Hello Journal Pals! Jeesh – it’s been a crazy week! Has it only been a week?!? It feels like it has been a month! Who knows how long it has been….but it has been crazy! That much, I do know for sure!!!
Let me recap with the highlights:
Thursday (last week)
The best part about last Thursday is that we had a wonderful cool front come through and I had the pleasure of taking Isaac to football practice. I say “pleasure” because my parents kept the girls, so I was able to just sit and watch Isaac…and the weather was perfect football weather! It was such a nice night! I am ready for that weather!!!!
After work, the whole family decided to go to the high school football game. Let me just sum it up by saying….Scott’s Dad is a complete and utter jerk. I know that….I know that….I know that. However, he never ceases to amaze me!!! He was there and started pouting because my kids don’t like him. Not my fault…..he snipped at Faith Anne about something…I just let it go. When the girls were DONE, I told Scott that I was just going to take them to the van and we would wait for him. He told me to go ahead and go home and that his Dad would bring him and Isaac home. At that point, I am not sure what happened, but his Dad just FLIPPED out and started a fight with Scott. Basically, his Dad just went on and on about how horrible I am and how I run Scott’s life and blah, blah, blah. They talked it out – whatever that means. I really despise that man. I really, really, really despise that man. The night ended with Scott and I having an argument about it, but then I realized that by doing that….we are letting Steve win! So, I am not going to fight with Scott about it anymore. Well, I am going to try not to. Bottom line is…we both know that his dad is a jerk and stupid. So, that being said, we will go through the motions of having him in our lives, but that is it. Anybody want a father-in-law? LOL
Isaac had a football game at 8:00! Yes, that is in the morning! They lost, but he had fun and we had fun watching it! They now have a CD to play to announce their names at the start – so cute. It starts with that “Let’s Get Ready To Rumble” announcer guy and then since his name is first…it is adorable! Isaac “Bruiser” (insert our last name here). LOVE that!!!! We left the game and got him cleaned up and then headed to Kentucky for our family reunion! It was a very eventful trip down. First, we were barely 20 minutes down the road – Mom and Dad were in front of us with Isaac and Faith Anne – and their hazard lights come on. I tried to call Mom’s cell phone and it went straight to her voicemail….so we pulled over. Apparently, my Mom accidentally pushed the hazard button. LOL That was funny. Then, as we were heading up the big hill that you go up when you cross over into Kentucky, our van messes up. The “Check Transmission” light came on and the “OD On/Off” light kept flashing and it was shimmying a little bit. NICE!!! We pulled over for lunch anyways and talked about all the options. We got back in and drove around to a couple of places to see if someone could look at it….and it was acting fine and no lights came on. ODD….except for the fact that I had been praying non-stop since it happened – nothing had changed. So, we decided to chance it and headed on to Kentucky. We got down there and checked into our room and then headed off (me, Scott and Gracie) to see Scott’s grandparents. They live near where our family reunion is and their health is not good. Scott’s grandpa has prostate cancer. He has 3 chemo treatments left….he definitely doesn’t look the same as the last time we saw him, but I think he looked pretty good. We stayed and visited with them for a bit and then headed back to be with my family.
Family reunion was fun, fun, fun! We didn’t have our normal “cousin game time” on Saturday night, but that was fine because the extra sleep was very, very nice! I don’t get much of that these days! Of course all the food was great…and so was the company! The music was wonderful! I could just sit and sing with my family all day long! There was one really “not-fun” moment in the day. Faith Anne decided that she did not want to use the out-house (can you blame her?) and so she sat in Gracie’s play-pen and pooped all over herself! I got her out and was doing alright with getting her cleaned up….although I was hot and mad and grossed out…I was handling it. UNTIL….a big stray dog came up and Faith Anne WIGGED out. For some reason, she is TERRIFIED of dogs. So, here she is STARK NAKED, poop on her, and now going crazy because a dog is coming near her (he was attracted to the poop, of course). At this point, I am pushed over the edge! I yelled for Jodi to get someone to help me because I was FRAZZLED!!! Because I freaked out, I had a cast of thousands offering their help! That girl, I am telling you….she is going to be the death of me! So, besides that….it was a great day! We had a lot of fun and the kids had a ton of fun and it was nice to be with my family! We left there and drove home. We usually stay the night again, but we needed to get home….it was actually nice! There was no traffic…the kids slept the whole way home….and then we got to sleep in our own beds!
Monday – Labor Day
We got up early because Isaac had to be at the parade location at 8:30. So, Scott took him and dropped him off and then came back and got me and the girls. We got to the parade spot and it was packed! We had put our chairs out the night before (on our way home from KY) and wondered why most of the chairs were on one side of the street….well, we found out! We had put our chairs on the side that was facing the sun! Luckily, Kelli and her family had set up on the right side of the street and there was enough room for us to squeeze in with them in the shade! That was more fun for me anyways because I got to hang out with her! Isaac did great in the parade, but he was one hot and tired pup when it was over. We DVR’d it on the TV at home and he was excited to see himself on TV! When we got home, we didn’t do much the rest of the day…which was very nice! We did go out to dinner and use some gift certificates we had to Outback Steakhouse. That was yummy!!!
