Well, hello again! Am I the only one that cannot believe that Thanksgiving is only one week away? I always look so forward to this time of the year! The holidays are always so much fun. I just love spending all the extra time with family! And my kids love all the sights and sounds of the Holiday Season! I am a big dork and I already have all of our inside Christmas/Winter decorations up! We are closed on Veteran’s Day, so I typically do it then. This year, I did it the night before because I had a long weekend off. Anywho, I did it all by myself because I am a bad mother! LOL No, really because when the kids help me, the ornaments all just go in one place – the bottom. So, I did it after they were in bed so they woke up and were so excited to see it. They will get to decorate their trees in their own room. Isaac has a tree from last year and I am going to get the girls a pink Princess Christmas Tree. Faithy is so excited about it.
Oh…I am bad about telling about the pictures! I took these with my phone one day. The girls had asked to go out back and play….well, Scott had raked the leaves into piles and was going to move the piles (by way of tarp) to the curb. Wel….the girls ruined his piles. It was so funny….I took a picture and sent it to his phone. He was like…umm….what happened to my piles? I said…what piles? LOL But they had fun and that is all that matters!!!
So, everyone here is doing fine! Here is my play-by-play…or person-by-person:
He is doing great in school! I am just so proud of him. He lost his front tooth and the other one is loose. He might really need his two front teeth for Christmas! Actually, the one he lost already had the other one behind it. He looks so stinking cute. And he learned how to whistle, so he is very proud of that! He is kinda sad that football is over, but also kinda glad. They ended up having a really great season and got beat in the 3rd round of the tournament…they did really, really well. We all cried when they lost, but I am kinda glad they did because if they would’ve won, I am sure we would’ve made it to the Superbowl, which was this past Sunday and it was so cold and snowy…that would’ve not been much fun! Their party is coming up and he is looking forward to that. Basketball starts in two weeks. This will be his first year playing, so I hope he likes it!
Faith Anne
She is doing great in Preschool! I met with her Teacher and although I am not a big fan of her teacher, she did say that Faith Anne is very bright and she sees no reason why she wouldn’t be ready to start Kindergarten next fall. Isn’t that unreal? She absolutely loves to sing…all the time….and it doesn’t matter what. She makes up words to her own tunes. Her music teacher at school is Mrs. Maloney, but she calls her…and insists that she is right…that it is Mrs. Baloney. LOL But she just loves to sing and do anything with her hands creatively. We are going to make Christmas ornaments this weekend, I think. I just love her spunk….but it does get her in trouble sometimes. She hits Isaac a lot….so we have to work on that. He needs a bit of her spunk! LOL
Well, aside from the royal temper tantrums…she is great! I guess that I had to have one kid who throws true temper tantrums. One night (well, actually on more than one occasion) she was in her room screaming (and I do mean screaming) for 45 minutes straight. One time, I handed her her ball (or pacifier) and she threw it across the room. I held her while she screamed/cried for about 20 minutes and then she just crawled out of my arms into her bed and went to sleep. Yeah, so that has been lots of fun. LOTS of fun. I have just been putting her in her room and telling her when she is done screaming she can come out. I have done pretty good for the most part of keeping my cool….but sometimes it does really wear on me. Other than those….lol…she is great. She is like a little sponge and just soaks up everything her brother and sister do. She can count to 12 and she can say most of her ABCs. She sings the same songs that Faithy sings and she does all the motions to Jesus Loves Me. She can be so stinking sweet and adorable one minute…and then throwing a temper tantrum the next! But I wouldn’t trade her for the world! She is definitely a “mama’s girl”.
He is doing good…he turns 34 tomorrow! He transferred to Cincinnati and mostly sells at apartment complexes now. So…nothing really changed except for where he goes for his meetings – he goes South now instead of North. So far he likes it, I guess that is what matters. He is working with his buddy Jason quite a bit, so that helps. So, things are going good for him!
So yeah…things are just plugging right along. I am sure that I am not alone in feeling the financial strain of the economy and of course worrying about the holidays. It seems like this time of the year, every year, things start to fall apart financially. BUT…God always provides and I am confident that He will continue to care for us. I just have to remember that He is in control and He will provide for our NEEDS. I just get the “wantsies” too much! LOL
I am still sitting around 80 pounds down. I just can’t seem to move much past this point. I gain a pound and then lose 2 and then gain 1 and then lose 1….it is frustrating. I have been increasing the intensity of my work-out, so I am losing inches…I can see it in my clothes. So, that is good…but I really had a specific goal in mind for the end of the year and I am just teetering right above it. I am doing the Turkey Trot (a 5 mile run on Thanksgiving) so that is exciting. Now….I am not running! I am going to walk and jog…but just to say I completed it is going to be an accomplishment!!! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would do something like that! So, think of me at about 8:00 on Thanksgiving! As long as I don’t finish last, I will be thrilled!!!
Work is great now that Stinky Pete is gone. My new boss is wonderful. He has his pitfalls, as all bosses do….but overall, he is leaps and bounds above what I had before! Obviously times are scary for financial institutions, but so far it appears that we are faring alright and that my job is safe. That could change at the drop of a hat though! The good thing for me is that I have worked in the branches before and could easily transition back to that world…and that is the safest place to be – the least expendable. Times are scary right now for everyone!!! Raise your hand if you are ready for the Rapture?!?! I know that I am! I am ready to get my kiddos Home to the Lord!
