flu shot! Hubby gets his tomorrow and then we will all have one! Our pediatricians recommended that we all get one with having Baby in the house. FAB did good with her shot....she cried for a bit, but then calmed down.
Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with I-Man's class. He is so excited!!! Then I am going to stay and have lunch with him! That should be fun!!!!
Well, I guess that is about it. I hope you all have a great evening...and Praise the Lord....all of these horrible political commercials and ads and signs and phone calls will be over after tomorrow.....I had 4 calls today to urge me to vote. It is DRIVING ME CRAZY!
Love you and hugs to all!!!!
Let's see....Thursday night, we had small group which was good. I picked out the study we are doing....everyone was in a very chatty mood, but it was nice. The kids didn't get into bed until we were hoping they would sleep in on Friday (since I-Man didn't have school), but that didn't happen!!! Oh well!
Friday Morning...I got up and got ready and go all of our stuff ready for our trip to Kentucky...then I left and went to meet with I-Man's teacher for my first Parent/Teacher conference. I-Man is doing well....there are definitely areas we need to work on, but the teacher and I had a very good conversation. She understood our reasonings for starting him early and agreed completely. She did the same with her daughter and they held her daughter back in first she has some ideas and stuff for us....which is great! I really, really like her!!! So, I went home and picked up the kiddos and we headed to Kentucky! The trip down there was pretty uneventful....Baby slept and FAB and I-Man watched movies. They were very good! When we got to Mom and Dad's house....FAB and I-Man went outside and helped Papaw blow leaves. It was so cute because he let I-Man have his own leaf blower. They were so cute! Sister came over and we headed to Wal-Mart (the girls did) while the boys went to get haircuts and Dad took I-Man to see the Ford plant where he works. We had a good and relaxing evening at home after that. Well, it was a rough night with Baby....of course Hubby wasn't there to help me with her and she woke up 3 times to eat! That is the most she has done yet!!! That little stinker! Oh wasn't that bad! I got to sleep in a bit later since my parents had the rugrats!
So, on Saturday...we got up and had a somewhat leisurely morning...then we headed over to Sister's house. She has a very neat little store right down the road from her house, so we went there and I spent a ton of money! But I got some cute things for my house....and the bug to go to Waynesville and get even more!!! Hopefully Mom and I are able to do that on Wednesday! Oh, I can't believe that Sister didn't put this in her journal...after I had checked out and so had Sister....we were talking to the ladies that work at the store and they asked me if I was the oldest. I about died!!!!! I made sure to say that she was 6 years older than me! What is up with that? She was happy.....and we got a good laugh about it! So, we went back to Sister's house and had a very, very yummy dinner....and then the girls headed out to the Outlet Mall that is near her house...we did some shopping there (Sister bought the girls some really cute outfits!) and then went back to her house for dessert. It was a very enjoyable day!!! We got back to Mom and Dad's house and the kids had baths and we just relaxed! Baby did much better that night. She only woke up 2 times. Not bad!
Sunday...we got up and the marathon began to get everyone ready for church. It is just so much harder when you aren't at your own house and in your own routine. But, we did it and we got to church before Sister even!!! Now, I love my church....but it is nice to feel like I am a kid again at an old country church. We all have our own desires and styles of worship....and I love Bethany and our style of worship....but again, it is nice to go back to my roots sometimes. The piano player at Sister's church is truly unbelievable...and we sat behind the I love to watch him play. Sister said that if her piano was in tune, she would sound like that too....uh, yeah. LOL I-Man had fun at children's church because they got to color the whole time, he said. FAB didn't stay in the nursery.....really I just think that Mimi felt bad leaving her. If I would've taken her down, she would've stayed, I am sure. Oh well. She was pretty good. After church, we went to Beef O'Brady's for lunch....that was Yummy! And we got to meet Dad's boss...who is also the man who is living in their old house. That was interesting....not what I expected. Then we headed back to Mom and Dad's and I got all of our stuff together and visited more with the parents and then headed North. The kids did great on the trip....all three of them slept nearly the entire time! So, I listened to our choir cantata cd and also to the Children's program cd....what a cute musical! It was a nice trip home....but I had to go to the potty so badly...I didn't think I was going to make it home!!! But I did...barely! So, we got all of our stuff inside and put away....ate a quick bite...and then headed to choir practice. It was rough....I really need to listen to my cd more....and actually find the alto one. But Speedy and I had fun laughing! We came home and put the kiddos to bed....I started hanging some stuff back up. Hubby painted the foyer and the hallway while we were gone...the same color as our living room...I LOVE IT! He did a great job! He also cleaned out the garage!!! We are getting a new garage door next Monday! That is WAY exciting because our garage door opener has not worked since we moved into the that will be wonderful!
