Sunday, January 22, 2006

Early post....

cuz we have Women's Group tonight! So, I know I will be too tired when I get home...but I want to post! So, I will!

So, worship was AWESOME today! My mom came...which was great. I haven't talked to her about it yet...but I told Hubby that she probably thought the service was too will be interesting to see what she says about it. BUT...anyways...I thought it was AWESOME! The opening prayer by Harmonica was so touching....the whole service was very touching.....God was in that place.

So, I have been reading this fiction book at the gym....I finished it today. It is very good. It is a Christian fiction...and it is about a guy who has a hard time forgiving himself. Ironic, huh? I bought it a while back (like months...maybe even a year ago) on clearance at the book store...but hadn't read it until now. So, it has really made me think. It was a good book. Funny how that happens.

So, after church, went to lunch with MIL, HBM, Elvis, Pita Pocket, Minnie, Baby, Boo and Pretty...and of course my family. We had a nice was neat because I-Man, Pita Pocket and Pretty all had to pray for our meal. How precious! We had a great time. It was fun to talk to them all...and reminisce about our weddings....we really had a nice time! MIL took care of my kids so that I really got to just enjoy adult conversation. I love my friends!

After lunch, we came home and the kids went down for naps and I headed off to the gym. I just did a small work-out today and then sat in the hot-tub for a bit. It was kinda funny because it is next to the pool...and there was a water aerobics class going on in the pool...I should've joined it....but instead I just sat in the hot-tub and read my book...relaxing! It was nice!

Then I came home and laid down and finished my book. SIL #2 came over to borrow our two space heaters. Their furnace went out and they can't get it fixed until tomorrow. Poor thing.

OH! My MIL told me today that SIL #1 is getting married either April 28 or April 29. They want Hubby, FAB and I-Man to be in the wedding. I guess that Beater's parents are going to pay for all the tuxes...YEAH! And I think my mom is going to make FAB's dress. Hubby said that our kids aren't going to be in the wedding until she and he ask us.....not just MIL telling us they want it. So, we'll see. FIL told Hubby that he has been working as much over-time as he can so that he can give SIL #1 a nice wedding. We'll see. I am sure it will be an interesting few always is with Hubby's family!

Well...that is about it for now! Love you all...and thanks to all of you for offering to listen to me.....I will keep that in mind! Love you all...and see most of you in a bit at Women's Group! TaTa!


Kelley said...

I love your new "look". That's okay about your mom thinking that it is too contemporary....we will have another service that she is welcomed to attend starting Feb. 5th!!! (LOL!!!) I'm kidding, I'm just practicing for what I'm going to say! LOL!
That is awesome that someone else will be paying for the tuxes and dresses.....make sure that happens. I e-mailed Boss asking if Girlfriend has marked the calendar for women's day. You are in for a wild ride till April!! LOL! I'm here for you babe!
Lots of Love!

SebbieDue said...

Polka dots! I love polka dots! The colors are cool too, so yeah, I like the new "skin" too.

Very cool that your MIL watched kiddos so you could chat! I wanna hear about everyone's weddings too! Waaaaahhhhh! I didn't have one, well, I mean a big wedding. We took care of that in the mayor's office. :)

April, huh? Well, how 'bout that! Do you think they'll go through w/ it?

Thanks again for the prayers today. That was sweet of you to remember me. I felt them too.

Josy said...

Ooops, I didn't even notice the new look. I'll use "it's Monday" as my excuse, 'kay?! Sounds like a good weekend - of course any weekend that has to involve a hot tub must be good!

Sara said...

I had a lot of fun chatting with you last night! I'll have to make a point to come again. Piglet loved being cuddled!!! I'm guessing I won't get an invitation to the wedding. I think she's still bitter about not being in my wedding. Oh, well. I still wish her luck! I wonder what church they'll get married in....???