Umm…I guess that is good for a quick update. If I have time in the next few days, I would like to do a post about all of the things that I have learned this year in my weight loss journey. It really is so much more than just the physical side of things…God has really worked on me this year. And for that, I am very, very thankful!!!
Love you all….and if I don’t get time to come back….HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
Oh…I am bad about telling about the pictures! I took these with my phone one day. The girls had asked to go out back and play….well, Scott had raked the leaves into piles and was going to move the piles (by way of tarp) to the curb. Wel….the girls ruined his piles. It was so funny….I took a picture and sent it to his phone. He was like…umm….what happened to my piles? I said…what piles? LOL But they had fun and that is all that matters!!!
So, everyone here is doing fine! Here is my play-by-play…or person-by-person:
He is doing great in school! I am just so proud of him. He lost his front tooth and the other one is loose. He might really need his two front teeth for Christmas! Actually, the one he lost already had the other one behind it. He looks so stinking cute. And he learned how to whistle, so he is very proud of that! He is kinda sad that football is over, but also kinda glad. They ended up having a really great season and got beat in the 3rd round of the tournament…they did really, really well. We all cried when they lost, but I am kinda glad they did because if they would’ve won, I am sure we would’ve made it to the Superbowl, which was this past Sunday and it was so cold and snowy…that would’ve not been much fun! Their party is coming up and he is looking forward to that. Basketball starts in two weeks. This will be his first year playing, so I hope he likes it!
Faith Anne
She is doing great in Preschool! I met with her Teacher and although I am not a big fan of her teacher, she did say that Faith Anne is very bright and she sees no reason why she wouldn’t be ready to start Kindergarten next fall. Isn’t that unreal? She absolutely loves to sing…all the time….and it doesn’t matter what. She makes up words to her own tunes. Her music teacher at school is Mrs. Maloney, but she calls her…and insists that she is right…that it is Mrs. Baloney. LOL But she just loves to sing and do anything with her hands creatively. We are going to make Christmas ornaments this weekend, I think. I just love her spunk….but it does get her in trouble sometimes. She hits Isaac a lot….so we have to work on that. He needs a bit of her spunk! LOL
Well, aside from the royal temper tantrums…she is great! I guess that I had to have one kid who throws true temper tantrums. One night (well, actually on more than one occasion) she was in her room screaming (and I do mean screaming) for 45 minutes straight. One time, I handed her her ball (or pacifier) and she threw it across the room. I held her while she screamed/cried for about 20 minutes and then she just crawled out of my arms into her bed and went to sleep. Yeah, so that has been lots of fun. LOTS of fun. I have just been putting her in her room and telling her when she is done screaming she can come out. I have done pretty good for the most part of keeping my cool….but sometimes it does really wear on me. Other than those….lol…she is great. She is like a little sponge and just soaks up everything her brother and sister do. She can count to 12 and she can say most of her ABCs. She sings the same songs that Faithy sings and she does all the motions to Jesus Loves Me. She can be so stinking sweet and adorable one minute…and then throwing a temper tantrum the next! But I wouldn’t trade her for the world! She is definitely a “mama’s girl”.
He is doing good…he turns 34 tomorrow! He transferred to Cincinnati and mostly sells at apartment complexes now. So…nothing really changed except for where he goes for his meetings – he goes South now instead of North. So far he likes it, I guess that is what matters. He is working with his buddy Jason quite a bit, so that helps. So, things are going good for him!
So yeah…things are just plugging right along. I am sure that I am not alone in feeling the financial strain of the economy and of course worrying about the holidays. It seems like this time of the year, every year, things start to fall apart financially. BUT…God always provides and I am confident that He will continue to care for us. I just have to remember that He is in control and He will provide for our NEEDS. I just get the “wantsies” too much! LOL
I am still sitting around 80 pounds down. I just can’t seem to move much past this point. I gain a pound and then lose 2 and then gain 1 and then lose 1….it is frustrating. I have been increasing the intensity of my work-out, so I am losing inches…I can see it in my clothes. So, that is good…but I really had a specific goal in mind for the end of the year and I am just teetering right above it. I am doing the Turkey Trot (a 5 mile run on Thanksgiving) so that is exciting. Now….I am not running! I am going to walk and jog…but just to say I completed it is going to be an accomplishment!!! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would do something like that! So, think of me at about 8:00 on Thanksgiving! As long as I don’t finish last, I will be thrilled!!!
Work is great now that Stinky Pete is gone. My new boss is wonderful. He has his pitfalls, as all bosses do….but overall, he is leaps and bounds above what I had before! Obviously times are scary for financial institutions, but so far it appears that we are faring alright and that my job is safe. That could change at the drop of a hat though! The good thing for me is that I have worked in the branches before and could easily transition back to that world…and that is the safest place to be – the least expendable. Times are scary right now for everyone!!! Raise your hand if you are ready for the Rapture?!?! I know that I am! I am ready to get my kiddos Home to the Lord!
Umm…I guess that is good for a quick update. If I have time in the next few days, I would like to do a post about all of the things that I have learned this year in my weight loss journey. It really is so much more than just the physical side of things…God has really worked on me this year. And for that, I am very, very thankful!!!
Love you all….and if I don’t get time to come back….HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!