Back to school for Isaac and off to Preschool Orientation for Faith Anne! We got Isaac off to school and then I finished getting ready and then headed off with the girls to Faith Anne’s Preschool Orientation! She loved it and didn’t want to leave! I had to bribe her when it was time to go. We had to go to Walmart and get her a back-pack. I didn’t think she really needed one for Preschool, but she did. So, we got that and a few other things and then went home. I was supposed to be off work, but ended up working from home all day because of a fire-drill thing that came up. We picked up Isaac from school and then the girls both took naps. Scott took Isaac to football, so I had a nice evening home with the girls. Again, I worked pretty much all evening too!
So, I had to lie to my work this week. I had an interview for that other position that was scheduled in Columbus (1.5 hours away) on Wednesday at 2:00. So….there was no way I could do that and be at work at the same time. So, I told them that I had sitter problems (I did, kinda) and that I was going to take the day off….especially since I didn’t get to be “off” on Tuesday. I hated that…but you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. So, I got up on Wednesday and got Isaac off to school and got myself ready and took the girls to my Aunt’s house and then picked up Kelli and headed to Columbus. Isn’t she a great friend? She switched her days off this week so that she could go with me to the interview. We got to Columbus and had lunch at Cheeseburgers in Paradise….yummy! We prepped for my interview and then she dropped me off for that and she went shopping. The interviews went very well. I had one interview with someone who would be a colleague on the Team I am posting for and one interview with the person who would be my manager. I think they both went well and after talking to the Recruiter, he confirmed that it went well for me. Now, I just have to wait. Apparently, the next step is to do a phone interview with the next level boss. She is out of town until September 17th…so I have to wait until then! That is killing me! I just want to get this over and done with – either way it goes. So, we came home after the interview. Scott took Isaac to football again – he is going to start helping them with coaching on Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. So, the girls and I had a nice quiet evening at home, again. I got some cleaning done…which was nice!
Back to work….boo-hiss! Oh well, the day went by really fast because I had a lot of stuff going on. I love productive days like that! Oh…I did have a rough day though because I felt like the winner of “The Worst Mommy of the Year” award. It was Faith Anne’s first day of Preschool and I was at work. But I just couldn’t justify anymore time off. Scott sent me a picture of her at school…that made me get teary. Then, when it was time for him to pick her up…I had been watching the clock all morning and waiting until it was time so I could call him and talk to her….he called me. Well, it was a few minutes before school was supposed to be out, so I just thought they got out early. NOPE! He had been pulled over for speeding on his way to get her! Yep….they “clocked him” at 57 in a 35. OUCH! He doesn’t think he was going that fast, but what good is arguing going to do? At this point, you could tell that he was waiting for me to yell at him, but instead I just started crying because I am panicking that my BABY is waiting for someone to pick her up from her first day or Preschool!!! At least the officer gave him the ticket fast so he could go get her and she wasn’t the last one there. I really think that Scott thought I was going to yell at him, but I didn’t. I speed too…..I just haven’t gotten a ticket (yes, I am knocking on wood). So, those things happen. He is mad at himself…what good does it do for me to yell at him? But, $145 later…..oh well. So, anyways…after work I dashed off to get the girls, then to after-care to get Isaac….we got home and got him ready for football and took off. The girls did very well at football….and it was much cooler than it has been this week. So, that was actually a nice evening. Scott came there before it was over so I left and got the girls home and bathed and in bed. I watched Big Brother and was very bummed that Eric and Jess were kicked out. I think it would be so hilarious if Zach ends up winning….he played them all by acting dumb! I just don’t want ED or Danielle to win! Oh well…it is just a show, afterall.
So, that brings us to today! I am looking forward to the weekend…even though I have only been at work 2 days this week! Isaac has a football game tomorrow and then we have a family picnic. Actually, we are going to be very late to the family picnic, but hopefully we can go for a bit. Michael will probably be there and I would love to see him! He sent us his testimony…I will have to post it sometime – so sweet!!!
Our van is still in the shop. We took it on Tuesday night. It is going to cost us at least $345. If it is the transmission, they said it can cost anywhere from $200 - $2000. Uh, can I have the $200 model, please? So, we will see! Not money that we have to spend right now….just like we didn’t have $145 to spend on Scott’s ticket. Oh well….this time of the year is always rough for us financially it seems. I need to figure that out and budget better! So, in the meantime, thank goodness that my parents have an extra vehicle! We started out the week with the truck – which I LOVE! But, I didn’t want to drive that to Columbus and I can’t fit it into our parking garage at work. So, I have been driving their Mustang since Tuesday night. It is fun to tool around in that….but how sporty does it look with two car-seats in the back? The other night I was driving it with the girls in the back and they were both raising their hands and dancing to the music…too cute!
So, I guess that is about it for now! Isaac is doing great in school, now Faith Anne is in school…Gracie will be 11 months old on Sunday…TIME FLIES!!!!!