Well.....I guess that is about it! I took both of the girls to the doctor today....FAB for her runny nose (she gave me a script for an anti-biotic, but isn't sure she really needs it....she is acting fine and just has a lot of snot in her nose) and Baby because she has blocked tear ducts. She gave me a script for some ointment for her eyes. They won't do the eye-probe until she is older. The good thing is...FAB got her flu shot! Hubby gets his tomorrow and then we will all have one! Our pediatricians recommended that we all get one with having Baby in the house. FAB did good with her shot....she cried for a bit, but then calmed down.
Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with I-Man's class. He is so excited!!! Then I am going to stay and have lunch with him! That should be fun!!!!
Well, I guess that is about it. I hope you all have a great evening...and Praise the Lord....all of these horrible political commercials and ads and signs and phone calls will be over after tomorrow.....I had 4 calls today to urge me to vote. It is DRIVING ME CRAZY!
Love you and hugs to all!!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wow! I really cannot believe that it is November already! This year has just flown by! I really cannot believe how quickly time seems to know, now that I am an adult! Hubby and I were talking last night....that it is hard to believe that I-Man has already finished his first 9 weeks of school! That flew by! I am going to the "Parent-Teacher" conference tomorrow. So, that should be interesting! Hopefully she has some good things to say about I-Man!!! We will see!
Let's see....well, let me give you an update! was good. We got there early (well, 9:00) for the breakfast. That was a trip! Hubby had to practice with PT, so I had all three kids and I was trying to feed Baby and then burp her...while getting I-Man and FAB something to eat. I was struggling. Finally, one of the older ladies asked if she could help me and she took Baby while I got the other two situated. That was nice! So, I went to Sunday School, which I never do...and it was good. Then the service was good. I was really proud of Hubby. He did a good job of leading worship and I was just really proud of him. I have to say....when we first started PT together (when Elvis was here)....he was very inhibited. I mean, he wasn't one to really get into what he was doing....more of just singing. Well, he has come so far in that he is so much less inhibited and he really worships and you can just see it when he is up there. So, I was a proud wife on Sunday. And I was also glad that the congregation voted the new Worship Minister in. I know that it is hard to NOT compare him to Elvis....but we have to try really hard not to do that and to give him a chance. But I do hope that he was warned how thick his skin needs to be in this role. Did someone tell him that?!?! LOL
SO! After church, SIL and Little B and my family of 5 (that is weird to say!!!!) went to lunch at Grindstone Charlies. That was good...and the service was good....SHOCKER! We got home and I rushed around to get ready to go on my "girl's trip". KK came and picked me up and we were off! We met up with the two other girls that were going and headed to Indiana to Belterra. It took us about an hour and 20 minutes to get there....we checked into the hotel and our room was GORGEOUS! It was really, really nice. We had a FANTASTIC, but expensive, steak dinner at Jeff Ruby's. That was VERY yummy. Then we headed to the casino! We were at the casino for about 7 hours!!! We had a good time....KK was very lucky and won quite a good amount of money. Let me put it this way, she took $300 in cash for the trip......she came home with $460...and that was after she paid for the room, her expensive dinner, drinks, etc. So, she did good. The rest of us....not so much. But, we had fun. We got back to our room at 2:30 in the morning...I had to take a shower because of the smell of smoke from the casino....and then we went to bed. For some reason, KK thought we should all be awake when she 7:30! We got up, got ready, went down and had breakfast and then headed to Cincinnati to do some shopping before we headed home. KK dropped me off at I was only gone for 25 hours, but I sure missed my Baby!!! I called Hubby when we were shopping....and I started crying! I wanted to come home so badly, but didn't want to be the party-pooper! So, I missed my kids....but I am glad that I went. We really had a great time and I love the girls I went with....we laughed a ton and just had a really good time. I think we all need times like that sometimes. Hubby did fine with all three kids. He is so wonderful to me!
So, when I got home on Monday, we all went outside and raked leaves. It is this time of the year that we hate living in such a wooded neighborhood! We raked up a TON of leaves, but it now looks like we haven't even raked our leaves once! Oh well!!!!
Umm....Tuesday was a whirlwind of a day! We got I-Man off to school, then got ready and took the girls to my Aunt's house....then dashed home to get the stuff for I-Man's party and then went to his school...helped out at the party....brought Hubby home so he could get his car and go to work....went and got my nails done....went and got MIL a birthday present...went and picked up the girls from my Aunt's house....ran to I-Man's school to see his Halloween Parade....waited in the parking lot to pick I-Man up from school....came home...cooked all the stuff ready for the kids ready for ToT....ate pizza while running out the door to ToT! It was a WHIRLWIND!!! And I am a bad Mommy! I didn't get one picture of my kids...not one!!! Too much running around, I guess! Well, Trunk or Treat was fun, but man was it cold! Baby slept pretty much the whole time. She woke up to eat and then went right back to sleep. Hubby and I were rather annoyed at MIL....she brought her boyfriend (which was fine)....but I think she was trying to prove a point to Hubby (who had previously told her that she was in a dead-end relationship....b/c her boyfriend has told her that he is not the marrying kind)...because she and her boyfriend really needed to get a room! They couldn't keep their hands off each other! It was rather annoying since they were right next to us. Hubby wanted to say something to them, but I told him not to. Anyways, the kids had fun and I-Man had about 5 of his friends from school come, so that made him very happy! When we got home, I-Man and FAB were asleep within 10 minutes of being in bed! They were pooped!
Wednesday was a much more calm day! Not a whole lot happened....the girls and I ran to Family Christian to get a book for our Small Group....then we ran into the mall to exchange/return a few things....then to pick up I-Man. So, not a whole lot compared to Tuesday!
This morning, I finally got fed up with being so snotty! I decided to see my doctor since I have had this "cold" for 3 weeks. Good thing I did....turns out it is a pretty severe sinus infection! So, I got a prescription for an anti-biotic and I also got the flu shot! Hubby gets a free one from work...I-Man has had I have had mine....hopefully FAB will get hers next week. My pediatrician suggested that we all get one since we have Baby in the house. So, glad I went to the doctor!
OH! I think we are going to switch to Hubby's insurance! He had a meeting about it yesterday and it is MUCH cheaper than mine! We are talking more than a $1000 less a the co-pays are $5 cheaper each time we go to the doctor! So, I think we are going to switch. That stresses me out because I have always had the insurance through my work....but what a difference in price!!!! And....Hubby is doing so good at work....he is the #1 Salesperson right now (out of more than 40 people!) and he has been in the top 3 for the past few months! I am so proud of him! He and Uncle Poncho got to get into one of those cash machines yesterday....they won some kind of contest. I guess that Uncle Poncho got like $138 and Hubby got $200...which was all that was in there. So, there are some nice perks to his job. I can't tell you the last time either of us paid for gas....he wins gas cards every week. Anyways, that was a side-bar!
Well, I guess you are about caught up with us! After I-Man's conference tomorrow, the kids and I are heading to Kentucky for the weekend. Mom and Dad just got back from Gatlinburg today....and instead of them coming up here, I thought we could go down there for a change. Plus, I know that Sister wants to see the kids, but she probably doesn't want to come up here again! So, we are going down for the weekend. Hopefully Baby will sleep the entire trip and the other two are good. We will see!!! It will be interesting, I am sure!
I hope you all (those who have been sick) start to feel better soon! Love and prayers to all....
Let's see....well, let me give you an update! was good. We got there early (well, 9:00) for the breakfast. That was a trip! Hubby had to practice with PT, so I had all three kids and I was trying to feed Baby and then burp her...while getting I-Man and FAB something to eat. I was struggling. Finally, one of the older ladies asked if she could help me and she took Baby while I got the other two situated. That was nice! So, I went to Sunday School, which I never do...and it was good. Then the service was good. I was really proud of Hubby. He did a good job of leading worship and I was just really proud of him. I have to say....when we first started PT together (when Elvis was here)....he was very inhibited. I mean, he wasn't one to really get into what he was doing....more of just singing. Well, he has come so far in that he is so much less inhibited and he really worships and you can just see it when he is up there. So, I was a proud wife on Sunday. And I was also glad that the congregation voted the new Worship Minister in. I know that it is hard to NOT compare him to Elvis....but we have to try really hard not to do that and to give him a chance. But I do hope that he was warned how thick his skin needs to be in this role. Did someone tell him that?!?! LOL
SO! After church, SIL and Little B and my family of 5 (that is weird to say!!!!) went to lunch at Grindstone Charlies. That was good...and the service was good....SHOCKER! We got home and I rushed around to get ready to go on my "girl's trip". KK came and picked me up and we were off! We met up with the two other girls that were going and headed to Indiana to Belterra. It took us about an hour and 20 minutes to get there....we checked into the hotel and our room was GORGEOUS! It was really, really nice. We had a FANTASTIC, but expensive, steak dinner at Jeff Ruby's. That was VERY yummy. Then we headed to the casino! We were at the casino for about 7 hours!!! We had a good time....KK was very lucky and won quite a good amount of money. Let me put it this way, she took $300 in cash for the trip......she came home with $460...and that was after she paid for the room, her expensive dinner, drinks, etc. So, she did good. The rest of us....not so much. But, we had fun. We got back to our room at 2:30 in the morning...I had to take a shower because of the smell of smoke from the casino....and then we went to bed. For some reason, KK thought we should all be awake when she 7:30! We got up, got ready, went down and had breakfast and then headed to Cincinnati to do some shopping before we headed home. KK dropped me off at I was only gone for 25 hours, but I sure missed my Baby!!! I called Hubby when we were shopping....and I started crying! I wanted to come home so badly, but didn't want to be the party-pooper! So, I missed my kids....but I am glad that I went. We really had a great time and I love the girls I went with....we laughed a ton and just had a really good time. I think we all need times like that sometimes. Hubby did fine with all three kids. He is so wonderful to me!
So, when I got home on Monday, we all went outside and raked leaves. It is this time of the year that we hate living in such a wooded neighborhood! We raked up a TON of leaves, but it now looks like we haven't even raked our leaves once! Oh well!!!!
Umm....Tuesday was a whirlwind of a day! We got I-Man off to school, then got ready and took the girls to my Aunt's house....then dashed home to get the stuff for I-Man's party and then went to his school...helped out at the party....brought Hubby home so he could get his car and go to work....went and got my nails done....went and got MIL a birthday present...went and picked up the girls from my Aunt's house....ran to I-Man's school to see his Halloween Parade....waited in the parking lot to pick I-Man up from school....came home...cooked all the stuff ready for the kids ready for ToT....ate pizza while running out the door to ToT! It was a WHIRLWIND!!! And I am a bad Mommy! I didn't get one picture of my kids...not one!!! Too much running around, I guess! Well, Trunk or Treat was fun, but man was it cold! Baby slept pretty much the whole time. She woke up to eat and then went right back to sleep. Hubby and I were rather annoyed at MIL....she brought her boyfriend (which was fine)....but I think she was trying to prove a point to Hubby (who had previously told her that she was in a dead-end relationship....b/c her boyfriend has told her that he is not the marrying kind)...because she and her boyfriend really needed to get a room! They couldn't keep their hands off each other! It was rather annoying since they were right next to us. Hubby wanted to say something to them, but I told him not to. Anyways, the kids had fun and I-Man had about 5 of his friends from school come, so that made him very happy! When we got home, I-Man and FAB were asleep within 10 minutes of being in bed! They were pooped!
Wednesday was a much more calm day! Not a whole lot happened....the girls and I ran to Family Christian to get a book for our Small Group....then we ran into the mall to exchange/return a few things....then to pick up I-Man. So, not a whole lot compared to Tuesday!
This morning, I finally got fed up with being so snotty! I decided to see my doctor since I have had this "cold" for 3 weeks. Good thing I did....turns out it is a pretty severe sinus infection! So, I got a prescription for an anti-biotic and I also got the flu shot! Hubby gets a free one from work...I-Man has had I have had mine....hopefully FAB will get hers next week. My pediatrician suggested that we all get one since we have Baby in the house. So, glad I went to the doctor!
OH! I think we are going to switch to Hubby's insurance! He had a meeting about it yesterday and it is MUCH cheaper than mine! We are talking more than a $1000 less a the co-pays are $5 cheaper each time we go to the doctor! So, I think we are going to switch. That stresses me out because I have always had the insurance through my work....but what a difference in price!!!! And....Hubby is doing so good at work....he is the #1 Salesperson right now (out of more than 40 people!) and he has been in the top 3 for the past few months! I am so proud of him! He and Uncle Poncho got to get into one of those cash machines yesterday....they won some kind of contest. I guess that Uncle Poncho got like $138 and Hubby got $200...which was all that was in there. So, there are some nice perks to his job. I can't tell you the last time either of us paid for gas....he wins gas cards every week. Anyways, that was a side-bar!
Well, I guess you are about caught up with us! After I-Man's conference tomorrow, the kids and I are heading to Kentucky for the weekend. Mom and Dad just got back from Gatlinburg today....and instead of them coming up here, I thought we could go down there for a change. Plus, I know that Sister wants to see the kids, but she probably doesn't want to come up here again! So, we are going down for the weekend. Hopefully Baby will sleep the entire trip and the other two are good. We will see!!! It will be interesting, I am sure!
I hope you all (those who have been sick) start to feel better soon! Love and prayers to all....
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